
942 lines
28 KiB

package daemon
// RPCResultFooter contains the set of fields that every RPC result message
// will contain.
type RPCResultFooter struct {
// Status dictates whether the request worked or not. "OK" means good.
Status string `json:"status"`
// States if the result is obtained using the bootstrap mode, and is
// therefore not trusted (`true`), or when the daemon is fully synced
// and thus handles the RPC locally (`false`).
Untrusted bool `json:"untrusted"`
// Credits indicates the number of credits available to the requesting
// client, if payment for RPC is enabled, otherwise, 0.
Credits uint64 `json:"credits,omitempty"`
// TopHash is the hash of the highest block in the chain, If payment
// for RPC is enabled, otherwise, empty.
TopHash string `json:"top_hash,omitempty"`
// GetAlternateChainsResult is the result of a call to the GetAlternateChains
// RPC method.
type GetAlternateChainsResult struct {
// Chains is the array of alternate chains seen by the node.
Chains []struct {
// BlockHash is the hash of the first diverging block of this
// alternative chain.
BlockHash string `json:"block_hash"`
// BlockHashes TODO
BlockHashes []string `json:"block_hashes"`
// Difficulty is the cumulative difficulty of all blocks in the
// alternative chain.
Difficulty int64 `json:"difficulty"`
// DifficultyTop64 is the most-significant 64 bits of the
// 128-bit network difficulty.
DifficultyTop64 int `json:"difficulty_top64"`
// Height is the block height of the first diverging block of
// this alternative chain.
Height uint64 `json:"height"`
// Length is the length in blocks of this alternative chain,
// after divergence.
Length uint64 `json:"length"`
// MainChainParentBlock TODO
MainChainParentBlock string `json:"main_chain_parent_block"`
// WideDifficulty is the network difficulty as a hexadecimal
// string representing a 128-bit number.
WideDifficulty string `json:"wide_difficulty"`
} `json:"chains"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
// AccessTrackingResult is the result of a call to the RPCAccessTracking RPC
// method.
type RPCAccessTrackingResult struct {
Data []struct {
// Count is the number of times that the monero daemon received
// a request for this RPC method.
Count uint64 `json:"count"`
// RPC is the name of the remote procedure call.
RPC string `json:"rpc"`
// Time indicates how much time the daemon spent serving this
// procedure.
Time uint64 `json:"time"`
// Credits indicates the number of credits consumed for this
// method.
Credits uint64 `json:"credits"`
} `json:"data"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
// HardForkInfoResult is the result of a call to the HardForkInfo RPC method.
type HardForkInfoResult struct {
// EarliestHeight is the earliest height at which <version> is allowed.
EarliestHeight int `json:"earliest_height"`
// Whether of not the hard fork is enforced.
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
// State indicates the current hard fork state:
// 0 - likely forked
// 1 - update needed
// 2 - ready
State int `json:"state"`
// The number of votes required to enable <version>.
Threshold int `json:"threshold"`
// Version (<version>) corresponds to the major block version for the
// fork.
Version int `json:"version"`
// Votes is the number of votes to enable <version>
Votes int `json:"votes"`
// Voting indicates which version this node is voting for/using.
Voting int `json:"voting"`
// Window is the size of the voting window.
Window int `json:"window"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
// GetVersionResult is the result of a call to the GetVersion RPC method.
type GetVersionResult struct {
Release bool `json:"release"`
Version uint64 `json:"version"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
// GetBansResult is the result of a call to the GetBans RPC method.
type GetBansResult struct {
// Bans contains the list of nodes banned by this node.
Bans []struct {
// Host is the string representation of the node that is
// banned.
Host string `json:"host"`
// IP is the integer representation of the host banned.
IP int `json:"ip"`
// Seconds represents how many seconds are left for the ban to
// be lifted.
Seconds uint `json:"seconds"`
} `json:"bans"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
// SetBansResult is the result of a call to the SetBans RPC method.
type SetBansResult struct {
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
// GetFeeEstimateResult is the result of a call to the GetFeeEstimate RPC
// method.
type GetFeeEstimateResult struct {
// Fee is the per kB fee estimate.
Fee int `json:"fee"`
// QuantizationMask indicates that the fee should be rounded up to an
// even multiple of this value.
