DataHoarder 50e1acbb3a
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
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2024-02-26 21:24:37 +01:00

518 lines
16 KiB

package main
import (
crypto2 ""
func main() {
inputConsensus := flag.String("consensus", "config.json", "Input config.json consensus file")
inputArchive := flag.String("input", "", "Input path for archive database")
moneroHost := flag.String("host", "", "IP address of your Monero node")
moneroRpcPort := flag.Uint("rpc-port", 18081, "monerod RPC API port number")
inputTemplate := flag.String("template", "", "Template data for share recovery")
client.SetDefaultClientSettings(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d", *moneroHost, *moneroRpcPort))
cf, err := os.ReadFile(*inputConsensus)
if err != nil {
inputTemplateData, err := os.ReadFile(*inputTemplate)
if err != nil {
jsonTemplate, err := JSONFromTemplate(inputTemplateData)
if err != nil {
consensus, err := sidechain.NewConsensusFromJSON(cf)
if err != nil {
var headerCacheLock sync.RWMutex
headerByHeightCache := make(map[uint64]*daemon.BlockHeader)
getHeaderByHeight := func(height uint64) *daemon.BlockHeader {
if v := func() *daemon.BlockHeader {
defer headerCacheLock.RUnlock()
return headerByHeightCache[height]
}(); v == nil {
if r, err := client.GetDefaultClient().GetBlockHeaderByHeight(height, context.Background()); err == nil {
defer headerCacheLock.Unlock()
headerByHeightCache[r.BlockHeader.Height] = &r.BlockHeader
return &r.BlockHeader
return nil
} else {
return v
getDifficultyByHeight := func(height uint64) types.Difficulty {
if v := getHeaderByHeight(height); v != nil {
return types.DifficultyFrom64(v.Difficulty)
return types.ZeroDifficulty
getSeedByHeight := func(height uint64) (hash types.Hash) {
seedHeight := randomx.SeedHeight(height)
if v := getHeaderByHeight(seedHeight); v != nil {
h, _ := types.HashFromString(v.Hash)
return h
return types.ZeroHash
_ = getSeedByHeight
archiveCache, err := archive.NewCache(*inputArchive, consensus, getDifficultyByHeight)
if err != nil {
defer archiveCache.Close()
blockCache := lru.New[types.Hash, *sidechain.PoolBlock](int(consensus.ChainWindowSize * 4))
derivationCache := sidechain.NewDerivationLRUCache()
getByTemplateIdDirect := func(h types.Hash) *sidechain.PoolBlock {
if v := blockCache.Get(h); v == nil {
if bs := archiveCache.LoadByTemplateId(h); len(bs) != 0 {
blockCache.Set(h, bs[0])
return bs[0]
} else {
return nil
} else {
return *v
processBlock := func(b *sidechain.PoolBlock) error {
var preAllocatedShares sidechain.Shares
if len(b.Main.Coinbase.Outputs) == 0 {
//cannot use SideTemplateId() as it might not be proper to calculate yet. fetch from coinbase only here
if b2 := getByTemplateIdDirect(types.HashFromBytes(b.CoinbaseExtra(sidechain.SideTemplateId))); b2 != nil && len(b2.Main.Coinbase.Outputs) != 0 {
b.Main.Coinbase.Outputs = b2.Main.Coinbase.Outputs
} else {
preAllocatedShares = sidechain.PreAllocateShares(consensus.ChainWindowSize * 2)
_, err := b.PreProcessBlock(consensus, derivationCache, preAllocatedShares, getDifficultyByHeight, getByTemplateIdDirect)
return err
getByTemplateId := func(h types.Hash) *sidechain.PoolBlock {
if v := getByTemplateIdDirect(h); v != nil {
if processBlock(v) != nil {
return nil
return v
} else {
return nil
var poolBlock *sidechain.PoolBlock
var expectedMainId types.Hash
var expectedTemplateId types.Hash
var expectedCoinbaseId types.Hash
