package sidechain import ( "bytes" "encoding/binary" "errors" "fmt" "" "" mainblock "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "log" "" "math" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" ) type Cache interface { GetBlob(key []byte) (blob []byte, err error) SetBlob(key, blob []byte) (err error) RemoveBlob(key []byte) (err error) } type P2PoolInterface interface { ConsensusProvider Cache Broadcast(block *PoolBlock) ClientRPC() *client.Client GetChainMainByHeight(height uint64) *ChainMain GetChainMainByHash(hash types.Hash) *ChainMain GetMinimalBlockHeaderByHeight(height uint64) *mainblock.Header GetMinimalBlockHeaderByHash(hash types.Hash) *mainblock.Header GetDifficultyByHeight(height uint64) types.Difficulty UpdateBlockFound(data *ChainMain, block *PoolBlock) SubmitBlock(block *mainblock.Block) GetChainMainTip() *ChainMain } type ChainMain struct { Difficulty types.Difficulty Height uint64 Timestamp uint64 Reward uint64 Id types.Hash } type SideChain struct { derivationCache *DerivationCache server P2PoolInterface sidechainLock sync.RWMutex watchBlock *ChainMain watchBlockSidechainId types.Hash sharesCache Shares blocksByTemplateId map[types.Hash]*PoolBlock blocksByHeight map[uint64][]*PoolBlock chainTip atomic.Pointer[PoolBlock] currentDifficulty atomic.Pointer[types.Difficulty] precalcFinished atomic.Bool } func NewSideChain(server P2PoolInterface) *SideChain { return &SideChain{ derivationCache: NewDerivationCache(), server: server, blocksByTemplateId: make(map[types.Hash]*PoolBlock), blocksByHeight: make(map[uint64][]*PoolBlock), sharesCache: make(Shares, 0, server.Consensus().ChainWindowSize*2), } } func (c *SideChain) Consensus() *Consensus { return c.server.Consensus() } func (c *SideChain) PreCalcFinished() bool { return c.precalcFinished.Load() } func (c *SideChain) PreprocessBlock(block *PoolBlock) (missingBlocks []types.Hash, err error) { c.sidechainLock.RLock() defer c.sidechainLock.RUnlock() if len(block.Main.Coinbase.Outputs) == 0 { if outputs := c.getOutputs(block); outputs == nil { return nil, errors.New("nil transaction outputs") } else { block.Main.Coinbase.Outputs = outputs } if outputBlob, err := block.Main.Coinbase.OutputsBlob(); err != nil { return nil, err } else if uint64(len(outputBlob)) != block.Main.Coinbase.OutputsBlobSize { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid output blob size, got %d, expected %d", block.Main.Coinbase.OutputsBlobSize, len(outputBlob)) } } if len(block.Main.TransactionParentIndices) > 0 && len(block.Main.TransactionParentIndices) == len(block.Main.Transactions) { if slices.Index(block.Main.Transactions, types.ZeroHash) != -1 { //only do this when zero hashes exist parent := c.getParent(block) if parent == nil { missingBlocks = append(missingBlocks, block.Side.Parent) return missingBlocks, errors.New("parent does not exist in compact block") } for i, parentIndex := range block.Main.TransactionParentIndices { if parentIndex != 0 { // p2pool stores coinbase transaction hash as well, decrease actualIndex := parentIndex - 1 if actualIndex > uint64(len(parent.Main.Transactions)) { return nil, errors.New("index of parent transaction out of bounds") } block.Main.Transactions[i] = parent.Main.Transactions[actualIndex] } } } } else { // fill if not received from network c.fillPoolBlockTransactionParentIndices(block) } return nil, nil } func (c *SideChain) fillPoolBlockTransactionParentIndices(block *PoolBlock) { if len(block.Main.Transactions) != len(block.Main.TransactionParentIndices) { parent := c.getParent(block) if parent != nil { block.Main.TransactionParentIndices = make([]uint64, len(block.Main.Transactions)) //do not fail if not found for i, txHash := range block.Main.Transactions { if parentIndex := slices.Index(parent.Main.Transactions, txHash); parentIndex != -1 { //increase as p2pool stores tx hash as well block.Main.TransactionParentIndices[i] = uint64(parentIndex + 1) } } } } } func (c *SideChain) isPoolBlockTransactionKeyIsDeterministic(block *PoolBlock) bool { kP := c.derivationCache.GetDeterministicTransactionKey(block.GetPrivateKeySeed(), block.Main.PreviousId) if block.ShareVersion() > ShareVersion_V1 { block.Side.CoinbasePrivateKey = kP.PrivateKey.AsBytes() } return bytes.Compare(block.CoinbaseExtra(SideCoinbasePublicKey), kP.PublicKey.AsSlice()) == 0 && bytes.Compare(kP.PrivateKey.AsSlice(), block.Side.CoinbasePrivateKey[:]) == 0 } func (c *SideChain) getSeedByHeightFunc() mainblock.GetSeedByHeightFunc { return func(height uint64) (hash types.Hash) { seedHeight := randomx.SeedHeight(height) if h := c.server.GetMinimalBlockHeaderByHeight(seedHeight); h != nil { return h.Id } else { return types.ZeroHash } } } func (c *SideChain) AddPoolBlockExternal(block *PoolBlock) (missingBlocks []types.Hash, err error) { // Technically some p2pool node could keep stuffing block with transactions