package p2p import ( "bufio" "crypto/rand" "encoding/binary" "encoding/hex" "errors" "fmt" "" p2pooltypes "" "" "" "" "io" "log" unsafeRandom "math/rand" "net" "net/netip" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" "unsafe" ) const DefaultBanTime = time.Second * 600 const PeerListResponseMaxPeers = 16 // MaxBlockTemplateSize Max P2P message size (128 KB) minus BLOCK_RESPONSE header (5 bytes) const MaxBlockTemplateSize = 128*1024 - (1 - 4) type Client struct { // Peer general static-ish information PeerId atomic.Uint64 VersionInformation p2pooltypes.PeerVersionInformation IsIncomingConnection bool ConnectionTime time.Time ListenPort atomic.Uint32 AddressPort netip.AddrPort // Peer general dynamic-ish information BroadcastMaxHeight atomic.Uint64 PingDuration atomic.Uint64 // Internal values Owner *Server Connection *net.TCPConn Closed atomic.Bool LastBroadcast time.Time LastBlockRequest time.Time LastIncomingPeerListRequestTime time.Time LastActiveTimestamp atomic.Uint64 LastPeerListRequestTimestamp atomic.Uint64 NextOutgoingPeerListRequestTimestamp atomic.Uint64 //State properties HandshakeComplete atomic.Bool BroadcastedHashes *utils.CircularBuffer[types.Hash] RequestedHashes *utils.CircularBuffer[types.Hash] blockPendingRequests chan types.Hash expectedMessage MessageId handshakeChallenge HandshakeChallenge closeChannel chan struct{} sendLock sync.Mutex } func NewClient(owner *Server, conn *net.TCPConn) *Client { c := &Client{ Owner: owner, Connection: conn, ConnectionTime: time.Now(), AddressPort: netip.MustParseAddrPort(conn.RemoteAddr().String()), expectedMessage: MessageHandshakeChallenge, closeChannel: make(chan struct{}), BroadcastedHashes: utils.NewCircularBuffer[types.Hash](8), RequestedHashes: utils.NewCircularBuffer[types.Hash](16), blockPendingRequests: make(chan types.Hash, 100), //allow max 100 pending block requests at the same time } c.LastActiveTimestamp.Store(uint64(time.Now().Unix())) return c } func (c *Client) Ban(duration time.Duration, err error) { c.Owner.Ban(c.AddressPort.Addr(), duration, err) c.Close() } func (c *Client) OnAfterHandshake() { c.SendListenPort() c.SendBlockRequest(types.ZeroHash) c.LastBroadcast = time.Now() } func (c *Client) getNextBlockRequest() (id types.Hash, ok bool) { select { case id = <-c.blockPendingRequests: return id, true default: return types.ZeroHash, false } } func (c *Client) SendListenPort() { if c.Owner.externalListenPort != 0 { c.SendMessage(&ClientMessage{ MessageId: MessageListenPort, Buffer: binary.LittleEndian.AppendUint32(nil, uint32(c.Owner.externalListenPort)), }) } else { c.SendMessage(&ClientMessage{ MessageId: MessageListenPort, Buffer: binary.LittleEndian.AppendUint32(nil, uint32(c.Owner.listenAddress.Port())), }) } } func (c *Client) SendMissingBlockRequest(hash types.Hash) { if hash == types.ZeroHash || c.Owner.SideChain().GetPoolBlockByTemplateId(hash) != nil { return } if b := c.Owner.GetCachedBlock(hash); b != nil { log.Printf("[P2PClient] Using cached block for id = %s", hash.String()) if missingBlocks, err := c.Owner.SideChain().AddPoolBlockExternal(b); err == nil { for _, id := range missingBlocks { c.SendMissingBlockRequest(id) } return } } // do not re-request hashes that have been requested if !c.RequestedHashes.PushUnique(hash) { return } // If the initial sync is not finished yet, try to ask the fastest peer too if !c.Owner.SideChain().PreCalcFinished() { fastest := c.Owner.GetFastestClient() if fastest != nil && c != fastest && !c.Owner.SideChain().PreCalcFinished() { //send towards the fastest peer as well fastest.SendMissingBlockRequest(hash) } } c.SendBlockRequest(hash) } func (c *Client) SendUniqueBlockRequest(hash types.Hash) { if hash == types.ZeroHash { return } // do not re-request hashes that have been requested if !c.RequestedHashes.PushUnique(hash) { return } c.SendBlockRequest(hash) } func (c *Client) SendBlockRequest(id types.Hash) { c.SendMessage(&ClientMessage{ MessageId: MessageBlockRequest, Buffer: id[:], }) c.blockPendingRequests <- id } func (c *Client) SendBlockResponse(block *sidechain.PoolBlock) { if block != nil { blockData, _ := block.MarshalBinary() c.SendMessage(&ClientMessage{ MessageId: MessageBlockResponse, Buffer: append(binary.LittleEndian.AppendUint32(make([]byte, 0, len(blockData)+4), uint32(len(blockData))), blockData...), }) } else { c.SendMessage(&ClientMessage{ MessageId: MessageBlockResponse, Buffer: binary.LittleEndian.AppendUint32(nil, 0), }) } } func (c *Client) SendPeerListRequest() { c.NextOutgoingPeerListRequestTimestamp.Store(uint64(time.Now().Unix()) + 60 + (unsafeRandom.Uint64() % 61)) c.SendMessage(&ClientMessage{ MessageId: MessagePeerListRequest, }) c.LastPeerListRequestTimestamp.Store(uint64(time.Now().UnixMicro())) //log.Printf("[P2PClient] Sending PEER_LIST_REQUEST to %s", c.AddressPort.String()) } func (c *Client) SendPeerListResponse(list []netip.AddrPort) { if len(list) > PeerListResponseMaxPeers { return } buf := make([]byte, 0, 1+len(list)*(1+16+2)) buf = append(buf, byte(len(list))) for i := range list { //TODO: check ipv4 gets sent properly if list[i].Addr().Is6() && !p2pooltypes.IsPeerVersionInformation(list[i]) { buf = append(buf, 1) } else { buf = append(buf, 0) } ip := list[i].Addr().As16() buf = append(buf, ip[:]...) buf = binary.LittleEndian.AppendUint16(buf, list[i].Port()) } c.SendMessage(&ClientMessage{ MessageId: MessagePeerListResponse, Buffer: buf, }) } func (c *Client) IsGood() bool { return c.HandshakeComplete.Load() && c.ListenPort.Load() > 0 } func (c *Client) OnConnection() { c.LastActiveTimestamp.Store(uint64(time.Now().Unix())) c.sendHandshakeChallenge() var messageIdBuf [1]byte var messageId MessageId for !c.Closed.Load() { if _, err := io.ReadFull(c, messageIdBuf[:]); err != nil { c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, err) return } messageId = MessageId(messageIdBuf[0]) if !c.HandshakeComplete.Load() && messageId != c.expectedMessage { c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, fmt.Errorf("unexpected pre-handshake message: got %d, expected %d", messageId, c.expectedMessage)) return } switch messageId { case MessageHandshakeChallenge: if c.HandshakeComplete.Load() { c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, errors.New("got HANDSHAKE_CHALLENGE but handshake is complete")) return } var challenge HandshakeChallenge var peerId uint64 if err := binary.Read(c, binary.LittleEndian, &challenge); err != nil { c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, err) return } if err := binary.Read(c, binary.LittleEndian, &peerId); err != nil { c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, err) return } if peerId == c.Owner.PeerId() { //tried to connect to self c.Close() return } c.PeerId.Store(peerId) if func() bool { c.Owner.clientsLock.RLock() defer c.Owner.clientsLock.RUnlock() for _, client := range c.Owner.clients { if client != c && client.PeerId.Load() == peerId { return true } } return false }() { //same peer c.Close() return } c.sendHandshakeSolution(challenge) c.expectedMessage = MessageHandshakeSolution c.OnAfterHandshake() case MessageHandshakeSolution: if c.HandshakeComplete.Load() { c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, errors.New("got HANDSHAKE_SOLUTION but handshake is complete")) return } var challengeHash types.Hash var solution uint64 if err := binary.Read(c, binary.LittleEndian, &challengeHash); err != nil { c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, err) return } if err := binary.Read(c, binary.LittleEndian, &solution); err != nil { c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, err) return } if c.IsIncomingConnection { if hash, ok := CalculateChallengeHash(c.handshakeChallenge, c.Owner.Consensus().Id(), solution); !ok { //not enough PoW c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, fmt.Errorf("not enough PoW on HANDSHAKE_SOLUTION, challenge = %s, solution = %d, calculated hash = %s, expected hash = %s", hex.EncodeToString(c.handshakeChallenge[:]), solution, hash.String(), challengeHash.String())) return } else if hash != challengeHash { //wrong hash