var baseMainReward, deltaReward uint64
getTransactionsEntries := func(h ...types.Hash) (r mempool.Mempool) {
if data, jsonTx, err := client.GetDefaultClient().GetTransactions(h...); err != nil {
utils.Errorf("", "could not get txids: %s", err)
return nil
} else {
r = make(mempool.Mempool, len(jsonTx))
for i, tx := range jsonTx {
r[i] = mempool.NewEntryFromRPCData(h[i], data[i], tx)
return r
if v2, ok := jsonTemplate.(JsonBlock2); ok {
parentBlock := getByTemplateId(v2.PrevId)
keyPair := crypto.NewKeyPairFromPrivate(&v2.CoinbasePriv)
expectedMainId = v2.MainId
expectedCoinbaseId = v2.CoinbaseId
expectedTemplateId = v2.Id
header := getHeaderByHeight(v2.MainHeight)
var nextBlock *sidechain.PoolBlock
for _, t2 := range archiveCache.LoadBySideChainHeight(v2.Height + 1) {
if t2.Side.Parent == expectedTemplateId {
if err := processBlock(t2); err == nil {
nextBlock = t2
if parentBlock == nil {
parentBlock = getByTemplateIdDirect(v2.PrevId)
if parentBlock == nil {
//use forward method
} else {
if parentBlock.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight == v2.MainHeight {
baseMainReward = parentBlock.Main.Coinbase.TotalReward
for _, tx := range getTransactionsEntries(parentBlock.Main.Transactions...) {
baseMainReward -= tx.Fee
deltaReward = v2.CoinbaseReward - baseMainReward
} else if nextBlock != nil && nextBlock.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight == v2.MainHeight {
for _, tx := range getTransactionsEntries(nextBlock.Main.Transactions...) {
baseMainReward -= tx.Fee
deltaReward = v2.CoinbaseReward - baseMainReward
} else {
//fallback method can fail on very full blocks
headerId, _ := types.HashFromString(header.Hash)
if b, err := client.GetDefaultClient().GetBlock(headerId, context.Background()); err != nil {
} else {
//generalization, actual reward could be different in some cases
ij, _ := b.InnerJSON()
baseMainReward = b.BlockHeader.Reward
var txs []types.Hash
for _, txid := range ij.TxHashes {
h, _ := types.HashFromString(txid)
txs = append(txs, h)
for _, tx := range getTransactionsEntries(txs...) {
baseMainReward -= tx.Fee
deltaReward = v2.CoinbaseReward - baseMainReward
utils.Logf("", "pool delta reward: %d (%s), base %d (%s), expected %d (%s)", deltaReward, utils.XMRUnits(deltaReward), baseMainReward, utils.XMRUnits(baseMainReward), v2.CoinbaseReward, utils.XMRUnits(v2.CoinbaseReward))
poolBlock = &sidechain.PoolBlock{
Main: block.Block{
MajorVersion: uint8(header.MajorVersion),
MinorVersion: uint8(header.MinorVersion),
Timestamp: v2.Ts,
PreviousId: v2.MinerMainId,
Coinbase: transaction.CoinbaseTransaction{
Version: 2,
UnlockTime: v2.MainHeight + monero.MinerRewardUnlockTime,
InputCount: 1,
InputType: transaction.TxInGen,
GenHeight: v2.MainHeight,
TotalReward: v2.CoinbaseReward,
Extra: transaction.ExtraTags{
Tag: transaction.TxExtraTagPubKey,
VarInt: 0,
Data: types.Bytes(keyPair.PublicKey.AsSlice()),
Tag: transaction.TxExtraTagNonce,
VarInt: 4,
HasVarInt: true,
Data: make(types.Bytes, 4), //TODO: expand nonce size as needed
Tag: transaction.TxExtraTagMergeMining,
VarInt: 32,
HasVarInt: true,
Data: v2.Id[:],
ExtraBaseRCT: 0,
Transactions: nil,
Side: sidechain.SideData{
PublicKey: v2.Wallet.ToPackedAddress(),
CoinbasePrivateKey: keyPair.PrivateKey.AsBytes(),
Parent: v2.PrevId,
Uncles: func() (result []types.Hash) {
for _, u := range v2.Uncles {
result = append(result, u.Id)
return result
Height: v2.Height,
Difficulty: v2.Diff,
