extra: add ExtendedCoordinates and SetExtendedCoordinates

This commit is contained in:
Filippo Valsorda 2021-06-04 17:43:43 +02:00
parent c1c1311e51
commit ed0a5aec82

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@ -7,7 +7,70 @@ package edwards25519
// This file contains additional functionality that is not included in the
// upstream crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519 package.
import "filippo.io/edwards25519/field"
import (
// ExtendedCoordinates returns v in extended coordinates (X:Y:Z:T) where
// x = X/Z, y = Y/Z, and xy = T/Z as in https://eprint.iacr.org/2008/522.
func (v *Point) ExtendedCoordinates() (X, Y, Z, T *field.Element) {
// This function is outlined to make the allocations inline in the caller
// rather than happen on the heap. Don't change the style without making
// sure it doesn't increase the inliner cost.
var e [4]field.Element
X, Y, Z, T = v.extendedCoordinates(&e)
func (v *Point) extendedCoordinates(e *[4]field.Element) (X, Y, Z, T *field.Element) {
X = e[0].Set(&v.x)
Y = e[1].Set(&v.y)
Z = e[2].Set(&v.z)
T = e[3].Set(&v.t)
// SetExtendedCoordinates sets v = (X:Y:Z:T) in extended coordinates where
// x = X/Z, y = Y/Z, and xy = T/Z as in https://eprint.iacr.org/2008/522.
// If the coordinates are invalid or don't represent a valid point on the curve,
// SetExtendedCoordinates returns nil and an error and the receiver is
// unchanged. Otherwise, SetExtendedCoordinates returns v.
func (v *Point) SetExtendedCoordinates(X, Y, Z, T *field.Element) (*Point, error) {
if !isOnCurve(X, Y, Z, T) {
return nil, errors.New("edwards25519: invalid point coordinates")
return v, nil
func isOnCurve(X, Y, Z, T *field.Element) bool {
var lhs, rhs field.Element
XX := new(field.Element).Square(X)
YY := new(field.Element).Square(Y)
ZZ := new(field.Element).Square(Z)
TT := new(field.Element).Square(T)
// -x² + y² = 1 + dx²y²
// -(X/Z)² + (Y/Z)² = 1 + d(T/Z)²
// -X² + Y² = Z² + dT²
lhs.Subtract(YY, XX)
rhs.Multiply(d, TT).Add(&rhs, ZZ)
if lhs.Equal(&rhs) != 1 {
return false
// xy = T/Z
// XY/Z² = T/Z
// XY = TZ
lhs.Multiply(X, Y)
rhs.Multiply(T, Z)
return lhs.Equal(&rhs) == 1
// BytesMontgomery converts v to a point on the birationally-equivalent
// Curve25519 Montgomery curve, and returns its canonical 32 bytes encoding