QuantizationMask int `json:"quantization_mask"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
// GetInfoResult is the result of a call to the GetInfo RPC method.
type GetInfoResult struct {
AdjustedTime uint64 `json:"adjusted_time"`
AltBlocksCount int `json:"alt_blocks_count"`
BlockSizeLimit uint64 `json:"block_size_limit"`
BlockSizeMedian uint64 `json:"block_size_median"`
BlockWeightLimit uint64 `json:"block_weight_limit"`
BlockWeightMedian uint64 `json:"block_weight_median"`
BootstrapDaemonAddress string `json:"bootstrap_daemon_address"`
BusySyncing bool `json:"busy_syncing"`
CumulativeDifficulty int64 `json:"cumulative_difficulty"`
CumulativeDifficultyTop64 uint64 `json:"cumulative_difficulty_top64"`
DatabaseSize uint64 `json:"database_size"`
Difficulty uint64 `json:"difficulty"`
DifficultyTop64 uint64 `json:"difficulty_top64"`
FreeSpace uint64 `json:"free_space"`
GreyPeerlistSize uint `json:"grey_peerlist_size"`
Height uint64 `json:"height"`
HeightWithoutBootstrap uint64 `json:"height_without_bootstrap"`
IncomingConnectionsCount uint `json:"incoming_connections_count"`
Mainnet bool `json:"mainnet"`
Nettype string `json:"nettype"`
Offline bool `json:"offline"`
OutgoingConnectionsCount uint `json:"outgoing_connections_count"`
RPCConnectionsCount uint `json:"rpc_connections_count"`
Stagenet bool `json:"stagenet"`
StartTime uint64 `json:"start_time"`
Synchronized bool `json:"synchronized"`
Target uint64 `json:"target"`
TargetHeight uint64 `json:"target_height"`
Testnet bool `json:"testnet"`
TopBlockHash string `json:"top_block_hash"`
TxCount uint64 `json:"tx_count"`
TxPoolSize uint64 `json:"tx_pool_size"`
UpdateAvailable bool `json:"update_available"`
Version string `json:"version"`
WasBootstrapEverUsed bool `json:"was_bootstrap_ever_used"`
WhitePeerlistSize uint `json:"white_peerlist_size"`
WideCumulativeDifficulty string `json:"wide_cumulative_difficulty"`
WideDifficulty string `json:"wide_difficulty"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
// GetBlockTemplateResult is the result of a call to the GetBlockTemplate RPC
// method.
type GetBlockTemplateResult struct {
// BlockhashingBlob is the blob on which to try to find a valid nonce.
BlockhashingBlob string `json:"blockhashing_blob"`
// BlocktemplateBlob is the blob on which to try to mine a new block.
BlocktemplateBlob string `json:"blocktemplate_blob"`
// Difficulty is the difficulty of the next block.
Difficulty int64 `json:"difficulty"`
// ExpectedReward is the coinbase reward expected to be received if the
// block is successfully mined.
ExpectedReward int64 `json:"expected_reward"`
// Height is the height on which to mine.
Height int `json:"height"`
// PrevHash is the hash of the most recent block on which to mine the
// next block.
PrevHash string `json:"prev_hash"`
// ReservedOffset TODO
ReservedOffset int `json:"reserved_offset"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
// GetMinerDataResult is the result of a call to the GetMinerData RPC
// method.
type GetMinerDataResult struct {
MajorVersion uint8 `json:"major_version"`
Height uint64 `json:"height"`
PrevId string `json:"prev_id"`
SeedHash string `json:"seed_hash"`
Difficulty string `json:"difficulty"`
MedianWeight uint64 `json:"median_weight"`
AlreadyGeneratedCoins uint64 `json:"already_generated_coins"`
MedianTimestamp uint64 `json:"median_timestamp"`
TxBacklog []struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
BlobSize uint64 `json:"blob_size"`
Weight uint64 `json:"weight"`
Fee uint64 `json:"fee"`
} `json:"tx_backlog"`
// SubmitBlockResult is the result of a call to the SubmitBlock RPC
// method.
type SubmitBlockResult struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
Error *submitBlockResultError `json:"error"`
type submitBlockResultError struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
Message string `json:"message"`
type Peer struct {
Host string `json:"host"`
ID uint64 `json:"id"`
IP uint32 `json:"ip"`
LastSeen int64 `json:"last_seen"`
Port uint16 `json:"port"`
PruningSeed uint32 `json:"pruning_seed"`
RPCPort uint16 `json:"rpc_port"`
// GetPeerListResult is the result of a call to the GetPeerList RPC method.
type GetPeerListResult struct {
GrayList []Peer `json:"gray_list"`
WhiteList []Peer `json:"white_list"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
// GetConnectionsResult is the result of a call to the GetConnections RPC
// method.