CumulativeDifficulty: parentBlock.Side.CumulativeDifficulty.Add(v2.Diff),
// no extrabuffer
poolBlock.CachedShareVersion = poolBlock.CalculateShareVersion(consensus)
if poolBlock.ShareVersion() > sidechain.ShareVersion_V1 {
poolBlock.Side.CoinbasePrivateKeySeed = parentBlock.Side.CoinbasePrivateKeySeed
if parentBlock.Main.PreviousId != poolBlock.Main.PreviousId {
poolBlock.Side.CoinbasePrivateKeySeed = parentBlock.CalculateTransactionPrivateKeySeed()
} else {
expectedSeed := poolBlock.CalculateTransactionPrivateKeySeed()
kP := crypto.NewKeyPairFromPrivate(crypto2.GetDeterministicTransactionPrivateKey(expectedSeed, poolBlock.Main.PreviousId))
if bytes.Compare(poolBlock.CoinbaseExtra(sidechain.SideCoinbasePublicKey), kP.PublicKey.AsSlice()) == 0 && bytes.Compare(kP.PrivateKey.AsSlice(), poolBlock.Side.CoinbasePrivateKey[:]) == 0 {
poolBlock.Side.CoinbasePrivateKeySeed = expectedSeed
} else {
utils.Logf("", "not deterministic private key")
currentOutputs, _ := sidechain.CalculateOutputs(poolBlock, consensus, getDifficultyByHeight, getByTemplateIdDirect, derivationCache, sidechain.PreAllocateShares(consensus.ChainWindowSize*2), make([]uint64, consensus.ChainWindowSize*2))
if currentOutputs == nil {
utils.Panicf("could not calculate outputs blob")
poolBlock.Main.Coinbase.Outputs = currentOutputs
if blob, err := currentOutputs.MarshalBinary(); err != nil {
} else {
poolBlock.Main.Coinbase.OutputsBlobSize = uint64(len(blob))
utils.Logf("", "expected main id %s, template id %s, coinbase id %s", expectedMainId, expectedTemplateId, expectedCoinbaseId)
rctHash := crypto.Keccak256([]byte{0})
type partialBlobWork struct {
Hashers [2]*sha3.HasherState
Tx *transaction.CoinbaseTransaction
EncodedBuffer []byte
EncodedOffset int
TempHash types.Hash
var stop atomic.Bool
var foundExtraNonce atomic.Uint32
var foundExtraNonceSize atomic.Uint32
minerTxBlob, _ := poolBlock.Main.Coinbase.MarshalBinary()
searchForNonces := func(nonceSize int, max uint64) {
coinbases := make([]*partialBlobWork, runtime.NumCPU())
utils.SplitWork(0, max, func(workIndex uint64, routineIndex int) error {
if stop.Load() {
return errors.New("found nonce")
w := coinbases[routineIndex]
if workIndex%(1024*256) == 0 {
utils.Logf("", "try %d/%d @ %d ~%.2f%%", workIndex, max, nonceSize, (float64(workIndex)/math.MaxUint32)*100)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(w.EncodedBuffer[w.EncodedOffset:], uint32(workIndex))
idHasher := w.Hashers[0]
txHasher := w.Hashers[1]
crypto.HashFastSum(txHasher, w.TempHash[:])
// Base RCT, single 0 byte in miner tx
// Prunable RCT, empty in miner tx
crypto.HashFastSum(idHasher, w.TempHash[:])
if w.TempHash == expectedCoinbaseId {
return errors.New("found nonce")
return nil
}, func(routines, routineIndex int) error {
if len(coinbases) < routines {
coinbases = slices.Grow(coinbases, routines)
tx := &transaction.CoinbaseTransaction{}
if err := tx.UnmarshalBinary(minerTxBlob); err != nil {
return err
tx.Extra[1].VarInt = uint64(nonceSize)
tx.Extra[1].Data = make([]byte, nonceSize)
buf, _ := tx.MarshalBinary()
coinbases[routineIndex] = &partialBlobWork{
Hashers: [2]*sha3.HasherState{crypto.GetKeccak256Hasher(), crypto.GetKeccak256Hasher()},
Tx: tx,
EncodedBuffer: buf[:len(buf)-1], /* remove RCT */
EncodedOffset: len(buf) - 1 - (types.HashSize + 1 + 1 /*Merge mining tag*/) - nonceSize,
return nil
}, nil)
nonceSize := sidechain.SideExtraNonceSize
//do quick search first
for ; nonceSize <= sidechain.SideExtraNonceMaxSize; nonceSize++ {
