
1295 lines
39 KiB

package stratum
import (
p2pooltypes ""
gojson ""
fasthex ""
unsafeRandom "math/rand/v2"
// HighFeeValue 0.006 XMR
const HighFeeValue uint64 = 6000000000
const TimeInMempool = time.Second * 5
type ephemeralPubKeyCacheKey [crypto.PublicKeySize*2 + 8]byte
type ephemeralPubKeyCacheEntry struct {
PublicKey crypto.PublicKeyBytes
ViewTag uint8
type NewTemplateData struct {
PreviousTemplateId types.Hash
SideHeight uint64
Difficulty types.Difficulty
CumulativeDifficulty types.Difficulty
TransactionPrivateKeySeed types.Hash
// TransactionPrivateKey Generated from TransactionPrivateKeySeed
TransactionPrivateKey crypto.PrivateKeyBytes
TransactionPublicKey crypto.PublicKeySlice
Timestamp uint64
TotalReward uint64
Transactions []types.Hash
MaxRewardAmountsWeight uint64
ShareVersion sidechain.ShareVersion
Uncles []types.Hash
Ready bool
Window struct {
ReservedShareIndex int
Shares sidechain.Shares
ShuffleMapping ShuffleMapping
EphemeralPubKeyCache map[ephemeralPubKeyCacheKey]*ephemeralPubKeyCacheEntry
type Server struct {
SubmitFunc func(block *sidechain.PoolBlock) error
refreshDuration time.Duration
minerData *p2pooltypes.MinerData
tip *sidechain.PoolBlock
newTemplateData NewTemplateData
lock sync.RWMutex
sidechain *sidechain.SideChain
mempool *MiningMempool
lastMempoolRefresh time.Time
preAllocatedDifficultyData []sidechain.DifficultyData
preAllocatedDifficultyDifferences []uint32
preAllocatedSharesPool *sidechain.PreAllocatedSharesPool
preAllocatedBufferLock sync.Mutex
preAllocatedBuffer []byte
minersLock sync.RWMutex
miners map[address.PackedAddress]*MinerTrackingEntry
bansLock sync.RWMutex
bans map[[16]byte]BanEntry
clientsLock sync.RWMutex
clients []*Client
incomingChanges chan func() bool
type Client struct {
Lock sync.RWMutex
Conn *net.TCPConn
encoder *gojson.Encoder
decoder *gojson.Decoder
Agent string
Login bool
Address address.PackedAddress
Password string
RigId string
buf []byte
RpcId uint32
func (c *Client) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
if err := c.Conn.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(time.Second * 5)); err != nil {
return 0, err
return c.Conn.Write(b)
func NewServer(s *sidechain.SideChain, submitFunc func(block *sidechain.PoolBlock) error) *Server {
server := &Server{
SubmitFunc: submitFunc,
sidechain: s,
preAllocatedDifficultyData: make([]sidechain.DifficultyData, s.Consensus().ChainWindowSize*2),
preAllocatedDifficultyDifferences: make([]uint32, s.Consensus().ChainWindowSize*2),
preAllocatedSharesPool: sidechain.NewPreAllocatedSharesPool(s.Consensus().ChainWindowSize * 2),
preAllocatedBuffer: make([]byte, 0, sidechain.PoolBlockMaxTemplateSize),
miners: make(map[address.PackedAddress]*MinerTrackingEntry),
mempool: (*MiningMempool)(swiss.NewMap[types.Hash, *mempool.Entry](512)),
// buffer 4 at a time for non-blocking source
incomingChanges: make(chan func() bool, 4),
//refresh every n seconds
refreshDuration: time.Duration(s.Consensus().TargetBlockTime) * time.Second,
return server
func (s *Server) CleanupMiners() {
defer s.minersLock.Unlock()
cleanupTime := time.Now()
for k, e := range s.miners {
if cleanupTime.Sub(e.LastJob) > time.Minute*5 {
delete(s.miners, k)
} else {
if len(e.Templates) > 0 {
var templateSideHeight uint64
for _, tpl := range e.Templates {
if tpl.SideHeight > templateSideHeight {
templateSideHeight = tpl.SideHeight
tipHeight := uint64(0)
if templateSideHeight > sidechain.UncleBlockDepth {
tipHeight = templateSideHeight - sidechain.UncleBlockDepth + 1
//Delete old templates further than uncle depth
for key, tpl := range e.Templates {
if tpl.SideHeight < tipHeight {
delete(e.Templates, key)
// TODO: Prevent long-term leaks by re-allocating templates if capacity grew too much
func (s *Server) fillNewTemplateData(currentDifficulty types.Difficulty) error {
s.newTemplateData.Ready = false
if s.minerData == nil {
return errors.New("no main data present")
if s.minerData.MajorVersion > monero.HardForkSupportedVersion {
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported hardfork version %d", s.minerData.MajorVersion)
oldPubKeyCache := s.newTemplateData.Window.EphemeralPubKeyCache
s.newTemplateData.Timestamp = uint64(time.Now().Unix())
