2022-01-23 17:28:23 +01:00

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109 KiB

// Constant Q spectrum analysis and resynthesis
// Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Andreas Gustafsson. This file is part of
// the Gaborator library source distribution. See the file LICENSE at
// the top level of the distribution for license information.
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <complex>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <typeinfo>
#include "gaborator/fft.h"
#include "gaborator/gaussian.h"
#include "gaborator/affine_transform.h"
#include "gaborator/pod_vector.h"
#include "gaborator/pool.h"
#include "gaborator/ref.h"
#include "gaborator/vector_math.h"
namespace gaborator {
using std::complex;
// An integer identifying an audio sample
typedef int64_t sample_index_t;
// An integer identifying a coefficient
typedef int64_t coef_index_t;
// An integer identifying a slice
typedef int64_t slice_index_t;
// See https://tauday.com/tau-manifesto
static const double tau = 2.0 * M_PI;
// Round up to next higher or equal power of 2
inline int
next_power_of_two(int x) {
x |= x >> 1;
x |= x >> 2;
x |= x >> 4;
x |= x >> 8;
x |= x >> 16;
return x + 1;
// Determine if x is a power of two.
// Note that this considers 0 to be a power of two.
static inline bool
is_power_of_two(unsigned int x) {
return (x & (x - 1)) == 0;
// Given a power of two v, determine log2(v)
// https://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#DetermineIfPowerOf2
static inline unsigned int whichp2(unsigned int v) {
unsigned int r = (v & 0xAAAAAAAA) != 0;
r |= ((v & 0xCCCCCCCC) != 0) << 1;
r |= ((v & 0xF0F0F0F0) != 0) << 2;
r |= ((v & 0xFF00FF00) != 0) << 3;
r |= ((v & 0xFFFF0000) != 0) << 4;
return r;
// Floor division: return the integer part of a / b
// rounded down (not towards zero). For positive b only.
inline int64_t floor_div(int64_t a, int64_t b) {
assert(b > 0);
if (a >= 0)
return a / b;
return (a - b + 1) / b;
// Floating point modulus, the remainder r of a / b
// satisfying 0 <= r < b even for negative a.
// For positive b only.
static inline double
sane_fmod(double a, double b) {
assert(b > 0);
double m = fmod(a, b);
if (m < 0)
m += b;
return m;
// Do an arithmetic left shift of a 64-bit signed integer. This is
// what a << b ought to do, but according to the C++11 draft (n3337),
// section 5.8, that invokes undefined behavior when a is negative.
// GCC is actually smart enough to optimize this into a single shlq
// instruction.
// No corresponding kludge is needed for right shifts, because a right
// shift of a negative signed integer is implementation-defined, not
// undefined, and we trust implementations to define it sanely.
static inline int64_t
shift_left(int64_t a, unsigned int b) {
if (a < 0)
return -(((uint64_t) -a) << b);
return (((uint64_t) a) << b);
// Convert between complex types
template<class T, class U>
complex<T> c2c(complex<U> c) { return complex<T>(c.real(), c.imag()); }
// Convert a sequence of complex values to real
template <class I, class O>
O complex2real(I b, I e, O o) {
while (b != e) {
*o++ = (*b++).real();
return o;
// A vector-like object that allows arbitrary integer indices
// (positive or negative, but excluding the largest possible integer)
// and automatically resizes the storage. Uses storage proportional
// to the difference between the smallest and largest index value (for
// example, if indices range from -102 to -100 (inclusive), memory use
// is on the order of 3 elements).