type GetConnectionsResult struct {
Connections []struct {
Address string `json:"address"`
AvgDownload uint64 `json:"avg_download"`
AvgUpload uint64 `json:"avg_upload"`
ConnectionID string `json:"connection_id"`
CurrentDownload uint64 `json:"current_download"`
CurrentUpload uint64 `json:"current_upload"`
Height uint64 `json:"height"`
Host string `json:"host"`
Incoming bool `json:"incoming"`
IP string `json:"ip"`
LiveTime uint64 `json:"live_time"`
LocalIP bool `json:"local_ip"`
Localhost bool `json:"localhost"`
PeerID string `json:"peer_id"`
Port string `json:"port"`
RecvCount uint64 `json:"recv_count"`
RecvIdleTime uint64 `json:"recv_idle_time"`
SendCount uint64 `json:"send_count"`
SendIdleTime uint64 `json:"send_idle_time"`
State string `json:"state"`
SupportFlags uint64 `json:"support_flags"`
} `json:"connections"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
type GetOutsResult struct {
Outs []struct {
Height uint64 `json:"height"`
Key string `json:"key"`
Mask string `json:"mask"`
Txid string `json:"txid"`
Unlocked bool `json:"unlocked"`
} `json:"outs"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
// GetHeightResult is the result of a call to the GetHeight RPC method.
type GetHeightResult struct {
Hash string `json:"hash"`
Height uint64 `json:"height"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
// GetNetStatsResult is the result of a call to the GetNetStats RPC method.
type GetNetStatsResult struct {
StartTime int64 `json:"start_time"`
TotalBytesIn uint64 `json:"total_bytes_in"`
TotalBytesOut uint64 `json:"total_bytes_out"`
TotalPacketsIn uint64 `json:"total_packets_in"`
TotalPacketsOut uint64 `json:"total_packets_out"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
// GetPublicNodesResult is the result of a call to the GetPublicNodes RPC
// method.
type GetPublicNodesResult struct {
WhiteList []Peer `json:"white"`
GrayList []Peer `json:"gray"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
// GenerateBlocksResult is the result of a call to the GenerateBlocks RPC
// method.
type GenerateBlocksResult struct {
Blocks []string `json:"blocks"`
Height int `json:"height"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
// GetBlockCountResult is the result of a call to the GetBlockCount RPC method.
type GetBlockCountResult struct {
Count uint64 `json:"count"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
// RelayTxResult is the result of a call to the RelayTx RPC method.
type RelayTxResult struct {
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
// GetCoinbaseTxSumResult is the result of a call to the GetCoinbaseTxSum RPC
// method.
type GetCoinbaseTxSumResult struct {
EmissionAmount int64 `json:"emission_amount"`
EmissionAmountTop64 int `json:"emission_amount_top64"`
FeeAmount int `json:"fee_amount"`
FeeAmountTop64 int `json:"fee_amount_top64"`
WideEmissionAmount string `json:"wide_emission_amount"`
WideFeeAmount string `json:"wide_fee_amount"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
type BlockHeader struct {
// BlockSize is the block size in bytes.
BlockSize uint64 `json:"block_size"`
// BlockWeight TODO
BlockWeight uint64 `json:"block_weight"`
// CumulativeDifficulty is the cumulative difficulty of all
// blocks up to this one.
CumulativeDifficulty uint64 `json:"cumulative_difficulty"`
// CumulativeDifficultyTop64 most significant 64 bits of the
// 128-bit cumulative difficulty.
CumulativeDifficultyTop64 uint64 `json:"cumulative_difficulty_top64"`
// Depth is the number of blocks succeeding this block on the
// blockchain. (the larger this number, the oldest this block
// is).
Depth uint64 `json:"depth"`
// Difficulty is the difficulty that was set for mining this block.
Difficulty uint64 `json:"difficulty"`
// DifficultyTop64 corresponds to the most significant 64-bit of
// the 128-bit difficulty.
DifficultyTop64 uint64 `json:"difficulty_top64"`
// Hash is the hash of this block.
Hash string `json:"hash"`
// Height is the number of blocks preceding this block on the
// blockchain.
Height uint64 `json:"height"`
// LongTermWeight TODO
LongTermWeight uint64 `json:"long_term_weight"`
// MajorVersion is the major version of the monero protocol at
// this block height.
MajorVersion uint `json:"major_version"`
// MinerTxHash TODO
MinerTxHash string `json:"miner_tx_hash"`
// MinorVersion is the minor version of the monero protocol at
// this block height.