s.newTemplateData.ShareVersion = sidechain.P2PoolShareVersion(s.sidechain.Consensus(), s.newTemplateData.Timestamp)
// Do not allow mining on old chains, as they are not optimal for CPU usage
if s.newTemplateData.ShareVersion < sidechain.ShareVersion_V2 {
return errors.New("unsupported sidechain version")
if s.newTemplateData.ShareVersion > sidechain.ShareVersion_V3 {
return errors.New("unsupported sidechain version")
if s.tip != nil {
s.newTemplateData.PreviousTemplateId = s.tip.SideTemplateId(s.sidechain.Consensus())
s.newTemplateData.SideHeight = s.tip.Side.Height + 1
oldSeed := s.newTemplateData.TransactionPrivateKeySeed
s.newTemplateData.TransactionPrivateKeySeed = s.tip.Side.CoinbasePrivateKeySeed
if s.tip.Main.PreviousId != s.minerData.PrevId {
s.newTemplateData.TransactionPrivateKeySeed = s.tip.CalculateTransactionPrivateKeySeed()
//TODO: check this
if s.newTemplateData.TransactionPrivateKeySeed != oldSeed || s.tip.Side.CoinbasePrivateKeySeed != oldSeed {
oldPubKeyCache = nil
if currentDifficulty != types.ZeroDifficulty {
//difficulty is set from caller
s.newTemplateData.Difficulty = currentDifficulty
oldPubKeyCache = nil
s.newTemplateData.CumulativeDifficulty = s.tip.Side.CumulativeDifficulty.Add(s.newTemplateData.Difficulty)
s.newTemplateData.Uncles = s.sidechain.GetPossibleUncles(s.tip, s.newTemplateData.SideHeight)
} else {
s.newTemplateData.PreviousTemplateId = types.ZeroHash
s.newTemplateData.TransactionPrivateKeySeed = s.sidechain.Consensus().Id
s.newTemplateData.Difficulty = types.DifficultyFrom64(s.sidechain.Consensus().MinimumDifficulty)
s.newTemplateData.CumulativeDifficulty = types.DifficultyFrom64(s.sidechain.Consensus().MinimumDifficulty)
kP := s.sidechain.DerivationCache().GetDeterministicTransactionKey(s.newTemplateData.TransactionPrivateKeySeed, s.minerData.PrevId)
s.newTemplateData.TransactionPrivateKey = kP.PrivateKey.AsBytes()
s.newTemplateData.TransactionPublicKey = kP.PublicKey.AsSlice()
fakeTemplateTipBlock := &sidechain.PoolBlock{
Main: block.Block{
MajorVersion: s.minerData.MajorVersion,
MinorVersion: monero.HardForkSupportedVersion,
Timestamp: s.newTemplateData.Timestamp,
PreviousId: s.minerData.PrevId,
Nonce: 0,
Coinbase: transaction.CoinbaseTransaction{
GenHeight: s.minerData.Height,
Transactions: nil,
Side: sidechain.SideData{
//Zero Spend/View key
PublicKey: address.PackedAddress{},
CoinbasePrivateKeySeed: s.newTemplateData.TransactionPrivateKeySeed,
CoinbasePrivateKey: s.newTemplateData.TransactionPrivateKey,
Parent: s.newTemplateData.PreviousTemplateId,
Uncles: s.newTemplateData.Uncles,
Height: s.newTemplateData.SideHeight,
Difficulty: s.newTemplateData.Difficulty,
CumulativeDifficulty: s.newTemplateData.CumulativeDifficulty,
Metadata: sidechain.PoolBlockReceptionMetadata{
LocalTime: time.Now().UTC(),
CachedShareVersion: s.newTemplateData.ShareVersion,
preAllocatedShares := s.preAllocatedSharesPool.Get()
defer s.preAllocatedSharesPool.Put(preAllocatedShares)
shares, _ := sidechain.GetSharesOrdered(fakeTemplateTipBlock, s.sidechain.Consensus(), s.sidechain.Server().GetDifficultyByHeight, s.sidechain.GetPoolBlockByTemplateId, preAllocatedShares)
if shares == nil {
return errors.New("could not get outputs")
s.newTemplateData.Window.Shares = slices.Clone(shares)
s.newTemplateData.Window.ReservedShareIndex = s.newTemplateData.Window.Shares.Index(fakeTemplateTipBlock.GetAddress())
if s.newTemplateData.Window.ReservedShareIndex == -1 {
return errors.New("could not find reserved share index")
// Only choose transactions that were received 5 or more seconds ago, or high fee (>= 0.006 XMR) transactions
selectedMempool := s.mempool.Select(HighFeeValue, TimeInMempool)
//TODO: limit max Monero block size
baseReward := block.GetBaseReward(s.minerData.AlreadyGeneratedCoins)
totalWeight, totalFees := selectedMempool.WeightAndFees()
maxReward := baseReward + totalFees
rewards := sidechain.SplitRewardAllocate(maxReward, s.newTemplateData.Window.Shares)
s.newTemplateData.MaxRewardAmountsWeight = uint64(utils.UVarInt64SliceSize(rewards))
//TODO efficient, move elsewhere
nonce, ok := merge_mining.FindAuxiliaryNonce([]types.Hash{s.sidechain.Consensus().Id}, math.MaxUint32)
if !ok {
return errors.New("could not find nonce")
