package main import ( "bytes" "encoding/binary" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "fmt" address2 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "log" "math" "net/http" "os" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) func toUint64(t any) uint64 { if x, ok := t.(json.Number); ok { if n, err := x.Int64(); err == nil { return uint64(n) } } if x, ok := t.(uint64); ok { return x } else if x, ok := t.(int64); ok { return uint64(x) } else if x, ok := t.(uint); ok { return uint64(x) } else if x, ok := t.(int); ok { return uint64(x) } else if x, ok := t.(float64); ok { return uint64(x) } else if x, ok := t.(float32); ok { return uint64(x) } else if x, ok := t.(string); ok { if n, err := strconv.ParseUint(x, 10, 0); err == nil { return n } } return 0 } func toInt64(t any) int64 { if x, ok := t.(json.Number); ok { if n, err := x.Int64(); err == nil { return n } } if x, ok := t.(uint64); ok { return int64(x) } else if x, ok := t.(int64); ok { return x } else if x, ok := t.(uint); ok { return int64(x) } else if x, ok := t.(int); ok { return int64(x) } else if x, ok := t.(float64); ok { return int64(x) } else if x, ok := t.(float32); ok { return int64(x) } else if x, ok := t.(string); ok { if n, err := strconv.ParseInt(x, 10, 0); err == nil { return n } } return 0 } func toFloat64(t any) float64 { if x, ok := t.(json.Number); ok { if n, err := x.Float64(); err == nil { return n } } if x, ok := t.(float64); ok { return x } else if x, ok := t.(float32); ok { return float64(x) } else if x, ok := t.(uint64); ok { return float64(x) } else if x, ok := t.(int64); ok { return float64(x) } else if x, ok := t.(uint); ok { return float64(x) } else if x, ok := t.(int); ok { return float64(x) } else if x, ok := t.(string); ok { if n, err := strconv.ParseFloat(x, 0); err == nil { return n } } return 0 } func main() { env := twig.New(&loader{}) render := func(writer http.ResponseWriter, template string, ctx map[string]stick.Value) { w := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) defer func() { _, _ = writer.Write(w.Bytes()) }() defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { w = bytes.NewBuffer(nil) writer.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError) opts := make(map[string]stick.Value) e := make(map[string]stick.Value) opts["error"] = e e["code"] = http.StatusInternalServerError e["message"] = "Internal Server Error" e["content"] = "
" + html.EscapeString(fmt.Sprintf("%s", err)) + "
" if err = env.Execute("error.html", w, opts); err != nil { w = bytes.NewBuffer(nil) writer.Header().Set("content-type", "text/plain") _, _ = w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s", err))) } } }() if err := env.Execute(template, w, ctx); err != nil { w = bytes.NewBuffer(nil) writer.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError) opts := make(map[string]stick.Value) e := make(map[string]stick.Value) opts["error"] = e e["code"] = http.StatusInternalServerError e["message"] = "Internal Server Error" e["content"] = "
" + html.EscapeString(err.Error()) + "
" if err = env.Execute("error.html", w, opts); err != nil { w = bytes.NewBuffer(nil) writer.Header().Set("content-type", "text/plain") _, _ = w.Write([]byte(err.Error())) } } } env.Functions["getenv"] = func(ctx stick.Context, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { if len(args) == 0 { return "" } return os.Getenv(args[0].(string)) } env.Functions["diff_hashrate"] = func(ctx stick.Context, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { if d, err := types.DifficultyFromString(args[0].(string)); err == nil { return d.Div64(toUint64(args[1])).Lo } return 0 } env.Functions["diff_uint"] = func(ctx stick.Context, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { if d, err := types.DifficultyFromString(args[0].