DataHoarder 50e1acbb3a
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
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2024-02-26 21:24:37 +01:00

292 lines
9.3 KiB

package utils
import (
func LookupTransactions(requestOther func(ctx context.Context, indices []uint64) []*index.MatchedOutput, indexDb *index.Index, ctx context.Context, inputThreshold int, ids ...types.Hash) (results []index.TransactionInputQueryResults) {
txs, err := client.GetDefaultClient().GetTransactionInputs(ctx, ids...)
if err != nil || len(txs) != len(ids) {
return nil
decoys := make([]uint64, 0, len(txs)*16*16)
for _, tx := range txs {
if len(tx.Inputs) < inputThreshold {
for _, i := range tx.Inputs {
decoys = append(decoys, i.KeyOffsets...)
var otherResult []*index.MatchedOutput
if requestOther != nil {
otherResult = requestOther(ctx, decoys)
if len(otherResult) != len(decoys) {
otherResult = nil
var otherIndex int
for _, tx := range txs {
if len(tx.Inputs) < inputThreshold {
queryResult := make(index.TransactionInputQueryResults, len(tx.Inputs))
for i := range queryResult {
queryResult[i].Input = tx.Inputs[i]
queryResult[i].MatchedOutputs = make([]*index.MatchedOutput, len(tx.Inputs[i].KeyOffsets))
results = append(results, queryResult)
queryResult := indexDb.QueryTransactionInputs(tx.Inputs)
if otherResult != nil {
for i, input := range tx.Inputs {
for j := range input.KeyOffsets {
output := otherResult[otherIndex]
if output == nil {
if queryResult[i].MatchedOutputs[j] == nil { //todo: multiple matches??
queryResult[i].MatchedOutputs[j] = output
results = append(results, queryResult)
return results
var otherLookupHostFunc func(ctx context.Context, indices []uint64) []*index.MatchedOutput
func init() {
if os.Getenv("TRANSACTION_LOOKUP_OTHER") != "" {
otherLookupHostFunc = func(ctx context.Context, indices []uint64) (result []*index.MatchedOutput) {
data, _ := utils.MarshalJSON(indices)
result = make([]*index.MatchedOutput, len(indices))
for _, host := range strings.Split(os.Getenv("TRANSACTION_LOOKUP_OTHER"), ",") {
host = strings.TrimSpace(host)
if host == "" {
uri, _ := url.Parse(host + "/api/global_indices_lookup")
if response, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(&http.Request{
Method: "POST",
URL: uri,
Body: io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(data)),
}); err == nil {
func() {
defer response.Body.Close()
if response.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
if data, err := io.ReadAll(response.Body); err == nil {
r := make([]*index.MatchedOutput, 0, len(indices))
if utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &r) == nil && len(r) == len(indices) {
for i := range r {
if result[i] == nil {
result[i] = r[i]
return result
func ProcessFullBlock(b *index.MainBlock, indexDb *index.Index) error {
var sideTemplateId types.Hash
var extraNonce []byte
mainBlock, err := GetMainBlock(b.Id, client.GetDefaultClient())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not get main block for %s at %d: %w", b.Id, b.Height, err)
utils.Logf("", "Block %s at %d (%s), processing %d transactions", b.Id, b.Height, time.Unix(int64(b.Timestamp), 0).UTC().Format("02-01-2006 15:04:05 MST"), len(mainBlock.Transactions))
// try to fetch extra nonce if existing
if t := mainBlock.Coinbase.Extra.GetTag(uint8(sidechain.SideExtraNonce)); t != nil {
if len(t.Data) >= sidechain.SideExtraNonceSize || len(t.Data) < sidechain.SideExtraNonceMaxSize {
extraNonce = t.Data
// get a merge tag if existing
if t := mainBlock.Coinbase.Extra.GetTag(uint8(sidechain.SideTemplateId)); t != nil {
if len(t.Data) == types.HashSize {
sideTemplateId = types.HashFromBytes(t.Data)
if sideTemplateId != types.ZeroHash && len(extraNonce) != 0 {
b.SetMetadata("merge_mining_tag", sideTemplateId)
b.SetMetadata("extra_nonce", binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(extraNonce))
utils.Logf("", "p2pool tags found template id %s, extra nonce %d", sideTemplateId, binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(extraNonce))
const txInputThreshold = 4
const txInputThresholdForRatio = 8
if len(mainBlock.Transactions) > 0 {
results := LookupTransactions(otherLookupHostFunc, indexDb, context.Background(), txInputThreshold, mainBlock.Transactions...)
