DataHoarder 8c6e604f26
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
Fixed ffmpeg stdin not closing, io.Seeker and io.EOF errors
2023-11-07 09:24:01 +01:00

355 lines
7.6 KiB

//go:build cgo && !disable_codec_livdav1d
package libdav1d
#cgo pkg-config: dav1d
#cgo LDFLAGS: -lm
#include "libdav1d.h"
import "C"
import (
type Decoder struct {
r *ivfreader.IVFReader
h *ivfreader.IVFFileHeader
cleaned atomic.Bool
properties frame.StreamProperties
firstFrame frame.Frame
settings C.Dav1dSettings
ctx *C.Dav1dContext
picture C.Dav1dPicture
data C.Dav1dData
closer sync.Once
pool *frame.Pool
var dav1dVersion = fmt.Sprintf("dav1d %s", C.GoString(C.dav1d_version()))
const (
ErrEAGAIN = 11
func Version() string {
return dav1dVersion
func NewDecoder(r io.Reader, settings map[string]any) (d *Decoder, err error) {
d = &Decoder{}
d.properties.PixelAspectRatio = utilities.Ratio{Numerator: 1, Denominator: 1}
if d.r, d.h, err = ivfreader.NewWith(r); err != nil {
return nil, err
maxThreads := int(getSettingUnsigned[uint64](settings, "threads", 0))
if maxThreads == 0 {
maxThreads = runtime.NumCPU()
//TODO settings: apply_grain, output_invisible_frames, decode_frame_type, inloop_filters
C.set_threading(&d.settings, C.int(maxThreads))
if ret := C.dav1d_open(&d.ctx, &d.settings); ret != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error %d", ret)
if d.firstFrame, err = d.Decode(); err != nil {
return nil, err
fP := d.firstFrame.Properties()
d.properties = frame.StreamProperties{
Width: fP.Width,
Height: fP.Height,
PixelAspectRatio: fP.PixelAspectRatio,
ColorSpace: fP.ColorSpace,
FrameRate: utilities.Ratio{
Numerator: int(d.h.TimebaseNumerator),
Denominator: int(d.h.TimebaseDenominator),
FullColorRange: fP.FullColorRange,
return d, nil
func (d *Decoder) readIvf() error {
if buf, header, err := d.r.ParseNextFrame(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if ptr := C.dav1d_data_create(&d.data, C.size_t(len(buf))); ptr == nil {
return errors.New("could not allocate data")
} else {
copy(unsafe.Slice((*byte)(ptr), len(buf)), buf)
d.data.m.timestamp = C.long(header.Timestamp)
return nil
func (d *Decoder) Properties() frame.StreamProperties {
return d.properties
func (d *Decoder) decodeFrame() C.int {
var res C.int
if res = d.flushPicture(); res < 0 {
if res != -ErrEAGAIN {
return res
} else {
return res
if d.data.sz == 0 {
if err := d.readIvf(); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
//try flush?
if res = d.flushPicture(); res != -ErrEAGAIN {
return res
res = -1
return res
if res = C.dav1d_send_data(d.ctx, &d.data); res < 0 {
if res != -ErrEAGAIN {
return res
if res = d.flushPicture(); res < 0 {
if res != -ErrEAGAIN {
return res
return res
func (d *Decoder) flushPicture() C.int {
//todo memset picture to 0?