(string)); err == nil { return d.Lo } return 0 } env.Functions["monero_to_xmr"] = func(ctx stick.Context, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { v := toUint64(args[0]) return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%012d", v/1000000000000, v%1000000000000) } env.Functions["utc_date"] = func(ctx stick.Context, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { return time.Unix(int64(toUint64(args[0])), 0).UTC().Format("02-01-2006 15:04:05 MST") } env.Functions["time_elapsed"] = func(ctx stick.Context, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { diff := time.Since(time.Unix(int64(toUint64(args[0])), 0).UTC()) days := int64(diff.Hours() / 24) hours := int64(diff.Hours()) % 24 minutes := int64(diff.Minutes()) % 60 seconds := int64(diff.Seconds()) % 60 var result []string if days > 0 { result = append(result, strconv.FormatInt(days, 10)+"d") } if hours > 0 { result = append(result, strconv.FormatInt(hours, 10)+"h") } if minutes > 0 { result = append(result, strconv.FormatInt(minutes, 10)+"m") } if seconds > 0 { result = append(result, strconv.FormatInt(seconds, 10)+"s") } if toUint64(args[0]) == 0 { return "never" } else if len(result) == 0 { return "just now" } else { return strings.Join(result, " ") + " ago" } } env.Functions["time_elapsed_short"] = func(ctx stick.Context, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { diff := time.Since(time.Unix(int64(toUint64(args[0])), 0).UTC()) days := int64(diff.Hours() / 24) hours := int64(diff.Hours()) % 24 minutes := int64(diff.Minutes()) % 60 seconds := int64(diff.Seconds()) % 60 var result []string if days > 0 { result = append(result, strconv.FormatInt(days, 10)+"d") } if hours > 0 { result = append(result, strconv.FormatInt(hours, 10)+"h") } if minutes > 0 { result = append(result, strconv.FormatInt(minutes, 10)+"m") } if seconds > 0 { result = append(result, strconv.FormatInt(seconds, 10)+"s") } if toUint64(args[0]) == 0 { return "never" } else if len(result) == 0 { return "just now" } else { return strings.Join(result[0:1], " ") + " ago" } } env.Functions["time_duration_long"] = func(ctx stick.Context, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { diff := time.Second * time.Duration(toUint64(args[0])) diff += time.Microsecond * time.Duration((toFloat64(toUint64(args[0]))-toFloat64(args[0]))*1000000) days := int64(diff.Hours() / 24) hours := int64(diff.Hours()) % 24 minutes := int64(diff.Minutes()) % 60 seconds := int64(diff.Seconds()) % 60 ms := int64(diff.Milliseconds()) % 1000 var result []string if days > 0 { result = append(result, strconv.FormatInt(days, 10)+"d") } if hours > 0 { result = append(result, strconv.FormatInt(hours, 10)+"h") } if minutes > 0 { result = append(result, strconv.FormatInt(minutes, 10)+"m") } if seconds > 0 { result = append(result, strconv.FormatInt(seconds, 10)+"s") } if len(result) == 0 || (len(result) == 1 && seconds > 0) { result = append(result, strconv.FormatInt(ms, 10)+"ms") } return strings.Join(result, " ") } env.Functions["add_uint"] = func(ctx stick.Context, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { var result uint64 for _, v := range args { result += toUint64(v) } return result } env.Functions["sub_int"] = func(ctx stick.Context, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { result := toInt64(args[0]) for _, v := range args[1:] { result -= toInt64(v) } return result } env.Functions["date_diff_short"] = func(ctx stick.Context, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { diff := time.Since(time.Unix(int64(toUint64(args[0])), 0).UTC()) s := fmt.Sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", int64(diff.Hours())%24, int64(diff.Minutes())%60, int64(diff.Seconds())%60) days := int64(diff.Hours() / 24) if days > 0 { return strconv.FormatInt(days, 10) + ":" + s } return s } env.Functions["prove_output_number"] = func(ctx stick.Context, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { if len(args) != 2 { return nil } n := uint64(math.Ceil(math.Log2(p2pool.PPLNSWindow * 4))) //height | index return (toUint64(args[0]) << n) | toUint64(args[1]) } env.Functions["get_tx_proof"] = func(ctx stick.Context, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { if len(args) != 3 { return nil } h, _ := types.HashFromString(args[1].