2023-10-15 16:42:31 +02:00

332 lines
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// Fast resampling by powers of two
// Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Andreas Gustafsson. This file is part of
// the Gaborator library source distribution. See the file LICENSE at
// the top level of the distribution for license information.
// Uses a two-lobe Lanczos kernel. Good enough for image data, not
// intended for audio.
#include <assert.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm> // std::copy
#include "gaborator/affine_transform.h"
#include "gaborator/pod_vector.h"
namespace gaborator {
// There are two ways to look at this.
// In one point of view, there is only one coordinate space, and
// coordinates are floating-point numbers. The various sub- and
// supersampled views differ in step sizes and the number of
// fractional coordinate bits, but any given coordinates refer to the
// same point in the image at any scale. Steps are powers of two,
// with integer exponents that may be negative. A step size > 1
// implies downsampling (antialias lowpass filtering and subsampling),
// and a step size < 1 implies upsampling (aka interpolation).
// The coordinates are always integer multiples of the step size.
// e.g.,
// x0 = 33.5, xstep = 0.5
// x0 = 12, xstep = 4
// In the other point of view, we introduce an integer exponent e and
// substitute x0 = i0 * 2^e and xstep = 2^e. Now instead of floating
// point coordinates, we use integer "indices". The above example
// now looks like his:
// i0 = 67, e = -1
// i0 = 3, e = 2
// This latter point of view is how the code actually works.
// A power-of-two transform, as in y = 2^e x + origin
struct p2_transform {
p2_transform(int e_, int64_t origin_): e(e_), origin(origin_) { }
// Convert an affine transform into a p2_transform.
// The affine transform must be representable as a
// p2_transform, meaning xf.a must be a power of two,
// and the origin must be an integer.
p2_transform(affine_transform xf) {
int exp;
double m = frexp(xf.a, &exp);
assert(m == 0.5);
e = exp - 1;
origin = xf.b;
assert(origin == xf.b); // No fraction
int e;
int64_t origin;
// Scale a transform by a power of two, around the origin
// of the destination space
static inline affine_transform
zoom_p2_dst(affine_transform xf, int e) {
return affine_transform(ldexp(xf.a, e), xf.b);
// Scale a transform by a power of two, around the origin
// of the source space
static inline affine_transform
zoom_p2_src(affine_transform xf, int e) {
return affine_transform(ldexp(xf.a, e), ldexp(xf.b, e));
// Resample data from "source", generating a view between indices
// i0 and i1 of the scale determined by exponent e, and storing
// i1 - i0 samples starting at *out.
// The source must implement an operator() taking the arguments
// (int64_t i0, int64_t i1, T *out) and generating data for the base
// resolution (e=0).
// S is the type of the data source
// OI is the output iterator type
template <class S, class OI>
OI resample2_p2xf(const S &source, p2_transform xf,
int64_t i0, int64_t i1,
bool interpolate, OI out)
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<OI>::value_type T;
assert(i1 >= i0);
if (xf.e > 0) {
// Downsample
// Calculate super-octave coordinates
// margin is the support of the resampling kernel (on each side,
// not counting the center sample)
int margin = interpolate ? 1 : 0;
// When margin = 1, we use three samples, at 2i-1, 2i, 2i+1
// and the corresponding half-open inverval is 2i-1...2i+1+1
int64_t si0 = 2 * i0 - margin;
int64_t si1 = 2 * i1 + margin + 1;
// Get super-octave data
gaborator::pod_vector<T> super_data(si1 - si0);
T *p =;
p = resample2_p2xf(source, p2_transform(xf.e - 1, xf.origin),
si0, si1, interpolate, p);
assert(p == + si1 - si0);
for (int64_t i = i0; i < i1; i++) {
int64_t si = 2 * i - si0;
T val;
if (!interpolate) {
// Point sampling
val = super_data[si];
} else {
// Triangular kernel
T v1 = super_data[si - 1];
T v0 = super_data[si];
v1 += super_data[si + 1];
val =
v0 * (T)0.5 +
v1 * (T)0.25;
#if 0 // Lanczos2 is overkill when downsampling.
} else {
// Two-lobe Lanczos kernel, needs margin = 2
// Always aligned
T v3 = super_data[si - 3];
// There is no v2
T v1 = super_data[si - 1];
T v0 = super_data[si];
// There is still no v2
v1 += super_data[si + 1];
v3 += super_data[si + 3];
val =
v0 * (T)0.49530706 +
v1 * (T)0.28388978 +
v3 * (T)-0.03154331;
*out++ = val;
} else if (xf.e < 0) {
// Upsample
if (! interpolate) {
// Return nearest neighbor. If the pixel lies
// exactly at the midpoint between the neighbors,
// return their average.