for i, inputs := range results {
txId := mainBlock.Transactions[i]
if len(inputs) < txInputThreshold {
//skip due to not enough matches later on
matches := inputs.Match()
var topMiner *index.TransactionInputQueryResultsMatch
for j, m := range matches {
if m.Address == nil {
} else if topMiner == nil {
topMiner = &matches[j]
} else {
if topMiner.Count <= 2 && topMiner.Count == m.Count {
//if count is not greater
topMiner = nil
if topMiner != nil {
var noMinerCount, minerCount, otherMinerCount uint64
for _, i := range inputs {
var isNoMiner, isMiner, isOtherMiner bool
for _, o := range i.MatchedOutputs {
if o == nil {
isNoMiner = true
} else if topMiner.Address.Compare(o.Address) == 0 {
isMiner = true
} else {
isOtherMiner = true
if isMiner {
} else if isOtherMiner {
} else if isNoMiner {
minerRatio := float64(minerCount) / float64(len(inputs))
noMinerRatio := float64(noMinerCount) / float64(len(inputs))
otherMinerRatio := float64(otherMinerCount) / float64(len(inputs))
var likelyMiner bool
if (len(inputs) >= txInputThresholdForRatio && minerRatio >= noMinerRatio && minerRatio > otherMinerRatio) || (len(inputs) >= txInputThresholdForRatio && minerRatio > 0.35 && minerRatio > otherMinerRatio) || (len(inputs) >= txInputThreshold && minerRatio > 0.75) {
likelyMiner = true
if likelyMiner {
utils.Logf("", "transaction %s is LIKELY for %s: miner ratio %.02f (%d/%d), none %.02f (%d/%d), other %.02f (%d/%d); coinbase %d, sweep %d", txId, topMiner.Address.ToBase58(), minerRatio, minerCount, len(inputs), noMinerRatio, noMinerCount, len(inputs), otherMinerRatio, otherMinerCount, len(inputs), topMiner.CoinbaseCount, topMiner.SweepCount)
minimalInputs := make(index.MinimalTransactionInputQueryResults, len(inputs))
decoyCount := len(inputs[0].Input.KeyOffsets)
spendingOutputIndices := make([]uint64, 0, len(inputs)*decoyCount)
for j, input := range inputs {
spendingOutputIndices = append(spendingOutputIndices, input.Input.KeyOffsets...)
minimalInputs[j].Input = input.Input
minimalInputs[j].MatchedOutputs = make([]*index.MinimalMatchedOutput, len(input.MatchedOutputs))
for oi, o := range input.MatchedOutputs {
if o == nil {
} else if o.Coinbase != nil {
minimalInputs[j].MatchedOutputs[oi] = &index.MinimalMatchedOutput{
Coinbase: o.Coinbase.Id,
GlobalOutputIndex: o.GlobalOutputIndex,
Address: o.Address,
} else if o.Sweep != nil {
minimalInputs[j].MatchedOutputs[oi] = &index.MinimalMatchedOutput{
Sweep: o.Sweep.Id,
GlobalOutputIndex: o.GlobalOutputIndex,
Address: o.Address,
outputIndexes, err := client.GetDefaultClient().GetOutputIndexes(txId)
if err != nil {
return err
tx := &index.MainLikelySweepTransaction{
Id: txId,
Timestamp: mainBlock.Timestamp,
Result: minimalInputs,
Match: matches,
Value: topMiner.CoinbaseAmount,
SpendingOutputIndices: spendingOutputIndices,
GlobalOutputIndices: outputIndexes,
InputCount: len(inputs),
InputDecoyCount: decoyCount,
MinerCount: int(minerCount),
OtherMinersCount: int(otherMinerCount),
NoMinerCount: int(noMinerCount),
MinerRatio: float32(minerRatio),
OtherMinersRatio: float32(otherMinerRatio),
NoMinerRatio: float32(noMinerRatio),
Address: topMiner.Address,
if err := indexDb.InsertOrUpdateMainLikelySweepTransaction(tx); err != nil {
return err
} else {
utils.Logf("", "transaction %s is NOT likely for %s: miner ratio %.02f (%d/%d), none %.02f (%d/%d), other %.02f (%d/%d); coinbase %d, sweep %d", txId, topMiner.Address.ToBase58(), minerRatio, topMiner.Count, len(inputs), noMinerRatio, noMinerCount, len(inputs), otherMinerRatio, otherMinerCount, len(inputs), topMiner.CoinbaseCount, topMiner.SweepCount)
} else {
//utils.Logf("", "transaction %s does not have enough matches, %d outputs", txId, len(inputs))
b.SetMetadata("processed", true)
if err = indexDb.InsertOrUpdateMainBlock(b); err != nil {
return err
return nil