(string)) k, _ := types.HashFromString(args[2].(string)) keyBytes := crypto.PrivateKeyBytes(k) return address2.GetTxProofV2(address2.FromBase58(args[0].(string)), h, &keyBytes, "") } env.Functions["get_tx_proof_v1"] = func(ctx stick.Context, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { if len(args) != 3 { return nil } h, _ := types.HashFromString(args[1].(string)) k, _ := types.HashFromString(args[2].(string)) keyBytes := crypto.PrivateKeyBytes(k) return address2.GetTxProofV1(address2.FromBase58(args[0].(string)), h, &keyBytes, "") } env.Functions["get_ephemeral_pubkey"] = func(ctx stick.Context, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { if len(args) != 3 { return nil } k, _ := types.HashFromString(args[1].(string)) keyBytes := crypto.PrivateKeyBytes(k) return address2.GetEphemeralPublicKey(address2.FromBase58(args[0].(string)), &keyBytes, toUint64(args[2])) } env.Functions["coinbase_extra"] = func(ctx stick.Context, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { if len(args) != 1 { return nil } b, _ := args[0].(*sidechain.PoolBlock).Main.Coinbase.Extra.MarshalBinary() return b } env.Functions["extra_nonce"] = func(ctx stick.Context, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { if len(args) != 1 { return nil } return args[0].(*sidechain.PoolBlock).CoinbaseExtra(sidechain.SideExtraNonce) } env.Functions["attribute"] = func(ctx stick.Context, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { if len(args) != 2 { return nil } if s, ok := args[0].([]any); ok { return s[toUint64(args[1])] } else if m, ok := args[0].(map[string]any); ok { return m[args[1].(string)] } return nil } env.Filters["slice_sum"] = func(ctx stick.Context, val stick.Value, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { var result uint64 stick.Iterate(val, func(k, v stick.Value, l stick.Loop) (brk bool, err error) { result += toUint64(v) return false, nil }) return result } env.Filters["diff_div"] = func(ctx stick.Context, val stick.Value, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { if d, ok := val.(types.Difficulty); ok { return d.Div64(toUint64(args[0])).String() } else if d, err := types.DifficultyFromString(val.(string)); err == nil { return d.Div64(toUint64(args[0])).String() } log.Panic() return val } env.Filters["diff_int"] = func(ctx stick.Context, val stick.Value, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { if d, ok := val.(types.Difficulty); ok { return d.Lo } else if d, err := types.DifficultyFromString(val.(string)); err == nil { return d.Lo } log.Panic() return 0 } env.Filters["benc"] = func(ctx stick.Context, val stick.Value, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { if s, ok := val.(string); ok { if n, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 0); err == nil { return utils.EncodeBinaryNumber(n) } } else { return utils.EncodeBinaryNumber(toUint64(val)) } //TODO: remove this log.Panic() return "" } env.Filters["hex"] = func(ctx stick.Context, val stick.Value, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { if s, ok := val.(string); ok { return s } else if s, ok := val.(types.Difficulty); ok { return s.String() } else if s, ok := val.(crypto.PrivateKey); ok { return s.String() } else if s, ok := val.(crypto.PublicKey); ok { return s.String() } else if s, ok := val.(crypto.PrivateKeyBytes); ok { return s.String() } else if s, ok := val.(crypto.PublicKeyBytes); ok { return s.String() } else if s, ok := val.(types.Hash); ok { return s.String() } else if s, ok := val.([]byte); ok { return hex.EncodeToString(s) } else if s, ok := val.(uint32); ok { var buf [4]byte binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[:], s) return hex.EncodeToString(buf[:]) } else if s, ok := val.(uint64); ok { var buf [8]byte binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(buf[:], s) return hex.EncodeToString(buf[:]) } return val } env.Filters["henc"] = func(ctx stick.Context, val stick.Value, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { if h, ok := val.