# P2Pool Consensus This repository contains a consensus-compatible reimplementation of a P2Pool server instance for [Monero P2Pool](https://github.com/SChernykh/p2pool) decentralized pool and experimental stratum support. You may be looking for [P2Pool Consensus](https://git.gammaspectra.live/P2Pool/consensus) or [P2Pool Observer](https://git.gammaspectra.live/P2Pool/observer) instead. ## Donations This project is provided for everyone to use, for free, as a hobby project. Any support is appreciated. Donate to support this project, its development, and running the Observer Instances on [4AeEwC2Uik2Zv4uooAUWjQb2ZvcLDBmLXN4rzSn3wjBoY8EKfNkSUqeg5PxcnWTwB1b2V39PDwU9gaNE5SnxSQPYQyoQtr7](monero:4AeEwC2Uik2Zv4uooAUWjQb2ZvcLDBmLXN4rzSn3wjBoY8EKfNkSUqeg5PxcnWTwB1b2V39PDwU9gaNE5SnxSQPYQyoQtr7?tx_description=P2Pool.Observer) You can also use the OpenAlias `p2pool.observer` directly on the GUI. ## Running You can run or build go-p2pool via Golang to create native binaries for your system. See the Dependencies section below if you want to use the [tevador/RandomX](https://github.com/tevador/RandomX) library. If you do so, remove all `CGO_ENABLED=0` from your commands and add `-tags enable_randomx_library` to go commands. ```bash # Directly run go-p2pool CGO_ENABLED=0 go run git.gammaspectra.live/P2Pool/go-p2pool/v4@v4.0.0 -help # Install go-p2pool CGO_ENABLED=0 go install git.gammaspectra.live/P2Pool/go-p2pool/v4@v4.0.0 go-p2pool -help # Compile from this repository git clone --depth 1 --branch v4.0.0 https://git.gammaspectra.live/P2Pool/go-p2pool.git cd go-p2pool CGO_ENABLED=0 go install . go-p2pool -help # Alternatively you can use go build to specify an output path CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -trimpath -v -pgo=auto -o /usr/bin/go-p2pool . go-p2pool -help ``` ## Usage Arguments are similar to [SChernykh/p2pool](https://github.com/SChernykh/p2pool), with some differences and additions. You can use either `-[arg] or --[arg]` ``` -add-self-peer Adds itself to the peer list regularly, based on found local interfaces for IPv4/IPv6 -addpeers string Comma-separated list of IP:port of other p2pool nodes to connect to -api-bind string Bind to this address to serve blocks, and other utility methods. If -archive is specified, serve archived blocks. -archive string If specified, create an archive store of sidechain blocks on this path. -block-cache string Block cache for faster startups. Set to empty to disable (default "p2pool.cache") -consensus-config string Name of the p2pool consensus config file -debug Log more details. Default false -debug-listen string Provide a bind address and port to expose a pprof HTTP API on it. -host string IP address of your Monero node (default "") -in-peers uint Maximum number of incoming connections for p2p server (any value between 10 and 450) (default 10) -ipv6-only Use only IPv6. Default false -light-mode Don't allocate RandomX dataset, saves 2GB of RAM -memory-limit uint Memory limit for go managed sections in GiB, set 0 to disable -mini Connect to p2pool-mini sidechain. Note that it will also change default p2p port. -no-dns Disable DNS queries, use only IP addresses to connect to peers (seed node DNS will be unavailable too) -out-peers uint Maximum number of outgoing connections for p2p server (any value between 10 and 450) (default 10) -p2p string IP:port for p2p server to listen on. (default "") -p2p-external-port uint Port number that your router uses for mapping to your local p2p port. Use it if you are behind a NAT and still want to accept incoming connections -peer-list string Either a path or an URL to obtain peer lists from. If it is a path, new peers will be saved to this path. Set to empty to disable (default "p2pool_peers.txt") -rpc-port uint monerod RPC API port number (default 18081) -stratum string IP:port for stratum server to listen on. Empty to disable. -zmq-port uint monerod ZMQ pub port number (default 18083) ```