MinorVersion uint `json:"minor_version"`
// Nonce is the cryptographic random one-time number used in
// mining this block.
Nonce uint64 `json:"nonce"`
// NumTxes is the number of transactions in this block, not
// counting the coinbase tx.
NumTxes uint `json:"num_txes"`
// OrphanStatus indicates whether this block is part of the
// longest chain or not (true == not part of it).
OrphanStatus bool `json:"orphan_status"`
// PowHash TODO
PowHash string `json:"pow_hash"`
// PrevHash is the hash of the block immediately preceding this
// block in the chain.
PrevHash string `json:"prev_hash"`
// Reward the amount of new atomic-units generated in this
// block and rewarded to the miner (1XMR = 1e12 atomic units).
Reward uint64 `json:"reward"`
// Timestamp is the unix timestamp at which the block was
// recorded into the blockchain.
Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"`
// WideCumulativeDifficulty is the cumulative difficulty of all
// blocks in the blockchain as a hexadecimal string
// representing a 128-bit number.
WideCumulativeDifficulty string `json:"wide_cumulative_difficulty"`
// WideDifficulty is the network difficulty as a hexadecimal
// string representing a 128-bit number.
WideDifficulty string `json:"wide_difficulty"`
// GetBlockResult is the result of a call to the GetBlock RPC method.
type GetBlockResult struct {
// Blob is a hexadecimal representation of the block.
Blob string `json:"blob"`
// BlockHeader contains the details from the block header.
BlockHeader BlockHeader `json:"block_header"`
// JSON is a json representation of the block - see
// `GetBlockResultJSON`.
JSON string `json:"json"`
// MinerTxHash is the hash of the coinbase transaction
MinerTxHash string `json:"miner_tx_hash"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
// GetBlockResultJSON is the internal json-formatted block information.
type GetBlockResultJSON struct {
// MajorVersion (same as in the block header)
MajorVersion uint `json:"major_version"`
// MinorVersion (same as in the block header)
MinorVersion uint `json:"minor_version"`
// Timestamp (same as in the block header)
Timestamp uint64 `json:"timestamp"`
// PrevID (same as `block_hash` in the block header)
PrevID string `json:"prev_id"`
// Nonce (same as in the block header)
Nonce int `json:"nonce"`
// MinerTx contains the miner transaction information.
MinerTx struct {
// Version is the transaction version number
Version int `json:"version"`
// UnlockTime is the block height when the coinbase transaction
// becomes spendable.
UnlockTime int `json:"unlock_time"`
// Vin lists the transaction inputs.
Vin []struct {
Gen struct {
Height int `json:"height"`
} `json:"gen"`
} `json:"vin"`
// Vout lists the transaction outputs.
Vout []struct {
Amount uint64 `json:"amount"`
Target struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
} `json:"target"`
} `json:"vout"`
// Extra (aka the transaction id) can be used to include any
// random 32byte/64char hex string.
Extra []int `json:"extra"`
// RctSignatures contain the signatures of tx signers.
// ps.: coinbase txs DO NOT have signatures.
RctSignatures struct {
Type int `json:"type"`
} `json:"rct_signatures"`
} `json:"miner_tx"`
// TxHashes is the list of hashes of non-coinbase transactions in the
// block.
TxHashes []string `json:"tx_hashes"`
func (c *GetBlockResultJSON) MinerOutputs() uint64 {
res := uint64(0)
for _, vout := range c.MinerTx.Vout {
res += vout.Amount
return res
// SyncInfoResult is the result of a call to the SyncInfo RPC method.
type SyncInfoResult struct {
Credits uint64 `json:"credits"`
Height uint64 `json:"height"`
NextNeededPruningSeed uint64 `json:"next_needed_pruning_seed"`
Overview string `json:"overview"`
Status string `json:"status"`
TargetHeight uint64 `json:"target_height"`
TopHash string `json:"top_hash"`
Untrusted bool `json:"untrusted"`
Peers []struct {
Info struct {
Address string `json:"address"`
AddressType uint64 `json:"address_type"`
AvgDownload uint64 `json:"avg_download"`
AvgUpload uint64 `json:"avg_upload"`
ConnectionID string `json:"connection_id"`
CurrentDownload uint64 `json:"current_download"`
CurrentUpload uint64 `json:"current_upload"`
Height uint64 `json:"height"`
Host string `json:"host"`
IP string `json:"ip"`
Incoming bool `json:"incoming"`
LiveTime uint64 `json:"live_time"`
LocalIP bool `json:"local_ip"`
Localhost bool `json:"localhost"`
PeerID string `json:"peer_id"`
Port string `json:"port"`
PruningSeed uint64 `json:"pruning_seed"`
RPCCreditsPerHash uint64 `json:"rpc_credits_per_hash"`
RPCPort uint64 `json:"rpc_port"`
RecvCount uint64 `json:"recv_count"`
RecvIdleTime uint64 `json:"recv_idle_time"`
SendCount uint64 `json:"send_count"`
SendIdleTime uint64 `json:"send_idle_time"`
State string `json:"state"`
SupportFlags int `json:"support_flags"`
} `json:"info"`
} `json:"peers"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
// GetLastBlockHeaderResult is the result of a call to the GetLastBlockHeader
// RPC method.