until reward is less than 0.6 XMR // But default transaction picking algorithm never does that. It's better to just ban such nodes if block.Main.Coinbase.TotalReward < monero.TailEmissionReward { return nil, errors.New("block reward too low") } // Enforce deterministic tx keys starting from v15 if block.Main.MajorVersion >= monero.HardForkViewTagsVersion { if !c.isPoolBlockTransactionKeyIsDeterministic(block) { return nil, errors.New("invalid deterministic transaction keys") } } // Both tx types are allowed by Monero consensus during v15 because it needs to process pre-fork mempool transactions, // but P2Pool can switch to using only TXOUT_TO_TAGGED_KEY for miner payouts starting from v15 expectedTxType := c.GetTransactionOutputType(block.Main.MajorVersion) if missingBlocks, err = c.PreprocessBlock(block); err != nil { return missingBlocks, err } for _, o := range block.Main.Coinbase.Outputs { if o.Type != expectedTxType { return nil, errors.New("unexpected transaction type") } } templateId := c.Consensus().CalculateSideTemplateId(block) if templateId != block.SideTemplateId(c.Consensus()) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid template id %s, expected %s", templateId.String(), block.SideTemplateId(c.Consensus()).String()) } if block.Side.Difficulty.Cmp64(c.Consensus().MinimumDifficulty) < 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("block mined by %s has invalid difficulty %s, expected >= %d", block.GetAddress().ToBase58(), block.Side.Difficulty.StringNumeric(), c.Consensus().MinimumDifficulty) } //TODO: cache? //expectedDifficulty := c.GetDifficulty(block) //tooLowDiff := block.Side.Difficulty.Cmp(expectedDifficulty) < 0 tooLowDiff := false var expectedDifficulty types.Difficulty if otherBlock := c.GetPoolBlockByTemplateId(templateId); otherBlock != nil { //already added //TODO: specifically check Main id for nonce changes! p2pool does not do this return nil, nil } // This is mainly an anti-spam measure, not an actual verification step if tooLowDiff { // Reduce required diff by 50% (by doubling this block's diff) to account for alternative chains diff2 := block.Side.Difficulty.Mul64(2) tip := c.GetChainTip() for tmp := tip; tmp != nil && (tmp.Side.Height+c.Consensus().ChainWindowSize > tip.Side.Height); tmp = c.GetParent(tmp) { if diff2.Cmp(tmp.Side.Difficulty) >= 0 { tooLowDiff = false break } } } //TODO log if tooLowDiff { return nil, fmt.Errorf("block mined by %s has too low difficulty %s, expected >= %s", block.GetAddress().ToBase58(), block.Side.Difficulty.StringNumeric(), expectedDifficulty.StringNumeric()) } // This check is not always possible to perform because of mainchain reorgs //TODO: cache current miner data? if data := c.server.GetChainMainByHash(block.Main.PreviousId); data != nil { if data.Height+1 != block.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight { return nil, fmt.Errorf("wrong mainchain height %d, expected %d", block.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight, data.Height+1) } } else { //TODO warn unknown block, reorg } if _, err := block.PowHashWithError(c.getSeedByHeightFunc()); err != nil { return nil, err } else { if isHigherMainChain, err := block.IsProofHigherThanMainDifficultyWithError(c.server.GetDifficultyByHeight, c.getSeedByHeightFunc()); err != nil { log.Printf("[SideChain] add_external_block: couldn't get mainchain difficulty for height = %d: %s", block.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight, err) } else if isHigherMainChain { log.Printf("[SideChain]: add_external_block: block %s has enough PoW for Monero height %d, submitting it", templateId.String(), block.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight) c.server.SubmitBlock(&block.Main) } if isHigher, err := block.IsProofHigherThanDifficultyWithError(c.getSeedByHeightFunc()); err != nil { return nil, err } else if !isHigher { return nil, fmt.Errorf("not enough PoW for height = %d, mainchain height %d", block.Side.Height, block.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight) } } //TODO: block found section return func() []types.Hash { c.sidechainLock.RLock() defer c.sidechainLock.RUnlock() missing := make([]types.Hash, 0, 4) if block.Side.Parent != types.ZeroHash && c.getPoolBlockByTemplateId(block.Side.Parent) == nil { missing = append(missing, block.Side.Parent) } for _, uncleId := range block.Side.Uncles { if uncleId != types.ZeroHash && c.getPoolBlockByTemplateId(uncleId) == nil { missing = append(missing, uncleId) } } return missing }(), c.AddPoolBlock(block) } func (c *SideChain) AddPoolBlock(block *PoolBlock) (err error) { c.sidechainLock.Lock() defer c.sidechainLock.Unlock() if _, ok := c.blocksByTemplateId[block.SideTemplateId(c.Consensus())]; ok { //already inserted //TODO WARN return nil } c.blocksByTemplateId[block.SideTemplateId(c.Consensus())] = block log.Printf("[SideChain] add_block: height = %d, id = %s, mainchain height = %d, verified = %t, total = %d", block.Side.Height, block.SideTemplateId(c.Consensus()), block.