(types.Hash); ok { return utils.EncodeHexBinaryNumber(h.String()) } else if s, ok := val.(string); ok { return utils.EncodeHexBinaryNumber(s) } //TODO: remove this log.Panic() return "" } env.Filters["effort_color"] = func(ctx stick.Context, val stick.Value, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { if effort, ok := val.(float64); ok { if effort < 100 { return "#00C000" } else if effort < 200 { return "#E0E000" } else { return "#FF0000" } } return "#000000" } env.Filters["si_units"] = func(ctx stick.Context, val stick.Value, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { v := toFloat64(val) if len(args) > 0 { return utils.SiUnits(v, int(toUint64(args[0]))) } else { return utils.SiUnits(v, 3) } } env.Filters["effort_color"] = func(ctx stick.Context, val stick.Value, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { effort := toFloat64(val) if effort < 100 { return "#00C000" } else if effort < 200 { return "#E0E000" } else { return "#FF0000" } } env.Filters["shorten"] = func(ctx stick.Context, val stick.Value, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { var value string if s, ok := val.(string); ok { value = s } else { value = fmt.Sprintf("%s", value) } n := int(toUint64(args[0])) if len(value) <= n*2+3 { return value } else { return value[:n] + "..." + value[len(value)-n:] } } env.Filters["intstr"] = func(ctx stick.Context, val stick.Value, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value { return strconv.FormatUint(toUint64(val), 10) } env.Tests["defined"] = func(ctx stick.Context, val stick.Value, args ...stick.Value) bool { return val != nil } serveMux := mux.NewRouter() serveMux.HandleFunc("/", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { params := request.URL.Query() if params.Has("refresh") { writer.Header().Set("refresh", "120") } poolInfo := getFromAPI("pool_info", 5).(map[string]any) d1, _ := types.DifficultyFromString(poolInfo["mainchain"].(map[string]any)["difficulty"].(string)) d2, _ := types.DifficultyFromString(poolInfo["sidechain"].(map[string]any)["difficulty"].(string)) secondsPerBlock := float64(d1.Lo) / float64(d2.Div64(toUint64(poolInfo["sidechain"].(map[string]any)["block_time"])).Lo) blocksToFetch := uint64(math.Ceil((((time.Hour*24).Seconds()/secondsPerBlock)*2)/100) * 100) blocks := getFromAPI(fmt.Sprintf("found_blocks?coinbase&limit=%d", blocksToFetch), 5).([]any) shares := getFromAPI("shares?limit=20", 5).([]any) ctx := make(map[string]stick.Value) ctx["refresh"] = writer.Header().Get("refresh") blocksFound := NewPositionChart(30*4, p2pool.PPLNSWindow*4) tip := toInt64(poolInfo["sidechain"].(map[string]any)["height"]) for _, b := range blocks { blocksFound.Add(int(tip-toInt64(b.(map[string]any)["height"])), 1) } if len(blocks) > 0 { blocks = blocks[:20] } ctx["blocks_found"] = blocks ctx["blocks_found_position"] = blocksFound.String() ctx["shares"] = shares ctx["pool"] = poolInfo render(writer, "index.html", ctx) }) serveMux.HandleFunc("/api", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { render(writer, "api.html", nil) }) serveMux.HandleFunc("/calculate-share-time", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { poolInfo := getFromAPI("pool_info", 5) hashRate := float64(0) magnitude := float64(1000) params := request.URL.Query() if params.Has("hashrate") { hashRate = toFloat64(params.Get("hashrate")) } if params.Has("magnitude") { magnitude = toFloat64(params.Get("magnitude")) } ctx := make(map[string]stick.Value) ctx["hashrate"] = hashRate ctx["magnitude"] = magnitude ctx["pool"] = poolInfo render(writer, "calculate-share-time.html", ctx) }) serveMux.HandleFunc("/blocks", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { params := request.URL.Query() if params.Has("refresh") { writer.Header().Set("refresh", "600") } var miner map[string]any if params.Has("miner") { m := getFromAPI(fmt.Sprintf("miner_info/%s", params.Get("miner"))) if m == nil || m.(map[string]any)["address"] == nil { ctx := make(map[string]stick.Value) error := make(map[string]stick.Value) ctx["error"] = error ctx["code"] = http.StatusNotFound error["message"] = "Address Not Found" error["content"] = "