tag := merge_mining.Tag{
NumberAuxiliaryChains: 1,
Nonce: nonce,
tx, err := s.createCoinbaseTransaction(s.newTemplateData.ShareVersion, tag.MarshalTreeData(), fakeTemplateTipBlock.GetTransactionOutputType(), s.newTemplateData.Window.Shares, rewards, s.newTemplateData.MaxRewardAmountsWeight, false)
if err != nil {
return err
coinbaseTransactionWeight := uint64(tx.BufferLength())
var pickedMempool mempool.Mempool
if totalWeight+coinbaseTransactionWeight <= s.minerData.MedianWeight {
// if a block doesn't get into the penalty zone, just pick all transactions
pickedMempool = selectedMempool
} else {
pickedMempool = selectedMempool.Pick(baseReward, coinbaseTransactionWeight, s.minerData.MedianWeight)
//shuffle transactions
unsafeRandom.Shuffle(len(pickedMempool), func(i, j int) {
pickedMempool[i], pickedMempool[j] = pickedMempool[j], pickedMempool[i]
s.newTemplateData.Transactions = make([]types.Hash, len(pickedMempool))
for i, entry := range pickedMempool {
s.newTemplateData.Transactions[i] = entry.Id
finalReward := mempool.GetBlockReward(baseReward, s.minerData.MedianWeight, pickedMempool.Fees(), coinbaseTransactionWeight+pickedMempool.Weight())
if finalReward < baseReward {
return errors.New("final reward < base reward, should never happen")
s.newTemplateData.TotalReward = finalReward
s.newTemplateData.Window.ShuffleMapping = BuildShuffleMapping(len(s.newTemplateData.Window.Shares), s.newTemplateData.ShareVersion, s.newTemplateData.TransactionPrivateKeySeed, s.newTemplateData.Window.ShuffleMapping)
s.newTemplateData.Window.EphemeralPubKeyCache = make(map[ephemeralPubKeyCacheKey]*ephemeralPubKeyCacheEntry)
txPrivateKeySlice := s.newTemplateData.TransactionPrivateKey.AsSlice()
txPrivateKeyScalar := s.newTemplateData.TransactionPrivateKey.AsScalar()
//TODO: parallelize this
hasher := crypto.GetKeccak256Hasher()
defer crypto.PutKeccak256Hasher(hasher)
// generate ephemeral pubkeys based on indices
var tempPubKey ephemeralPubKeyCacheKey
generateEphPubKeyForIndex := func(index int, addr *address.PackedAddress) {
if index == -1 {
copy(tempPubKey[:], addr.Bytes())
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(tempPubKey[crypto.PublicKeySize*2:], uint64(index))
if e, ok := oldPubKeyCache[tempPubKey]; ok {
s.newTemplateData.Window.EphemeralPubKeyCache[tempPubKey] = e
} else {
var e ephemeralPubKeyCacheEntry
e.PublicKey, e.ViewTag = s.sidechain.DerivationCache().GetEphemeralPublicKey(addr, txPrivateKeySlice, txPrivateKeyScalar, uint64(index), hasher)
s.newTemplateData.Window.EphemeralPubKeyCache[tempPubKey] = &e
s.newTemplateData.Window.ShuffleMapping.RangePossibleIndices(func(i int, ix0, ix1, ix2 int) {
if i == ShuffleMappingZeroKeyIndex {
// Skip zero key
share := s.newTemplateData.Window.Shares[i]
generateEphPubKeyForIndex(ix0, &share.Address)
generateEphPubKeyForIndex(ix1, &share.Address)
generateEphPubKeyForIndex(ix2, &share.Address)
s.newTemplateData.Ready = true
return nil
func (s *Server) BuildTemplate(addr address.PackedAddress, forceNewTemplate bool) (tpl *Template, jobCounter uint64, difficultyTarget types.Difficulty, seedHash types.Hash, err error) {
var zeroAddress address.PackedAddress
if addr == zeroAddress {
return nil, 0, types.ZeroDifficulty, types.ZeroHash, errors.New("nil address")
e, ok := func() (*MinerTrackingEntry, bool) {
defer s.minersLock.RUnlock()
e, ok := s.miners[addr]
return e, ok
tpl, jobCounter, targetDiff, seedHash, err := func() (tpl *Template, jobCounter uint64, difficultyTarget types.Difficulty, seedHash types.Hash, err error) {
defer s.lock.RUnlock()
if s.minerData == nil {
return nil, 0, types.ZeroDifficulty, types.ZeroHash, errors.New("nil miner data")
if !s.newTemplateData.Ready {
return nil, 0, types.ZeroDifficulty, types.ZeroHash, errors.New("template data not ready")
if !forceNewTemplate && e != nil && ok {
if tpl, jobCounter := func() (*Template, uint64) {
defer e.Lock.RUnlock()
jobCounter := e.LastTemplate.Load()
if tpl, ok := e.Templates[jobCounter]; ok && tpl.SideParent == s.newTemplateData.PreviousTemplateId && tpl.MainParent == s.minerData.PrevId {
return tpl, jobCounter
return nil, 0
}(); tpl != nil {
defer e.Lock.Unlock()
e.LastJob = time.Now()
targetDiff := tpl.SideDifficulty
