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Tyler Sommer 6a90da394f
Fix default case handling in walkChild
A refreshed understanding has been etched in commentary.
2023-04-07 21:59:24 -06:00

280 lines
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package stick_test
import (
// An example of executing a template in the simplest possible manner.
func ExampleEnv_Execute() {
env := stick.New(nil)
params := map[string]stick.Value{"name": "World"}
err := env.Execute(`Hello, {{ name }}!`, os.Stdout, params)
if err != nil {
// Output: Hello, World!
// An example of executing a template that avoids writing any output if an error occurs.
func ExampleEnv_ExecuteSafe() {
env := stick.New(nil)
params := map[string]stick.Value{"name": "World"}
err := env.ExecuteSafe(`Hello, {{ 'world' | fakefilter }}!`, os.Stdout, params)
if err != nil {
// Output: Undeclared filter "fakefilter"
type exampleType struct{}
func (e exampleType) Boolean() bool {
return true
func (e exampleType) Number() float64 {
return 3.14
func (e exampleType) String() string {
return "some kinda string"
// This demonstrates how a type can be coerced to a boolean.
// The struct in this example has the Boolean method implemented.
// func (e exampleType) Boolean() bool {
// return true
// }
func ExampleBoolean() {
v := exampleType{}
fmt.Printf("%t", stick.CoerceBool(v))
// Output: true
// This example demonstrates how various values are coerced to boolean.
func ExampleCoerceBool() {
v0 := ""
v1 := "some string"
v2 := 0
v3 := 3.14
fmt.Printf("%t %t %t %t", stick.CoerceBool(v0), stick.CoerceBool(v1), stick.CoerceBool(v2), stick.CoerceBool(v3))
// Output: false true false true
// This demonstrates how a type can be coerced to a number.
// The struct in this example has the Number method implemented.
// func (e exampleType) Number() float64 {
// return 3.14
// }
func ExampleNumber() {
v := exampleType{}
fmt.Printf("%.2f", stick.CoerceNumber(v))
// Output: 3.14
// This example demonstrates how various values are coerced to number.
func ExampleCoerceNumber() {
v0 := true
v1 := ""
v2 := "54"
v3 := "1.33"
fmt.Printf("%.f %.f %.f %.2f", stick.CoerceNumber(v0), stick.CoerceNumber(v1), stick.CoerceNumber(v2), stick.CoerceNumber(v3))
// Output: 1 0 54 1.33
// This example demonstrates how a type can be coerced to a string.
// The struct in this example has the String method implemented.
// func (e exampleType) String() string {
// return "some kinda string"
// }
func ExampleStringer() {
v := exampleType{}
fmt.Printf("%s", v)
// Output: some kinda string
// This demonstrates how various values are coerced to string.
func ExampleCoerceString() {
v0 := true
v1 := false // Coerces into ""
v2 := 54
v3 := 1.33
v4 := 0
fmt.Printf("%s '%s' %s %s %s", stick.CoerceString(v0), stick.CoerceString(v1), stick.CoerceString(v2), stick.CoerceString(v3), stick.CoerceString(v4))
// Output: 1 '' 54 1.33 0
// A simple test to check if a value is empty
func ExampleTest() {
env := stick.New(nil)
env.Tests["empty"] = func(ctx stick.Context, val stick.Value, args ...stick.Value) bool {
return stick.CoerceBool(val) == false
err := env.Execute(
`{{ (false is empty) ? 'empty' : 'not empty' }} - {{ ("a string" is empty) ? 'empty' : 'not empty' }}`,
if err != nil {
// Output: empty - not empty
// A test made up of two words that takes an argument.
func ExampleTest_twoWordsWithArgs() {
env := stick.New(nil)
env.Tests["divisible by"] = func(ctx stick.Context, val stick.Value, args ...stick.Value) bool {
if len(args) != 1 {
return false
i := stick.CoerceNumber(args[0])
if i == 0 {
return false
v := stick.CoerceNumber(val)
return int(v)%int(i) == 0
err := env.Execute(
`{{ ('something' is divisible by(3)) ? "yep, 'something' evals to 0" : 'nope' }} - {{ (9 is divisible by(3)) ? 'sure' : 'nope' }} - {{ (4 is divisible by(3)) ? 'sure' : 'nope' }}`,
if err != nil {
// Output: yep, 'something' evals to 0 - sure - nope
// A contrived example of a user-defined function.
func ExampleFunc() {
env := stick.New(nil)
env.Functions["get_post"] = func(ctx stick.Context, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value {
if len(args) == 0 {
return nil
return struct {
Title string
ID float64
}{"A post", stick.CoerceNumber(args[0])}
err := env.Execute(
`{% set post = get_post(123) %}{{ post.Title }} (# {{ post.ID }})`,
if err != nil {
// Output: A post (# 123)
// A simple user-defined filter.
func ExampleFilter() {
env := stick.New(nil)
env.Filters["raw"] = func(ctx stick.Context, val stick.Value, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value {
return stick.NewSafeValue(val)
err := env.Execute(
`{{ name|raw }}`,
map[string]stick.Value{"name": "<name>"},
if err != nil {
// Output: <name>
// A simple user-defined filter that accepts a parameter.
func ExampleFilter_withParam() {
env := stick.New(nil)
env.Filters["number_format"] = func(ctx stick.Context, val stick.Value, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value {
var d float64
if len(args) > 0 {
d = stick.CoerceNumber(args[0])
return strconv.FormatFloat(stick.CoerceNumber(val), 'f', int(d), 64)
err := env.Execute(
`${{ price|number_format(2) }}`,
map[string]stick.Value{"price": 4.99},
if err != nil {
// Output: $4.99
func ExampleFunc_usingContext() {
env := stick.New(&stick.MemoryLoader{
Templates: map[string]string{
"base.html.twig": `<!doctype html>
<title>{% block title %}{% endblock %}</title>
{% block nav %}{% endblock %}
#3 base: {{ current_template() }}
{% block content %}{% endblock %}
"side.html.twig": `{% block nav %}#2 side: {{ current_template() }}{% endblock %}`,
"child.html.twig": `{% extends 'base.html.twig' %}
{% use 'side.html.twig' %}
{% block title %}#1 child: {{ current_template() }}{% endblock %}
{% block content %}#4 child: {{ current_template() }}{% endblock %}`,
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
env.Functions["current_template"] = func(ctx stick.Context, args ...stick.Value) stick.Value {
// Reading persistent metadata
v, _ := ctx.Meta().Get("current_template_calls")
nc := stick.CoerceNumber(v)
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "#%.0f Current Template: %s\n", nc, ctx.Name())
// Writing persistent metadata
ctx.Meta().Set("current_template_calls", stick.CoerceString(nc))
return nil
// Notice that we discard the actual output. We only care about what the
// current_template function writes to buf.
err := env.Execute(
if err != nil {
// Output:
// #1 Current Template: child.html.twig
// #2 Current Template: side.html.twig
// #3 Current Template: base.html.twig
// #4 Current Template: child.html.twig