package sidechain import ( "compress/gzip" "" "" "" "io" "os" "path" "runtime" "slices" "testing" ) func init() { utils.GlobalLogLevel = 0 _, filename, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0) // The ".." may change depending on you folder structure dir := path.Join(path.Dir(filename), "../..") err := os.Chdir(dir) if err != nil { panic(err) } _ = ConsensusDefault.InitHasher(2) _ = ConsensusMini.InitHasher(2) client.SetDefaultClientSettings(os.Getenv("MONEROD_RPC_URL")) } func testSideChain(s *SideChain, t *testing.T, reader io.Reader, sideHeight, mainHeight uint64, patchedBlocks ...[]byte) { if err := LoadSideChainTestData(s, reader, patchedBlocks...); err != nil { if t == nil { panic(err) } t.Fatal(err) } if t == nil { return } tip := s.GetChainTip() if tip == nil { t.Fatal() } if !tip.Verified.Load() { t.Fatal() } if tip.Invalid.Load() { t.Fatal() } if tip.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight != mainHeight { t.Fatal() } if tip.Side.Height != sideHeight { t.Fatal() } hits, misses := s.DerivationCache().ephemeralPublicKeyCache.Stats() total := max(1, hits+misses) t.Logf("Ephemeral Public Key Cache hits = %d (%.02f%%), misses = %d (%.02f%%), total = %d", hits, (float64(hits)/float64(total))*100, misses, (float64(misses)/float64(total))*100, total) hits, misses = s.DerivationCache().deterministicKeyCache.Stats() total = max(1, hits+misses) t.Logf("Deterministic Key Cache hits = %d (%.02f%%), misses = %d (%.02f%%), total = %d", hits, (float64(hits)/float64(total))*100, misses, (float64(misses)/float64(total))*100, total) hits, misses = s.DerivationCache().derivationCache.Stats() total = max(1, hits+misses) t.Logf("Derivation Cache hits = %d (%.02f%%), misses = %d (%.02f%%), total = %d", hits, (float64(hits)/float64(total))*100, misses, (float64(misses)/float64(total))*100, total) hits, misses = s.DerivationCache().pubKeyToTableCache.Stats() total = max(1, hits+misses) t.Logf("PubKeyToTable Key Cache hits = %d (%.02f%%), misses = %d (%.02f%%), total = %d", hits, (float64(hits)/float64(total))*100, misses, (float64(misses)/float64(total))*100, total) hits, misses = s.DerivationCache().pubKeyToPointCache.Stats() total = max(1, hits+misses) t.Logf("PubKeyToPoint Key Cache hits = %d (%.02f%%), misses = %d (%.02f%%), total = %d", hits, (float64(hits)/float64(total))*100, misses, (float64(misses)/float64(total))*100, total) } func TestSideChainDefault(t *testing.T) { s := NewSideChain(GetFakeTestServer(ConsensusDefault)) f, err := os.Open("testdata/sidechain_dump.dat.gz") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer f.Close() r, err := gzip.NewReader(f) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer r.Close() testSideChain(s, t, r, 4957203, 2870010) } func TestSideChainDefaultPreFork(t *testing.T) { s := NewSideChain(GetFakeTestServer(ConsensusDefault)) f, err := os.Open("testdata/old_sidechain_dump.dat") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer f.Close() testSideChain(s, t, f, 522805, 2483901) } func TestSideChainMini(t *testing.T) { s := NewSideChain(GetFakeTestServer(ConsensusMini)) f, err := os.Open("testdata/sidechain_dump_mini.dat.gz") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer f.Close() r, err := gzip.NewReader(f) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer r.Close() testSideChain(s, t, r, 4414446, 2870010) } func TestSideChainMiniPreFork(t *testing.T) { s := NewSideChain(GetFakeTestServer(ConsensusMini)) f, err := os.Open("testdata/old_sidechain_dump_mini.dat") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer f.Close() //patch in missing blocks that are needed to newer reach sync range block2420028, err := os.ReadFile("testdata/old_sidechain_dump_mini_2420028.dat") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } block2420027, err := os.ReadFile("testdata/old_sidechain_dump_mini_2420027.dat") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } testSideChain(s, t, f, 2424349, 2696040, block2420028, block2420027) } func benchmarkResetState(tip, parent *PoolBlock, templateId, merkleRoot types.Hash, fullId FullId, difficulty types.Difficulty, blocksByHeightKeys []uint64, s *SideChain) { //Remove states in maps s.blocksByHeight.Delete(tip.Side.Height) s.blocksByHeightKeys = blocksByHeightKeys s.blocksByHeightKeysSorted = true s.blocksByTemplateId.Delete(templateId) s.blocksByMerkleRoot.Delete(merkleRoot) s.seenBlocks.Delete(fullId) // Update tip and depths tip.Depth.Store(0) parent.Depth.Store(0) s.chainTip.Store(parent) s.syncTip.Store(parent) s.currentDifficulty.Store(&difficulty) s.updateDepths(parent) // Update verification