if s.minerData.Difficulty.Cmp(targetDiff) < 0 {
targetDiff = s.minerData.Difficulty
return tpl, jobCounter, targetDiff, s.minerData.SeedHash, nil
blockTemplate := &sidechain.PoolBlock{
Main: block.Block{
MajorVersion: s.minerData.MajorVersion,
MinorVersion: monero.HardForkSupportedVersion,
Timestamp: s.newTemplateData.Timestamp,
PreviousId: s.minerData.PrevId,
Nonce: 0,
Transactions: s.newTemplateData.Transactions,
Side: sidechain.SideData{
PublicKey: addr,
CoinbasePrivateKeySeed: s.newTemplateData.TransactionPrivateKeySeed,
CoinbasePrivateKey: s.newTemplateData.TransactionPrivateKey,
Parent: s.newTemplateData.PreviousTemplateId,
Uncles: s.newTemplateData.Uncles,
Height: s.newTemplateData.SideHeight,
Difficulty: s.newTemplateData.Difficulty,
CumulativeDifficulty: s.newTemplateData.CumulativeDifficulty,
MerkleProof: nil,
MergeMiningExtra: nil,
ExtraBuffer: sidechain.SideDataExtraBuffer{
SoftwareId: p2pooltypes.CurrentSoftwareId,
SoftwareVersion: p2pooltypes.CurrentSoftwareVersion,
RandomNumber: 0,
SideChainExtraNonce: 0,
CachedShareVersion: s.newTemplateData.ShareVersion,
preAllocatedShares := s.preAllocatedSharesPool.Get()
defer s.preAllocatedSharesPool.Put(preAllocatedShares)
shares := s.newTemplateData.Window.Shares.Clone()
// It exists, replace
if i := shares.Index(addr); i != -1 {
shares[i] = &sidechain.Share{
Address: addr,
Weight: shares[i].Weight.Add(shares[s.newTemplateData.Window.ReservedShareIndex].Weight),
shares = slices.Delete(shares, s.newTemplateData.Window.ReservedShareIndex, s.newTemplateData.Window.ReservedShareIndex+1)
} else {
// Replace reserved address
shares[s.newTemplateData.Window.ReservedShareIndex] = &sidechain.Share{
Weight: shares[s.newTemplateData.Window.ReservedShareIndex].Weight,
Address: addr,
shares = shares.Compact()
// Apply consensus shuffle
shares = ApplyShuffleMapping(shares, s.newTemplateData.Window.ShuffleMapping)
// Allocate rewards
preAllocatedRewards := make([]uint64, 0, len(shares))
rewards := sidechain.SplitReward(preAllocatedRewards, s.newTemplateData.TotalReward, shares)
if rewards == nil || len(rewards) != len(shares) {
return nil, 0, types.ZeroDifficulty, types.ZeroHash, errors.New("could not calculate rewards")
//TODO efficient, move elsewhere
nonce, ok := merge_mining.FindAuxiliaryNonce([]types.Hash{s.sidechain.Consensus().Id}, math.MaxUint32)
if !ok {
return nil, 0, types.ZeroDifficulty, types.ZeroHash, errors.New("could not find nonce")
tag := merge_mining.Tag{
NumberAuxiliaryChains: 1,
Nonce: nonce,
if blockTemplate.Main.Coinbase, err = s.createCoinbaseTransaction(s.newTemplateData.ShareVersion, tag.MarshalTreeData(), blockTemplate.GetTransactionOutputType(), shares, rewards, s.newTemplateData.MaxRewardAmountsWeight, true); err != nil {
return nil, 0, types.ZeroDifficulty, types.ZeroHash, err
tpl, err = TemplateFromPoolBlock(blockTemplate)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, types.ZeroDifficulty, types.ZeroHash, err
targetDiff := tpl.SideDifficulty
if s.minerData.Difficulty.Cmp(targetDiff) < 0 {
targetDiff = s.minerData.Difficulty
return tpl, 0, targetDiff, s.minerData.SeedHash, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, types.ZeroDifficulty, types.ZeroHash, err
if forceNewTemplate || jobCounter != 0 {
return tpl, jobCounter, targetDiff, seedHash, nil
if e != nil && ok {
defer e.Lock.Unlock()
var newJobCounter uint64
for newJobCounter == 0 {
newJobCounter = e.Counter.Add(1)
e.Templates[newJobCounter] = tpl
e.LastJob = time.Now()
return tpl, newJobCounter, targetDiff, seedHash, nil
} else {
defer s.minersLock.Unlock()
e = &MinerTrackingEntry{
Templates: make(map[uint64]*Template),
var newJobCounter uint64
for newJobCounter == 0 {
newJobCounter = e.Counter.Add(1)
e.Templates[newJobCounter] = tpl
e.LastJob = time.Now()
s.miners[addr] = e
return tpl, newJobCounter, targetDiff, seedHash, nil
func (s *Server) createCoinbaseTransaction(shareVersion sidechain.ShareVersion, mergeMiningTreeData uint64, txType uint8, shares sidechain.Shares, rewards []uint64, maxRewardsAmountsWeight uint64, final bool) (tx transaction.CoinbaseTransaction, err error) {
var mergeMineTag transaction.ExtraTag
if shareVersion <= sidechain.ShareVersion_V2 {
sidechainId := slices.Clone(types.ZeroHash[:])