// T is the element type
// I is the integer index type
template <class T, class I = int>
struct range_vector {
range_vector() {
range_vector(const range_vector &) = default;
range_vector &operator=(const range_vector &rhs) = default;
range_vector(range_vector &&rhs):
range_vector &operator=(range_vector &&rhs) {
if (this == &rhs)
return *this;
v = std::move(rhs.v);
lower = rhs.lower;
upper = rhs.upper;
return *this;
void init_bounds() {
lower = std::numeric_limits<I>::max();
upper = std::numeric_limits<I>::min();
T *unchecked_get(I i) {
return &v[(size_t)(i & ((I)v.size() - 1))];
const T *unchecked_get(I i) const {
return &v[i & ((I)v.size() - 1)];
// Get a pointer to an existing element, or null if out of range
const T *
get(I i) const {
if (! has_index(i))
return 0;
return unchecked_get(i);
// Note: Reference returned becomes invalid when range_vector
// is changed
T &
get_or_create(I i) {
if (! has_index(i))
return *unchecked_get(i);
// Get a reference to the element at index i, which must be valid
T &
get_existing(I i) {
return *unchecked_get(i);
// Const version of the above
const T &
get_existing(I i) const {
return *unchecked_get(i);
void extend(I i) {
I new_lower = lower;
I new_upper = upper;
if (i < lower)
new_lower = i;
if (i + 1 > upper)
new_upper = i + 1;
I old_size = v.size();
I new_need = new_upper - new_lower;
if (new_need > old_size) {
if (old_size == 0) {
} else {
I new_size = old_size;
while (new_size < new_need)
new_size *= 2;
if (old_size) {
for (I j = lower; j < upper; j++) {
I jo = j & (old_size - 1);
I jn = j & (new_size - 1);
if (jo != jn)
std::swap(v[jo], v[jn]);
lower = new_lower;
upper = new_upper;
// Erase the elements whose index is less than "limit"
void erase_before(I limit) {
I i = lower;
for (; i < upper && i < limit; i++)
*unchecked_get(i) = T();
lower = i;
void clear() {
I begin_index() const { return lower; }
I end_index() const { return upper; }
bool empty() const { return lower >= upper; }
bool has_index(I i) const { return i >= lower && i < upper; }
std::vector<T> v;
I lower, upper;
// Calculate the size of the alias-free part (the "filet")
// of a signal slice of size "fftsize"
static inline unsigned int filet_part(unsigned int fftsize) {
return fftsize >> 1;
// Calculate the size of the padding (the "fat") at each
// end of a signal slice of size "fftsize"
static inline unsigned fat_part(unsigned int fftsize) {
return fftsize >> 2;
// Per-band, per-plan data
template<class T>
struct band_plan {
typedef complex<T> C;
unsigned int sftsize; // Size of "short FFT" spanning the band
unsigned int sftsize_log2; // log2(sftsize)
fft<C *> *sft; // Fourier transform for windows, of size sftsize
std::vector<T> kernel; // Frequency-domain filter kernel
std::vector<T> dual_kernel; // Dual of the above
pod_vector<C> shift_kernel; // Complex exponential for fractional frequency compensation
pod_vector<C> shift_kernel_conj; // Conjugate of the above
int fq_offset_int; // Frequency offset in bins (big-FFT bin of left window edge)
double center; // Center frequency in units of FFT bins
int icenter; // Center frequency rounded to nearest integer FFT bin
// Frequency band parameters shared between octaves
template<class T>
struct band_params: public refcounted {
typedef complex<T> C;
bool dc; // True iff this is the lowpass (DC) band
double ff; // Center (bp) or corner (lp) frequency in units of the sampling frequency
double ffsd; // Standard deviation of the bandpass Gaussian, as fractional frequency
unsigned int step; // Signal samples per coefficient sample
unsigned int step_log2; // log2(step)
double ff_support; // Filter support in frequency domain
double time_support; // Filter support in time domain, in octave subsamples
std::vector<band_plan<T>> anl_plans;
std::vector<band_plan<T>> syn_plans;
// Downsampling parameters. These have some similarity to band
// parameters, but only some. For example, these may use a real
// rather than complex FFT for the "short FFT".
template <class T>
struct downsampling_params {
typedef complex<T> C;
unsigned int sftsize;
std::vector<T> kernel; // Frequency-domain filter kernel
std::vector<T> dual_kernel;
rfft<C *> *rsft;
fft<C *> *sft;
// Forward declarations
template<class T> struct analyzer;
template<class T> struct zone;
template<class T, class C = complex<T>> struct coefs;
template<class C> struct sliced_coefs;
template <class T, class OI = complex<T> *, class C = complex<T>>
struct row_source;
template <class T, class II = complex<T> *, class C = complex<T>>
struct row_dest;
template <class T, class II = complex<T> *, class C = complex<T>>
struct row_add_dest;
// Abstract class for tracking changes to a coefficient set.
// This may be used for updating a resolution pyramid of
// magnitude data.
template<class T>
struct shadow {
virtual ~shadow() { }
virtual void update(const coefs<complex<T>> &msc,
sample_index_t i0, sample_index_t i1) = 0;
// Deprecated
virtual void update(int oct, int ze, const sliced_coefs<complex<T>> &sc,
slice_index_t sli0, slice_index_t sli1) = 0;
// Per-band coefficient metadata, shared between octaves.
struct band_coefs_meta {
unsigned int slice_len; // Number of coefficients per slice
unsigned short slice_len_log2; // Log2 of the above
// Log2 of the downsampling factor of the coefficients in
// this band relative to the signal samples. The value
// applies as such in the top octave; in other octaves,
// the octave number needs to be added.
unsigned short step_log2;
// Offset of the beginning of this band in the data array
unsigned int band_offset;
// Per-zone coefficient metadata. This contains information
// describing an "oct_coefs" structure that is common to many
// instances and should not be duplicated in each one.
struct zone_coefs_meta {
typedef std::vector<band_coefs_meta> band_vector;
void init(const band_vector &bands_) {
bands = bands_;
unsigned int offset = 0;
for (band_coefs_meta &b: bands) {
b.band_offset = offset;
offset += b.slice_len;
total_size = offset;
band_vector bands;
// Total size of data array (in elements, not bytes)
unsigned int total_size;
// Per-octave coefficient metadata.
