DataHoarder 4ef60296f1
Updated to Go 1.21
* Replaced exp/slices and exp/maps with slices/maps implementation
* Replaced utils.Min/Max with min/max
* Introduced GOEXPERIMENT=loopvar on build steps
* Updated tests/docker-compose to go1.21-rc-alpine
* Updated nginx to 1.25
* Preallocate mined blocks on Sidechain
* Update edwards25519 version
2023-07-20 07:40:18 +02:00

1170 lines
36 KiB

package main
import (
cmdutils ""
address2 ""
types2 ""
_ "net/http/pprof"
func toUint64(t any) uint64 {
if x, ok := t.(uint64); ok {
return x
} else if x, ok := t.(int64); ok {
return uint64(x)
} else if x, ok := t.(uint); ok {
return uint64(x)
} else if x, ok := t.(int); ok {
return uint64(x)
} else if x, ok := t.(uint32); ok {
return uint64(x)
} else if x, ok := t.(types2.SoftwareId); ok {
return uint64(x)
} else if x, ok := t.(types2.SoftwareVersion); ok {
return uint64(x)
} else if x, ok := t.(int32); ok {
return uint64(x)
} else if x, ok := t.(float64); ok {
return uint64(x)
} else if x, ok := t.(float32); ok {
return uint64(x)
} else if x, ok := t.(string); ok {
if n, err := strconv.ParseUint(x, 10, 0); err == nil {
return n
return 0
func toString(t any) string {
if s, ok := t.(string); ok {
return s
} else if h, ok := t.(types.Hash); ok {
return h.String()
return ""
func toInt64(t any) int64 {
if x, ok := t.(uint64); ok {
return int64(x)
} else if x, ok := t.(int64); ok {
return x
} else if x, ok := t.(uint); ok {
return int64(x)
} else if x, ok := t.(uint32); ok {
return int64(x)
} else if x, ok := t.(int32); ok {
return int64(x)
} else if x, ok := t.(int); ok {
return int64(x)
} else if x, ok := t.(float64); ok {
return int64(x)
} else if x, ok := t.(float32); ok {
return int64(x)
} else if x, ok := t.(string); ok {
if n, err := strconv.ParseInt(x, 10, 0); err == nil {
return n
return 0
func toFloat64(t any) float64 {
if x, ok := t.(float64); ok {
return x
} else if x, ok := t.(float32); ok {
return float64(x)
} else if x, ok := t.(uint64); ok {
return float64(x)
} else if x, ok := t.(int64); ok {
return float64(x)
} else if x, ok := t.(uint); ok {
return float64(x)
} else if x, ok := t.(int); ok {
return float64(x)
} else if x, ok := t.(string); ok {
if n, err := strconv.ParseFloat(x, 0); err == nil {
return n
return 0
//go:generate go run -dir=views
func main() {
var responseBufferPool sync.Pool
responseBufferPool.New = func() any {
return make([]byte, 0, 1024*1024) //1 MiB allocations
log.SetFlags(log.Ldate | log.Ltime | log.Lmicroseconds)
//monerod related
moneroHost := flag.String("host", "", "IP address of your Monero node")
moneroRpcPort := flag.Uint("rpc-port", 18081, "monerod RPC API port number")
debugListen := flag.String("debug-listen", "", "Provide a bind address and port to expose a pprof HTTP API on it.")
client.SetDefaultClientSettings(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d", *moneroHost, *moneroRpcPort))
var ircLinkTitle, ircLink, webchatLink, matrixLink string
ircUrl, err := url.Parse(os.Getenv("SITE_IRC_URL"))
if err == nil && ircUrl.Host != "" {
ircLink = ircUrl.String()
humanHost := ircUrl.Host
splitChan := strings.Split(ircUrl.Fragment, "/")
switch strings.Split(humanHost, ":")[0] {
case "":
if len(splitChan) > 1 {
matrixLink = fmt.Sprintf("", splitChan[0], splitChan[1])
webchatLink = fmt.Sprintf("", splitChan[0])
} else {
humanHost = ""
matrixLink = fmt.Sprintf("", ircUrl.Fragment, humanHost)
webchatLink = fmt.Sprintf("", ircUrl.Fragment)
case "":
if len(splitChan) > 1 {
matrixLink = fmt.Sprintf("", splitChan[0], splitChan[1])
} else {
humanHost = ""
matrixLink = fmt.Sprintf("", ircUrl.Fragment, humanHost)
ircLinkTitle = fmt.Sprintf("#%s@%s", splitChan[0], humanHost)
var basePoolInfo *cmdutils.PoolInfoResult
for {
t := getTypeFromAPI[cmdutils.PoolInfoResult]("pool_info")
if t == nil {
if t.SideChain.Id != types.ZeroHash {
basePoolInfo = t
consensusData, _ := utils.MarshalJSON(basePoolInfo.SideChain.Consensus)
