DataHoarder 55661a12da
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
WIP: Bootstrap-based responsive interface, CSS only
2024-03-20 13:37:26 +01:00

344 lines
16 KiB

{% import "" %}
{% import "" %}
{% import p2pooltypes "" %}
{% import cmdutils "" %}
{% import "fmt" %}
{% import (
_ "embed"
) %}
{% code
//go:embed "css/miner.css"
var minerCssContent string
{% code
type MinerPage struct {
// inherit from base page, so its' title is used in error page.
Refresh int
Positions struct {
Resolution int
ResolutionWindow int
SeparatorIndex int
Blocks *cmdutils.PositionChart
Uncles *cmdutils.PositionChart
BlocksInWindow *cmdutils.PositionChart
UnclesInWindow *cmdutils.PositionChart
Payouts *cmdutils.PositionChart
ExpectedRewardPerWindow uint64
ExpectedRewardPerDay uint64
WindowWeight uint64
Weight uint64
Miner *cmdutils.MinerInfoResult
LastPoolBlock *sidechain.PoolBlock
DayShares []*index.SideBlock
DaySharesEfforts []float64
LastShares []*index.SideBlock
LastSharesEfforts []float64
LastOrphanedShares []*index.SideBlock
LastFound []*index.FoundBlock
LastPayouts []*index.Payout
LastSweeps <-chan *index.MainLikelySweepTransaction
HashrateSubmit bool
HashrateLocal float64
MagnitudeLocal float64
func (p *MinerPage) IsRefresh() (ok, isRefresh bool, interval int, uriRefresh, uriStatic string) {
baseAddress := string(p.Miner.Address.ToBase58())
return true, p.Refresh > 0, p.Refresh, fmt.Sprintf("/miner/%s?refresh", baseAddress), fmt.Sprintf("/miner/%s", baseAddress)
func (p *MinerPage) Name() string {
return "miner"
{% func (p *MinerPage) Style() %}
{%= p.BasePage.Style() %}
{%s= minerCssContent %}
{% endfunc %}
{% func (p *MinerPage) Title() %}
{%= p.BasePage.Title() %} - Miner {%z= p.Miner.Address.ToBase58() %}
{% endfunc %}
{% func (p *MinerPage) Content() %}
<div class="btn-group btn-group-sm page-tab" role="group">
<a href="#page-miner" class="btn p-1 btn-outline-secondary">Miner</a>
<a href="#page-payouts" class="btn p-1 btn-outline-secondary">Payouts</a>
<a href="#page-shares" class="btn p-1 btn-outline-secondary">Shares</a>
{% if len(p.LastFound) > 0 %}
<a href="#page-blocks" class="btn p-1 btn-outline-secondary">Blocks</a>
{% endif %}
<a href="#page-sweeps" class="btn p-1 btn-outline-secondary">Sweeps</a>
<a href="/miner-options/{%z= p.Miner.Address.ToBase58() %}" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">Options</a>
<div id="page-miner" class="my-3">
<div style="text-align: center">
{% if p.Miner.LastShareTimestamp == 0 %}
<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
<h3>No shares have been reported to this P2Pool network in the past for this miner.</h3>
<p>Finding shares is a random process based on your hashrate vs this P2Pool hashrate. This can take several days for low hashrate miners, and depending on your luck.</p>
<p>Please use the Share Time Calculator below to find your average share time (with average luck).</p>
<p>You can also verify you are reachable by opening ports with the checker below.</p>
<a class="btn btn-lg btn-primary text-white" href="/calculate-share-time">Share Time Calculator</a>
