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2020-10-08 15:03:03 -06:00

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package stick
import (
type testType struct{}
func (t testType) String() string {
return "some string"
func (t testType) Boolean() bool {
return true
func (t testType) Number() float64 {
return 42
func TestValue(t *testing.T) {
var stringTests = map[Value]string{
testType{}: "some string",
"string": "string",
true: "1",
false: "",
int(3): "3",
int8(3): "3",
int32(3): "3",
int64(3): "3",
uint(3): "3",
uint8(3): "3",
uint16(3): "3",
uint32(3): "3",
uint64(3): "3",
float64(3.14): "3.14",
float32(3.14): "3.14",
decimal.NewFromFloat(3.1415): "3.1415",
for val, expected := range stringTests {
actual := CoerceString(val)
if actual != expected {
t.Errorf("CoerceString(%v): got \"%v\" expected \"%v\"", val, actual, expected)
var boolTests = map[Value]bool{
testType{}: true,
true: true,
false: false,
int(1): true,
int(0): false,
int8(1): true,
int8(0): false,
int16(1): true,
int16(0): false,
int32(1): true,
int32(0): false,
int64(1): true,
int64(0): false,
uint(1): true,
uint(0): false,
uint8(1): true,
uint8(0): false,
uint16(1): true,
uint16(0): false,
uint32(1): true,
uint32(0): false,
uint64(1): true,
uint64(0): false,
float32(1): true,
float32(0): false,
float64(1): true,
float64(0): false,
"true": true,
"": false,
for val, expected := range boolTests {
actual := CoerceBool(val)
if actual != expected {
t.Errorf("CoerceBool(%v): got \"%v\" expected \"%v\"", val, actual, expected)
var numberTests = map[Value]float64{
testType{}: 42,
"3": 3.0,
int(3): 3.0,
int8(3): 3.0,
int16(3): 3.0,
int32(3): 3.0,
int64(3): 3.0,
uint(3): 3.0,
uint8(3): 3.0,
uint16(3): 3.0,
uint32(3): 3.0,
uint64(3): 3.0,
float32(3.14): 3.14,
float64(3.14): 3.14,
true: 1,
false: 0,
for val, expected := range numberTests {
actual := CoerceNumber(val)
if math.Abs(actual-expected) >= 0.000001 {
t.Errorf("CoerceNumber(%v) - %T: got \"%v\" expected \"%v\"", val, val, actual, expected)
type getAttrTest struct {
name string
cont Value
attr Value
expected string
args []Value
func newGetAttrTest(name string, cont, attr Value, expected string) getAttrTest {
return getAttrTest{name, cont, attr, expected, []Value{}}
func newGetAttrMethodTest(name string, cont Value, args []Value, attr Value, expected string) getAttrTest {
return getAttrTest{name, cont, attr, expected, args}
type testStruct struct {
name string
func (t *testStruct) Name() string {
func (t testStruct) VName() string {
func (t *testStruct) Modify(in string) string {
return "modified:" + in
type propStruct struct {
Name string
func TestGetAttr(t *testing.T) {
var getAttrTests = []getAttrTest{
newGetAttrTest("map with non-string keys", map[int]string{1: "test"}, 1, "test"),
newGetAttrTest("anon struct property", struct{ Name string }{"Tyler"}, "Name", "Tyler"),
newGetAttrTest("struct property", propStruct{"Jackie"}, "Name", "Jackie"),
newGetAttrTest("struct method (value, ptr receiver)", testStruct{"John"}, "Name", "John"),
newGetAttrTest("struct method (ptr, ptr receiver)", &testStruct{"Adam"}, "Name", "Adam"),
newGetAttrTest("struct method (value, value receiver)", testStruct{"Sam"}, "VName", "Sam"),
newGetAttrTest("struct method (ptr, value receiver)", &testStruct{"Rex"}, "VName", "Rex"),
newGetAttrMethodTest("method with parameters", testStruct{"Ray"}, []Value{"Meow"}, "Modify", "modified:Meow"),
newGetAttrTest("map (string key)", map[string]Value{"name": "Amy"}, "name", "Amy"),
newGetAttrTest("array", []Value{"World", "Hello"}, "1", "Hello"),
for _, test := range getAttrTests {
res, err := GetAttr(test.cont, test.attr, test.args...)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("getattr: %s: unexpected error:\n\t%v",, err)
actual := CoerceString(res)
if actual != test.expected {
t.Errorf("getattr: %s: got \"%s\" expected \"%s\"",, actual, test.expected)
func TestIsIterable(t *testing.T) {
ts := []struct {
name string
input Value
expected bool
{"is iterable nil", nil, true},
{"is iterable array", [4]int{}, true},
{"is iterable slice", []int{}, true},
{"is iterable map", map[string]string{}, true},
{"is iterable string", "a string", false},
{"is iterable struct", struct{ name string }{"world"}, false},
for _, test := range ts {
actual := IsIterable(test.input)
if actual != test.expected {
t.Errorf("%s:\n\texpected: %v\n\tgot: %v",, test.expected, actual)
func TestIsMap(t *testing.T) {
ts := []struct {
name string
input Value
expected bool
{"is map nil", nil, false},
{"is map array", [4]int{}, false},