consensus, err := sidechain.NewConsensusFromJSON(consensusData)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Consensus id = %s", consensus.Id)
var lastPoolInfo atomic.Pointer[cmdutils.PoolInfoResult]
baseContext := views.GlobalRequestContext{
DonationAddress: types.DonationAddress,
SiteTitle: os.Getenv("SITE_TITLE"),
//TODO change to args
NetServiceAddress: os.Getenv("NET_SERVICE_ADDRESS"),
TorServiceAddress: os.Getenv("TOR_SERVICE_ADDRESS"),
Consensus: consensus,
Pool: nil,
baseContext.Socials.Irc.Link = ircLink
baseContext.Socials.Irc.Title = ircLinkTitle
baseContext.Socials.Irc.WebChat = webchatLink
baseContext.Socials.Matrix.Link = matrixLink
renderPage := func(request *http.Request, writer http.ResponseWriter, page views.ContextSetterPage, pool ...*cmdutils.PoolInfoResult) {
w := bytes.NewBuffer(responseBufferPool.Get().([]byte))
defer func() {
defer responseBufferPool.Put(w.Bytes()[:0])
_, _ = writer.Write(w.Bytes())
ctx := baseContext
ctx.IsOnion = request.Host == ctx.TorServiceAddress
if len(pool) == 0 || pool[0] == nil {
ctx.Pool = lastPoolInfo.Load()
} else {
ctx.Pool = pool[0]
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
defer func() {
// error page error'd
if err := recover(); err != nil {
w = bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
writer.Header().Set("content-type", "text/plain")
_, _ = w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s", err)))
w = bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
errorPage := views.NewErrorPage(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Internal Server Error", err)
views.WritePageTemplate(w, errorPage)
bufferedWriter := quicktemplate.AcquireWriter(w)
defer quicktemplate.ReleaseWriter(bufferedWriter)
views.StreamPageTemplate(bufferedWriter, page)
serveMux := mux.NewRouter()
serveMux.HandleFunc("/", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
params := request.URL.Query()
refresh := 0
if params.Has("refresh") {
writer.Header().Set("refresh", "120")
refresh = 100
poolInfo := getTypeFromAPI[cmdutils.PoolInfoResult]("pool_info", 5)
secondsPerBlock := float64(poolInfo.MainChain.Difficulty.Lo) / float64(poolInfo.SideChain.Difficulty.Div64(consensus.TargetBlockTime).Lo)
blocksToFetch := uint64(math.Ceil((((time.Hour*24).Seconds()/secondsPerBlock)*2)/100) * 100)
blocks := getSliceFromAPI[*index.FoundBlock](fmt.Sprintf("found_blocks?limit=%d", blocksToFetch), 5)
shares := getSideBlocksFromAPI("side_blocks?limit=50", 5)
blocksFound := cmdutils.NewPositionChart(30*4, consensus.ChainWindowSize*4)
tip := int64(poolInfo.SideChain.Height)
for _, b := range blocks {
blocksFound.Add(int(tip-int64(b.SideHeight)), 1)
if len(blocks) > 20 {
blocks = blocks[:20]
renderPage(request, writer, &views.IndexPage{
Refresh: refresh,
Positions: struct {
BlocksFound *cmdutils.PositionChart
BlocksFound: blocksFound,
Shares: shares,
FoundBlocks: blocks,
}, poolInfo)
serveMux.HandleFunc("/api", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
renderPage(request, writer, &views.ApiPage{})
serveMux.HandleFunc("/calculate-share-time", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
poolInfo := getTypeFromAPI[cmdutils.PoolInfoResult]("pool_info", 5)
hashRate := float64(0)
magnitude := float64(1000)
params := request.URL.Query()
if params.Has("hashrate") {
hashRate = toFloat64(params.Get("hashrate"))
if params.Has("magnitude") {
magnitude = toFloat64(params.Get("magnitude"))
currentHashRate := magnitude * hashRate
calculatePage := &views.CalculateShareTimePage{
Hashrate: hashRate,
Magnitude: magnitude,
Efforts: nil,
EstimatedRewardPerDay: 0,
if currentHashRate > 0 {
var efforts []views.CalculateShareTimePageEffortEntry
for _, v := range []float64{25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000} {
efforts = append(efforts, views.CalculateShareTimePageEffortEntry{
Effort: v,
Probability: (1 - math.Exp(-(v / 100))) * 100,
Between: (float64(poolInfo.SideChain.Difficulty.Lo) * (v / 100)) / currentHashRate,
BetweenSolo: (float64(poolInfo.MainChain.Difficulty.Lo) * (v / 100)) / currentHashRate,