<a class="btn btn-lg btn-primary text-white" href="/connectivity-check">Connectivity Check</a>
{% endif %}
{% if p.LastPoolBlock != nil && p.LastPoolBlock.ShareVersion() < sidechain.ShareVersion_V2 && p.LastPoolBlock.ShareVersionSignaling() != sidechain.ShareVersion_V2 %}
<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">
<h3 title="Share version {%s p.LastPoolBlock.ShareVersion().String() %}, signaling {%s p.LastPoolBlock.ShareVersionSignaling().String() %}">Recent shares indicate you are running an outdated version of P2Pool</h3>
<p>A new version of <a href="">P2Pool (v3.0+)</a> has been released with several improvements, which requires a consensus change.</p>
<p>P2Pool (not Monero!) has hardforked to new consensus rules on <strong>March 18th, 2023 at 21:00 UTC</strong>. All versions before P2Pool v3.0 are incompatible. P2Pool v3.3+ is recommended.</p>
<p>If you keep using previous versions, you will keep mining as usual, but become almost a solo miner, as incompatible clients will mine on their own.</p>
<p>{% if p.Context().NetServiceAddress == "" %}After the fork, you can check on <a href="{%s p.Context().GetUrl("") %}/miner/{%z= p.Miner.Address.ToBase58() %}">OLD.P2Pool.Observer</a>.{% elseif p.Context().NetServiceAddress == "" %}After the fork, you can check on <a href="https://{%s p.Context().GetUrl("") %}/miner/{%z= p.Miner.Address.ToBase58() %}">OLD-MINI.P2Pool.Observer</a>.{% else %}Please check on an observer tracking the old chain.{% endif %}</p>
<p>After upgrading to a supported P2Pool version and mining a share, this message will be dismissed.</p>
{% elseif p.LastPoolBlock != nil && p.LastPoolBlock.ShareVersion() > sidechain.ShareVersion_V1 && p.LastPoolBlock.Side.ExtraBuffer.SoftwareId == p2pooltypes.SoftwareIdP2Pool && p.LastPoolBlock.Side.ExtraBuffer.SoftwareVersion.String() != p.Context().Pool.Versions.P2Pool.ShortVersion().String() %}
<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
<h3>Recent shares indicate you are running an older version of P2Pool</h3>
<p><a href="{%s p.Context().Pool.Versions.P2Pool.Link %}">P2Pool {%s p.Context().Pool.Versions.P2Pool.Version %}</a> has been released.</p>
<p>Your most recent share indicates are currently running {%= software_info(p.LastPoolBlock.Side.ExtraBuffer.SoftwareId, p.LastPoolBlock.Side.ExtraBuffer.SoftwareVersion) %}. It is recommended to upgrade.</p>
<p>After upgrading to this P2Pool version and mining a share, this message will be dismissed.</p>
{% endif %}
<p><strong>Payout Address:</strong> <span class="mono small">{%z= p.Miner.Address.ToBase58() %}</span></p>
{% if p.Miner.Alias != "" %}
<p><strong>Miner Alias:</strong> <span class="mono">{%s p.Miner.Alias %}</span></p>
<p><small>Miner Alias is user content and not verified. This value should only be used for vanity purposes.</small></p>
{% endif %}
<p><small><a href="/miner-options/{%z= p.Miner.Address.ToBase58() %}#mineralias">[Change Miner Alias]</a> :: <a href="/miner-options/{%z= p.Miner.Address.ToBase58() %}#webhooks">[Configure WebHook notifications]</a></small></p>
<table class="center" style="max-width: calc(15em + 15em + 15em + 15em + 15em)">
<th>Last Share</th>