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight, block.Verified.Load(), len(c.blocksByTemplateId)) if block.SideTemplateId(c.Consensus()) == c.watchBlockSidechainId { c.server.UpdateBlockFound(c.watchBlock, block) c.watchBlockSidechainId = types.ZeroHash } if l, ok := c.blocksByHeight[block.Side.Height]; ok { c.blocksByHeight[block.Side.Height] = append(l, block) } else { c.blocksByHeight[block.Side.Height] = []*PoolBlock{block} } c.updateDepths(block) if block.Verified.Load() { if !block.Invalid.Load() { c.updateChainTip(block) } return nil } else { return c.verifyLoop(block) } } func (c *SideChain) verifyLoop(blockToVerify *PoolBlock) (err error) { // PoW is already checked at this point blocksToVerify := make([]*PoolBlock, 1, 8) blocksToVerify[0] = blockToVerify var highestBlock *PoolBlock for len(blocksToVerify) != 0 { block := blocksToVerify[len(blocksToVerify)-1] blocksToVerify = blocksToVerify[:len(blocksToVerify)-1] if block.Verified.Load() { continue } if verification, invalid := c.verifyBlock(block); invalid != nil { log.Printf("[SideChain] block at height = %d, id = %s, mainchain height = %d, mined by %s is invalid: %s", block.Side.Height, block.SideTemplateId(c.Consensus()), block.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight, block.GetAddress().ToBase58(), invalid.Error()) block.Invalid.Store(true) block.Verified.Store(verification == nil) if block == blockToVerify { //Save error for return err = invalid } } else if verification != nil { //log.Printf("[SideChain] can't verify block at height = %d, id = %s, mainchain height = %d, mined by %s: %s", block.Side.Height, block.SideTemplateId(c.Consensus()), block.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight, block.GetAddress().ToBase58(), verification.Error()) block.Verified.Store(false) block.Invalid.Store(false) } else { block.Verified.Store(true) block.Invalid.Store(false) log.Printf("[SideChain] verified block at height = %d, depth = %d, id = %s, mainchain height = %d, mined by %s", block.Side.Height, block.Depth.Load(), block.SideTemplateId(c.Consensus()), block.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight, block.GetAddress().ToBase58()) // This block is now verified if isLongerChain, _ := c.isLongerChain(highestBlock, block); isLongerChain { highestBlock = block } else if highestBlock != nil && highestBlock.Side.Height > block.Side.Height { log.Printf("[SideChain] block at height = %d, id = %s, is not a longer chain than height = %d, id = %s", block.Side.Height, block.SideTemplateId(c.Consensus()), highestBlock.Side.Height, highestBlock.SideTemplateId(c.Consensus())) } c.fillPoolBlockTransactionParentIndices(block) if block.WantBroadcast.Load() && !block.Broadcasted.Swap(true) { if block.Depth.Load() < UncleBlockDepth { c.server.Broadcast(block) } } //store for faster startup c.saveBlock(block) // Try to verify blocks on top of this one for i := uint64(1); i <= UncleBlockDepth; i++ { blocksToVerify = append(blocksToVerify, c.blocksByHeight[block.Side.Height+i]...) } } } if highestBlock != nil { c.updateChainTip(highestBlock) } return } func (c *SideChain) verifyBlock(block *PoolBlock) (verification error, invalid error) { // Genesis if block.Side.Height == 0 { if block.Side.Parent != types.ZeroHash || len(block.Side.Uncles) != 0 || block.Side.Difficulty.Cmp64(c.Consensus().MinimumDifficulty) != 0 || block.Side.CumulativeDifficulty.Cmp64(c.Consensus().MinimumDifficulty) != 0 || (block.ShareVersion() > ShareVersion_V1 && block.Side.CoinbasePrivateKeySeed == types.ZeroHash) { return nil, errors.New("genesis block has invalid parameters") } //this does not verify coinbase outputs, but that's fine return nil, nil } // Deep block // // Blocks in PPLNS window (m_chainWindowSize) require up to m_chainWindowSize earlier blocks to verify // If a block is deeper than m_chainWindowSize * 2 - 1 it can't influence blocks in PPLNS window // Also, having so many blocks on top of this one means it was verified by the network at some point // We skip checks in this case to make pruning possible if block.Depth.Load() >= c.Consensus().ChainWindowSize*2 { log.Printf("[SideChain] block at height = %d, id = %s skipped verification", block.Side.Height, block.SideTemplateId(c.Consensus())) return nil, nil } //Regular block //Must have parent if block.Side.Parent == types.ZeroHash { return nil, errors.New("block must have a parent") } if parent := c.getParent(block); parent != nil { // If it's invalid then this block is also invalid if !parent.Verified.Load() { return errors.New("parent is not verified"), nil } if parent.Invalid.Load() { return nil, errors.New("parent is invalid") } if block.ShareVersion() > ShareVersion_V1 { expectedSeed := parent.Side.CoinbasePrivateKeySeed