calculatePage.Efforts = efforts
longWeight := types.DifficultyFrom64(uint64(currentHashRate)).Mul64(3600 * 24)
calculatePage.EstimatedRewardPerDay = longWeight.Mul64(poolInfo.MainChain.BaseReward).Div(poolInfo.MainChain.NextDifficulty).Lo
renderPage(request, writer, calculatePage, poolInfo)
serveMux.HandleFunc("/connectivity-check", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
params := request.URL.Query()
var addressPort netip.AddrPort
var err error
if params.Has("address") {
addressPort, err = netip.ParseAddrPort(params.Get("address"))
if err != nil {
addr, err := netip.ParseAddr(params.Get("address"))
if err == nil {
addressPort = netip.AddrPortFrom(addr, consensus.DefaultPort())
if addressPort.IsValid() && !addressPort.Addr().IsUnspecified() {
checkInformation := getTypeFromAPI[types2.P2PoolConnectionCheckInformation]("consensus/connection_check/" + addressPort.String())
var rawTip *sidechain.PoolBlock
ourTip := getTypeFromAPI[index.SideBlock]("redirect/tip")
var theirTip *index.SideBlock
if checkInformation != nil {
if buf, err := utils.MarshalJSON(checkInformation.Tip); err == nil && checkInformation.Tip != nil {
b := sidechain.PoolBlock{}
if utils.UnmarshalJSON(buf, &b) == nil {
rawTip = &b
theirTip = getTypeFromAPI[index.SideBlock](fmt.Sprintf("block_by_id/%s", types.HashFromBytes(b.CoinbaseExtra(sidechain.SideTemplateId))))
renderPage(request, writer, &views.ConnectivityCheckPage{
Address: addressPort,
YourTip: theirTip,
YourTipRaw: rawTip,
OurTip: ourTip,
Check: checkInformation,
} else {
renderPage(request, writer, &views.ConnectivityCheckPage{
Address: netip.AddrPort{},
YourTip: nil,
YourTipRaw: nil,
OurTip: nil,
Check: nil,
serveMux.HandleFunc("/transaction-lookup", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
params := request.URL.Query()
var txId types.Hash
if params.Has("txid") {
txId, _ = types.HashFromString(params.Get("txid"))
if txId != types.ZeroHash {
fullResult := getTypeFromAPI[cmdutils.TransactionLookupResult](fmt.Sprintf("transaction_lookup/%s", txId.String()))
if fullResult != nil && fullResult.Id == txId {
var topMiner *index.TransactionInputQueryResultsMatch
for i, m := range fullResult.Match {
if m.Address == nil {
} else if topMiner == nil {
topMiner = &fullResult.Match[i]
} else {
if topMiner.Count <= 2 && topMiner.Count == m.Count {
//if count is not greater
topMiner = nil
var topTimestamp, bottomTimestamp uint64 = 0, math.MaxUint64
getOut := func(outputIndex uint64) *client.Output {
if i := slices.IndexFunc(fullResult.Outs, func(output client.Output) bool {
return output.GlobalOutputIndex == outputIndex
}); i != -1 {
return &fullResult.Outs[i]
return nil
for _, i := range fullResult.Inputs {
for j, o := range i.MatchedOutputs {
if o == nil {
if oi := getOut(i.Input.KeyOffsets[j]); oi != nil {
if oi.Timestamp != 0 {
if topTimestamp < oi.Timestamp {
topTimestamp = oi.Timestamp
if bottomTimestamp > oi.Timestamp {
bottomTimestamp = oi.Timestamp
if o.Timestamp != 0 {
if topTimestamp < o.Timestamp {
topTimestamp = o.Timestamp
if bottomTimestamp > o.Timestamp {
bottomTimestamp = o.Timestamp
timeScaleItems := topTimestamp - bottomTimestamp
if bottomTimestamp == math.MaxUint64 {
timeScaleItems = 1
minerCoinbaseChart := cmdutils.NewPositionChart(170, timeScaleItems)
minerSweepChart := cmdutils.NewPositionChart(170, timeScaleItems)
otherCoinbaseMinerChart := cmdutils.NewPositionChart(170, timeScaleItems)
otherSweepMinerChart := cmdutils.NewPositionChart(170, timeScaleItems)
noMinerChart := cmdutils.NewPositionChart(170, timeScaleItems)
if topMiner != nil {
var noMinerCount, minerCount, otherMinerCount uint64
for _, i := range fullResult.Inputs {
var isNoMiner, isMiner, isOtherMiner bool
for j, o := range i.MatchedOutputs {
if o == nil {
if oi := getOut(i.Input.KeyOffsets[j]); oi != nil {
if oi.Timestamp != 0 {
noMinerChart.Add(int(topTimestamp-oi.Timestamp), 1)
isNoMiner = true
} else if topMiner.Address.Compare(o.Address) == 0 {
isMiner = true
