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2022-01-23 16:22:37 +00:00
// Vector math operations
// Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Andreas Gustafsson. This file is part of
// the Gaborator library source distribution. See the file LICENSE at
// the top level of the distribution for license information.
#include <assert.h>
#include <pmmintrin.h>
#include <complex>
namespace gaborator {
// The _naive versions are used when SSE is not available, and as
// references when testing the SSE versions
// Naive or not, this is faster than the macOS std::complex
// multiplication operator, which checks for infinities even with
// -ffast-math.
template <class T>
std::complex<T> complex_mul_naive(std::complex<T> a,
std::complex<T> b)
return std::complex<T>(a.real() * b.real() - a.imag() * b.imag(),
a.real() * b.imag() + a.imag() * b.real());
// Note: this is sometimes slower than the naive code.
static inline
std::complex<double> complex_mul(std::complex<double> a_,
std::complex<double> b_)
__v2df a = _mm_setr_pd(a_.real(), a_.imag());
__v2df b = _mm_setr_pd(b_.real(), b_.imag());
__v2df as = (__v2df) _mm_shuffle_pd(a, a, 0x1);
__v2df t0 = _mm_mul_pd(a, _mm_shuffle_pd(b, b, 0x0));
__v2df t1 = _mm_mul_pd(as, _mm_shuffle_pd(b, b, 0x3));
__v2df c = __builtin_ia32_addsubpd(t0, t1); // SSE3
return std::complex<double>(c[0], c[1]);
static inline
std::complex<double> complex_mul(std::complex<double> a_,
std::complex<double> b_)
return complex_mul_naive(a_, b_);
static inline
std::complex<float> complex_mul(std::complex<float> a_,
std::complex<float> b_)
return complex_mul_naive(a_, b_);
template <class T, class U, class V>
static inline void
elementwise_product_naive(T *r,
U *a,
V *b,
size_t n)
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
r[i] = complex_mul(a[i], b[i]);
template <class T, class U, class V, class S>
static inline void
elementwise_product_times_scalar_naive(T *r,
U *a,
V *b,
S s,
size_t n)
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
r[i] = a[i] * b[i] * s;
// I is the input complex data type, O is the output data type
template <class I, class O>
static inline void
complex_magnitude_naive(I *inv,
O *outv,
size_t n)
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
outv[i] = std::sqrt(inv[i].real() * inv[i].real() + inv[i].imag() * inv[i].imag());
#include <pmmintrin.h>
// Perform two complex float multiplies in parallel
static inline
__v4sf complex_mul_vec2(__v4sf aa, __v4sf bb) {
__v4sf aas =_mm_shuffle_ps(aa, aa, 0xb1);
__v4sf t0 = _mm_mul_ps(aa, _mm_moveldup_ps(bb));
__v4sf t1 = _mm_mul_ps(aas, _mm_movehdup_ps(bb));
return __builtin_ia32_addsubps(t0, t1); // SSE3
// Calculate the elementwise product of a complex float vector
// and another complex float vector.
static inline void
elementwise_product(std::complex<float> *cv,
const std::complex<float> *av,
const std::complex<float> *bv,
size_t n)
assert((n & 1) == 0);
n >>= 1;
__v4sf *c = (__v4sf *) cv;
const __v4sf *a = (const __v4sf *) av;
const __v4sf *b = (const __v4sf *) bv;
while (n--) {
__v4sf aa = *a++;
__v4sf bb = *b++;
*c++ = complex_mul_vec2(aa, bb);
// Calculate the elementwise product of a complex float vector
// and real float vector.