<th>Current Shares</th>
<th>Estimated Hashrate</th>
<th>Pool Share %</th>
<th>Estimated Window Reward</th>
<td title="{%s utc_date(p.Miner.LastShareTimestamp) %}">{%s time_elapsed_short(p.Miner.LastShareTimestamp) %}</td>
<td>{%dul p.Positions.BlocksInWindow.Total() %} blocks (+{%dul p.Positions.UnclesInWindow.Total() %} uncles)</td>
{% code windowWeightRatio := float64(p.WindowWeight) / float64(p.Context().Pool.SideChain.Window.Weight.Lo) %}
<td>{%s si_units(windowWeightRatio * float64(diff_hashrate(p.Context().Pool.SideChain.LastBlock.Difficulty, p.Context().Consensus.TargetBlockTime)), 3) %}H/s</td>
<td>{%f.3 windowWeightRatio*100 %}%</td>
<td>{%s monero_to_xmr(p.ExpectedRewardPerWindow) %} XMR</td>
<tr><td colspan="5">&nbsp;</td></tr>
<th>Estimated Total Shares</th>
<th>Day Shares</th>
<th>Day Hashrate</th>
<th>Day Share %</th>
<th>Estimated Daily Reward</th>
<td>{% if p.LastPoolBlock != nil %}Around {%dul p.Miner.Shares[1].ShareCount %} blocks (+{%dul p.Miner.Shares[1].UncleCount %} uncles{% if p.Miner.Shares[0].ShareCount > 0 %}, +{%dul p.Miner.Shares[0].ShareCount %} orphans{% endif %}){% else %}No shares reported{% endif %}</td>
<td>{%dul p.Positions.Blocks.Total() %} blocks (+{%dul p.Positions.Uncles.Total() %} uncles)</td>
{% code weightRatio := (float64(p.Weight) / (float64(p.Context().Pool.SideChain.Window.Weight.Mul64(4).Lo) * (float64(p.Context().Pool.SideChain.Consensus.ChainWindowSize) / float64(p.Context().Pool.SideChain.Window.Blocks)))) %}
<td>{%s si_units(weightRatio * float64(diff_hashrate(p.Context().Pool.SideChain.LastBlock.Difficulty, p.Context().Consensus.TargetBlockTime)), 3) %}H/s</td>
<td>{%f.3 weightRatio*100 %}%</td>
<td>{%s monero_to_xmr(p.ExpectedRewardPerDay) %} XMR</td>
<div class="container-fluid my-3 p-2 bg-body-tertiary border rounded-2">
<div class="row row-cols-1 row-cols-xxl-12">
<div class="col col-xxl-8 mb-2">
<h3>Shares during last day</h3>
{% if p.HashrateSubmit || (p.Positions.Blocks.Total() + p.Positions.Uncles.Total()) > 2 %}
{% code dividersX, dividersY, points := NewSharesPositionChart(p.Context(), p.DayShares, &p.LastPayouts, &p.DaySharesEfforts, DefaultBlocksPositionChartDuration) %}
{%= TemplatePositionGraph(dividersX, dividersY, points, 120, "24 hours ago", "Now") %}
{% else %}
{% code dividersX, dividersY, points := NewSharesPositionChart(p.Context(), p.DayShares, &p.LastPayouts, nil, DefaultBlocksPositionChartDuration) %}
{%= TemplatePositionGraph(dividersX, dividersY, points, 120, "24 hours ago", "Now") %}
{% endif %}
<div class="col col-xxl-4 mb-2">
<h3>Shares in PPLNS window</h3>
<code class="position-chart">{%s p.Positions.BlocksInWindow.String() %}</code>
<code class="position-chart">{%s p.Positions.UnclesInWindow.String() %}</code>
<div class="col col-xxl-12 mb-2">
<div class="alert alert-secondary small mt-2">
Shares appear on the right, and get older towards the left.
Uncle shares are displayed as squares on the graph.
Payouts are displayed via dashed vertical lines on the graph.
Shares within the PPLNS window will be weighted towards receiving a payout when any Monero block is found by any P2Pool miner.