// Cf. struct octave
struct oct_coefs_meta {
zone_coefs_meta *z;
unsigned int n_bands_above; // Total number of bands in higher octaves
// Coefficient metadata for multirate coefficients.
struct coefs_meta: public refcounted {
coefs_meta() = default;
coefs_meta(const coefs_meta &) = delete;
unsigned int n_octaves;
unsigned int n_bands_total;
unsigned int bands_per_octave;
unsigned int slice_len; // octave subsamples per slice
std::vector<zone_coefs_meta> zones;
std::vector<oct_coefs_meta> octaves;
// Split a "global band number" gbno into an octave and band
// number within octave ("obno").
// Global band numbers start at 0 for the band at or close to
// fs/2, and increase towards lower frequencies.
// Include the DC band if "dc" is true.
// Returns true iff gbno is valid.
static inline bool
bno_split(const coefs_meta &meta, int gbno, int &oct, unsigned int &obno, bool dc) {
if (gbno < 0) {
// Above top octave
return false;
} else if (gbno >= (int)meta.n_bands_total - 1) {
// At or below DC
if (gbno == (int)meta.n_bands_total - 1) {
// At DC
if (dc) {
oct = meta.n_octaves - 1;
obno = 0;
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
// Below DC
return false;
} else {
// Within bandpass region
// Start by determining the octave
int n_bands_top_octave = (int)meta.octaves[0].z->bands.size();
if (gbno < n_bands_top_octave) {
// Top octave
oct = 0;
obno = n_bands_top_octave - 1 - gbno;
return true;
gbno -= n_bands_top_octave;
int oct_tmp = 1 + gbno / meta.bands_per_octave;
int obno_tmp = gbno % meta.bands_per_octave;
oct = oct_tmp;
// Now determine the band within the octave.
// obno_tmp counts down, but obno counts up.
obno = (unsigned int)meta.octaves[oct_tmp].z->bands.size() - 1 - obno_tmp;
return true;
// The inverse of bno_split(). Returns a gbno. The arguments must
// be valid.
static inline
int bno_merge(const coefs_meta &meta, int oct, unsigned int obno) {
unsigned int n_bands = (unsigned int)meta.octaves[oct].z->bands.size();
assert(obno < n_bands);
int bno_from_end = n_bands - 1 - obno;
return bno_from_end + meta.octaves[oct].n_bands_above;
// Coefficients of a single octave for a single input signal slice.
// C is the coefficient type, typically complex<float> but can also
// be e.g. unsigned int to store cluster numbers, or float to store
// magnitudes.
template<class C>
struct oct_coefs: public refcounted {
oct_coefs(const zone_coefs_meta &zmeta_, bool clear_ = true):
if (clear_)
oct_coefs(const oct_coefs &) = delete;
uint64_t estimate_memory_usage() const {
return zmeta.total_size * sizeof(C) + sizeof(*this);
void clear() {
std::fill(data.begin(), data.end(), C());
// Deep copy
oct_coefs &operator=(const oct_coefs &rhs) {
assert(data.size() == rhs.data.size());
memcpy(data.data(), rhs.data.data(), data.size() * sizeof(C));
return *this;
const zone_coefs_meta &zmeta;
// The data for all the bands are allocated together
// as a single vector to reduce the number of allocations
pod_vector<C> data;
// Vector-like collection of pointers into "data", one for each band
struct band_array {
band_array(oct_coefs &outer_): outer(outer_) { }
C *operator[](size_t i) const {
return outer.data.data() + outer.zmeta.bands[i].band_offset;
size_t size() const { return outer.zmeta.bands.size(); }
oct_coefs &outer;
} bands;
// Add the oct_coefs "b" to the oct_coefs "a"
template <class C>
void add(oct_coefs<C> &a, const oct_coefs<C> &b) {
size_t n_bands = a.bands.size();
assert(n_bands == b.bands.size());
for (size_t obno = 0; obno < n_bands; obno++) {
unsigned int len = a.zmeta.bands[obno].slice_len;
C *band_a = a.bands[obno];
C *band_b = b.bands[obno];
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < len; j++) {
band_a[j] += band_b[j];
// Sliced coefficients. These cover an arbitrary time range, but only
// a single octave. Template argument is as for struct oct_coefs.