You need to have mined at least one share in the past. Come back later :)
" render(writer, "error.html", ctx) return } miner = m.(map[string]any) } poolInfo := getFromAPI("pool_info", 5).(map[string]any) ctx := make(map[string]stick.Value) ctx["refresh"] = writer.Header().Get("refresh") ctx["pool"] = poolInfo if miner != nil { blocks := getFromAPI(fmt.Sprintf("found_blocks?&limit=100&miner=%d&coinbase", toUint64(miner["id"]))) ctx["blocks_found"] = blocks ctx["miner"] = miner render(writer, "blocks_miner.html", ctx) } else { blocks := getFromAPI("found_blocks?limit=100&coinbase", 30) ctx["blocks_found"] = blocks render(writer, "blocks.html", ctx) } }) serveMux.HandleFunc("/miners", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { params := request.URL.Query() if params.Has("refresh") { writer.Header().Set("refresh", "600") } windowCount := uint64(1) size := uint64(30) cacheTime := 30 if params.Has("weekly") { windowCount = 4 * 7 size *= 2 if params.Has("refresh") { writer.Header().Set("refresh", "3600") } cacheTime = 60 } poolInfo := getFromAPI("pool_info", 5) shares := getFromAPI(fmt.Sprintf("shares?limit=%d&onlyBlocks", p2pool.PPLNSWindow*windowCount), cacheTime).([]any) miners := make(map[string]map[string]any, 0) tipHeight := toUint64(poolInfo.(map[string]any)["sidechain"].(map[string]any)["height"]) wend := tipHeight - p2pool.PPLNSWindow*windowCount tip := shares[0].(map[string]any) for _, s := range shares { share := s.(map[string]any) miner := share["miner"].(string) if _, ok := miners[miner]; !ok { miners[miner] = make(map[string]any) miners[miner]["weight"] = types.ZeroDifficulty miners[miner]["shares"] = NewPositionChart(size, p2pool.PPLNSWindow*windowCount) miners[miner]["uncles"] = NewPositionChart(size, p2pool.PPLNSWindow*windowCount) if a, ok := share["miner_alias"]; ok { miners[miner]["alias"] = a } } miners[miner]["shares"].(*PositionChart).Add(int(toInt64(tip["height"])-toInt64(share["height"])), 1) diff := toUint64(share["weight"]) miners[miner]["weight"] = miners[miner]["weight"].(types.Difficulty).Add64(diff) if _, ok := share["uncles"]; ok { for _, u := range share["uncles"].([]any) { uncle := u.(map[string]any) if toUint64(uncle["height"]) <= wend { continue } miner := uncle["miner"].(string) if _, ok := miners[miner]; !ok { miners[miner] = make(map[string]any) miners[miner]["weight"] = types.ZeroDifficulty miners[miner]["shares"] = NewPositionChart(size, p2pool.PPLNSWindow*windowCount) miners[miner]["uncles"] = NewPositionChart(size, p2pool.PPLNSWindow*windowCount) if a, ok := uncle["miner_alias"]; ok { miners[miner]["alias"] = a } } miners[miner]["uncles"].(*PositionChart).Add(int(toInt64(tip["height"])-toInt64(uncle["height"])), 1) diff := toUint64(uncle["weight"]) miners[miner]["weight"] = miners[miner]["weight"].(types.Difficulty).Add64(diff) } } } minerKeys := maps.Keys(miners) slices.SortFunc(minerKeys, func(a string, b string) bool { return miners[a]["weight"].(types.Difficulty).Cmp(miners[b]["weight"].(types.Difficulty)) > 0 }) sortedMiners := make(mapslice.MapSlice, len(minerKeys)) for i, k := range minerKeys { sortedMiners[i].Key = k sortedMiners[i].Value = miners[k] } ctx := make(map[string]stick.Value) ctx["refresh"] = writer.Header().Get("refresh") ctx["miners"] = sortedMiners ctx["tip"] = tip ctx["pool"] = poolInfo if params.Has("weekly") { render(writer, "miners_week.html", ctx) } else { render(writer, "miners.html", ctx) } }) serveMux.HandleFunc("/share/{block:[0-9a-f]+|[0-9]+}", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { identifier := mux.Vars(request)["block"] var block any var rawBlock any if len(identifier) == 64 { block = getFromAPI(fmt.Sprintf("block_by_id/%s?coinbase", identifier)) rawBlock = getFromAPI(fmt.Sprintf("block_by_id/%s/raw", identifier)) } else { block = getFromAPI(fmt.Sprintf("block_by_height/%s?coinbase", identifier)) rawBlock = getFromAPI(fmt.Sprintf("block_by_height/%s/raw", identifier)) } if block == nil { ctx := make(map[string]stick.Value) error := make(map[string]stick.Value) ctx["error"] = error ctx["code"] = http.StatusNotFound error["message"] = "Share Not Found" render(writer, "error.html", ctx) return } var raw *sidechain.PoolBlock if s, ok := rawBlock.