if parent.Main.PreviousId != block.Main.PreviousId { expectedSeed = parent.CalculateTransactionPrivateKeySeed() } if block.Side.CoinbasePrivateKeySeed != expectedSeed { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid tx key seed: expected %s, got %s", expectedSeed.String(), block.Side.CoinbasePrivateKeySeed.String()) } } expectedHeight := parent.Side.Height + 1 if expectedHeight != block.Side.Height { return nil, fmt.Errorf("wrong height, expected %d", expectedHeight) } // Uncle hashes must be sorted in the ascending order to prevent cheating when the same hash is repeated multiple times for i, uncleId := range block.Side.Uncles { if i == 0 { continue } if block.Side.Uncles[i-1].Compare(uncleId) != -1 { return nil, errors.New("invalid uncle order") } } expectedCumulativeDifficulty := parent.Side.CumulativeDifficulty.Add(block.Side.Difficulty) //check uncles minedBlocks := make([]types.Hash, 0, len(block.Side.Uncles)*UncleBlockDepth*2+1) { tmp := parent n := utils.Min(UncleBlockDepth, block.Side.Height+1) for i := uint64(0); tmp != nil && i < n; i++ { minedBlocks = append(minedBlocks, tmp.SideTemplateId(c.Consensus())) for _, uncleId := range tmp.Side.Uncles { minedBlocks = append(minedBlocks, uncleId) } tmp = c.getParent(tmp) } } for _, uncleId := range block.Side.Uncles { // Empty hash is only used in the genesis block and only for its parent // Uncles can't be empty if uncleId == types.ZeroHash { return nil, errors.New("empty uncle hash") } // Can't mine the same uncle block twice if slices.Index(minedBlocks, uncleId) != -1 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("uncle %s has already been mined", uncleId.String()) } if uncle := c.getPoolBlockByTemplateId(uncleId); uncle == nil { return errors.New("uncle does not exist"), nil } else if !uncle.Verified.Load() { // If it's invalid then this block is also invalid return errors.New("uncle is not verified"), nil } else if uncle.Invalid.Load() { // If it's invalid then this block is also invalid return nil, errors.New("uncle is invalid") } else if uncle.Side.Height >= block.Side.Height || (uncle.Side.Height+UncleBlockDepth < block.Side.Height) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("uncle at the wrong height (%d)", uncle.Side.Height) } else { // Check that uncle and parent have the same ancestor (they must be on the same chain) tmp := parent for tmp.Side.Height > uncle.Side.Height { tmp = c.getParent(tmp) if tmp == nil { return nil, errors.New("uncle from different chain (check 1)") } } if tmp.Side.Height < uncle.Side.Height { return nil, errors.New("uncle from different chain (check 2)") } if sameChain := func() bool { tmp2 := uncle for j := uint64(0); j < UncleBlockDepth && tmp != nil && tmp2 != nil && (tmp.Side.Height+UncleBlockDepth >= block.Side.Height); j++ { if tmp.Side.Parent == tmp2.Side.Parent { return true } tmp = c.getParent(tmp) tmp2 = c.getParent(tmp2) } return false }(); !sameChain { return nil, errors.New("uncle from different chain (check 3)") } expectedCumulativeDifficulty = expectedCumulativeDifficulty.Add(uncle.Side.Difficulty) } } // We can verify this block now (all previous blocks in the window are verified and valid) // It can still turn out to be invalid if !block.Side.CumulativeDifficulty.Equals(expectedCumulativeDifficulty) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("wrong cumulative difficulty, got %s, expected %s", block.Side.CumulativeDifficulty.StringNumeric(), expectedCumulativeDifficulty.StringNumeric()) } // Verify difficulty and miner rewards only for blocks in PPLNS window if block.Depth.Load() >= c.Consensus().ChainWindowSize { log.Printf("[SideChain] block at height = %d, id = %s skipped diff/reward verification", block.Side.Height, block.SideTemplateId(c.Consensus())) return } if diff := c.getDifficulty(parent); diff == types.ZeroDifficulty { return nil, errors.New("could not get difficulty") } else if diff != block.Side.Difficulty { return nil, fmt.Errorf("wrong difficulty, got %s, expected %s", block.Side.Difficulty.StringNumeric(), diff.StringNumeric()) } if c.sharesCache, _ = c.getShares(block, c.sharesCache); len(c.sharesCache) == 0 { return nil, errors.New("could not get outputs") } else if len(c.sharesCache) != len(block.Main.Coinbase.Outputs) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid number of outputs, got %d, expected %d", len(block.Main.Coinbase.Outputs), len(c.sharesCache)) } else if totalReward := func() (result uint64) { for _, o := range block.Main.Coinbase.Outputs { result += o.Reward } return }(); totalReward != block.Main.Coinbase.TotalReward { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid total reward, got %d, expected %d", block.Main.Coinbase.TotalReward, totalReward) } else if rewards := c.SplitReward(totalReward, c.sharesCache); len(rewards) != len(block.Main.Coinbase.Outputs) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid