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Copyright (C) 2018-2023 Andreas Gustafsson. This file is part of
the Gaborator library source distribution. See the file LICENSE at
the top level of the distribution for license information.
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<title>Gaborator reference: API Introdution</title>
<h1>Gaborator reference: API Introduction</h1>
<p>The public API of the Gaborator library is defined in the HTML
documentation in the form of annotated C++ declarations. These are
similar to the actual declarations in the respective header files, but
simplified for clarity, omitting implementation details.</p>
<p>The actual implementation in the header file may be different in a
number of ways, but nonetheless compatible with the documented API.
For example, classes may be declared using the keyword <code>struct</code>
rather than <code>class</code>, function parameter names may be
different, types may be declared using different but equivalent
typedefs, and functions or templates in the header file may have
additional arguments with default values. Any classes, functions, and
other definitions not mentioned in the documentation should be
considered private and subject to change or deletion without
<p>All definitions are in the namespace <code>gaborator</code>.
Applications need to either prefix class names
with <code>gaborator::</code>, or use <code>using namespace
<h2>Frequency and Time Units</h2>
<p>The Gaborator is generally <i>sample rate agnostic</i>: it does not
know or care what the actual sample rate of the signal is, and will
work equally well for signals measured in milliherz or gigaherz.
Frequencies are specified as dimensionless numbers, in units of the
sample rate. Since the highest frequency that can be represented by a
sampled signal is half the sample rate, frequencies in the Gaborator
range from 0 to 0.5. In the API, arguments that represent frequencies
in this way have names beginning with <code>ff_</code> (short
for <i>fractional frequency</i>) as a reminder that the values are
fractions of the sample rate rather than having a unit such as Hz.</p>
<p>Similarly, time is measured not in an absolute unit such as
seconds, but the dimensionless unit of samples.</p>
<div class="nav"><span class="prev"><a href="../synth.html">Previous: Example 5: Synthesis from Scratch</a></span><span class="next"><a href="gaborator_h.html">Next: Spectrum analysis and synthesis: <code>gaborator.h</code></a></span></div>