([]byte); ok && rawBlock != nil { if buf, err := hex.DecodeString(string(s)); err == nil { raw, _ = sidechain.NewShareFromExportedBytes(buf, sidechain.NetworkMainnet) } } payouts := getFromAPI(fmt.Sprintf("block_by_id/%s/payouts", block.(map[string]any)["id"].(string))) poolInfo := getFromAPI("pool_info", 5) ctx := make(map[string]stick.Value) ctx["block"] = block ctx["raw"] = raw ctx["pool"] = poolInfo ctx["payouts"] = payouts render(writer, "share.html", ctx) }) serveMux.HandleFunc("/miner/{miner:[^ ]+}", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { params := request.URL.Query() if params.Has("refresh") { writer.Header().Set("refresh", "300") } address := mux.Vars(request)["miner"] m := getFromAPI(fmt.Sprintf("miner_info/%s", address)) if m == nil || m.(map[string]any)["address"] == nil { if addr := address2.FromBase58(address); addr != nil { miner := make(map[string]any) m = miner miner["id"] = uint64(0) miner["address"] = addr.ToBase58() shares := make(map[string]any) miner["shares"] = shares shares["blocks"] = uint64(0) shares["uncles"] = uint64(0) miner["last_share_height"] = uint64(0) miner["last_share_timestamp"] = uint64(0) } else { ctx := make(map[string]stick.Value) error := make(map[string]stick.Value) ctx["error"] = error ctx["code"] = http.StatusNotFound error["message"] = "Invalid Address" render(writer, "error.html", ctx) return } } miner := m.(map[string]any) poolInfo := getFromAPI("pool_info", 5).(map[string]any) const totalWindows = 4 wsize := uint64(p2pool.PPLNSWindow * totalWindows) tipHeight := toUint64(poolInfo["sidechain"].(map[string]any)["height"]) var shares, payouts, lastShares, lastFound []any if toUint64(miner["id"]) != 0 { shares = getFromAPI(fmt.Sprintf("shares_in_window/%d?from=%d&window=%d", toUint64(miner["id"]), tipHeight, wsize)).([]any) payouts = getFromAPI(fmt.Sprintf("payouts/%d?search_limit=1000", toUint64(miner["id"]))).([]any) lastShares = getFromAPI(fmt.Sprintf("shares?limit=50&miner=%d", toUint64(miner["id"]))).([]any) lastFound = getFromAPI(fmt.Sprintf("found_blocks?limit=5&miner=%d&coinbase", toUint64(miner["id"]))).([]any) } sharesFound := NewPositionChart(30*totalWindows, p2pool.PPLNSWindow*totalWindows) unclesFound := NewPositionChart(30*totalWindows, p2pool.PPLNSWindow*totalWindows) var sharesInWindow, unclesInWindow uint64 var longDiff, windowDiff types.Difficulty wend := tipHeight - p2pool.PPLNSWindow foundPayout := NewPositionChart(30*totalWindows, p2pool.PPLNSWindow*totalWindows) for _, p := range payouts { foundPayout.Add(int(int64(tipHeight)-toInt64(p.(map[string]any)["height"])), 1) } for _, share := range shares { s := share.(map[string]any) if p, ok := s["parent"]; ok { parent := p.(map[string]any) unclesFound.Add(int(int64(tipHeight)-toInt64(parent["height"])), 1) if toUint64(s["height"]) > wend { unclesInWindow++ windowDiff = windowDiff.Add64(toUint64(s["weight"])) } } else { sharesFound.Add(int(int64(tipHeight)-toInt64(s["height"])), 1) if toUint64(s["height"]) > wend { sharesInWindow++ windowDiff = windowDiff.Add64(toUint64(s["weight"])) } } longDiff = longDiff.Add64(toUint64(s["weight"])) } if len(payouts) > 10 { payouts = payouts[:10] } ctx := make(map[string]stick.Value) ctx["refresh"] = writer.Header().Get("refresh") ctx["pool"] = poolInfo ctx["miner"] = miner ctx["last_shares"] = lastShares ctx["last_found"] = lastFound ctx["last_payouts"] = payouts ctx["window_weight"] = windowDiff.Lo ctx["weight"] = longDiff.Lo ctx["window_count_blocks"] = sharesInWindow ctx["window_count_uncles"] = unclesInWindow