if o.Timestamp != 0 {
if o.Coinbase != nil {
minerCoinbaseChart.Add(int(topTimestamp-o.Timestamp), 1)
} else if o.Sweep != nil {
minerSweepChart.Add(int(topTimestamp-o.Timestamp), 1)
} else {
isOtherMiner = true
if o.Timestamp != 0 {
if o.Coinbase != nil {
otherCoinbaseMinerChart.Add(int(topTimestamp-o.Timestamp), 1)
} else if o.Sweep != nil {
otherSweepMinerChart.Add(int(topTimestamp-o.Timestamp), 1)
if isMiner {
} else if isOtherMiner {
} else if isNoMiner {
minerRatio := float64(minerCount) / float64(len(fullResult.Inputs))
noMinerRatio := float64(noMinerCount) / float64(len(fullResult.Inputs))
otherMinerRatio := float64(otherMinerCount) / float64(len(fullResult.Inputs))
var likelyMiner bool
if (len(fullResult.Inputs) > 8 && minerRatio >= noMinerRatio && minerRatio > otherMinerRatio) || (len(fullResult.Inputs) > 8 && minerRatio > 0.35 && minerRatio > otherMinerRatio) || (len(fullResult.Inputs) >= 4 && minerRatio > 0.75) {
likelyMiner = true
renderPage(request, writer, &views.TransactionLookupPage{
TransactionId: txId,
Result: fullResult,
Miner: topMiner,
LikelyMiner: likelyMiner,
MinerCount: minerCount,
NoMinerCount: noMinerCount,
OtherMinerCount: otherMinerCount,
MinerRatio: minerRatio * 100,
NoMinerRatio: noMinerRatio * 100,
OtherMinerRatio: otherMinerRatio * 100,
TopTimestamp: topTimestamp,
BottomTimestamp: bottomTimestamp,
Positions: struct {
MinerCoinbase *cmdutils.PositionChart
OtherMinerCoinbase *cmdutils.PositionChart
MinerSweep *cmdutils.PositionChart
OtherMinerSweep *cmdutils.PositionChart
NoMiner *cmdutils.PositionChart
MinerCoinbase: minerCoinbaseChart,
OtherMinerCoinbase: otherCoinbaseMinerChart,
MinerSweep: minerSweepChart,
OtherMinerSweep: otherSweepMinerChart,
NoMiner: noMinerChart,
renderPage(request, writer, &views.TransactionLookupPage{
TransactionId: txId,
serveMux.HandleFunc("/sweeps", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
params := request.URL.Query()
refresh := 0
if params.Has("refresh") {
writer.Header().Set("refresh", "600")
refresh = 600
var miner *cmdutils.MinerInfoResult
if params.Has("miner") {
miner = getTypeFromAPI[cmdutils.MinerInfoResult](fmt.Sprintf("miner_info/%s?noShares", params.Get("miner")))
if miner == nil || miner.Address == nil {
renderPage(request, writer, views.NewErrorPage(http.StatusNotFound, "Address Not Found", "You need to have mined at least one share in the past. Come back later :)"))
poolInfo := getTypeFromAPI[cmdutils.PoolInfoResult]("pool_info", 5)
if miner != nil {
renderPage(request, writer, &views.SweepsPage{
Refresh: refresh,
Sweeps: getSliceFromAPI[*index.MainLikelySweepTransaction](fmt.Sprintf("sweeps/%d?limit=100", miner.Id)),
Miner: miner.Address,
}, poolInfo)
} else {
renderPage(request, writer, &views.SweepsPage{
Refresh: refresh,
Sweeps: getSliceFromAPI[*index.MainLikelySweepTransaction]("sweeps?limit=100", 30),
Miner: nil,
}, poolInfo)
serveMux.HandleFunc("/blocks", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
params := request.URL.Query()
refresh := 0
if params.Has("refresh") {
writer.Header().Set("refresh", "600")
refresh = 600
var miner *cmdutils.MinerInfoResult
if params.Has("miner") {
miner = getTypeFromAPI[cmdutils.MinerInfoResult](fmt.Sprintf("miner_info/%s?noShares", params.Get("miner")))
if miner == nil || miner.Address == nil {
renderPage(request, writer, views.NewErrorPage(http.StatusNotFound, "Address Not Found", "You need to have mined at least one share in the past. Come back later :)"))
poolInfo := getTypeFromAPI[cmdutils.PoolInfoResult]("pool_info", 5)
if miner != nil {
renderPage(request, writer, &views.BlocksPage{
Refresh: refresh,
FoundBlocks: getSliceFromAPI[*index.FoundBlock](fmt.Sprintf("found_blocks?&limit=100&miner=%d", miner.Id)),
Miner: miner.Address,
}, poolInfo)
} else {
renderPage(request, writer, &views.BlocksPage{
Refresh: refresh,
FoundBlocks: getSliceFromAPI[*index.FoundBlock]("found_blocks?limit=100", 30),
Miner: nil,
}, poolInfo)
serveMux.HandleFunc("/miners", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