c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, fmt.Errorf("wrong hash HANDSHAKE_SOLUTION, challenge = %s, solution = %d, calculated hash = %s, expected hash = %s", hex.EncodeToString(c.handshakeChallenge[:]), solution, hash.String(), challengeHash.String())) return } } else { if hash, _ := CalculateChallengeHash(c.handshakeChallenge, c.Owner.Consensus().Id(), solution); hash != challengeHash { //wrong hash c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, fmt.Errorf("wrong hash HANDSHAKE_SOLUTION, challenge = %s, solution = %d, calculated hash = %s, expected hash = %s", hex.EncodeToString(c.handshakeChallenge[:]), solution, hash.String(), challengeHash.String())) return } } c.HandshakeComplete.Store(true) case MessageListenPort: if c.ListenPort.Load() != 0 { c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, errors.New("got LISTEN_PORT but we already received it")) return } var listenPort uint32 if err := binary.Read(c, binary.LittleEndian, &listenPort); err != nil { c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, err) return } if listenPort == 0 || listenPort >= 65536 { c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, fmt.Errorf("listen port out of range: %d", listenPort)) return } c.ListenPort.Store(listenPort) case MessageBlockRequest: c.LastBlockRequest = time.Now() var templateId types.Hash if err := binary.Read(c, binary.LittleEndian, &templateId); err != nil { c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, err) return } var block *sidechain.PoolBlock //if empty, return chain tip if templateId == types.ZeroHash { //todo: don't return stale block = c.Owner.SideChain().GetChainTip() } else { block = c.Owner.SideChain().GetPoolBlockByTemplateId(templateId) } c.SendBlockResponse(block) case MessageBlockResponse: block := &sidechain.PoolBlock{ LocalTimestamp: uint64(time.Now().Unix()), NetworkType: c.Owner.Consensus().NetworkType, } expectedBlockId, ok := c.getNextBlockRequest() if !ok { c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, errors.New("unexpected BLOCK_RESPONSE")) return } var blockSize uint32 if err := binary.Read(c, binary.LittleEndian, &blockSize); err != nil { //TODO warn c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, err) return } else if blockSize == 0 { //NOT found //TODO log } else { if err = block.FromReader(c.Owner.SideChain().DerivationCache(), bufio.NewReader(io.LimitReader(c, int64(blockSize)))); err != nil { //TODO warn c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, err) return } else { isChainTipBlockRequest := expectedBlockId == types.ZeroHash if isChainTipBlockRequest { log.Printf("[P2PClient] Peer %s tip is at id = %s, height = %d, main height = %d", c.AddressPort.String(), types.HashFromBytes(block.CoinbaseExtra(sidechain.SideTemplateId)), block.Side.Height, block.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight) peerHeight := block.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight ourHeight := c.Owner.MainChain().GetMinerDataTip().Height if (peerHeight + 2) < ourHeight { c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, fmt.Errorf("mining on top of a stale block (mainchain peer height %d, expected >= %d)", peerHeight, ourHeight)) return } c.SendPeerListRequest() } if missingBlocks, err := c.Owner.SideChain().AddPoolBlockExternal(block); err != nil { //TODO warn c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, err) return } else { if !isChainTipBlockRequest && expectedBlockId != block.SideTemplateId(c.Owner.SideChain().Consensus()) { c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, fmt.Errorf("expected block id = %s, got %s", expectedBlockId.String(), block.SideTemplateId(c.Owner.SideChain().Consensus()).String())) return } for _, id := range missingBlocks { c.SendMissingBlockRequest(id) } } } } case MessageBlockBroadcast, MessageBlockBroadcastCompact: block := &sidechain.PoolBlock{ LocalTimestamp: uint64(time.Now().Unix()), NetworkType: c.Owner.Consensus().NetworkType, } var blockSize uint32 if err := binary.Read(c, binary.LittleEndian, &blockSize); err != nil { //TODO warn