mergeMineTag = transaction.ExtraTag{
Tag: transaction.TxExtraTagMergeMining,
VarInt: uint64(len(sidechainId)),
HasVarInt: true,
Data: sidechainId,
} else if shareVersion == sidechain.ShareVersion_V3 {
data := make([]byte, utils.UVarInt64Size(mergeMiningTreeData)+types.HashSize)
binary.PutUvarint(data, mergeMiningTreeData)
mergeMineTag = transaction.ExtraTag{
Tag: transaction.TxExtraTagMergeMining,
VarInt: uint64(len(data)),
HasVarInt: true,
Data: data,
} else {
return transaction.CoinbaseTransaction{}, errors.New("unsupported share version")
tx = transaction.CoinbaseTransaction{
Version: 2,
UnlockTime: s.minerData.Height + monero.MinerRewardUnlockTime,
InputCount: 1,
InputType: transaction.TxInGen,
GenHeight: s.minerData.Height,
AuxiliaryData: transaction.CoinbaseTransactionAuxiliaryData{
TotalReward: func() (v uint64) {
for i := range rewards {
v += rewards[i]
Extra: transaction.ExtraTags{
Tag: transaction.TxExtraTagPubKey,
VarInt: 0,
Data: types.Bytes(s.newTemplateData.TransactionPublicKey),
Tag: transaction.TxExtraTagNonce,
VarInt: sidechain.SideExtraNonceSize,
HasVarInt: true,
Data: make(types.Bytes, sidechain.SideExtraNonceSize),
ExtraBaseRCT: 0,
tx.Outputs = make(transaction.Outputs, len(shares))
if final {
txPrivateKeySlice := s.newTemplateData.TransactionPrivateKey.AsSlice()
txPrivateKeyScalar := s.newTemplateData.TransactionPrivateKey.AsScalar()
hasher := crypto.GetKeccak256Hasher()
defer crypto.PutKeccak256Hasher(hasher)
var k ephemeralPubKeyCacheKey
for i := range tx.Outputs {
outputIndex := uint64(i)
tx.Outputs[outputIndex].Index = outputIndex
tx.Outputs[outputIndex].Type = txType
tx.Outputs[outputIndex].Reward = rewards[outputIndex]
copy(k[:], shares[outputIndex].Address.Bytes())
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(k[crypto.PublicKeySize*2:], outputIndex)
if e, ok := s.newTemplateData.Window.EphemeralPubKeyCache[k]; ok {
tx.Outputs[outputIndex].EphemeralPublicKey, tx.Outputs[outputIndex].ViewTag = e.PublicKey, e.ViewTag
} else {
tx.Outputs[outputIndex].EphemeralPublicKey, tx.Outputs[outputIndex].ViewTag = s.sidechain.DerivationCache().GetEphemeralPublicKey(&shares[outputIndex].Address, txPrivateKeySlice, txPrivateKeyScalar, outputIndex, hasher)
} else {
for i := range tx.Outputs {
outputIndex := uint64(i)
tx.Outputs[outputIndex].Index = outputIndex
tx.Outputs[outputIndex].Type = txType
tx.Outputs[outputIndex].Reward = rewards[outputIndex]
rewardAmountsWeight := uint64(utils.UVarInt64SliceSize(rewards))
if !final {
if rewardAmountsWeight != maxRewardsAmountsWeight {
return transaction.CoinbaseTransaction{}, fmt.Errorf("incorrect miner rewards during the dry run, %d != %d", rewardAmountsWeight, maxRewardsAmountsWeight)
} else if rewardAmountsWeight > maxRewardsAmountsWeight {
return transaction.CoinbaseTransaction{}, fmt.Errorf("incorrect miner rewards during the dry run, %d > %d", rewardAmountsWeight, maxRewardsAmountsWeight)
correctedExtraNonceSize := sidechain.SideExtraNonceSize + maxRewardsAmountsWeight - rewardAmountsWeight
if correctedExtraNonceSize > sidechain.SideExtraNonceSize {
if correctedExtraNonceSize > sidechain.SideExtraNonceMaxSize {
return transaction.CoinbaseTransaction{}, fmt.Errorf("corrected extra_nonce size is too large, %d > %d", correctedExtraNonceSize, sidechain.SideExtraNonceMaxSize)
//Increase size to maintain transaction weight
tx.Extra[1].Data = make(types.Bytes, correctedExtraNonceSize)
tx.Extra[1].VarInt = correctedExtraNonceSize
return tx, nil
func (s *Server) HandleMempoolData(data mempool.Mempool) {
s.incomingChanges <- func() bool {
timeReceived := time.Now()
defer s.lock.Unlock()
var highFeeReceived bool
for _, tx := range data {
if s.mempool.Add(tx) {
if tx.Fee >= HighFeeValue {
//prevent a lot of calls if not needed
if utils.GlobalLogLevel&utils.LogLevelDebug > 0 {
utils.Debugf("Stratum", "new tx id = %s, size = %d, weight = %d, fee = %s XMR", tx.Id, tx.BlobSize, tx.Weight, utils.XMRUnits(tx.Fee))
highFeeReceived = true
utils.Noticef("Stratum", "high fee tx received: %s, %s XMR - updating template", tx.Id, utils.XMRUnits(tx.Fee))
// Refresh if 10 seconds have passed between templates and new transactions arrived, or a high fee was received