params := request.URL.Query()
if params.Has("refresh") {
writer.Header().Set("refresh", "600")
poolInfo := getTypeFromAPI[cmdutils.PoolInfoResult]("pool_info", 5)
currentWindowSize := uint64(poolInfo.SideChain.WindowSize)
windowSize := currentWindowSize
if poolInfo.SideChain.Height <= windowSize {
windowSize = consensus.ChainWindowSize
size := uint64(30)
cacheTime := 30
if params.Has("weekly") {
windowSize = consensus.ChainWindowSize * 4 * 7
size *= 2
if params.Has("refresh") {
writer.Header().Set("refresh", "3600")
cacheTime = 60
shares := getSideBlocksFromAPI(fmt.Sprintf("side_blocks_in_window?window=%d&noMainStatus&noUncles", windowSize), cacheTime)
miners := make(map[uint64]*views.MinersPageMinerEntry)
tipHeight := poolInfo.SideChain.Height
wend := tipHeight - windowSize
tip := shares[0]
createMiner := func(miner uint64, share *index.SideBlock) {
if _, ok := miners[miner]; !ok {
miners[miner] = &views.MinersPageMinerEntry{
Address: share.MinerAddress,
Alias: share.MinerAlias,
SoftwareId: share.SoftwareId,
SoftwareVersion: share.SoftwareVersion,
Shares: cmdutils.NewPositionChart(size, windowSize),
Uncles: cmdutils.NewPositionChart(size, windowSize),
var totalWeight types.Difficulty
var uncleShareIndex int
for i, share := range shares {
miner := share.Miner
if share.IsUncle() {
if share.SideHeight <= wend {
createMiner(share.Miner, share)
miners[miner].Uncles.Add(int(int64(tip.SideHeight)-int64(share.SideHeight)), 1)
unclePenalty := types.DifficultyFrom64(share.Difficulty).Mul64(consensus.UnclePenalty).Div64(100)
uncleWeight := share.Difficulty - unclePenalty.Lo
if shares[uncleShareIndex].TemplateId == share.UncleOf {
parent := shares[uncleShareIndex]
createMiner(parent.Miner, parent)
miners[parent.Miner].Weight = miners[parent.Miner].Weight.Add64(unclePenalty.Lo)
miners[miner].Weight = miners[miner].Weight.Add64(uncleWeight)
totalWeight = totalWeight.Add64(share.Difficulty)
} else {
uncleShareIndex = i
createMiner(share.Miner, share)
miners[miner].Shares.Add(int(int64(tip.SideHeight)-int64(share.SideHeight)), 1)
miners[miner].Weight = miners[miner].Weight.Add64(share.Difficulty)
totalWeight = totalWeight.Add64(share.Difficulty)
minerKeys := maps.Keys(miners)
slices.SortFunc(minerKeys, func(a uint64, b uint64) int {
return miners[a].Weight.Cmp(miners[b].Weight) * -1
sortedMiners := make([]*views.MinersPageMinerEntry, len(minerKeys))
for i, k := range minerKeys {
sortedMiners[i] = miners[k]
renderPage(request, writer, &views.MinersPage{
Refresh: 0,
Weekly: params.Has("weekly"),
Miners: sortedMiners,
WindowWeight: totalWeight,
}, poolInfo)
serveMux.HandleFunc("/share/{block:[0-9a-f]+|[0-9]+}", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
identifier := mux.Vars(request)["block"]
params := request.URL.Query()
var block *index.SideBlock
var coinbase index.MainCoinbaseOutputs
var rawBlock []byte
if len(identifier) == 64 {
block = getTypeFromAPI[index.SideBlock](fmt.Sprintf("block_by_id/%s", identifier))
} else {
block = getTypeFromAPI[index.SideBlock](fmt.Sprintf("block_by_height/%s", identifier))
if block == nil {
renderPage(request, writer, views.NewErrorPage(http.StatusNotFound, "Share Not Found", nil))
rawBlock = getFromAPIRaw(fmt.Sprintf("block_by_id/%s/raw", block.MainId))
coinbase = getSliceFromAPI[index.MainCoinbaseOutput](fmt.Sprintf("block_by_id/%s/coinbase", block.MainId))
poolInfo := getTypeFromAPI[cmdutils.PoolInfoResult]("pool_info", 5)
var raw *sidechain.PoolBlock
b := &sidechain.PoolBlock{}
if b.UnmarshalBinary(consensus, &sidechain.NilDerivationCache{}, rawBlock) == nil {
raw = b
payouts := getSliceFromAPI[*index.Payout](fmt.Sprintf("block_by_id/%s/payouts", block.MainId))
sweepsCount := 0
var likelySweeps [][]*index.MainLikelySweepTransaction
if params.Has("sweeps") && block.MinedMainAtHeight && ((int64(poolInfo.MainChain.Height)-int64(block.MainHeight))+1) >= monero.MinerRewardUnlockTime {
indices := make([]uint64, len(coinbase))
for i, o := range coinbase {
