# P2Pool Consensus This repository contains a consensus-compatible reimplementation of a P2Pool internals for [Monero P2Pool](https://github.com/SChernykh/p2pool) decentralized pool. Other general tools to work with Monero cryptography are also included. You may be looking for [P2Pool Observer](https://git.gammaspectra.live/P2Pool/observer) instead. ## Reporting issues You can give feedback or report / discuss issues on: * [The issue tracker on git.gammaspectra.live/P2Pool/consensus](https://git.gammaspectra.live/P2Pool/consensus/issues?state=open) * Via IRC on [#p2pool-log@libera.chat](ircs://irc.libera.chat/#p2pool-log), or via [Matrix](https://matrix.to/#/#p2pool-log:monero.social) ## Donations This project is provided for everyone to use, for free, as a hobby project. Any support is appreciated. Donate to support this project, its development, and running the Observer Instances on [4AeEwC2Uik2Zv4uooAUWjQb2ZvcLDBmLXN4rzSn3wjBoY8EKfNkSUqeg5PxcnWTwB1b2V39PDwU9gaNE5SnxSQPYQyoQtr7](monero:4AeEwC2Uik2Zv4uooAUWjQb2ZvcLDBmLXN4rzSn3wjBoY8EKfNkSUqeg5PxcnWTwB1b2V39PDwU9gaNE5SnxSQPYQyoQtr7?tx_description=P2Pool.Observer) You can also use the OpenAlias `p2pool.observer` directly on the GUI. ### Development notes This library supports both [Golang RandomX library](https://git.gammaspectra.live/P2Pool/go-randomx) and the [C++ RandomX counterpart](https://github.com/tevador/RandomX). By default, the Golang library will be used. You can enable the C++ library if by using CGO and the compile tag `enable_randomx_library` and have it installed via the command below: ```bash $ git clone --depth 1 --branch master https://github.com/tevador/RandomX.git /tmp/RandomX && cd /tmp/RandomX && \ mkdir build && cd build && \ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr && \ make -j$(nproc) && \ sudo make install && \ cd ../ && \ rm -rf /tmp/RandomX ```