c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, err) return } else if blockSize == 0 { //NOT found //TODO log } else if messageId == MessageBlockBroadcastCompact { if err = block.FromCompactReader(c.Owner.SideChain().DerivationCache(), bufio.NewReader(io.LimitReader(c, int64(blockSize)))); err != nil { //TODO warn c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, err) return } } else { if err = block.FromReader(c.Owner.SideChain().DerivationCache(), bufio.NewReader(io.LimitReader(c, int64(blockSize)))); err != nil { //TODO warn c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, err) return } } //Atomic max, not necessary as no external writers exist topHeight := utils.Max(c.BroadcastMaxHeight.Load(), block.Side.Height) for { if oldHeight := c.BroadcastMaxHeight.Swap(topHeight); oldHeight <= topHeight { break } else { topHeight = oldHeight } } c.BroadcastedHashes.Push(types.HashFromBytes(block.CoinbaseExtra(sidechain.SideTemplateId))) c.LastBroadcast = time.Now() if missingBlocks, err := c.Owner.SideChain().PreprocessBlock(block); err != nil { for _, id := range missingBlocks { c.SendMissingBlockRequest(id) } //TODO: ban here, but sort blocks properly, maybe a queue to re-try? return } else { ourMinerData := c.Owner.MainChain().GetMinerDataTip() if block.Main.PreviousId != ourMinerData.PrevId { // This peer is mining on top of a different Monero block, investigate it peerHeight := block.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight ourHeight := ourMinerData.Height if peerHeight < ourHeight { if (ourHeight - peerHeight) < 5 { elapsedTime := time.Now().Sub(ourMinerData.TimeReceived) if (ourHeight-peerHeight) > 1 || elapsedTime > (time.Second*10) { log.Printf("[P2PClient] Peer %s broadcasted a stale block (%d ms late, mainchain height %d, expected >= %d), ignoring it", c.AddressPort.String(), elapsedTime.Milliseconds(), peerHeight, ourHeight) } } else { c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, fmt.Errorf("broadcasted an unreasonably stale block (mainchain height %d, expected >= %d)", peerHeight, ourHeight)) return } } else if peerHeight > ourHeight { if peerHeight >= (ourHeight + 2) { log.Printf("[P2PClient] Peer %s is ahead on mainchain (mainchain height %d, your height %d). Is monerod stuck or lagging?", c.AddressPort.String(), peerHeight, ourHeight) } } else { log.Printf("[P2PClient] Peer %s is mining on an alternative mainchain tip (mainchain height %d, previous_id = %s)", c.AddressPort.String(), peerHeight, block.Main.PreviousId) } } block.WantBroadcast.Store(true) if missingBlocks, err = c.Owner.SideChain().AddPoolBlockExternal(block); err != nil { //TODO warn c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, err) return } else { for _, id := range missingBlocks { c.SendMissingBlockRequest(id) } } } case MessagePeerListRequest: connectedPeerList := c.Owner.Clients() entriesToSend := make([]netip.AddrPort, 0, PeerListResponseMaxPeers) // Send every 4th peer on average, selected at random peersToSendTarget := utils.Min(PeerListResponseMaxPeers, utils.Max(len(entriesToSend)/4, 1)) n := 0 for _, peer := range connectedPeerList { if peer.AddressPort.Addr().IsLoopback() || !peer.IsGood() || peer.AddressPort.Addr().Compare(c.AddressPort.Addr()) == 0 { continue } n++ // Use algorithm if len(entriesToSend) < peersToSendTarget { entriesToSend = append(entriesToSend, peer.AddressPort) } k := unsafeRandom.Intn(n) if k < peersToSendTarget { entriesToSend[k] = peer.AddressPort } } if c.LastIncomingPeerListRequestTime.IsZero() { //first, send version / protocol information if len(entriesToSend) == 0 { entriesToSend = append(entriesToSend, c.Owner.versionInformation.ToAddrPort()) } else { entriesToSend[0] = c.Owner.versionInformation.ToAddrPort() } } c.LastIncomingPeerListRequestTime = time.Now() c.SendPeerListResponse(entriesToSend) case MessagePeerListResponse: if numPeers, err := c.ReadByte(); err != nil { c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, err) return } else if numPeers > PeerListResponseMaxPeers { c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, fmt.Errorf("too