type GetLastBlockHeaderResult struct {
BlockHeader BlockHeader `json:"block_header"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
// GetBlockHeadersRangeResult is the result of a call to the
// GetBlockHeadersRange RPC method.
type GetBlockHeadersRangeResult struct {
Headers []BlockHeader `json:"headers"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
// GetBlockHeaderByHeightResult is the result of a call to the
// GetBlockHeaderByHeight RPC method.
type GetBlockHeaderByHeightResult struct {
BlockHeader BlockHeader `json:"block_header"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
// GetBlockHeaderByHashResult is the result of a call to the
// GetBlockHeaderByHash RPC method.
type GetBlockHeaderByHashResult struct {
BlockHeader BlockHeader `json:"block_header"`
BlockHeaders []BlockHeader `json:"block_headers"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
type MiningStatusResult struct {
Active bool `json:"active"`
Address string `json:"address"`
BgIdleThreshold int `json:"bg_idle_threshold"`
BgIgnoreBattery bool `json:"bg_ignore_battery"`
BgMinIdleSeconds uint64 `json:"bg_min_idle_seconds"`
BgTarget uint64 `json:"bg_target"`
BlockReward uint64 `json:"block_reward"`
BlockTarget uint64 `json:"block_target"`
Difficulty uint64 `json:"difficulty"`
DifficultyTop64 uint64 `json:"difficulty_top64"`
IsBackgroundMiningEnabled bool `json:"is_background_mining_enabled"`
PowAlgorithm string `json:"pow_algorithm"`
Speed uint64 `json:"speed"`
ThreadsCount uint64 `json:"threads_count"`
WideDifficulty string `json:"wide_difficulty"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
// GetTransactionPoolStatsResult is the result of a call to the
// GetTransactionPoolStats RPC method.
type GetTransactionPoolStatsResult struct {
PoolStats struct {
BytesMax uint64 `json:"bytes_max"`
BytesMed uint64 `json:"bytes_med"`
BytesMin uint64 `json:"bytes_min"`
BytesTotal uint64 `json:"bytes_total"`
FeeTotal uint64 `json:"fee_total"`
Histo []struct {
Bytes uint64 `json:"bytes"`
Txs uint64 `json:"txs"`
} `json:"histo"`
Histo98Pc uint64 `json:"histo_98pc"`
Num10M uint64 `json:"num_10m"`
NumDoubleSpends uint64 `json:"num_double_spends"`
NumFailing uint64 `json:"num_failing"`
NumNotRelayed uint64 `json:"num_not_relayed"`
Oldest int64 `json:"oldest"`
TxsTotal uint64 `json:"txs_total"`
} `json:"pool_stats"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
type GetTransactionsResultTransaction struct {
AsHex string `json:"as_hex"`
AsJSON string `json:"as_json"`
BlockHeight uint64 `json:"block_height"`
BlockTimestamp int64 `json:"block_timestamp"`
DoubleSpendSeen bool `json:"double_spend_seen"`
InPool bool `json:"in_pool"`
OutputIndices []int `json:"output_indices"`
PrunableAsHex string `json:"prunable_as_hex"`
PrunableHash string `json:"prunable_hash"`
PrunedAsHex string `json:"pruned_as_hex"`
TxHash string `json:"tx_hash"`
type GetTransactionsResult struct {
Credits int `json:"credits"`
Status string `json:"status"`
TopHash string `json:"top_hash"`
Txs []GetTransactionsResultTransaction `json:"txs"`
TxsAsHex []string `json:"txs_as_hex"`
Untrusted bool `json:"untrusted"`
type TransactionJSON struct {
Version int `json:"version"`
UnlockTime int `json:"unlock_time"`
Vin []struct {
Key struct {
Amount int `json:"amount"`
KeyOffsets []uint `json:"key_offsets"`
KImage string `json:"k_image"`
} `json:"key"`
} `json:"vin"`
Vout []struct {
Amount uint64 `json:"amount"`
Target struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
} `json:"target"`
} `json:"vout"`
Extra []byte `json:"extra"`
RctSignatures struct {
Type int `json:"type"`
