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# OrbitalBeat
Content-addressable storage serving of blobs.
## Dependencies
### Go >= 1.18
### Postgres >= 14
## Usage via docker-compose
### Initial setup
# Copy example environment file
cp -v .env.example .env
# Edit .env (use whatever editor you prefer)
# TRUSTED_KEYS are public keys from FinalCommander instances
# At least add a valid DATA_MOUNT_PATH and TRUSTED_KEYS, adjust LISTEN_PORT as desired.
# Self-signed certificates will be generated if certificate entries are left empty.
nano .env
# Create/start postgres database
docker-compose up -d db
# Insert schema
docker-compose exec -T --env PGPASSWORD=orbeat db psql --host db --username orbeat orbeat < schema.sql
# Start everything else
docker-compose up -d
### Adding files to database
# Add files to OrbitalBeat
# This will scan all files under DATA_MOUNT_PATH
# Add specific folder to OrbitalBeat
./scripts/add.sh /mnt/storage/folder/to/add
OrbitalBeat assumes that as long as a file exists in the database, it is immutable (contents did NOT change, besides deletion).
Only existence of file and size are checked. **It is safe to delete files from backing storage.**
Multiple hash duplicates can exist, and OrbitalBeat will check and return the first working one.
Digest values are sent on each HTTP response, which a supporting client can use to verify the response.
### Update
docker-compose up -d --build
### Certbot notes
* Use pip certbot
* Edit .env to add paths to certificates
$ certbot certonly \
--standalone \
--key-type=ecdsa --elliptic-curve=secp256r1 \
--domain <domain> \
--post-hook "docker restart orbitalbeat_orbeat_1"