// The input "a" may be unaligned; the output "c" must be aligned.
static inline void
elementwise_product(std::complex<float> *cv,
const std::complex<float> *av,
const float *bv,
size_t n)
assert((n & 3) == 0);
n >>= 2;
__v4sf *c = (__v4sf *) cv;
const __v4sf *a = (const __v4sf *) av;
const __v4sf *b = (const __v4sf *) bv;
while (n--) {
__v4sf a0 = (__v4sf) _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *) a++);
__v4sf a1 = (__v4sf) _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *) a++);
__v4sf bb = *b++;
*c++ = _mm_mul_ps(a0, _mm_unpacklo_ps(bb, bb));
*c++ = _mm_mul_ps(a1, _mm_unpackhi_ps(bb, bb));
static inline void
elementwise_product_times_scalar(std::complex<float> *cv,
const std::complex<float> *av,
const std::complex<float> *bv,
std::complex<float> d,
size_t n)
assert((n & 1) == 0);
n >>= 1;
const __v4sf *a = (const __v4sf *) av;
const __v4sf *b = (const __v4sf *) bv;
const __v4sf dd = (__v4sf) { d.real(), d.imag(), d.real(), d.imag() };
__v4sf *c = (__v4sf *) cv;
while (n--) {
__v4sf aa = *a++;
__v4sf bb = *b++;
*c++ = complex_mul_vec2(complex_mul_vec2(aa, bb), dd);
// XXX arguments reversed wrt others
static inline void
complex_magnitude(std::complex<float> *inv,
float *outv,
size_t n)
// Processes four complex values (32 bytes) at a time ,
// outputting four scalar magnitudes (16 bytes) at a time.
while ((((uintptr_t) inv) & 0x1F) && n) {
std::complex<float> v = *inv++;
*outv++ = std::sqrt(v.real() * v.real() + v.imag() * v.imag());
const __v4sf *in = (const __v4sf *) inv;
__v4sf *out = (__v4sf *) outv;
while (n >= 4) {
__v4sf aa = *in++; // c0re c0im c1re c1im
__v4sf aa2 = _mm_mul_ps(aa, aa); // c0re^2 c0im^2 c1re^2 c1im^2
__v4sf bb = *in++; // c2re c2im c3re c3im
__v4sf bb2 = _mm_mul_ps(bb, bb); // etc
// Gather the real parts: x0 x2 y0 y2
// 10 00 10 00 = 0x88
__v4sf re2 =_mm_shuffle_ps(aa2, bb2, 0x88);
__v4sf im2 =_mm_shuffle_ps(aa2, bb2, 0xdd);
__v4sf mag2 = _mm_add_ps(re2, im2);
__v4sf mag = __builtin_ia32_sqrtps(mag2);
// Unaligned store
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)out, (__m128i)mag);
n -= 4;
inv = (std::complex<float> *) in;
outv = (float *)out;
while (n) {
std::complex<float> v = *inv++;
*outv++ = std::sqrt(v.real() * v.real() + v.imag() * v.imag());
// Double-precision version is unoptimized
static inline void
elementwise_product(std::complex<double> *c,
const std::complex<double> *a,
const std::complex<double> *b,
size_t n)
elementwise_product_naive(c, a, b, n);
static inline void
elementwise_product(std::complex<double> *c,
const std::complex<double> *a,
const double *b,
size_t n)
elementwise_product_naive(c, a, b, n);
template <class T, class U, class V, class S>
static inline void
elementwise_product_times_scalar(T *r,
U *a,
V *b,
S s,
size_t n)
elementwise_product_times_scalar_naive(r, a, b, s, n);
template <class O>
static inline void
complex_magnitude(std::complex<double> *inv,
O *outv,
size_t n)
complex_magnitude_naive(inv, outv, n);
// Forward to the naive implementations. These are inline functions
// rather than #defines to avoid namespace pollution.
template <class T, class U, class V>
static inline void
elementwise_product(T *r,
U *a,
V *b,
size_t n)
elementwise_product_naive(r, a, b, n);
template <class T, class U, class V, class S>
static inline void
elementwise_product_times_scalar(T *r,
U *a,
V *b,
S s,
size_t n)
elementwise_product_times_scalar_naive(r, a, b, s, n);
template <class I, class O>
static inline void
complex_magnitude(I *inv,
O *outv,
size_t n)
complex_magnitude_naive(inv, outv, n);
#endif // ! USE_SSE3_INTINSICS
} // namespace