if stop.Load() {
searchForNonces(nonceSize, math.MaxUint16)
//do deeper search next
for nonceSize = sidechain.SideExtraNonceSize; nonceSize <= sidechain.SideExtraNonceMaxSize; nonceSize++ {
if stop.Load() {
searchForNonces(nonceSize, math.MaxUint32)
utils.Logf("", "found extra nonce %d, size %d", foundExtraNonce.Load(), foundExtraNonceSize.Load())
poolBlock.Main.Coinbase.Extra[1].VarInt = uint64(foundExtraNonceSize.Load())
poolBlock.Main.Coinbase.Extra[1].Data = make([]byte, foundExtraNonceSize.Load())
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(poolBlock.Main.Coinbase.Extra[1].Data, foundExtraNonce.Load())
if poolBlock.Main.Coinbase.CalculateId() != expectedCoinbaseId {
utils.Logf("", "got coinbase id %s", poolBlock.Main.Coinbase.CalculateId())
minerTxBlob, _ = poolBlock.Main.Coinbase.MarshalBinary()
utils.Logf("", "raw coinbase: %s", hex.EncodeToString(minerTxBlob))
var collectedTransactions mempool.Mempool
collectTxs := func(hashes ...types.Hash) {
var txs []types.Hash
for _, h := range hashes {
if slices.ContainsFunc(collectedTransactions, func(entry *mempool.MempoolEntry) bool {
return entry.Id == h
}) {
txs = append(txs, h)
collectedTransactions = append(collectedTransactions, getTransactionsEntries(txs...)...)
collectTxsHex := func(hashes ...string) {
var txs []types.Hash
for _, txid := range hashes {
h, _ := types.HashFromString(txid)
if slices.ContainsFunc(collectedTransactions, func(entry *mempool.MempoolEntry) bool {
return entry.Id == h
}) {
txs = append(txs, h)
collectedTransactions = append(collectedTransactions, getTransactionsEntries(txs...)...)
if nextBlock != nil {
if bh, err := client.GetDefaultClient().GetBlockByHeight(poolBlock.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight, context.Background()); err == nil {
ij, _ := bh.InnerJSON()
/*if bh, err := client.GetDefaultClient().GetBlockByHeight(poolBlock.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight+1, context.Background()); err == nil {
ij, _ := bh.InnerJSON()
for _, uncleId := range poolBlock.Side.Uncles {
if u := getByTemplateId(uncleId); u != nil {
if u.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight == poolBlock.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight {
if bh, err := client.GetDefaultClient().GetBlockByHeight(poolBlock.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight-1, context.Background()); err == nil {
ij, _ := bh.InnerJSON()
for _, txH := range ij.TxHashes {
//remove mined tx
txid, _ := types.HashFromString(txH)
if i := slices.IndexFunc(collectedTransactions, func(entry *mempool.MempoolEntry) bool {
return entry.Id == txid
}); i != -1 {
collectedTransactions = slices.Delete(collectedTransactions, i, i+1)
minerTxWeight := uint64(len(minerTxBlob))
totalTxWeight := collectedTransactions.Weight()
medianWeight := getHeaderByHeight(poolBlock.Main.Coinbase.GenHeight).LongTermWeight
utils.Logf("", "collected transaction candidates: %d", len(collectedTransactions))
if totalTxWeight+minerTxWeight <= medianWeight {
//special case
for solution := range collectedTransactions.PerfectSum(deltaReward) {
utils.Logf("", "got %d, %d (%s)", solution.Weight(), solution.Fees(), utils.XMRUnits(solution.Fees()))
} else {
//sort in preference order
pickedTxs := collectedTransactions.Pick(baseMainReward, minerTxWeight, medianWeight)
utils.Logf("", "got %d, %d (%s)", pickedTxs.Weight(), pickedTxs.Fees(), utils.XMRUnits(pickedTxs.Fees()))
//TODO: nonce