DataHoarder 4ef60296f1
Updated to Go 1.21
* Replaced exp/slices and exp/maps with slices/maps implementation
* Replaced utils.Min/Max with min/max
* Introduced GOEXPERIMENT=loopvar on build steps
* Updated tests/docker-compose to go1.21-rc-alpine
* Updated nginx to 1.25
* Preallocate mined blocks on Sidechain
* Update edwards25519 version
2023-07-20 07:40:18 +02:00

341 lines
8 KiB

package types
import (
const DifficultySize = 16
var ZeroDifficulty = Difficulty(uint128.Zero)
var MaxDifficulty = Difficulty(uint128.Max)
type Difficulty uint128.Uint128
func (d Difficulty) IsZero() bool {
return uint128.Uint128(d).IsZero()
func (d Difficulty) Equals(v Difficulty) bool {
return uint128.Uint128(d).Equals(uint128.Uint128(v))
func (d Difficulty) Equals64(v uint64) bool {
return uint128.Uint128(d).Equals64(v)
func (d Difficulty) Cmp(v Difficulty) int {
return uint128.Uint128(d).Cmp(uint128.Uint128(v))
func (d Difficulty) Cmp64(v uint64) int {
return uint128.Uint128(d).Cmp64(v)
func (d Difficulty) And(v Difficulty) Difficulty {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).And(uint128.Uint128(v)))
func (d Difficulty) And64(v uint64) Difficulty {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).And64(v))
func (d Difficulty) Or(v Difficulty) Difficulty {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).Or(uint128.Uint128(v)))
func (d Difficulty) Or64(v uint64) Difficulty {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).Or64(v))
func (d Difficulty) Xor(v Difficulty) Difficulty {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).Xor(uint128.Uint128(v)))
func (d Difficulty) Xor64(v uint64) Difficulty {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).Xor64(v))
func (d Difficulty) Add(v Difficulty) Difficulty {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).Add(uint128.Uint128(v)))
func (d Difficulty) AddWrap(v Difficulty) Difficulty {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).AddWrap(uint128.Uint128(v)))
func (d Difficulty) Add64(v uint64) Difficulty {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).Add64(v))
func (d Difficulty) AddWrap64(v uint64) Difficulty {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).AddWrap64(v))
func (d Difficulty) Sub(v Difficulty) Difficulty {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).Sub(uint128.Uint128(v)))
func (d Difficulty) SubWrap(v Difficulty) Difficulty {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).SubWrap(uint128.Uint128(v)))
func (d Difficulty) Sub64(v uint64) Difficulty {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).Sub64(v))
func (d Difficulty) SubWrap64(v uint64) Difficulty {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).SubWrap64(v))
func (d Difficulty) Mul(v Difficulty) Difficulty {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).Mul(uint128.Uint128(v)))
func (d Difficulty) MulWrap(v Difficulty) Difficulty {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).MulWrap(uint128.Uint128(v)))
func (d Difficulty) Mul64(v uint64) Difficulty {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).Mul64(v))
func (d Difficulty) MulWrap64(v uint64) Difficulty {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).MulWrap64(v))
func (d Difficulty) Div(v Difficulty) Difficulty {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).Div(uint128.Uint128(v)))
func (d Difficulty) Div64(v uint64) Difficulty {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).Div64(v))
func (d Difficulty) QuoRem(v Difficulty) (q, r Difficulty) {
qq, rr := uint128.Uint128(d).QuoRem(uint128.Uint128(v))
return Difficulty(qq), Difficulty(rr)
func (d Difficulty) QuoRem64(v uint64) (q Difficulty, r uint64) {
qq, rr := uint128.Uint128(d).QuoRem64(v)
return Difficulty(qq), rr
func (d Difficulty) Mod(v Difficulty) (r Difficulty) {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).Mod(uint128.Uint128(v)))
func (d Difficulty) Mod64(v uint64) (r uint64) {
return uint128.Uint128(d).Mod64(v)
func (d Difficulty) Lsh(n uint) (s Difficulty) {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).Lsh(n))
func (d Difficulty) Rsh(n uint) (s Difficulty) {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).Rsh(n))
func (d Difficulty) LeadingZeros() int {
return uint128.Uint128(d).LeadingZeros()
func (d Difficulty) TrailingZeros() int {
return uint128.Uint128(d).TrailingZeros()
func (d Difficulty) OnesCount() int {
return uint128.Uint128(d).OnesCount()
func (d Difficulty) RotateLeft(k int) Difficulty {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).RotateLeft(k))
func (d Difficulty) RotateRight(k int) Difficulty {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).RotateRight(k))
func (d Difficulty) Reverse() Difficulty {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).Reverse())
func (d Difficulty) ReverseBytes() Difficulty {
return Difficulty(uint128.Uint128(d).ReverseBytes())
func (d Difficulty) Len() int {
return uint128.Uint128(d).Len()
func (d Difficulty) PutBytes(b []byte) {
func (d Difficulty) PutBytesBE(b []byte) {
// Big returns u as a *big.Int.