int sh = -xf.e;
int64_t si0 = i0 >> sh;
int64_t si1 = ((i1 - 1) >> sh) + 1 + 1;
gaborator::pod_vector<T> source_data(si1 - si0);
source(xf.origin + si0, xf.origin + si1,;
for (int64_t i = i0; i < i1; i++) {
int64_t si = (i >> sh) - si0;
T val;
int rem = i & ((1 << sh) - 1);
int half = (1 << sh) >> 1;
if (rem < half) {
val = source_data[si];
} else if (rem == half) {
val = (source_data[si] + source_data[si + 1]) * (T)0.5;
} else { // rem > half
val = source_data[si + 1];
*out++ = val;
} else {
// Interpolate
// Calculate sub-octave coordinates
int margin = 2;
int64_t si0 = (i0 >> 1) - margin;
int64_t si1 = ((i1 - 1) >> 1) + margin + 1;
// Get sub-octave data
gaborator::pod_vector<T> sub_data(si1 - si0);
T *p =;
p = resample2_p2xf(source, p2_transform(xf.e + 1, xf.origin),
si0, si1, interpolate, p);
assert(p == + si1 - si0);
for (int64_t i = i0; i < i1; i++) {
int64_t si = (i >> 1) - si0;
T val;
if (i & 1) {
T v1 = sub_data[si - 1];
T v0 = sub_data[si];
v0 += sub_data[si + 1];
v1 += sub_data[si + 2];
val =
v0 * (T)0.5625 +
v1 * (T)-0.0625;
} else {
val = sub_data[si];
*out++ = val;
} else {
// e == 0
out = source(xf.origin + i0, xf.origin + i1, out);
return out;
// As above, but taking an affine_transform.
template <class S, class OI>
OI resample2(const S &source, affine_transform axf,
int64_t i0, int64_t i1,
bool interpolate, OI out)
p2_transform xf(axf);
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<OI>::value_type T;
gaborator::pod_vector<T> data(i1 - i0);
T *p =;
p = resample2_p2xf(source, xf, i0, i1, interpolate, p);
return std::copy(, + (i1 - i0), out);
// Calculate the range of source indices that will be accessed
// by a call to resample2(source, i0, i1, e) and return it
// through si0_ret and si1_ret.
// XXX this should take an "interpolate" argument so we don't
// return an unnecessarily large support when interpolation is off
inline void
resample2_support(affine_transform axf, int64_t i0, int64_t i1,
int64_t &si0_ret, int64_t &si1_ret)
p2_transform xf(axf);
int margin = 2;
if (xf.e > 0) {
// Note code duplication wrt resample2_p2xf().
// Also note tail recursion.
int64_t si0 = i0 * 2 - margin + 1;
int64_t si1 = i1 * 2 + margin;
resample2_support(zoom_p2_dst(axf, -1),
si0, si1, si0_ret, si1_ret);
} else if (xf.e < 0) {
int64_t si0 = (i0 >> 1) - margin;
int64_t si1 = ((i1 - 1) >> 1) + margin + 1;
resample2_support(zoom_p2_dst(axf, +1),
si0, si1, si0_ret, si1_ret);
} else {
si0_ret = xf.origin + i0;
si1_ret = xf.origin + i1;
// Inverse of the above, more or less: calculate the range of
// destination indices that depend on a given range of source indices.
inline void
resample2_inv_support(affine_transform axf, int64_t si0, int64_t si1,
int64_t &i0_ret, int64_t &i1_ret)
p2_transform xf(axf);
// Conservative
int margin = 2;
if (xf.e > 0) {
int64_t di0, di1;
resample2_inv_support(zoom_p2_dst(axf, -1),
si0, si1, di0, di1);
i0_ret = di0 >> 1;
i1_ret = (di1 >> 1) + 1;
} else if (xf.e < 0) {
int64_t di0, di1;
resample2_inv_support(zoom_p2_dst(axf, +1),
si0, si1, di0, di1);
i0_ret = di0 * 2 - margin + 1;
i1_ret = di1 * 2 + margin;
} else {
i0_ret = si0 - xf.origin;
i1_ret = si1 - xf.origin;
// Class wrappers for compatibility with other resamplers.
// Lanczos2 power-of-two resampler
struct lanczos2_pow2_resampler {
lanczos2_pow2_resampler(affine_transform xf_): xf(xf_) { }
template <class S, class OI>
OI operator()(const S &source, int64_t i0, int64_t i1, OI out) const {
return resample2(source, xf, i0, i1, true, out);
void support(int64_t i0, int64_t i1, int64_t &si0_ret, int64_t &si1_ret) const {
return resample2_support(xf, i0, i1, si0_ret, si1_ret);
void inv_support(int64_t si0, int64_t si1, int64_t &i0_ret, int64_t &i1_ret) {
return resample2_inv_support(xf, si0, si1, i0_ret, i1_ret);
affine_transform xf;
// Nearest-neighbor power-of-two resampler
// XXX simplify
struct nn_pow2_resampler {
nn_pow2_resampler(affine_transform xf_): xf(xf_){ }
template <class S, class OI>
OI operator()(const S &source, int64_t i0, int64_t i1, OI out) const {
return resample2(source, xf, i0, i1, false, out);
void support(int64_t i0, int64_t i1, int64_t &si0_ret, int64_t &si1_ret) const {
return resample2_support(xf, i0, i1, si0_ret, si1_ret);
void inv_support(int64_t si0, int64_t si1, int64_t &i0_ret, int64_t &i1_ret) {
return resample2_inv_support(xf, si0, si1, i0_ret, i1_ret);
affine_transform xf;
} // namespace