
132 lines
3.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

package index
import (
type GetByTemplateIdFunc func(h types.Hash) *SideBlock
type GetUnclesByTemplateIdFunc func(h types.Hash) chan *SideBlock
type SideBlockWindowAddWeightFunc func(b *SideBlock, weight types.Difficulty)
type SideBlockWindowSlot struct {
Block *SideBlock
// Uncles that count for the window weight
Uncles []*SideBlock
func IterateSideBlocksInPPLNSWindow(tip *SideBlock, consensus *sidechain.Consensus, difficultyByHeight block.GetDifficultyByHeightFunc, getByTemplateId GetByTemplateIdFunc, getUnclesByTemplateId GetUnclesByTemplateIdFunc, addWeightFunc SideBlockWindowAddWeightFunc, errorFunc func(err error)) (results chan SideBlockWindowSlot) {
results = make(chan SideBlockWindowSlot)
go func() {
defer close(results)
cur := tip
var blockDepth uint64
var mainchainDiff types.Difficulty
if tip.ParentTemplateId != types.ZeroHash {
seedHeight := randomx.SeedHeight(tip.MainHeight)
mainchainDiff = difficultyByHeight(seedHeight)
if mainchainDiff == types.ZeroDifficulty {
if errorFunc != nil {
errorFunc(fmt.Errorf("couldn't get mainchain difficulty for height = %d", seedHeight))
// Dynamic PPLNS window starting from v2
// Limit PPLNS weight to 2x of the Monero difficulty (max 2 blocks per PPLNS window on average)
sidechainVersion := sidechain.P2PoolShareVersion(consensus, tip.Timestamp)
maxPplnsWeight := types.MaxDifficulty
if sidechainVersion > sidechain.ShareVersion_V1 {
maxPplnsWeight = mainchainDiff.Mul64(2)
var pplnsWeight types.Difficulty
for {
curEntry := SideBlockWindowSlot{
Block: cur,
curWeight := types.DifficultyFrom64(cur.Difficulty)
for uncle := range getUnclesByTemplateId(cur.TemplateId) {
//Needs to be added regardless - for other consumers
if !slices.ContainsFunc(curEntry.Uncles, func(sideBlock *SideBlock) bool {
return sideBlock.TemplateId == uncle.TemplateId
}) {
curEntry.Uncles = append(curEntry.Uncles, uncle)
// Skip uncles which are already out of PPLNS window
if (tip.SideHeight - uncle.SideHeight) >= consensus.ChainWindowSize {
// Take some % of uncle's weight into this share
uncleWeight, unclePenalty := consensus.ApplyUnclePenalty(types.DifficultyFrom64(uncle.Difficulty))
newPplnsWeight := pplnsWeight.Add(uncleWeight)
// Skip uncles that push PPLNS weight above the limit
if newPplnsWeight.Cmp(maxPplnsWeight) > 0 {
curWeight = curWeight.Add(unclePenalty)
if addWeightFunc != nil {
addWeightFunc(uncle, uncleWeight)
pplnsWeight = newPplnsWeight
// Always add non-uncle shares even if PPLNS weight goes above the limit
results <- curEntry
if addWeightFunc != nil {
addWeightFunc(cur, curWeight)
pplnsWeight = pplnsWeight.Add(curWeight)
// One non-uncle share can go above the limit, but it will also guarantee that "shares" is never empty
if pplnsWeight.Cmp(maxPplnsWeight) > 0 {
if blockDepth >= consensus.ChainWindowSize {
// Reached the genesis block so we're done
if cur.SideHeight == 0 {
parentId := cur.ParentTemplateId
cur = getByTemplateId(parentId)
if cur == nil {
if errorFunc != nil {
errorFunc(fmt.Errorf("could not find parent %s", parentId.String()))
return results