{"is map slice", []int{}, false},
{"is map map", map[string]string{}, true},
{"is map string", "a string", false},
{"is map struct", struct{ name string }{"world"}, false},
for _, test := range ts {
actual := IsMap(test.input)
if actual != test.expected {
t.Errorf("%s:\n\texpected: %v\n\tgot: %v",, test.expected, actual)
func TestIsArray(t *testing.T) {
ts := []struct {
name string
input Value
expected bool
{"is array nil", nil, false},
{"is array array", [4]int{}, true},
{"is array slice", []int{}, true},
{"is array map", map[string]string{}, false},
{"is array string", "a string", false},
{"is array struct", struct{ name string }{"world"}, false},
for _, test := range ts {
actual := IsArray(test.input)
if actual != test.expected {
t.Errorf("%s:\n\texpected: %v\n\tgot: %v",, test.expected, actual)
func TestLen(t *testing.T) {
ts := []struct {
name string
input Value
expected int
err bool
{"len nil", nil, 0, false},
{"len array", [4]int{}, 4, false},
{"len empty slice", []int{}, 0, false},
{"len empty map", map[string]string{}, 0, false},
{"len map", map[string]string{"a": "A", "b": "B"}, 2, false},
{"len empty string", "", 0, true},
{"len string", "a string", 0, true},
{"len struct", struct{ name string }{"world"}, 0, true},
for _, test := range ts {
actual, err := Len(test.input)
if err == nil && test.err {
t.Errorf("%s:\n\texpected error, got none.",
} else if err != nil && !test.err {
t.Errorf("%s:\n\tunexpected error: %v",, err)
if actual != test.expected {
t.Errorf("%s:\n\texpected: %v\n\tgot: %v",, test.expected, actual)
func TestIterate(t *testing.T) {
noError := ""
ts := []struct {
name string
input Value
expectedError string
{"iterate string", "a string", "unable to iterate over string"},
{"iterate map", map[string]string{"a": "A", "b": "B"}, noError},
{"iterate slice", []string{"a", "b", "c"}, noError},
{"iterate array", [3]string{"a", "b", "c"}, noError},
{"iterate struct", struct{ name string }{"world"}, "unable to iterate over struct"},
for _, test := range ts {
n, err := Iterate(test.input, func(k, v Value, l Loop) (bool, error) {
expected, err := GetAttr(test.input, k)
if err != nil {
return true, fmt.Errorf("%s:\n\tunexpected error: %s",, err)
if v != expected {
return true, fmt.Errorf("%s:\n\texpected: %v\n\tgot: %v\n",, v, expected)
return false, nil
if test.expectedError != noError {
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("%s:\n\texpected error: %s",, err)
} else if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), test.expectedError) {
t.Errorf("%s: got error\n\t%+v\nexpected error\n\t%v",, err, test.expectedError)
} else if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s:\n\tunexpected error: %s",, err)
l, _ := Len(test.input)
if n != l {
t.Errorf("%s:\n\texpected to iterate over %d chars, got %d",, l, n)
func TestIterate_breakSlice(t *testing.T) {
vals := []string{"hello", "world", "!"}
res := []string{}
n, err := Iterate(vals, func(k, v Value, l Loop) (bool, error) {
res = append(res, CoerceString(v))
if l.Index == 2 {
return true, nil
return false, nil
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
if n != 2 {
t.Errorf("expected to iterate over 2 items, got %d", n)
if v := strings.Join(res, " "); v != "hello world" {
t.Errorf("expected 'hello world' got '%s'", v)
func TestIterate_breakMap(t *testing.T) {
vals := map[string]string{"hello": "world", "exclaim": "!"}
res := []string{}
n, err := Iterate(vals, func(k, v Value, l Loop) (bool, error) {
res = append(res, CoerceString(k), CoerceString(v))
if l.Index == 1 {
return true, nil
return false, nil
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
if n != 1 {
t.Errorf("expected to iterate over 1 item, got %d", n)
exp := []string{"hello world", "exclaim !"}
if v := strings.Join(res, " "); v != exp[0] && v != exp[1] {
t.Errorf("expected one of '%s' or '%s', got '%s'", exp[0], exp[1], v)
func TestIterate_error(t *testing.T) {
vals := []string{"hello", "world", "!"}
res := []string{}
n, err := Iterate(vals, func(k, v Value, l Loop) (bool, error) {
if CoerceString(v) == "!" {
return false, fmt.Errorf("error on '!'")
res = append(res, CoerceString(v))
return false, nil
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("expected error, got none")
} else if err.Error() != "error on '!'" {
t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v\n\texpected error: %v", err, "error on '!'")
if n != 3 {
t.Errorf("expected to iterate over 3 items, got %d", n)
if v := strings.Join(res, " "); v != "hello world" {
t.Errorf("expected 'hello world' got '%s'", v)