number of outputs, got %d, expected %d", len(block.Main.Coinbase.Outputs), len(rewards)) } else { //prevent multiple allocations txPrivateKeySlice := block.Side.CoinbasePrivateKey.AsSlice() txPrivateKeyScalar := block.Side.CoinbasePrivateKey.AsScalar() results := utils.SplitWork(-2, uint64(len(rewards)), func(workIndex uint64, workerIndex int) error { out := block.Main.Coinbase.Outputs[workIndex] if rewards[workIndex] != out.Reward { return fmt.Errorf("has invalid reward at index %d, got %d, expected %d", workIndex, out.Reward, rewards[workIndex]) } if ephPublicKey, viewTag := c.derivationCache.GetEphemeralPublicKey(&c.sharesCache[workIndex].Address, txPrivateKeySlice, txPrivateKeyScalar, workIndex); ephPublicKey != out.EphemeralPublicKey { return fmt.Errorf("has incorrect eph_public_key at index %d, got %s, expected %s", workIndex, out.EphemeralPublicKey.String(), ephPublicKey.String()) } else if out.Type == transaction.TxOutToTaggedKey && viewTag != out.ViewTag { return fmt.Errorf("has incorrect view tag at index %d, got %d, expected %d", workIndex, out.ViewTag, viewTag) } return nil }) for i := range results { if results[i] != nil { return nil, results[i] } } } // All checks passed return nil, nil } else { return errors.New("parent does not exist"), nil } } func (c *SideChain) updateDepths(block *PoolBlock) { for i := uint64(1); i <= UncleBlockDepth; i++ { for _, child := range c.blocksByHeight[block.Side.Height+i] { if child.Side.Parent.Equals(block.SideTemplateId(c.Consensus())) { if i != 1 { //TODO: error } else { block.Depth.Store(utils.Max(block.Depth.Load(), child.Depth.Load()+1)) } } if ix := slices.Index(child.Side.Uncles, block.SideTemplateId(c.Consensus())); ix != 1 { block.Depth.Store(utils.Max(block.Depth.Load(), child.Depth.Load()+1)) } } } blocksToUpdate := make([]*PoolBlock, 1, 8) blocksToUpdate[0] = block for len(blocksToUpdate) != 0 { block = blocksToUpdate[len(blocksToUpdate)-1] blocksToUpdate = blocksToUpdate[:len(blocksToUpdate)-1] blockDepth := block.Depth.Load() // Verify this block and possibly other blocks on top of it when we're sure it will get verified if !block.Verified.Load() && (blockDepth >= c.Consensus().ChainWindowSize*2 || block.Side.Height == 0) { c.verifyLoop(block) } if parent := c.getParent(block); parent != nil { if parent.Side.Height+1 != block.Side.Height { //TODO error } if parent.Depth.Load() < blockDepth+1 { parent.Depth.Store(blockDepth + 1) blocksToUpdate = append(blocksToUpdate, parent) } } for _, uncleId := range block.Side.Uncles { if uncle := c.getPoolBlockByTemplateId(uncleId); uncle != nil { if uncle.Side.Height >= block.Side.Height || (uncle.Side.Height+UncleBlockDepth < block.Side.Height) { //TODO: error } d := block.Side.Height - uncle.Side.Height if uncle.Depth.Load() < blockDepth+d { uncle.Depth.Store(blockDepth + d) blocksToUpdate = append(blocksToUpdate, uncle) } } } } } func (c *SideChain) updateChainTip(block *PoolBlock) { if !block.Verified.Load() || block.Invalid.Load() { //todo err return } if block.Depth.Load() >= c.Consensus().ChainWindowSize { //TODO err return } tip := c.GetChainTip() if block == tip { log.Printf("[SideChain] Trying to update chain tip to the same block again. Ignoring it.") return } if isLongerChain, isAlternative := c.isLongerChain(tip, block); isLongerChain { if diff := c.getDifficulty(block); diff != types.ZeroDifficulty { c.chainTip.Store(block) c.currentDifficulty.Store(&diff) //TODO log block.WantBroadcast.Store(true) if isAlternative { c.derivationCache.Clear() log.Printf("[SideChain] SYNCHRONIZED to tip %s", block.SideTemplateId(c.Consensus())) } c.pruneOldBlocks() } } else if block.Side.Height > tip.Side.Height { log.Printf("[SideChain] block %s, height = %d, is not a longer chain than %s, height = %d", block.SideTemplateId(c.Consensus()), block.Side.Height, tip.SideTemplateId(c.Consensus()), tip.Side.Height) } else if block.Side.Height+UncleBlockDepth > tip.Side.Height { log.Printf("[SideChain] possible uncle block: id = %s, height = %d", block.SideTemplateId(c.Consensus()), block.Side.Height) } if block.WantBroadcast.Load() && !block.Broadcasted.Swap(true) { c.server.Broadcast(block) } } func (c *SideChain) pruneOldBlocks() { // Leave 2 minutes worth of spare blocks in addition to 2xPPLNS window for lagging nodes which need to sync pruneDistance := c.Consensus().ChainWindowSize*2 + monero.BlockTime/c.Consensus().TargetBlockTime curTime := uint64(time.Now().Unix()) // Remove old blocks from alternative unconnected chains after long enough time pruneDelay := c.Consensus().ChainWindowSize * 4 * c.Consensus().TargetBlockTime tip := c.GetChainTip() if tip == nil || tip.Side.Height < pruneDistance { return } h := tip.Side.Height - pruneDistance numBlocksPruned := 0 for height, v := range c.blocksByHeight { if height > h { continue } // loop backwards for