func (d Difficulty) Big() *big.Int {
return uint128.Uint128(d).Big()
func (d Difficulty) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
var encodeBuf [DifficultySize]byte
var buf [DifficultySize*2 + 2]byte
buf[0] = '"'
buf[DifficultySize*2+1] = '"'
hex.Encode(buf[1:], encodeBuf[:])
return buf[:], nil
func MustDifficultyFromString(s string) Difficulty {
if d, err := DifficultyFromString(s); err != nil {
} else {
return d
func DifficultyFromString(s string) (Difficulty, error) {
if strings.HasPrefix(s, "0x") {
if buf, err := hex.DecodeString(s[2:]); err != nil {
return ZeroDifficulty, err
} else {
//TODO: check this
var d [DifficultySize]byte
copy(d[DifficultySize-len(buf):], buf)
return DifficultyFromBytes(d[:]), nil
} else {
if buf, err := hex.DecodeString(s); err != nil {
return ZeroDifficulty, err
} else {
if len(buf) != DifficultySize {
return ZeroDifficulty, errors.New("wrong difficulty size")
return DifficultyFromBytes(buf), nil
func DifficultyFromBytes(buf []byte) Difficulty {
return Difficulty(uint128.FromBytesBE(buf))
func NewDifficulty(lo, hi uint64) Difficulty {
return Difficulty{Lo: lo, Hi: hi}
func DifficultyFrom64(v uint64) Difficulty {
return NewDifficulty(v, 0)
func (d *Difficulty) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var s string
if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(b, &s); err != nil {
return err
if diff, err := DifficultyFromString(s); err != nil {
return err
} else {
*d = diff
return nil
func (d Difficulty) Bytes() []byte {
var buf [DifficultySize]byte
return buf[:]
func (d Difficulty) String() string {
return hex.EncodeToString(d.Bytes())
func (d Difficulty) StringNumeric() string {
return uint128.Uint128(d).String()
func (d *Difficulty) Scan(src any) error {
if src == nil {
return nil
} else if buf, ok := src.([]byte); ok {
if len(buf) == 0 {
return nil
if len(buf) != DifficultySize {
return errors.New("invalid difficulty size")
*d = DifficultyFromBytes(buf)
return nil
return errors.New("invalid type")
func (d *Difficulty) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
return d.Bytes(), nil
// TODO: remove uint256 dependency as it's unique to this section
var powBase = uint256.NewInt(0).SetBytes32(bytes.Repeat([]byte{0xff}, 32))
func DifficultyFromPoW(powHash Hash) Difficulty {
if powHash == ZeroHash {
return ZeroDifficulty
pow := uint256.NewInt(0).SetBytes32(powHash[:])
pow = &uint256.Int{bits.ReverseBytes64(pow[3]), bits.ReverseBytes64(pow[2]), bits.ReverseBytes64(pow[1]), bits.ReverseBytes64(pow[0])}
powResult := uint256.NewInt(0).Div(powBase, pow).Bytes32()
return DifficultyFromBytes(powResult[16:])
func (d Difficulty) CheckPoW(pow Hash) bool {
return DifficultyFromPoW(pow).Cmp(d) >= 0
// Target
// Finds a 64-bit target for mining (target = 2^64 / difficulty) and rounds up the result of division
// Because of that, there's a very small chance that miners will find a hash that meets the target but is still wrong (hash * difficulty >= 2^256)
// A proper difficulty check is in check_pow()
func (d Difficulty) Target() uint64 {
if d.Hi > 0 {
return 1
// Safeguard against division by zero (CPU will trigger it even if lo = 1 because result doesn't fit in 64 bits)
if d.Lo <= 1 {
return math.MaxUint64
q, rem := Difficulty{Hi: 1, Lo: 0}.QuoRem64(d.Lo)
if rem > 0 {
return q.Lo + 1
} else {
return q.Lo