many peers on PEER_LIST_RESPONSE num_peers = %d", numPeers)) return } else { c.PingDuration.Store(uint64(utils.Max(time.Now().Sub(time.UnixMicro(int64(c.LastPeerListRequestTimestamp.Load()))), 0))) var rawIp [16]byte var port uint16 for i := uint8(0); i < numPeers; i++ { if isV6, err := c.ReadByte(); err != nil { c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, err) return } else { if _, err = c.Read(rawIp[:]); err != nil { c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, err) return } else if err = binary.Read(c, binary.LittleEndian, &port); err != nil { c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, err) return } if isV6 == 0 { if rawIp[12] == 0 || rawIp[12] >= 224 { // Ignore (special-purpose range for "this network") and (IP multicast and reserved ranges) // Check for protocol version message if binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(rawIp[12:]) == 0xFFFFFFFF && port == 0xFFFF { c.VersionInformation.Protocol = p2pooltypes.ProtocolVersion(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(rawIp[0:])) c.VersionInformation.SoftwareVersion = p2pooltypes.SoftwareVersion(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(rawIp[4:])) c.VersionInformation.SoftwareId = p2pooltypes.SoftwareId(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(rawIp[8:])) log.Printf("peer %s is %s", c.AddressPort.String(), c.VersionInformation.String()) } continue } copy(rawIp[:], make([]byte, 10)) rawIp[10], rawIp[11] = 0xFF, 0xFF } c.Owner.AddToPeerList(netip.AddrPortFrom(netip.AddrFrom16(rawIp).Unmap(), port)) } } } default: c.Ban(DefaultBanTime, fmt.Errorf("unknown MessageId %d", messageId)) return } c.LastActiveTimestamp.Store(uint64(time.Now().Unix())) } } func (c *Client) sendHandshakeChallenge() { if _, err := rand.Read(c.handshakeChallenge[:]); err != nil { log.Printf("[P2PServer] Unable to generate handshake challenge for %s", c.AddressPort.String()) c.Close() return } var buf [HandshakeChallengeSize + int(unsafe.Sizeof(uint64(0)))]byte copy(buf[:], c.handshakeChallenge[:]) binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf[HandshakeChallengeSize:], c.Owner.PeerId()) c.SendMessage(&ClientMessage{ MessageId: MessageHandshakeChallenge, Buffer: buf[:], }) } func (c *Client) sendHandshakeSolution(challenge HandshakeChallenge) { stop := &c.Closed if c.IsIncomingConnection { stop = &atomic.Bool{} stop.Store(true) } if solution, hash, ok := FindChallengeSolution(challenge, c.Owner.Consensus().Id(), stop); ok { var buf [HandshakeChallengeSize + types.HashSize]byte copy(buf[:], hash[:]) binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf[types.HashSize:], solution) c.SendMessage(&ClientMessage{ MessageId: MessageHandshakeSolution, Buffer: buf[:], }) } } // Read reads from underlying connection, on error it will Close func (c *Client) Read(buf []byte) (n int, err error) { if n, err = c.Connection.Read(buf); err != nil { c.Close() } return } type ClientMessage struct { MessageId MessageId Buffer []byte } func (c *Client) SendMessage(message *ClientMessage) { if !c.Closed.Load() { //c.sendLock.Lock() //defer c.sendLock.Unlock() if err := c.Connection.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(time.Second * 5)); err != nil { c.Close() } else if _, err = c.Connection.Write(append([]byte{byte(message.MessageId)}, message.Buffer...)); err != nil { c.Close() } //_, _ = c.Write(message.Buffer) } } // ReadByte reads from underlying connection, on error it will Close func (c *Client) ReadByte() (b byte, err error) { var buf [1]byte if _, err = c.Connection.Read(buf[:]); err != nil && c.Closed.Load() { c.Close() } return buf[0], err } func (c *Client) Close() { if c.Closed.Swap(true) { return } c.Owner.clientsLock.Lock() defer c.Owner.clientsLock.Unlock() if i := slices.Index(c.Owner.clients, c); i != -1 { c.Owner.clients = slices.Delete(c.Owner.clients, i, i+1) if c.IsIncomingConnection { c.Owner.NumIncomingConnections.Add(-1) } else { c.Owner.NumOutgoingConnections.Add(-1) } } _ = c.Connection.Close() close(c.closeChannel) }