res := C.dav1d_get_picture(d.ctx, &d.picture)
return res
func (d *Decoder) Close() {
d.closer.Do(func() {
if d.data.sz > 0 {
if d.ctx != nil {
const (
planeY = 0
planeU = 1
planeV = 2
func (d *Decoder) pictureToFrame() (f frame.Frame, err error) {
properties := d.properties.FrameProperties()
bitDepth := int(d.picture.p.bpc)
properties.Height = int(d.picture.p.h)
properties.Width = int(d.picture.p.w)
chromaWidth := 0
chromaHeight := 0
switch d.picture.p.layout {
properties.ColorSpace.ChromaSampling = color.ChromaSampling{J: 4, A: 0, B: 0}
properties.ColorSpace.ChromaSampling = color.ChromaSampling{J: 4, A: 2, B: 0}
properties.ColorSpace.ChromaSampling = color.ChromaSampling{J: 4, A: 2, B: 2}
properties.ColorSpace.ChromaSampling = color.ChromaSampling{J: 4, A: 4, B: 4}
if d.picture.p.layout != C.DAV1D_PIXEL_LAYOUT_I400 {
ssVer := 0
if d.picture.p.layout == C.DAV1D_PIXEL_LAYOUT_I420 {
ssVer = 1
ssHor := 0
if d.picture.p.layout != C.DAV1D_PIXEL_LAYOUT_I444 {
ssHor = 1
chromaWidth = (properties.Width + ssHor) >> ssHor
chromaHeight = (properties.Height + ssVer) >> ssVer
properties.ColorSpace.BitDepth = byte(bitDepth)
//TODO check
properties.FullColorRange = d.picture.seq_hdr.color_range == 1
properties.ColorSpace.ChromaSamplePosition = color.ChromaSamplePositionUnspecified
if d.picture.seq_hdr.chr == C.DAV1D_CHR_UNKNOWN {
properties.ColorSpace.ChromaSamplePosition = color.ChromaSamplePositionCenter
} else if d.picture.seq_hdr.chr == C.DAV1D_CHR_VERTICAL {
properties.ColorSpace.ChromaSamplePosition = color.ChromaSamplePositionLeft
} else if d.picture.seq_hdr.chr == C.DAV1D_CHR_COLOCATED {
properties.ColorSpace.ChromaSamplePosition = color.ChromaSamplePositionTopLeft
defer C.dav1d_picture_unref(&d.picture)
if d.pool == nil || properties != d.pool.Properties() {
//initialize pool to known size
d.pool, err = frame.NewPool(properties)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
f = d.pool.Get(int64(d.picture.m.timestamp), int64(d.picture.m.timestamp)+int64(d.picture.m.duration))
var yData, uData, vData []byte
yData = unsafe.Slice((*byte)(d.picture.data[planeY]), properties.Height*properties.Width*(bitDepth/2))
if d.picture.p.layout != C.DAV1D_PIXEL_LAYOUT_I400 {
uData = unsafe.Slice((*byte)(d.picture.data[planeU]), chromaHeight*chromaWidth*(bitDepth/2))
vData = unsafe.Slice((*byte)(d.picture.data[planeV]), chromaHeight*chromaWidth*(bitDepth/2))
copy(f.GetLuma(), yData)
copy(f.GetCb(), uData)
copy(f.GetCr(), vData)
return f, nil
func (d *Decoder) DecodeStream() *frame.Stream {
stream, channel := frame.NewStream(d.properties)
go func() {
defer close(channel)
for {
if f, err := d.Decode(); err != nil {
} else {
channel <- f
return stream
func (d *Decoder) Decode() (frame.Frame, error) {
if f := d.firstFrame; f != nil {
d.firstFrame = nil
return f, nil
var ret C.int
for {
if ret = d.decodeFrame(); ret == -ErrEAGAIN {
if ret == 0 {
return d.pictureToFrame()
if ret == -1 {
return nil, io.EOF
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error %d", ret)
func (d *Decoder) Version() string {
return Version()
func getSettingUnsigned[T constraints.Unsigned](m map[string]any, name string, fallback T) T {
if v, ok := m[name]; ok {
if val, ok := v.(string); ok {
if intVal, err := strconv.ParseUint(val, 10, 0); err != nil {
delete(m, name)
return T(intVal)
} else {
return fallback
if val, ok := v.(int); ok {
return T(val)
if val, ok := v.(int64); ok {
return T(val)
if val, ok := v.(uint); ok {
return T(val)
if val, ok := v.(uint64); ok {
return T(val)
if val, ok := v.(C.int); ok {
return T(val)
if val, ok := v.(C.uint); ok {
return T(val)
if val, ok := v.(bool); ok {
if val {
return 1
} else {
return 0
return fallback
func getSettingBool(m map[string]any, name string, fallback bool) bool {
if v, ok := m[name]; ok {
if val, ok := v.(string); ok {
return val == "false" || val == "f" || val == "n"
if val, ok := v.(int); ok {
return val != 0
if val, ok := v.(int64); ok {
return val != 0
if val, ok := v.(uint); ok {
return val != 0
if val, ok := v.(uint64); ok {
return val != 0
return true
return fallback