indices[i] = o.GlobalOutputIndex
data, _ := utils.MarshalJSON(indices)
uri, _ := url.Parse(os.Getenv("API_URL") + "sweeps_by_spending_global_output_indices")
if response, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(&http.Request{
Method: "POST",
URL: uri,
Body: io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(data)),
}); err == nil {
func() {
defer response.Body.Close()
if response.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
if data, err := io.ReadAll(response.Body); err == nil {
r := make([][]*index.MainLikelySweepTransaction, 0, len(indices))
if utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &r) == nil && len(r) == len(indices) {
likelySweeps = r
//remove not likely matching outputs
for oi, sweeps := range likelySweeps {
likelySweeps[oi] = likelySweeps[oi][:0]
for _, s := range sweeps {
if s == nil {
if s.Address.Compare(coinbase[oi].MinerAddress) == 0 {
likelySweeps[oi] = append(likelySweeps[oi], s)
if block.Timestamp < uint64(time.Now().Unix()-60) {
writer.Header().Set("cache-control", "public; max-age=604800")
} else {
writer.Header().Set("cache-control", "public; max-age=60")
renderPage(request, writer, &views.SharePage{
Block: block,
PoolBlock: raw,
Payouts: payouts,
CoinbaseOutputs: coinbase,
SweepsCount: sweepsCount,
Sweeps: likelySweeps,
}, poolInfo)
serveMux.HandleFunc("/miner/{miner:[^ ]+}", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
params := request.URL.Query()
refresh := 0
if params.Has("refresh") {
writer.Header().Set("refresh", "300")
refresh = 300
address := mux.Vars(request)["miner"]
miner := getTypeFromAPI[cmdutils.MinerInfoResult](fmt.Sprintf("miner_info/%s", address))
if miner == nil || miner.Address == nil {
if addr := address2.FromBase58(address); addr != nil {
miner = &cmdutils.MinerInfoResult{
Id: 0,
Address: addr,
LastShareHeight: 0,
LastShareTimestamp: 0,
} else {
renderPage(request, writer, views.NewErrorPage(http.StatusNotFound, "Invalid Address", nil))
poolInfo := getTypeFromAPI[cmdutils.PoolInfoResult]("pool_info", 5)
const totalWindows = 4
wsize := consensus.ChainWindowSize * totalWindows
currentWindowSize := uint64(poolInfo.SideChain.WindowSize)
tipHeight := poolInfo.SideChain.Height
var shares, lastShares, lastOrphanedShares []*index.SideBlock
var lastFound []*index.FoundBlock
var payouts []*index.Payout
var sweeps []*index.MainLikelySweepTransaction
var raw *sidechain.PoolBlock
if miner.Id != 0 {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
shares = getSideBlocksFromAPI(fmt.Sprintf("side_blocks_in_window/%d?from=%d&window=%d&noMiner&noMainStatus&noUncles", miner.Id, tipHeight, wsize))
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
lastShares = getSideBlocksFromAPI(fmt.Sprintf("side_blocks?limit=50&miner=%d", miner.Id))
if len(lastShares) > 0 {
raw = getTypeFromAPI[sidechain.PoolBlock](fmt.Sprintf("block_by_id/%s/light", lastShares[0].MainId))
if raw == nil || raw.ShareVersion() == sidechain.ShareVersion_None {
raw = nil
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
lastOrphanedShares = getSideBlocksFromAPI(fmt.Sprintf("side_blocks?limit=10&miner=%d&inclusion=%d", miner.Id, index.InclusionOrphan))
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
lastFound = getSliceFromAPI[*index.FoundBlock](fmt.Sprintf("found_blocks?limit=10&miner=%d", miner.Id))
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
sweeps = getSliceFromAPI[*index.MainLikelySweepTransaction](fmt.Sprintf("sweeps/%d?limit=5", miner.Id))
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
shares = getSideBlocksFromAPI(fmt.Sprintf("side_blocks_in_window/%d?from=%d&window=%d&noMiner&noMainStatus&noUncles", miner.Id, tipHeight, wsize))
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
//get a bit over the expected required
payouts = getSliceFromAPI[*index.Payout](fmt.Sprintf("payouts/%d?from_timestamp=%d", miner.Id, uint64(time.Now().Unix())-(consensus.ChainWindowSize*consensus.TargetBlockTime*(totalWindows+1))))
