DataHoarder 2cb3a24eaa
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
continuous-integration/drone/tag Build is passing
Apply upstream 3f0842a464 - have ShakeHash extend hash.Hash
Package sha3 recommends the SHAKE functions for new uses, but this is
currently somewhat inconvenient because ShakeHash does not implement
hash.Hash. This is understandable, as SHAKE supports arbitrary-length
outputs whereas hash.Hash only supports fixed-length outputs. But
there's a natural fixed-length output to provide: the minimum output
that still provides SHAKE's full-strength generic security.

While here, tweak Sum so that its temporary buffer can be stack

Also, tweak the panic message in Write so that the error text is more
readily understandable to Go programmers without needing to be
familiar with crypto jargon, and add a similar check in Sum.
2024-04-07 03:11:12 +02:00

287 lines
6.8 KiB

// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build gc && !purego
package sha3
// This file contains code for using the 'compute intermediate
// message digest' (KIMD) and 'compute last message digest' (KLMD)
// instructions to compute SHA-3 and SHAKE hashes on IBM Z.
import (
// codes represent 7-bit KIMD/KLMD function codes as defined in
// the Principles of Operation.
type code uint64
const (
// function codes for KIMD/KLMD
sha3_224 code = 32
sha3_256 = 33
sha3_384 = 34
sha3_512 = 35
shake_128 = 36
shake_256 = 37
nopad = 0x100
// kimd is a wrapper for the 'compute intermediate message digest' instruction.
// src must be a multiple of the rate for the given function code.
func kimd(function code, chain *[200]byte, src []byte)
// klmd is a wrapper for the 'compute last message digest' instruction.
// src padding is handled by the instruction.
func klmd(function code, chain *[200]byte, dst, src []byte)
type asmState struct {
a [200]byte // 1600 bit state
buf []byte // care must be taken to ensure cap(buf) is a multiple of rate
rate int // equivalent to block size
storage [3072]byte // underlying storage for buf
outputLen int // output length for full security
function code // KIMD/KLMD function code
state spongeDirection // whether the sponge is absorbing or squeezing
func newAsmState(function code) *asmState {
var s asmState
s.function = function
switch function {
case sha3_224:
s.rate = 144
s.outputLen = 28
case sha3_256:
s.rate = 136
s.outputLen = 32
case sha3_384:
s.rate = 104
s.outputLen = 48
case sha3_512:
s.rate = 72
s.outputLen = 64
case shake_128:
s.rate = 168
case shake_256:
s.rate = 136
panic("sha3: unrecognized function code")
// limit s.buf size to a multiple of s.rate
return &s
func (s *asmState) clone() *asmState {
c := *s
c.buf =[:len(s.buf):cap(s.buf)]
return &c
// copyIntoBuf copies b into buf. It will panic if there is not enough space to
// store all of b.
func (s *asmState) copyIntoBuf(b []byte) {
bufLen := len(s.buf)
s.buf = s.buf[:len(s.buf)+len(b)]
copy(s.buf[bufLen:], b)
// resetBuf points buf at storage, sets the length to 0 and sets cap to be a
// multiple of the rate.
func (s *asmState) resetBuf() {
max := (cap( / s.rate) * s.rate
s.buf =[:0:max]
// Write (via the embedded io.Writer interface) adds more data to the running hash.
// It never returns an error.
func (s *asmState) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
if s.state != spongeAbsorbing {
panic("sha3: Write after Read")
length := len(b)
for len(b) > 0 {
if len(s.buf) == 0 && len(b) >= cap(s.buf) {
// Hash the data directly and push any remaining bytes
// into the buffer.
remainder := len(b) % s.rate
kimd(s.function, &s.a, b[:len(b)-remainder])
if remainder != 0 {
return length, nil
if len(s.buf) == cap(s.buf) {
// flush the buffer
kimd(s.function, &s.a, s.buf)
s.buf = s.buf[:0]
// copy as much as we can into the buffer
n := len(b)
if len(b) > cap(s.buf)-len(s.buf) {
n = cap(s.buf) - len(s.buf)
b = b[n:]
return length, nil
// Read squeezes an arbitrary number of bytes from the sponge.
func (s *asmState) Read(out []byte) (n int, err error) {
n = len(out)
// need to pad if we were absorbing
if s.state == spongeAbsorbing {
s.state = spongeSqueezing
// write hash directly into out if possible
if len(out)%s.rate == 0 {
klmd(s.function, &s.a, out, s.buf) // len(out) may be 0
s.buf = s.buf[:0]
// write hash into buffer
max := cap(s.buf)
if max > len(out) {
max = (len(out)/s.rate)*s.rate + s.rate
klmd(s.function, &s.a, s.buf[:max], s.buf)
s.buf = s.buf[:max]
for len(out) > 0 {
// flush the buffer
if len(s.buf) != 0 {
c := copy(out, s.buf)
out = out[c:]
s.buf = s.buf[c:]
// write hash directly into out if possible
if len(out)%s.rate == 0 {
klmd(s.function|nopad, &s.a, out, nil)
// write hash into buffer
if cap(s.buf) > len(out) {
s.buf = s.buf[:(len(out)/s.rate)*s.rate+s.rate]
klmd(s.function|nopad, &s.a, s.buf, nil)
// Sum appends the current hash to b and returns the resulting slice.
// It does not change the underlying hash state.
func (s *asmState) Sum(b []byte) []byte {
if s.state != spongeAbsorbing {
panic("sha3: Sum after Read")
// Copy the state to preserve the original.
a := s.a
// Hash the buffer. Note that we don't clear it because we
// aren't updating the state.
klmd(s.function, &a, nil, s.buf)
return append(b, a[:s.outputLen]...)
// Reset resets the Hash to its initial state.
func (s *asmState) Reset() {
for i := range s.a {
s.a[i] = 0
s.state = spongeAbsorbing
// Size returns the number of bytes Sum will return.
func (s *asmState) Size() int {
return s.outputLen
// BlockSize returns the hash's underlying block size.
// The Write method must be able to accept any amount
// of data, but it may operate more efficiently if all writes
// are a multiple of the block size.
func (s *asmState) BlockSize() int {
return s.rate
// Clone returns a copy of the ShakeHash in its current state.
func (s *asmState) Clone() ShakeHash {
return s.clone()
// new224Asm returns an assembly implementation of SHA3-224 if available,
// otherwise it returns nil.
func new224Asm() hash.Hash {
if cpu.S390X.HasSHA3 {
return newAsmState(sha3_224)
return nil
// new256Asm returns an assembly implementation of SHA3-256 if available,
// otherwise it returns nil.
func new256Asm() hash.Hash {
if cpu.S390X.HasSHA3 {
return newAsmState(sha3_256)
return nil
// new384Asm returns an assembly implementation of SHA3-384 if available,
// otherwise it returns nil.
func new384Asm() hash.Hash {
if cpu.S390X.HasSHA3 {
return newAsmState(sha3_384)
return nil
// new512Asm returns an assembly implementation of SHA3-512 if available,
// otherwise it returns nil.
func new512Asm() hash.Hash {
if cpu.S390X.HasSHA3 {
return newAsmState(sha3_512)
return nil
// newShake128Asm returns an assembly implementation of SHAKE-128 if available,
// otherwise it returns nil.
func newShake128Asm() ShakeHash {
if cpu.S390X.HasSHA3 {
return newAsmState(shake_128)
return nil
// newShake256Asm returns an assembly implementation of SHAKE-256 if available,
// otherwise it returns nil.
func newShake256Asm() ShakeHash {
if cpu.S390X.HasSHA3 {
return newAsmState(shake_256)
return nil