proper deletions for i := len(v) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { block := v[i] if block.Depth.Load() >= pruneDistance || (curTime >= (block.LocalTimestamp + pruneDelay)) { if _, ok := c.blocksByTemplateId[block.SideTemplateId(c.Consensus())]; ok { delete(c.blocksByTemplateId, block.SideTemplateId(c.Consensus())) numBlocksPruned++ } else { log.Printf("[SideChain] blocksByHeight and blocksByTemplateId are inconsistent at height = %d, id = %s", height, block.SideTemplateId(c.Consensus())) } v = slices.Delete(v, i, i+1) } } if len(v) == 0 { delete(c.blocksByHeight, height) } else { c.blocksByHeight[height] = v } } if numBlocksPruned > 0 { log.Printf("[SideChain] pruned %d old blocks at heights <= %d", numBlocksPruned, h) if !c.precalcFinished.Swap(true) { c.derivationCache.Clear() } } } func (c *SideChain) GetMissingBlocks() []types.Hash { c.sidechainLock.RLock() defer c.sidechainLock.RUnlock() missingBlocks := make([]types.Hash, 0) for _, b := range c.blocksByTemplateId { if b.Verified.Load() { continue } if !b.Side.Parent.Equals(types.ZeroHash) && c.getPoolBlockByTemplateId(b.Side.Parent) == nil { missingBlocks = append(missingBlocks, b.Side.Parent) } missingUncles := 0 for _, uncleId := range b.Side.Uncles { if !uncleId.Equals(types.ZeroHash) && c.getPoolBlockByTemplateId(uncleId) == nil { missingBlocks = append(missingBlocks, uncleId) missingUncles++ // Get no more than 2 first missing uncles at a time from each block // Blocks with more than 2 uncles are very rare and they will be processed in several steps if missingUncles >= 2 { break } } } } return missingBlocks } func (c *SideChain) GetTransactionOutputType(majorVersion uint8) uint8 { // Both tx types are allowed by Monero consensus during v15 because it needs to process pre-fork mempool transactions, // but P2Pool can switch to using only TXOUT_TO_TAGGED_KEY for miner payouts starting from v15 expectedTxType := uint8(transaction.TxOutToKey) if majorVersion >= monero.HardForkViewTagsVersion { expectedTxType = transaction.TxOutToTaggedKey } return expectedTxType } func (c *SideChain) getOutputs(block *PoolBlock) transaction.Outputs { //cannot use SideTemplateId() as it might not be proper to calculate yet. fetch from coinbase only here if b := c.getPoolBlockByTemplateId(types.HashFromBytes(block.CoinbaseExtra(SideTemplateId))); b != nil { return b.Main.Coinbase.Outputs } return c.calculateOutputs(block) } func (c *SideChain) calculateOutputs(block *PoolBlock) transaction.Outputs { //TODO: buffer tmpShares, _ := c.getShares(block, make(Shares, 0, c.Consensus().ChainWindowSize*2)) tmpRewards := c.SplitReward(block.Main.Coinbase.TotalReward, tmpShares) if tmpShares == nil || tmpRewards == nil || len(tmpRewards) != len(tmpShares) { return nil } n := uint64(len(tmpShares)) outputs := make(transaction.Outputs, n) txType := c.GetTransactionOutputType(block.Main.MajorVersion) txPrivateKeySlice := block.Side.CoinbasePrivateKey.AsSlice() txPrivateKeyScalar := block.Side.CoinbasePrivateKey.AsScalar() _ = utils.SplitWork(-2, n, func(workIndex uint64, workerIndex int) error { output := transaction.Output{ Index: workIndex, Type: txType, } output.Reward = tmpRewards[output.Index] output.EphemeralPublicKey, output.ViewTag = c.derivationCache.GetEphemeralPublicKey(&tmpShares[output.Index].Address, txPrivateKeySlice, txPrivateKeyScalar, output.Index) outputs[output.Index] = output return nil }) return outputs } func (c *SideChain) SplitReward(reward uint64, shares Shares) (rewards []uint64) { var totalWeight types.Difficulty for i := range shares { totalWeight = totalWeight.Add(shares[i].Weight) } if totalWeight.Equals64(0) { //TODO: err return nil } rewards = make([]uint64, len(shares)) var w types.Difficulty var rewardGiven uint64 for i := range shares { w = w.Add(shares[i].Weight) nextValue := w.Mul64(reward).Div(totalWeight) rewards[i] = nextValue.Lo - rewardGiven rewardGiven = nextValue.Lo } // Double check that we gave out the exact amount rewardGiven = 0 for _, r := range rewards { rewardGiven += r } if rewardGiven != reward { return nil } return rewards } func (c *SideChain) getShares(tip *PoolBlock, preAllocatedShares Shares) (shares Shares, bottomHeight uint64) { var blockDepth uint64 cur := tip var mainchainDiff types.Difficulty if tip.Side.Parent != types.ZeroHash { mainchainDiff = c.server.GetDifficultyByHeight(tip.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight) if mainchainDiff == types.ZeroDifficulty { log.Printf("[SideChain] get_shares: couldn't get mainchain difficulty for height = %d", tip.