ctx["count_blocks"] = sharesFound.Total() ctx["count_uncles"] = unclesFound.Total() ctx["count_payouts"] = foundPayout.Total() ctx["position_resolution"] = foundPayout.Resolution() ctx["position_blocks"] = sharesFound.StringWithSeparator(p2pool.PPLNSWindow * (totalWindows - 1)) ctx["position_uncles"] = unclesFound.StringWithSeparator(p2pool.PPLNSWindow * (totalWindows - 1)) ctx["position_payouts"] = foundPayout.StringWithSeparator(p2pool.PPLNSWindow * (totalWindows - 1)) render(writer, "miner.html", ctx) }) serveMux.HandleFunc("/miner", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { params := request.URL.Query() if params.Get("address") == "" { http.Redirect(writer, request, "/", http.StatusMovedPermanently) return } http.Redirect(writer, request, fmt.Sprintf("/miner/%s", params.Get("address")), http.StatusMovedPermanently) }) serveMux.HandleFunc("/proof/{block:[0-9a-f]+|[0-9]+}/{index:[0-9]+}", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { identifier := utils.DecodeHexBinaryNumber(mux.Vars(request)["block"]) index := toUint64(mux.Vars(request)["index"]) block := getFromAPI(fmt.Sprintf("block_by_id/%s?coinbase", identifier)).(map[string]any) if block == nil || block["main"].(map[string]any)["found"] == false { ctx := make(map[string]stick.Value) error := make(map[string]stick.Value) ctx["error"] = error ctx["code"] = http.StatusNotFound error["message"] = "Share Was Not Found" render(writer, "error.html", ctx) return } payouts := block["coinbase"].(map[string]any)["payouts"].([]any) if uint64(len(payouts)) <= index { ctx := make(map[string]stick.Value) error := make(map[string]stick.Value) ctx["error"] = error ctx["code"] = http.StatusNotFound error["message"] = "Output Not Found" render(writer, "error.html", ctx) return } poolInfo := getFromAPI("pool_info", 5).(map[string]any) ctx := make(map[string]stick.Value) ctx["block"] = block ctx["payout"] = payouts[index] ctx["pool"] = poolInfo render(writer, "proof.html", ctx) }) serveMux.HandleFunc("/payouts/{miner:[0-9]+|4[123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz]+}", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { params := request.URL.Query() if params.Has("refresh") { writer.Header().Set("refresh", "600") } address := mux.Vars(request)["miner"] if params.Has("address") { address = params.Get("address") } m := getFromAPI(fmt.Sprintf("miner_info/%s", address)) if m == nil { ctx := make(map[string]stick.Value) error := make(map[string]stick.Value) ctx["error"] = error ctx["code"] = http.StatusNotFound error["message"] = "Address Not Found" error["content"] = "
You need to have mined at least one share in the past. Come back later :)
" render(writer, "error.html", ctx) return } miner := m.(map[string]any) payouts := getFromAPI(fmt.Sprintf("payouts/%d?search_limit=0", toUint64(miner["id"]))).([]any) if len(payouts) == 0 { ctx := make(map[string]stick.Value) error := make(map[string]stick.Value) ctx["error"] = error ctx["code"] = http.StatusNotFound error["message"] = "No payout for address found" error["content"] = "
You need to have mined at least one share in the past, and a main block found during that period. Come back later :)
" render(writer, "error.html", ctx) return } ctx := make(map[string]stick.Value) ctx["refresh"] = writer.Header().Get("refresh") ctx["miner"] = miner ctx["payouts"] = payouts ctx["total"] = func() (result uint64) { for _, p := range payouts { result += toUint64(p.(map[string]any)["coinbase"].(map[string]any)["reward"]) } return }() render(writer, "payouts.html", ctx) }) server := &http.Server{ Addr: "", ReadTimeout: time.Second * 2, Handler: http.HandlerFunc(func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { if request.Method != "GET" && request.Method != "HEAD" { writer.WriteHeader(http.StatusForbidden) return } writer.Header().Set("content-type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") serveMux.ServeHTTP(writer, request) }), } if err := server.ListenAndServe(); err != nil { log.Panic(err) } }