sharesInWindow := cmdutils.NewPositionChart(30, uint64(poolInfo.SideChain.WindowSize))
unclesInWindow := cmdutils.NewPositionChart(30, uint64(poolInfo.SideChain.WindowSize))
sharesFound := cmdutils.NewPositionChart(30*totalWindows, consensus.ChainWindowSize*totalWindows)
unclesFound := cmdutils.NewPositionChart(30*totalWindows, consensus.ChainWindowSize*totalWindows)
var longDiff, windowDiff types.Difficulty
wend := tipHeight - currentWindowSize
foundPayout := cmdutils.NewPositionChart(30*totalWindows, consensus.ChainWindowSize*totalWindows)
for _, p := range payouts {
foundPayout.Add(int(int64(tipHeight)-int64(p.SideHeight)), 1)
for _, share := range shares {
if share.IsUncle() {
unclesFound.Add(int(int64(tipHeight)-int64(share.SideHeight)), 1)
unclePenalty := types.DifficultyFrom64(share.Difficulty).Mul64(consensus.UnclePenalty).Div64(100)
uncleWeight := share.Difficulty - unclePenalty.Lo
if i := slices.IndexFunc(shares, func(block *index.SideBlock) bool {
return block.TemplateId == share.UncleOf
}); i != -1 {
if shares[i].SideHeight > wend {
windowDiff = windowDiff.Add64(unclePenalty.Lo)
longDiff = longDiff.Add64(unclePenalty.Lo)
if share.SideHeight > wend {
windowDiff = windowDiff.Add64(uncleWeight)
unclesInWindow.Add(int(int64(tipHeight)-int64(share.SideHeight)), 1)
longDiff = longDiff.Add64(uncleWeight)
} else {
sharesFound.Add(int(int64(tipHeight)-toInt64(share.SideHeight)), 1)
if share.SideHeight > wend {
windowDiff = windowDiff.Add64(share.Difficulty)
sharesInWindow.Add(int(int64(tipHeight)-toInt64(share.SideHeight)), 1)
longDiff = longDiff.Add64(share.Difficulty)
if len(payouts) > 10 {
payouts = payouts[:10]
minerPage := &views.MinerPage{
Refresh: refresh,
Positions: struct {
Resolution int
ResolutionWindow int
SeparatorIndex int
Blocks *cmdutils.PositionChart
Uncles *cmdutils.PositionChart
BlocksInWindow *cmdutils.PositionChart
UnclesInWindow *cmdutils.PositionChart
Payouts *cmdutils.PositionChart
Resolution: int(foundPayout.Resolution()),
ResolutionWindow: int(sharesInWindow.Resolution()),
SeparatorIndex: int(consensus.ChainWindowSize*totalWindows - currentWindowSize),
Blocks: sharesFound,
BlocksInWindow: sharesInWindow,
Uncles: unclesFound,
UnclesInWindow: unclesInWindow,
Payouts: foundPayout,
Weight: longDiff.Lo,
WindowWeight: windowDiff.Lo,
Miner: miner,
LastPoolBlock: raw,
LastShares: lastShares,
LastOrphanedShares: lastOrphanedShares,
LastFound: lastFound,
LastPayouts: payouts,
LastSweeps: sweeps,
if windowDiff.Cmp64(0) > 0 {
longWindowWeight := poolInfo.SideChain.Window.Weight.Mul64(4).Mul64(poolInfo.SideChain.Consensus.ChainWindowSize).Div64(uint64(poolInfo.SideChain.WindowSize))
averageRewardPerBlock := longDiff.Mul64(poolInfo.MainChain.BaseReward).Div(longWindowWeight).Lo
minerPage.ExpectedRewardPerDay = longWindowWeight.Mul64(averageRewardPerBlock).Div(poolInfo.MainChain.NextDifficulty).Lo
expectedRewardNextBlock := windowDiff.Mul64(poolInfo.MainChain.BaseReward).Div(poolInfo.SideChain.Window.Weight).Lo
minerPage.ExpectedRewardPerWindow = poolInfo.SideChain.Window.Weight.Mul64(expectedRewardNextBlock).Div(poolInfo.MainChain.NextDifficulty).Lo
totalWeight := poolInfo.SideChain.Window.Weight.Mul64(4).Mul64(poolInfo.SideChain.Consensus.ChainWindowSize).Div64(uint64(poolInfo.SideChain.WindowSize))
dailyHashRate := poolInfo.SideChain.Difficulty.Mul(longDiff).Div(totalWeight).Div64(consensus.TargetBlockTime).Lo
hashRate := float64(0)
magnitude := float64(1000)
if dailyHashRate >= 1000000000 {
hashRate = float64(dailyHashRate) / 1000000000
magnitude = 1000000000
} else if dailyHashRate >= 1000000 {
hashRate = float64(dailyHashRate) / 1000000
magnitude = 1000000
} else if dailyHashRate >= 1000 {
hashRate = float64(dailyHashRate) / 1000
magnitude = 1000
if params.Has("magnitude") {
magnitude = toFloat64(params.Get("magnitude"))
if params.Has("hashrate") {
hashRate = toFloat64(params.Get("hashrate"))
if hashRate > 0 && magnitude > 0 {
dailyHashRate = uint64(hashRate * magnitude)
