DataHoarder 50e1acbb3a
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
Upgrade to new logger format
2024-02-26 21:24:37 +01:00

348 lines
12 KiB

package main
import (
cmdutils ""
func main() {
inputConsensus := flag.String("consensus", "config.json", "Input config.json consensus file")
inputArchive := flag.String("input", "", "Input path for archive database")
moneroHost := flag.String("host", "", "IP address of your Monero node")
moneroRpcPort := flag.Uint("rpc-port", 18081, "monerod RPC API port number")
connString := flag.String("conn", "", "Connection string for postgres database")
client.SetDefaultClientSettings(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d", *moneroHost, *moneroRpcPort))
cf, err := os.ReadFile(*inputConsensus)
consensus, err := sidechain.NewConsensusFromJSON(cf)
if err != nil {
if err = consensus.InitHasher(2, randomx.FlagSecure, randomx.FlagFullMemory); err != nil {
var headerCacheLock sync.RWMutex
headerByHeightCache := make(map[uint64]*block.Header)
headerByIdCache := make(map[types.Hash]*block.Header)
getHeaderByHeight := func(height uint64) *block.Header {
if v := func() *block.Header {
defer headerCacheLock.RUnlock()
return headerByHeightCache[height]
}(); v == nil {
if r, err := client.GetDefaultClient().GetBlockHeaderByHeight(height, context.Background()); err == nil {
defer headerCacheLock.Unlock()
prevHash, _ := types.HashFromString(r.BlockHeader.PrevHash)
h, _ := types.HashFromString(r.BlockHeader.Hash)
header := &block.Header{
MajorVersion: uint8(r.BlockHeader.MajorVersion),
MinorVersion: uint8(r.BlockHeader.MinorVersion),
Timestamp: uint64(r.BlockHeader.Timestamp),
PreviousId: prevHash,
Height: r.BlockHeader.Height,
Nonce: uint32(r.BlockHeader.Nonce),
Reward: r.BlockHeader.Reward,
Id: h,
Difficulty: types.DifficultyFrom64(r.BlockHeader.Difficulty),
headerByIdCache[header.Id] = header
headerByHeightCache[header.Height] = header
return header
return nil
} else {
return v
getDifficultyByHeight := func(height uint64) types.Difficulty {
if v := getHeaderByHeight(height); v != nil {
return v.Difficulty
return types.ZeroDifficulty
getSeedByHeight := func(height uint64) (hash types.Hash) {
seedHeight := randomx.SeedHeight(height)
if v := getHeaderByHeight(seedHeight); v != nil {
return v.Id
return types.ZeroHash
archiveCache, err := archive.NewCache(*inputArchive, consensus, getDifficultyByHeight)
if err != nil {
defer archiveCache.Close()
blockCache := lru.New[types.Hash, *sidechain.PoolBlock](int(consensus.ChainWindowSize * 4))
derivationCache := sidechain.NewDerivationLRUCache()
getByTemplateIdDirect := func(h types.Hash) *sidechain.PoolBlock {
if v := blockCache.Get(h); v == nil {
if bs := archiveCache.LoadByTemplateId(h); len(bs) != 0 {
blockCache.Set(h, bs[0])
return bs[0]
} else {
return nil
} else {
return *v
processBlock := func(b *sidechain.PoolBlock) error {
var preAllocatedShares sidechain.Shares
if len(b.Main.Coinbase.Outputs) == 0 {
//cannot use SideTemplateId() as it might not be proper to calculate yet. fetch from coinbase only here
if b2 := getByTemplateIdDirect(types.HashFromBytes(b.CoinbaseExtra(sidechain.SideTemplateId))); b2 != nil && len(b2.Main.Coinbase.Outputs) != 0 {
b.Main.Coinbase.Outputs = b2.Main.Coinbase.Outputs
} else {
preAllocatedShares = sidechain.PreAllocateShares(consensus.ChainWindowSize * 2)
_, err := b.PreProcessBlock(consensus, derivationCache, preAllocatedShares, getDifficultyByHeight, getByTemplateIdDirect)
return err
getByTemplateId := func(h types.Hash) *sidechain.PoolBlock {
if v := getByTemplateIdDirect(h); v != nil {