if highFeeReceived || timeReceived.Sub(s.lastMempoolRefresh) >= s.refreshDuration {
s.lastMempoolRefresh = timeReceived
if err := s.fillNewTemplateData(types.ZeroDifficulty); err != nil {
utils.Errorf("Stratum", "Error building new template data: %s", err)
return false
return true
return false
func (s *Server) HandleMinerData(minerData *p2pooltypes.MinerData) {
s.incomingChanges <- func() bool {
defer s.lock.Unlock()
if s.minerData == nil || s.minerData.Height <= minerData.Height {
s.minerData = minerData
s.lastMempoolRefresh = time.Now()
if err := s.fillNewTemplateData(types.ZeroDifficulty); err != nil {
utils.Errorf("Stratum", "Error building new template data: %s", err)
return false
return true
return false
func (s *Server) HandleTip(tip *sidechain.PoolBlock) {
currentDifficulty := s.sidechain.Difficulty()
s.incomingChanges <- func() bool {
defer s.lock.Unlock()
//TODO: what if tip is lower???
if s.tip == nil || s.tip.Side.Height <= tip.Side.Height {
s.tip = tip
s.lastMempoolRefresh = time.Now()
if err := s.fillNewTemplateData(currentDifficulty); err != nil {
utils.Errorf("Stratum", "Error building new template data: %s", err)
return false
return true
return false
func (s *Server) HandleBroadcast(block *sidechain.PoolBlock) {
s.incomingChanges <- func() bool {
defer s.lock.Unlock()
if s.tip != nil && block != s.tip && block.Side.Height <= s.tip.Side.Height {
//probably a new block was added as alternate
if err := s.fillNewTemplateData(types.ZeroDifficulty); err != nil {
utils.Errorf("Stratum", "Error building new template data: %s", err)
return false
return true
return false
func (s *Server) Update() {
var closeClients []*Client
defer func() {
for _, c := range closeClients {
defer s.clientsLock.RUnlock()
if len(s.clients) > 0 {
utils.Logf("Stratum", "Sending new job to %d connection(s)", len(s.clients))
for _, c := range s.clients {
if err := s.SendTemplate(c); err != nil {
utils.Noticef("Stratum", "Closing connection %s: %s", c.Conn.RemoteAddr().String(), err)
closeClients = append(closeClients, c)
type BanEntry struct {
Expiration uint64
Error error
func (s *Server) CleanupBanList() {
defer s.bansLock.Unlock()
currentTime := uint64(time.Now().Unix())
for k, b := range s.bans {
if currentTime >= b.Expiration {
delete(s.bans, k)
func (s *Server) IsBanned(ip netip.Addr) (bool, *BanEntry) {
if ip.IsLoopback() {
return false, nil
ip = ip.Unmap()
var prefix netip.Prefix
if ip.Is6() {
//ban the /64
prefix, _ = ip.Prefix(64)
} else if ip.Is4() {
//ban only a single ip, /32
prefix, _ = ip.Prefix(32)
if !prefix.IsValid() {
return false, nil
k := prefix.Addr().As16()
if b, ok := func() (entry BanEntry, ok bool) {
defer s.bansLock.RUnlock()
entry, ok = s.bans[k]
return entry, ok
}(); ok == false {
return false, nil
} else if uint64(time.Now().Unix()) >= b.Expiration {
return false, nil
} else {
return true, &b
func (s *Server) Ban(ip netip.Addr, duration time.Duration, err error) {
if ok, _ := s.IsBanned(ip); ok {
utils.Noticef("Stratum", "Banned %s for %s: %s", ip.String(), duration.String(), err.Error())
if !ip.IsLoopback() {
ip = ip.Unmap()
var prefix netip.Prefix
if ip.Is6() {
//ban the /64
prefix, _ = ip.Prefix(64)
} else if ip.Is4() {
//ban only a single ip, /32
prefix, _ = ip.Prefix(32)
if prefix.IsValid() {
func() {
defer s.bansLock.Unlock()
s.bans[prefix.Addr().As16()] = BanEntry{
Error: err,
Expiration: uint64(time.Now().Unix()) + uint64(duration.Seconds()),
func (s *Server) processIncoming() {
go func() {
defer close(s.incomingChanges)
ctx := s.sidechain.Server().Context()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case f := <-s.incomingChanges:
if f() {
func (s *Server) Listen(listen string) error {
ctx := s.sidechain.Server().Context()
go func() {
for range utils.ContextTick(ctx, time.Second*15) {
if listener, err := (&net.ListenConfig{}).Listen(ctx, "tcp", listen); err != nil {
return err
} else if tcpListener, ok := listener.(*net.TCPListener); !ok {
return errors.New("not a tcp listener")
} else {
defer tcpListener.Close()
addressNetwork, _ := s.sidechain.Consensus().NetworkType.AddressNetwork()
for {
if conn, err := tcpListener.AcceptTCP(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err = func() error {