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight) return nil, 0 } } // Dynamic PPLNS window starting from v2 // Limit PPLNS weight to 2x of the Monero difficulty (max 2 blocks per PPLNS window on average) sidechainVersion := tip.ShareVersion() maxPplnsWeight := types.MaxDifficulty if sidechainVersion > ShareVersion_V1 { maxPplnsWeight = mainchainDiff.Mul64(2) } var pplnsWeight types.Difficulty sharesSet := make(map[address.PackedAddress]*Share, c.Consensus().ChainWindowSize*2) insertSet := func(weight types.Difficulty, a *address.PackedAddress) { if _, ok := sharesSet[*a]; ok { sharesSet[*a].Weight = sharesSet[*a].Weight.Add(weight) } else { sharesSet[*a] = &Share{ Weight: weight, Address: *a, } } } index := 0 l := len(preAllocatedShares) insertPreAllocated := func(share *Share) { if index < l { preAllocatedShares[index].Weight, preAllocatedShares[index].Address = share.Weight, share.Address } else { preAllocatedShares = append(preAllocatedShares, share) } index++ } for { curWeight := cur.Side.Difficulty for _, uncleId := range cur.Side.Uncles { if uncle := c.getPoolBlockByTemplateId(uncleId); uncle == nil { //cannot find uncles return nil, 0 } else { // Skip uncles which are already out of PPLNS window if (tip.Side.Height - uncle.Side.Height) >= c.Consensus().ChainWindowSize { continue } // Take some % of uncle's weight into this share unclePenalty := uncle.Side.Difficulty.Mul64(c.Consensus().UnclePenalty).Div64(100) uncleWeight := uncle.Side.Difficulty.Sub(unclePenalty) newPplnsWeight := pplnsWeight.Add(uncleWeight) // Skip uncles that push PPLNS weight above the limit if newPplnsWeight.Cmp(maxPplnsWeight) > 0 { continue } curWeight = curWeight.Add(unclePenalty) insertSet(uncleWeight, uncle.GetAddress()) pplnsWeight = newPplnsWeight } } // Always add non-uncle shares even if PPLNS weight goes above the limit insertSet(curWeight, cur.GetAddress()) pplnsWeight = pplnsWeight.Add(curWeight) // One non-uncle share can go above the limit, but it will also guarantee that "shares" is never empty if pplnsWeight.Cmp(maxPplnsWeight) > 0 { break } blockDepth++ if blockDepth >= c.Consensus().ChainWindowSize { break } // Reached the genesis block so we're done if cur.Side.Height == 0 { break } cur = c.getParent(cur) if cur == nil { return nil, 0 } } bottomHeight = cur.Side.Height for _, share := range sharesSet { insertPreAllocated(share) } shares = preAllocatedShares[:index] // Combine shares with the same wallet addresses slices.SortFunc(shares, func(a *Share, b *Share) bool { return a.Address.Compare(&b.Address) < 0 }) n := len(shares) //Shuffle shares if sidechainVersion > ShareVersion_V1 && n > 1 { h := crypto.PooledKeccak256(tip.Side.CoinbasePrivateKeySeed[:]) seed := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(h[:]) for i := 0; i < (n - 1); i++ { seed = utils.XorShift64Star(seed) k := int(uint128.From64(seed).Mul64(uint64(n - 1)).Hi) //swap shares[i], shares[i+k] = shares[i+k], shares[i] } } return shares, bottomHeight } type DifficultyData struct { CumulativeDifficulty types.Difficulty Timestamp uint64 } func (c *SideChain) GetDifficulty(tip *PoolBlock) types.Difficulty { c.sidechainLock.RLock() defer c.sidechainLock.RUnlock() return c.getDifficulty(tip) } func (c *SideChain) getDifficulty(tip *PoolBlock) types.Difficulty { difficultyData := make([]DifficultyData, 0, c.Consensus().ChainWindowSize*2) cur := tip var blockDepth uint64 var oldestTimestamp uint64 = math.MaxUint64 for { oldestTimestamp = utils.Min(oldestTimestamp, cur.Main.Timestamp) difficultyData = append(difficultyData, DifficultyData{CumulativeDifficulty: cur.Side.CumulativeDifficulty, Timestamp: cur.Main.Timestamp}) for _, uncleId := range cur.Side.Uncles { if uncle := c.getPoolBlockByTemplateId(uncleId); uncle == nil { //cannot find uncles return types.ZeroDifficulty } else { // Skip uncles which are already out of PPLNS window if (tip.Side.Height - uncle.Side.Height) >= c.Consensus().ChainWindowSize { continue } oldestTimestamp = utils.Min(oldestTimestamp, uncle.Main.Timestamp) difficultyData = append(difficultyData, DifficultyData{CumulativeDifficulty: uncle.Side.CumulativeDifficulty, Timestamp: uncle.Main.Timestamp}) } } blockDepth++ if blockDepth >= c.Consensus().ChainWindowSize { break } // Reached the genesis block so we're done if cur.Side.Height == 0 { break } cur = c.getParent(cur) if cur == nil { return types.ZeroDifficulty } } // Discard 10% oldest and 10% newest (by timestamp) blocks tmpTimestamps := make([]uint32, 0, len(difficultyData)) for i := range difficultyData { tmpTimestamps = append(tmpTimestamps, uint32(difficultyData[i].Timestamp-oldestTimestamp)) } cutSize := (len(difficultyData) + 9) / 10 index1 := cutSize - 1 index2 := len(difficultyData) - cutSize //TODO: replace this with introspective selection, use order for now slices.Sort(tmpTimestamps) timestamp1 := oldestTimestamp + uint64(tmpTimestamps[index1]) timestamp2 := oldestTimestamp + uint64(tmpTimestamps[index2]) deltaT := uint64(1) if timestamp2 > timestamp1 { deltaT = timestamp2 - timestamp1 } var diff1 = types.Difficulty{Hi: math.MaxUint64, Lo: math.MaxUint64} var diff2 types.Difficulty for i := range difficultyData { d := &difficultyData[i] if timestamp1 <= d.Timestamp && d.Timestamp <= timestamp2 { if d.CumulativeDifficulty.Cmp(diff1) < 0 { diff1 = d.CumulativeDifficulty } if diff2.Cmp(d.CumulativeDifficulty) < 0 { diff2 = d.CumulativeDifficulty } } } deltaDiff := diff2.Sub(diff1) curDifficulty := deltaDiff.Mul64(c.Consensus().TargetBlockTime).Div64(deltaT) if curDifficulty.Cmp64(c.Consensus().MinimumDifficulty) < 0 { curDifficulty = types.DifficultyFrom64(c.Consensus().MinimumDifficulty) } return curDifficulty } func (c *SideChain) GetParent(block *PoolBlock) *PoolBlock { c.sidechainLock.RLock() defer c.sidechainLock.RUnlock() return c.getParent(block) } func (c *SideChain) getParent(block *PoolBlock) *PoolBlock { return c.getPoolBlockByTemplateId(block.Side.Parent) } func (c *SideChain) GetPoolBlockByTemplateId(id types.Hash) *PoolBlock { c.sidechainLock.RLock() defer c.sidechainLock.RUnlock() return c.getPoolBlockByTemplateId(id) } func (c *SideChain) getPoolBlockByTemplateId(id types.Hash) *PoolBlock { return c.blocksByTemplateId[id] } func (c *SideChain) GetPoolBlocksByHeight(height uint64) []*PoolBlock { c.sidechainLock.RLock() defer c.sidechainLock.RUnlock() return slices.Clone(c.getPoolBlocksByHeight(height)) } func (c *SideChain) getPoolBlocksByHeight(height uint64) []*PoolBlock { return c.blocksByHeight[height] } func (c *SideChain) GetPoolBlockCount() int { c.sidechainLock.RLock() defer c.sidechainLock.RUnlock() return len(c.blocksByTemplateId) } func (c *SideChain) WatchMainChainBlock(mainData *ChainMain, possibleId types.Hash) { c.sidechainLock.Lock() defer c.sidechainLock.Unlock() c.watchBlock = mainData c.watchBlockSidechainId = possibleId } func (c *SideChain) GetChainTip() *PoolBlock { return c.chainTip.Load() } func (c *SideChain) IsLongerChain(block, candidate *PoolBlock) (isLonger, isAlternative bool) { c.sidechainLock.RLock() defer c.sidechainLock.RUnlock() return c.isLongerChain(block, candidate) } func (c *SideChain) isLongerChain(block, candidate *PoolBlock) (isLonger, isAlternative bool) { if candidate == nil || !candidate.Verified.Load() || candidate.Invalid.Load() { return false, false } // Switching from an empty to a non-empty chain if block == nil { return true, true } // If these two blocks are on the same chain, they must have a common ancestor blockAncestor := block for blockAncestor != nil && blockAncestor.Side.Height > candidate.Side.Height { blockAncestor = c.getParent(blockAncestor) //TODO: err on blockAncestor nil } if blockAncestor != nil { candidateAncestor := candidate for candidateAncestor != nil && candidateAncestor.Side.Height > blockAncestor.Side.Height { candidateAncestor = c.getParent(candidateAncestor) //TODO: err on candidateAncestor nil } for blockAncestor != nil && candidateAncestor != nil { if blockAncestor.Side.Parent.Equals(candidateAncestor.Side.Parent) { return block.Side.CumulativeDifficulty.Cmp(candidate.Side.CumulativeDifficulty) < 0, false } blockAncestor = c.getParent(blockAncestor) candidateAncestor = c.getParent(candidateAncestor) } } // They're on totally different chains. Compare total difficulties over the last m_chainWindowSize blocks var blockTotalDiff, candidateTotalDiff types.Difficulty oldChain := block newChain := candidate var candidateMainchainHeight, candidateMainchainMinHeight uint64 var mainchainPrevId types.Hash for i := uint64(0); i < c.Consensus().ChainWindowSize && (oldChain != nil || newChain != nil); i++ { if oldChain != nil { blockTotalDiff = blockTotalDiff.Add(oldChain.Side.Difficulty) oldChain = c.getParent(oldChain) } if newChain != nil { if candidateMainchainMinHeight != 0 { candidateMainchainMinHeight = utils.Min(candidateMainchainMinHeight, newChain.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight) } else { candidateMainchainMinHeight = newChain.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight } candidateTotalDiff = candidateTotalDiff.Add(newChain.Side.Difficulty) if !newChain.Main.PreviousId.Equals(mainchainPrevId) { if data := c.server.GetMinimalBlockHeaderByHash(newChain.Main.PreviousId); data != nil { mainchainPrevId = data.Id candidateMainchainHeight = utils.Max(candidateMainchainHeight, data.Height) } } newChain = c.getParent(newChain) } } if blockTotalDiff.Cmp(candidateTotalDiff) >= 0 { return false, true } // Final check: candidate chain must be built on top of recent mainchain blocks if headerTip := c.server.GetChainMainTip(); headerTip != nil { if candidateMainchainHeight+10 < headerTip.Height { //TODO: warn received a longer alternative chain but it's stale: height return false, true } limit := c.Consensus().ChainWindowSize * 4 * c.Consensus().TargetBlockTime / monero.BlockTime if candidateMainchainMinHeight+limit < headerTip.Height { //TODO: warn received a longer alternative chain but it's stale: min height return false, true } return true, true } else { return false, true } }