if processBlock(v) != nil {
return nil
return v
} else {
return nil
indexDb, err := index.OpenIndex(*connString, consensus, getDifficultyByHeight, getSeedByHeight, getByTemplateIdDirect)
if err != nil {
defer indexDb.Close()
totalStored := 0
var lastRangeHeight, rangeStart uint64 = math.MaxUint64, math.MaxUint64
var lastTipEntries []*sidechain.PoolBlock
type rangeEntry struct {
//todo: check time of range
startHeight uint64
tipHeight uint64
tipEntries []*sidechain.PoolBlock
var heightRanges []rangeEntry
/*id, _ := types.HashFromString("b83a96d30c7db3b15a65fa43ddcf6914bb4e176dea49a94a5263c9adca93d4cc")
heightRanges = append(heightRanges, rangeEntry{
startHeight: 3087255,
tipHeight: 4728558,
tipEntries: []*sidechain.PoolBlock{getByTemplateId(id)},
if len(heightRanges) == 0 {
for blocksAtHeight := range archiveCache.ScanHeights(0, math.MaxUint64) {
if len(blocksAtHeight) == 0 {
utils.Panicf("no blocks at %d + 1?", lastRangeHeight)
if lastRangeHeight == math.MaxUint64 {
rangeStart = blocksAtHeight[0].Side.Height
} else if blocksAtHeight[0].Side.Height != (lastRangeHeight + 1) { // new range
heightRanges = append(heightRanges, rangeEntry{
startHeight: rangeStart,
tipHeight: lastRangeHeight,
tipEntries: lastTipEntries,
utils.Logf("", "range %d -> %d, total of %d height(s)", rangeStart, lastRangeHeight, lastRangeHeight-rangeStart+1)
utils.Logf("", "missing %d -> %d, total of %d height(s)", lastRangeHeight+1, blocksAtHeight[0].Side.Height-1, (blocksAtHeight[0].Side.Height-1)-(lastRangeHeight+1)+1)
rangeStart = blocksAtHeight[0].Side.Height
lastRangeHeight = blocksAtHeight[0].Side.Height
totalStored += len(blocksAtHeight)
lastTipEntries = blocksAtHeight
utils.Logf("", "range %d -> %d, total of %d height(s)", rangeStart, lastRangeHeight, lastRangeHeight-rangeStart+1)
heightRanges = append(heightRanges, rangeEntry{
startHeight: rangeStart,
tipHeight: lastRangeHeight,
tipEntries: lastTipEntries,
utils.Logf("", "total stored %d", totalStored)
var lastTime, lastHeight uint64 = math.MaxUint64, math.MaxUint64
for i := len(heightRanges) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
r := heightRanges[i]
var bestTip *sidechain.PoolBlock
if len(r.tipEntries) == 0 {
bestTip = r.tipEntries[0]
} else {
for _, b := range r.tipEntries {
if (b.Main.Timestamp - 60*5) > lastTime { //2m offset of max time drift
if bestTip == nil {
bestTip = b
} else if bestTip.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight < b.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight {
bestTip = b
} else if bestTip.Main.Timestamp < b.Main.Timestamp {
bestTip = b
if bestTip == nil {
utils.Logf("", "skipped range %d to %d due to: nil tip", r.startHeight, r.tipHeight)
} else if bestTip.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight > lastHeight {
utils.Logf("", "skipped range %d to %d due to: main height %d > %d", r.startHeight, r.tipHeight, bestTip.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight, lastHeight)
} else if (bestTip.Main.Timestamp - 60*5) > lastTime {
utils.Logf("", "skipped range %d to %d due to: timestamp %d > %d", r.startHeight, r.tipHeight, bestTip.Main.Timestamp, lastTime)
if err := processBlock(bestTip); err != nil {
utils.Logf("", "skipped range %d to %d due to: could not process tip: %s", r.startHeight, r.tipHeight, err)
lastTime = bestTip.Main.Timestamp
lastHeight = bestTip.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight
if r.startHeight-r.tipHeight > consensus.ChainWindowSize*2 &&
indexDb.GetTipSideBlockByTemplateId(bestTip.SideTemplateId(consensus)) != nil &&