if addrPort, err := netip.ParseAddrPort(conn.RemoteAddr().String()); err != nil {
return err
} else if !addrPort.Addr().IsLoopback() {
addr := addrPort.Addr().Unmap()
if ok, b := s.IsBanned(addr); ok {
return fmt.Errorf("peer is banned: %w", b.Error)
return nil
}(); err != nil {
go func() {
defer conn.Close()
utils.Noticef("Stratum", "Connection from %s rejected (%s)", conn.RemoteAddr().String(), err.Error())
func() {
utils.Noticef("Stratum", "Incoming connection from %s", conn.RemoteAddr().String())
var rpcId uint32
for rpcId == 0 {
rpcId = unsafeRandom.Uint32()
client := &Client{
RpcId: rpcId,
Conn: conn,
decoder: utils.NewJSONDecoder(conn),
// Default to donation address if not specified
Address: address.FromBase58(types.DonationAddress).ToPackedAddress(),
// Use deadline
client.encoder = utils.NewJSONEncoder(client)
func() {
defer s.clientsLock.Unlock()
s.clients = append(s.clients, client)
go func() {
var err error
defer s.CloseClient(client)
defer func() {
if err != nil {
utils.Noticef("Stratum", "Connection %s closed with error: %s", client.Conn.RemoteAddr().String(), err)
} else {
utils.Noticef("Stratum", "Connection %s closed", client.Conn.RemoteAddr().String())
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
if err = e.(error); err == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("panic called: %v", e)
for client.decoder.More() {
var msg JsonRpcMessage
if err = client.decoder.Decode(&msg); err != nil {
switch msg.Method {
case "login":
if err = func() error {
defer client.Lock.Unlock()
if client.Login {
return errors.New("already logged in")
if m, ok := msg.Params.(map[string]any); ok {
if str, ok := m["agent"].(string); ok {
client.Agent = str
if str, ok := m["pass"].(string); ok {
client.Password = str
if str, ok := m["rig-id"].(string); ok {
client.RigId = str
if str, ok := m["login"].(string); ok {
//TODO: support merge mining addresses
a := address.FromBase58(str)
if a != nil && a.Network == addressNetwork {
client.Address = a.ToPackedAddress()
} else {
return errors.New("invalid address in user")
var hasRx0 bool
if algos, ok := m["algo"].([]any); ok {
for _, v := range algos {
if str, ok := v.(string); !ok {
return errors.New("invalid algo")
} else if str == "rx/0" {
hasRx0 = true
if !hasRx0 {
return errors.New("algo rx/0 not found")
utils.Debugf("Stratum", "Connection %s address = %s, agent = \"%s\", pass = \"%s\"", client.Conn.RemoteAddr().String(), client.Address.ToAddress(addressNetwork).ToBase58(), client.Agent, client.Password)
client.Login = true
return nil
} else {
return errors.New("could not read login params")
}(); err != nil {
_ = client.encoder.Encode(JsonRpcResult{
Id: msg.Id,
JsonRpcVersion: "2.0",
Error: map[string]any{
"code": int(-1),
"message": err.Error(),
} else if err = s.SendTemplateResponse(client, msg.Id); err != nil {
_ = client.encoder.Encode(JsonRpcResult{
Id: msg.Id,
JsonRpcVersion: "2.0",
Error: map[string]any{
"code": int(-1),
"message": err.Error(),
case "submit":
if submitError, ban := func() (error, bool) {
defer client.Lock.RUnlock()
if !client.Login {
return errors.New("unauthenticated"), true
var err error
var jobId JobIdentifier
var resultHash types.Hash
var nonce uint32
if m, ok := msg.Params.(map[string]any); ok {
if str, ok := m["job_id"].(string); ok {
if jobId, err = JobIdentifierFromString(str); err != nil {
return err, true
} else {
return errors.New("no job_id specified"), true
if str, ok := m["nonce"].(string); ok {
var nonceBuf []byte
if nonceBuf, err = fasthex.DecodeString(str); err != nil {
return err, true
if len(nonceBuf) != 4 {
return errors.New("invalid nonce size"), true
nonce = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(nonceBuf)
} else {
return errors.New("no nonce specified"), true
if str, ok := m["result"].(string); ok {
if resultHash, err = types.HashFromString(str); err != nil {
return err, true
} else {
return errors.New("no result specified"), true
if err, ban := func() (error, bool) {
if e, ok := func() (*MinerTrackingEntry, bool) {
defer s.minersLock.RUnlock()
e, ok := s.miners[client.Address]
return e, ok
}(); ok {
b := &sidechain.PoolBlock{}
if blob := e.GetJobBlob(jobId, nonce); blob == nil {
return errors.New("invalid job id"), true