minerPage.HashrateLocal = hashRate
minerPage.MagnitudeLocal = magnitude
efforts := make([]float64, len(lastShares))
for i := len(lastShares) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
s := lastShares[i]
if i == (len(lastShares) - 1) {
efforts[i] = -1
previous := lastShares[i+1]
timeDelta := uint64(max(int64(s.Timestamp)-int64(previous.Timestamp), 0))
expectedCumDiff := types.DifficultyFrom64(dailyHashRate).Mul64(timeDelta)
efforts[i] = float64(expectedCumDiff.Mul64(100).Lo) / float64(s.Difficulty)
minerPage.LastSharesEfforts = efforts
renderPage(request, writer, minerPage, poolInfo)
serveMux.HandleFunc("/miner", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
params := request.URL.Query()
if params.Get("address") == "" {
http.Redirect(writer, request, "/", http.StatusMovedPermanently)
http.Redirect(writer, request, fmt.Sprintf("/miner/%s", params.Get("address")), http.StatusMovedPermanently)
serveMux.HandleFunc("/proof/{block:[0-9a-f]+|[0-9]+}/{index:[0-9]+}", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
identifier := utils.DecodeHexBinaryNumber(mux.Vars(request)["block"])
requestIndex := toUint64(mux.Vars(request)["index"])
block := getTypeFromAPI[index.SideBlock](fmt.Sprintf("block_by_id/%s", identifier))
if block == nil || !block.MinedMainAtHeight {
renderPage(request, writer, views.NewErrorPage(http.StatusNotFound, "Share Was Not Found", nil))
raw := getTypeFromAPI[sidechain.PoolBlock](fmt.Sprintf("block_by_id/%s/light", block.MainId))
if raw == nil || raw.ShareVersion() == sidechain.ShareVersion_None {
raw = nil
payouts := getSliceFromAPI[index.MainCoinbaseOutput](fmt.Sprintf("block_by_id/%s/coinbase", block.MainId))
if raw == nil {
renderPage(request, writer, views.NewErrorPage(http.StatusNotFound, "Coinbase Was Not Found", nil))
if uint64(len(payouts)) <= requestIndex {
renderPage(request, writer, views.NewErrorPage(http.StatusNotFound, "Payout Was Not Found", nil))
poolInfo := getTypeFromAPI[cmdutils.PoolInfoResult]("pool_info", 5)
renderPage(request, writer, &views.ProofPage{
Output: &payouts[requestIndex],
Block: block,
Raw: raw,
}, poolInfo)
serveMux.HandleFunc("/payouts/{miner:[0-9]+|4[123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz]+}", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
params := request.URL.Query()
refresh := 0
if params.Has("refresh") {
writer.Header().Set("refresh", "600")
refresh = 600
address := mux.Vars(request)["miner"]
if params.Has("address") {
address = params.Get("address")
miner := getTypeFromAPI[cmdutils.MinerInfoResult](fmt.Sprintf("miner_info/%s?noShares", address))
if miner == nil || miner.Address == nil {
renderPage(request, writer, views.NewErrorPage(http.StatusNotFound, "Address Not Found", "You need to have mined at least one share in the past. Come back later :)"))
payouts := getSliceFromAPI[*index.Payout](fmt.Sprintf("payouts/%d?search_limit=0", miner.Id))
if len(payouts) == 0 {
renderPage(request, writer, views.NewErrorPage(http.StatusNotFound, "Address Not Found", "You need to have mined at least one share in the past, and a main block found during that period. Come back later :)"))
renderPage(request, writer, &views.PayoutsPage{
Total: func() (result uint64) {
for _, p := range payouts {
result += p.Reward
Miner: miner.Address,
Payouts: payouts,
Refresh: refresh,
server := &http.Server{
Addr: "",
ReadTimeout: time.Second * 2,
Handler: http.HandlerFunc(func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
if request.Method != "GET" && request.Method != "HEAD" {
writer.Header().Set("content-type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
pathEntry := "/"
splitPath := strings.Split(request.URL.Path, "/")
if len(splitPath) > 1 {
pathEntry = splitPath[1]
pprof.Do(request.Context(), pprof.Labels("path", pathEntry), func(ctx context.Context) {
serveMux.ServeHTTP(writer, request)
if *debugListen != "" {
go func() {
if err := http.ListenAndServe(*debugListen, nil); err != nil {
if err := server.ListenAndServe(); err != nil {