state tip.Verified.Store(false) tip.Invalid.Store(false) tip.iterationCache = nil // Update cache tip.cache.templateId.Store(nil) } func benchSideChain(b *testing.B, s *SideChain, tipHash types.Hash) { b.StopTimer() tip := s.GetChainTip() for tip.SideTemplateId(s.Consensus()) != tipHash { s.blocksByHeight.Delete(tip.Side.Height) s.blocksByHeightKeys = slices.DeleteFunc(s.blocksByHeightKeys, func(u uint64) bool { return u == tip.Side.Height }) s.blocksByTemplateId.Delete(tip.SideTemplateId(s.Consensus())) s.blocksByMerkleRoot.Delete(tip.MergeMiningTag().RootHash) s.seenBlocks.Delete(tip.FullId(s.Consensus())) tip = s.GetParent(tip) if tip == nil { b.Error("nil tip") return } } templateId := tip.SideTemplateId(s.Consensus()) merkleRoot := tip.MergeMiningTag().RootHash fullId := tip.FullId(s.Consensus()) parent := s.GetParent(tip) difficulty, _, _ := s.GetDifficulty(parent) slices.Sort(s.blocksByHeightKeys) blocksByHeightKeys := slices.DeleteFunc(s.blocksByHeightKeys, func(u uint64) bool { return u == tip.Side.Height }) benchmarkResetState(tip, parent, templateId, merkleRoot, fullId, difficulty, slices.Clone(blocksByHeightKeys), s) var err error b.StartTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { b.StopTimer() benchmarkResetState(tip, parent, templateId, merkleRoot, fullId, difficulty, slices.Clone(blocksByHeightKeys), s) b.StartTimer() _, err, _ = s.AddPoolBlockExternal(tip) if err != nil { b.Error(err) return } } } var benchLoadedSideChain *SideChain func TestMain(m *testing.M) { var isBenchmark bool for _, arg := range os.Args { if arg == "-test.bench" { isBenchmark = true } } if isBenchmark { benchLoadedSideChain = NewSideChain(GetFakeTestServer(ConsensusDefault)) f, err := os.Open("testdata/sidechain_dump.dat") if err != nil { panic(err) } defer f.Close() testSideChain(benchLoadedSideChain, nil, f, 4957203, 2870010) tip := benchLoadedSideChain.GetChainTip() // Pre-calculate PoW for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { _, err = tip.PowHashWithError(benchLoadedSideChain.Consensus().GetHasher(), benchLoadedSideChain.getSeedByHeightFunc()) if err != nil { panic(err) } tip = benchLoadedSideChain.GetParent(tip) } } os.Exit(m.Run()) } func BenchmarkSideChainDefault_AddPoolBlockExternal(b *testing.B) { b.ReportAllocs() benchSideChain(b, benchLoadedSideChain, types.MustHashFromString("61ecfc1c7738eacd8b815d2e28f124b31962996ae3af4121621b5c5501f19c5d")) } func BenchmarkSideChainDefault_GetDifficulty(b *testing.B) { b.ReportAllocs() tip := benchLoadedSideChain.GetChainTip() b.ResetTimer() var verifyError, invalidError error for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { _, verifyError, invalidError = benchLoadedSideChain.getDifficulty(tip) if verifyError != nil { b.Error(verifyError) return } if invalidError != nil { b.Error(invalidError) return } } } func BenchmarkSideChainDefault_CalculateOutputs(b *testing.B) { b.ReportAllocs() tip := benchLoadedSideChain.GetChainTip() b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { outputs, _ := CalculateOutputs(tip, benchLoadedSideChain.Consensus(), benchLoadedSideChain.server.GetDifficultyByHeight, benchLoadedSideChain.getPoolBlockByTemplateId, benchLoadedSideChain.derivationCache, benchLoadedSideChain.preAllocatedShares, benchLoadedSideChain.preAllocatedRewards) if outputs == nil { b.Error("nil outputs") return } } } func BenchmarkSideChainDefault_GetShares(b *testing.B) { b.ReportAllocs() tip := benchLoadedSideChain.GetChainTip() b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { shares, _ := benchLoadedSideChain.getShares(tip, benchLoadedSideChain.preAllocatedShares) if shares == nil { b.Error("nil shares") return } } } func BenchmarkSideChainDefault_SplitReward(b *testing.B) { b.ReportAllocs() tip := benchLoadedSideChain.GetChainTip() shares, _ := benchLoadedSideChain.getShares(tip, benchLoadedSideChain.preAllocatedShares) preAllocatedRewards := make([]uint64, 0, len(shares)) b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { rewards := SplitReward(preAllocatedRewards, tip.Main.Coinbase.AuxiliaryData.TotalReward, shares) if rewards == nil { b.Error("nil rewards") return } } } func BenchmarkSideChainDefault_BlocksInPPLNSWindow(b *testing.B) { b.ReportAllocs() tip := benchLoadedSideChain.GetChainTip() b.ResetTimer() var err error for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { _, err = BlocksInPPLNSWindow(tip, benchLoadedSideChain.Consensus(), benchLoadedSideChain.server.GetDifficultyByHeight, benchLoadedSideChain.getPoolBlockByTemplateId, func(b *PoolBlock, weight types.Difficulty) { }) if err != nil { b.Error(err) return } } }