} else if err := b.UnmarshalBinary(s.sidechain.Consensus(), s.sidechain.DerivationCache(), blob); err != nil {
return err, true
} else {
if b.Side.Difficulty.CheckPoW(resultHash) {
//passes difficulty
if err := s.SubmitFunc(b); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("submit error: %w", err), true
} else {
return errors.New("low difficulty share"), true
} else {
return errors.New("unknown miner"), true
return nil, false
}(); err != nil {
return err, ban
return nil, false
} else {
return errors.New("could not read submit params"), true
}(); submitError != nil {
err = client.encoder.Encode(JsonRpcResult{
Id: msg.Id,
JsonRpcVersion: "2.0",
Error: map[string]any{
"code": int(-1),
"message": submitError.Error(),
if err != nil || ban {
} else {
if err = client.encoder.Encode(JsonRpcResult{
Id: msg.Id,
JsonRpcVersion: "2.0",
Error: nil,
Result: map[string]any{
"status": "OK",
}); err != nil {
case "keepalived":
if err = client.encoder.Encode(JsonRpcResult{
Id: msg.Id,
JsonRpcVersion: "2.0",
Error: nil,
Result: map[string]any{
"status": "KEEPALIVED",
}); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("unknown command %s", msg.Method)
_ = client.encoder.Encode(JsonRpcResult{
Id: msg.Id,
JsonRpcVersion: "2.0",
Error: map[string]any{
"code": int(-1),
"message": err.Error(),
return nil
func (s *Server) SendTemplate(c *Client) (err error) {
defer c.Lock.Unlock()
tpl, jobCounter, targetDifficulty, seedHash, err := s.BuildTemplate(c.Address, false)
if err != nil {
return err
job := copyBaseJob()
bufLen := tpl.HashingBlobBufferLength()
if cap(c.buf) < bufLen {
c.buf = make([]byte, 0, bufLen)
sideRandomNumber := unsafeRandom.Uint32()
extraNonce := unsafeRandom.Uint32()
sideExtraNonce := extraNonce
hasher := crypto.GetKeccak256Hasher()
defer crypto.PutKeccak256Hasher(hasher)
var templateId types.Hash
tpl.TemplateId(hasher, c.buf, s.sidechain.Consensus(), sideRandomNumber, sideExtraNonce, &templateId)
job.Params.Blob = fasthex.EncodeToString(tpl.HashingBlob(hasher, c.buf, 0, extraNonce, templateId))
jobId := JobIdentifierFromValues(jobCounter, extraNonce, sideRandomNumber, sideExtraNonce, templateId)
job.Params.JobId = jobId.String()
target := targetDifficulty.Target()
job.Params.Target = TargetHex(target)
job.Params.Height = tpl.MainHeight
job.Params.SeedHash = seedHash
if err = c.encoder.EncodeWithOption(job, utils.JsonEncodeOptions...); err != nil {
return nil
func (s *Server) SendTemplateResponse(c *Client, id any) (err error) {
defer c.Lock.Unlock()
tpl, jobCounter, targetDifficulty, seedHash, err := s.BuildTemplate(c.Address, false)
if err != nil {
job := copyBaseResponseJob()
bufLen := tpl.HashingBlobBufferLength()
if cap(c.buf) < bufLen {
c.buf = make([]byte, 0, bufLen)
var hexBuf [4]byte
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(hexBuf[:], c.RpcId)
sideRandomNumber := unsafeRandom.Uint32()
extraNonce := unsafeRandom.Uint32()
sideExtraNonce := extraNonce
hasher := crypto.GetKeccak256Hasher()
defer crypto.PutKeccak256Hasher(hasher)
var templateId types.Hash
tpl.TemplateId(hasher, c.buf, s.sidechain.Consensus(), sideRandomNumber, sideExtraNonce, &templateId)
job.Id = id
job.Result.Id = fasthex.EncodeToString(hexBuf[:])
job.Result.Job.Blob = fasthex.EncodeToString(tpl.HashingBlob(hasher, c.buf, 0, extraNonce, templateId))
jobId := JobIdentifierFromValues(jobCounter, extraNonce, sideRandomNumber, sideExtraNonce, templateId)
job.Result.Job.JobId = jobId.String()
target := targetDifficulty.Target()
job.Result.Job.Target = TargetHex(target)
job.Result.Job.Height = tpl.MainHeight
job.Result.Job.SeedHash = seedHash
if err = c.encoder.EncodeWithOption(job, utils.JsonEncodeOptions...); err != nil {
return nil
func (s *Server) CloseClient(c *Client) {
defer s.clientsLock.Unlock()
if i := slices.Index(s.clients, c); i != -1 {
s.clients = slices.Delete(s.clients, i, i+1)
// Target4BytesLimit Use short target format (4 bytes) for diff <= 4 million
const Target4BytesLimit = math.MaxUint64 / 4000001
func TargetHex(target uint64) string {
var buf [8]byte
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf[:], target)
result := fasthex.EncodeToString(buf[:])
if target >= Target4BytesLimit {
return result[4*2:]
} else {
return result