{% if p.Miner.LastShareTimestamp != 0 %}
<div class="my-3" style="text-align: center">
<form action="/calculate-share-time" method="get">
<h3>Effort Calculation</h3>
<p>Local hashrate of each P2Pool miner is not known by the network. A guess is calculated based on daily estimation. If you provide a value here, it will be more accurate for effort calculation.</p>
<p>This data will not be saved.</p>
<label for="hashrate_local">Your Local Hashrate</label><br/>
<input type="number" name="hashrate" id="hashrate_local" placeholder="100" size="8" class="mono" value="{% if p.HashrateLocal > 0 %}{%s str(p.HashrateLocal) %}{% endif %}"/>
<select name="magnitude">
<option value="1"{% if p.MagnitudeLocal == 1 %} selected{% endif %}>H/s</option>
<option value="1000"{% if p.MagnitudeLocal == 1000 %} selected{% endif %}>KH/s</option>
<option value="1000000"{% if p.MagnitudeLocal == 1000000 %} selected{% endif %}>MH/s</option>
<option value="1000000000"{% if p.MagnitudeLocal == 1000000000 %} selected{% endif %}>GH/s</option>
<input type="submit" value="Calculate" style="width: 20em; margin: 20px;"/>
{% endif %}
<div id="page-payouts" class="container-fluid my-3 p-2 bg-body-tertiary border rounded-2 text-center" tabindex="-1">
<div class="row align-items-start">
<div class="col">
<h2>Most recent payouts</h2>
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-12">
{% if len(p.LastPayouts) == 0 %}
No payouts have been reported.
{% else %}
{%= TemplatePayoutsSlice(p.Context(), slice_maxSize(p.LastPayouts, 12)) %}
{% endif %}
<div class="col col-12 mt-3">
<div class="alert alert-secondary small">
Payouts happen when a Monero block is found by P2Pool miners and shares are in the PPLNS window.
There is no balance in P2Pool. All rewards are paid out instantly to everyone as part of the mining process.
<div class="col my-3 col-12">
<a href="/payouts/{%z= p.Miner.Address.ToBase58() %}" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary">
Payout History
<div id="page-shares">
<div class="container-fluid my-3 p-2 bg-body-tertiary border rounded-2 text-center" tabindex="-1">
<div class="row align-items-start">
<div class="col">
<h2>Most recent shares</h2>
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-12">
{% if len(p.LastShares) == 0 %}
No shares have been reported to P2Pool network.
{% else %}
{% if p.HashrateSubmit || (p.Positions.Blocks.Total() + p.Positions.Uncles.Total()) > 2 %}
{%= TemplateShares(p.Context(), p.LastShares, true, &p.LastSharesEfforts) %}
{% else %}
{%= TemplateShares(p.Context(), p.LastShares, true, nil) %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class="col col-12 mt-3">
<div class="alert alert-secondary small">
Shares are listed here when they are accepted by the P2Pool network.
Finding shares is a random, memory-less process, and effort may vary depending on your miner luck.
{% if len(p.LastOrphanedShares) > 0 %}
<div class="container-fluid my-3 p-2 bg-body-tertiary border rounded-2 text-center" tabindex="-1">
<div class="row align-items-start">
<div class="col">
<h2>Most recent orphaned shares</h2>
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-12">
{%= TemplateShares(p.Context(), p.LastOrphanedShares, true, nil) %}
{% endif %}
{% if len(p.LastFound) > 0 %}
<div id="page-blocks" class="container-fluid my-3 p-2 bg-body-tertiary border rounded-2 text-center" tabindex="-1">
<div class="row align-items-start">
<div class="col">
<h2>Most recent Monero blocks found</h2>
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-12">
{%= TemplateFoundBlocks(p.Context(), p.LastFound, true) %}
<div class="col my-3 col-12">
<a href="/blocks?miner={%z= p.Miner.Address.ToBase58() %}" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary">
More found blocks
{% endif %}
<div id="page-sweeps" class="container-fluid my-3 p-2 bg-body-tertiary border rounded-2 text-center" tabindex="-1">
<div class="row align-items-start">
<div class="col">
<h2>Most recent likely sweeps</h2>
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-12">
{%= TemplateSweeps(p.Context(), p.LastSweeps, true) %}
<div class="col my-3 col-12">
<a href="/sweeps?miner={%z= p.Miner.Address.ToBase58() %}" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" tabindex="-1">
More likely sweeps
{% endfunc %}