# MeteorLight Radio streamer ([kawa](https://github.com/Luminarys/kawa) drop-in compatible). This project is a Work in Progress. TODO: np, API: np queue/head queue/tail, proper handling of audio queue <-> data queue, packetizer buffer # Improvements / differences from Kawa * Does not use libav ([see supported formats/codecs on Kirika](https://git.gammaspectra.live/S.O.N.G/Kirika#codecs-supported)) * Supports listeners that have more than 16 HTTP headers on their requests. * Does not restart stream per-track, instead being a continuous stream. * Normalized channels / sample rates for endpoints. * Implements ICY metadata (WiP) ## Dependencies ### Go >= 1.18 ### [Kirika](https://git.gammaspectra.live/S.O.N.G/Kirika) dependencies Kirika is a collection of audio utilities for decoding/encoding files and streams. Check its native dependencies that must be installed before usage.