indexDb.GetTipSideBlockByHeight(r.startHeight+consensus.ChainWindowSize+1) != nil &&
index.QueryHasResults(indexDb.GetSideBlocksByHeight(r.startHeight)) {
// skip inserted heights
for bestTip != nil && indexDb.GetTipSideBlockByTemplateId(bestTip.SideTemplateId(consensus)) != nil {
utils.Logf("", "skip id = %s, template id = %s, height = %d", bestTip.MainId(), bestTip.SideTemplateId(consensus), bestTip.Side.Height)
bestTip = getByTemplateId(bestTip.Side.Parent)
for cur := bestTip; cur != nil; cur = getByTemplateId(cur.Side.Parent) {
utils.Logf("", "id = %s, template id = %s, height = %d", cur.MainId(), cur.SideTemplateId(consensus), cur.Side.Height)
if err = indexDb.InsertOrUpdatePoolBlock(cur, index.InclusionInVerifiedChain); err != nil {
utils.Errorf("", "error inserting %s, %s at %d: %s", cur.SideTemplateId(consensus), cur.MainId(), cur.Side.Height, err)
lastTime = cur.Main.Timestamp
lastHeight = cur.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight
curId := cur.SideTemplateId(consensus)
for _, e := range archiveCache.LoadBySideChainHeight(cur.Side.Height) {
if cur.FullId() == e.FullId() {
timeDiff := int64(e.Main.Timestamp) - int64(cur.Main.Timestamp)
if timeDiff < 0 {
timeDiff = -timeDiff
if timeDiff > 3600*12 { //More than 12 hours difference, do not include
if processBlock(e) != nil {
utils.Errorf("", "error processing orphan/alternate %s, %s at %d: %s", e.SideTemplateId(consensus), e.MainId(), e.Side.Height, err)
if indexDb.GetSideBlockByMainId(e.MainId()) != nil {
if curId == e.SideTemplateId(consensus) {
if err = indexDb.InsertOrUpdatePoolBlock(e, index.InclusionAlternateInVerifiedChain); err != nil {
utils.Panicf("error inserting alternate %s, %s at %d: %s", e.SideTemplateId(consensus), e.MainId(), e.Side.Height, err)
} else {
if err = indexDb.InsertOrUpdatePoolBlock(e, index.InclusionOrphan); err != nil {
utils.Panicf("error inserting orphan %s, %s at %d: %s", e.SideTemplateId(consensus), e.MainId(), e.Side.Height, err)
blockCache = lru.New[types.Hash, *sidechain.PoolBlock](int(consensus.ChainWindowSize * 4))
headerByIdCache = make(map[types.Hash]*block.Header)
headerByHeightCache = make(map[uint64]*block.Header)
var maxHeight, minHeight uint64
if err := indexDb.Query("SELECT MAX(main_height), MIN(main_height) FROM side_blocks WHERE inclusion = $1;", func(row index.RowScanInterface) error {
return row.Scan(&maxHeight, &minHeight)
}, index.InclusionInVerifiedChain); err != nil {
heightCount := maxHeight - minHeight + 1
const strideSize = 1000
strides := heightCount / strideSize
ctx := context.Background()
for stride := uint64(0); stride <= strides; stride++ {
start := minHeight + stride*strideSize
end := min(maxHeight, minHeight+stride*strideSize+strideSize)
utils.Logf("", "checking %d to %d", start, end)
if headers, err := client.GetDefaultClient().GetBlockHeadersRangeResult(start, end, ctx); err != nil {
} else {
for _, h := range headers.Headers {
if err := cmdutils.FindAndInsertMainHeader(h, indexDb, func(b *sidechain.PoolBlock) {
}, client.GetDefaultClient(), getDifficultyByHeight, getByTemplateIdDirect, archiveCache.LoadByMainId, archiveCache.LoadByMainChainHeight, processBlock); err != nil {
mainBlocks, _ := indexDb.GetMainBlocksByQuery("WHERE side_template_id IS NOT NULL ORDER BY height DESC;")
index.QueryIterate(mainBlocks, func(_ int, mb *index.MainBlock) (stop bool) {
if err := cmdutils.FindAndInsertMainHeaderOutputs(mb, indexDb, client.GetDefaultClient(), getDifficultyByHeight, getByTemplateIdDirect, archiveCache.LoadByMainId, archiveCache.LoadByMainChainHeight, processBlock); err != nil {
return false