Txnfee uint64 `json:"txnFee"`
Ecdhinfo []struct {
Amount string `json:"amount"`
} `json:"ecdhInfo"`
Outpk []string `json:"outPk"`
} `json:"rct_signatures"`
RctsigPrunable struct {
Nbp int `json:"nbp"`
Bp []struct {
A string `json:"A"`
S string `json:"S"`
T1 string `json:"T1"`
T2 string `json:"T2"`
Taux string `json:"taux"`
Mu string `json:"mu"`
L []string `json:"L"`
R []string `json:"R"`
LowerA string `json:"a"`
B string `json:"b"`
T string `json:"t"`
} `json:"bp,omitempty"`
Bpp []struct {
A string `json:"A"`
A1 string `json:"A1"`
B string `json:"B"`
R1 string `json:"r1"`
S1 string `json:"s1"`
D1 string `json:"d1"`
L []string `json:"L"`
R []string `json:"R"`
} `json:"bpp,omitempty"`
Clsags []struct {
S []string `json:"s"`
C1 string `json:"c1"`
D string `json:"D"`
} `json:"CLSAGs,omitempty"`
Pseudoouts []string `json:"pseudoOuts"`
} `json:"rctsig_prunable"`
type GetTransactionPoolResult struct {
Credits int `json:"credits"`
SpentKeyImages []struct {
IDHash string `json:"id_hash"`
TxsHashes []string `json:"txs_hashes"`
} `json:"spent_key_images"`
Status string `json:"status"`
TopHash string `json:"top_hash"`
Transactions []struct {
BlobSize uint64 `json:"blob_size"`
DoNotRelay bool `json:"do_not_relay"`
DoubleSpendSeen bool `json:"double_spend_seen"`
Fee uint64 `json:"fee"`
IDHash string `json:"id_hash"`
KeptByBlock bool `json:"kept_by_block"`
LastFailedHeight uint64 `json:"last_failed_height"`
LastFailedIDHash string `json:"last_failed_id_hash"`
LastRelayedTime uint64 `json:"last_relayed_time"`
MaxUsedBlockHeight uint64 `json:"max_used_block_height"`
MaxUsedBlockIDHash string `json:"max_used_block_id_hash"`
ReceiveTime int64 `json:"receive_time"`
Relayed bool `json:"relayed"`
TxBlob string `json:"tx_blob"`
TxJSON string `json:"tx_json"`
Weight uint64 `json:"weight"`
} `json:"transactions"`
Untrusted bool `json:"untrusted"`
type SetLogCategoriesRequestParameters struct {
// Categories to log with their corresponding levels formatted as a
// comma-separated list of <category>:<level> pairs.
// For instance, to activate verbosity 1 for the `net.http` category
// and verbosity 4 for `net.dns`:
// net.htpp:1,net.dns:4
Categories string `json:"categories"`
type SetLogCategoriesResult struct {
Categories string `json:"categories"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
type SetLogLevelRequestParameters struct {
// Level is the log level that the daemon should use. From 0 to 4 (less
// verbose to more verbose).
Level int8 `json:"level"`
type SetLogLevelResult struct {
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
type SetLimitRequestParameters struct {
// LimitUp is the upload limit in kB/s
LimitUp uint64 `json:"limit_up"`
// LimitDown is the download limit in kB/s
LimitDown uint64 `json:"limit_down"`
type SetLimitResult struct {
// LimitUp is the upload limit in kB/s
LimitUp uint64 `json:"limit_up"`
// LimitDOwn is the download limit in kB/s
LimitDown uint64 `json:"limit_down"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
type GetLimitResult struct {
// LimitUp is the upload limit in kB/s
LimitUp uint64 `json:"limit_up"`
// LimitDown is the download limit in kB/s
LimitDown uint64 `json:"limit_down"`
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
type StartMiningRequestParameters struct {
MinerAddress string `json:"miner_address"`
BackgroundMining bool `json:"background_mining"`
IgnoreBattery bool `json:"ignore_battery"`
ThreadsCount uint `json:"threads_count"`
type StartMiningResult struct {
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`
type StopMiningResult struct {
RPCResultFooter `json:",inline"`