// This is default constructible so that we can create an array of
// them, but not usable until "meta" has been set up.
template<class C>
struct sliced_coefs {
typedef range_vector<ref<oct_coefs<C>>, slice_index_t> slices_t;
uint64_t estimate_memory_usage() const {
unsigned int n = 0;
size_t size_each = 0;
for (slice_index_t sl = slices.begin_index(); sl < slices.end_index(); sl++) {
const ref<oct_coefs<C>> &t = slices.get_existing(sl);
if (t) {
if (! size_each)
size_each = (size_t)t->estimate_memory_usage();
return n * size_each;
void clear() {
zone_coefs_meta *meta;
slices_t slices;
// Get a pointer to an existing existing coefficient slice,
// or null if one does not exist. Like get_or_create_coefs(),
// this hides the distinction between the two types of nonexistence.
template <class CT>
oct_coefs<CT> *get_existing_coefs(const sliced_coefs<CT> &sc,
slice_index_t i)
const ref<oct_coefs<CT>> *p = sc.slices.get(i);
if (! p)
return 0;
return p->get();
// Get an existing coefficient slice, or create a new one. Note that
// this hides the distinction between two types of nonexistence: that
// of slices outside the range of the range_vector, and that of
// missing slices within the range (having a null ref). CT is the
// coefficient type, which is typically C aka complex<T>, but can be
// different, for example float to represent magnitudes.
template <class CT>
oct_coefs<CT> &get_or_create_coefs(sliced_coefs<CT> &sc, slice_index_t i) {
ref<oct_coefs<CT>> &p(sc.slices.get_or_create(i));
if (! p)
p.reset(new oct_coefs<CT>(*sc.meta));
return *p;
// Return the signal sample time corresponding to coefficient sample 0
// of coefficient slice 0, for slices of length len. It would be nice
// if this were zero, but for historical reasons, it's offset by half
// a slice (corresponding to the analysis fat).
static inline int coef_offset(int len) {
return len >> 1;
// Get the base 2 logarithm of the downsampling factor of
// band "obno" in octave "oct"
static inline int
band_scale_exp(const zone_coefs_meta &meta, int oct, unsigned int obno) {
return meta.bands[obno].step_log2 + oct;
// Return the coefficient index (the time in terms of coefficient
// subsamples) of the first cofficient of slice "sli" of band
// "obno" in octave "oct"
static inline coef_index_t
coef_time(const zone_coefs_meta &meta, slice_index_t sli, int oct, int obno) {
int len = meta.bands[obno].slice_len;
return coef_offset(len) + sli * len;
// Return the sample index (the time in terms of samples) time of
// coefficient "i" in slice "sli" of band "obno" in octave "oct"
static inline sample_index_t
sample_time(const zone_coefs_meta &meta, slice_index_t sli, int i, int oct, int obno) {
coef_index_t sst = coef_time(meta, sli, oct, obno) + i;
return shift_left(sst, band_scale_exp(meta, oct, obno));
// Multirate sliced coefficients. These cover an arbitrary time
// range and the full frequency range (all octaves).
// Template arguments:
// T analyzer sample data type
// C coefficient data type
// Note default for template argument C defined in forward declaration.
template<class T, class C>
struct coefs {
typedef C value_type;
coefs(const analyzer<T> &anl_, shadow<T> *shadow_ = 0):
octaves(anl_.n_octaves), shadow0(shadow_)
meta = anl_.cmeta_any.get();
// Set up shortcut pointer to zone metadata in each octave
for (unsigned int oct = 0; oct < octaves.size(); oct++)
octaves[oct].meta = meta->octaves[oct].z;
uint64_t estimate_memory_usage() const {
uint64_t s = 0;
for (unsigned int oct = 0; oct < octaves.size(); oct++)
s += octaves[oct].estimate_memory_usage();
return s;
void clear() {
for (unsigned int oct = 0; oct < octaves.size(); oct++)
coefs_meta *meta;
std::vector<sliced_coefs<C>> octaves;
shadow<T> *shadow0;
// Read coefficients i0..i1 of band gbno in msc into buf.
template <class T, class C>
void read(const coefs<T, C> &msc, int gbno,
coef_index_t i0, coef_index_t i1, C *buf)
int oct;
unsigned int obno; // Band number within octave
bool valid = gaborator::bno_split(*msc.meta, gbno, oct, obno, true);
row_source<T, C *, C>(msc, oct, obno)(i0, i1, buf);
template <class T, class C>
void write(coefs<T, C> &msc, int gbno,
coef_index_t i0, coef_index_t i1, C *buf)
int oct;
unsigned int obno; // Band number within octave
bool valid = gaborator::bno_split(*msc.meta, gbno, oct, obno, true);
row_dest<T, C *, C>(msc, oct, obno)(i0, i1, buf);
template <class T, class C>
void add(coefs<T, C> &msc, int gbno,
coef_index_t i0, coef_index_t i1, C *buf)
int oct;
unsigned int obno; // Band number within octave
bool valid = gaborator::bno_split(*msc.meta, gbno, oct, obno, true);
row_add_dest<T, C *, C>(msc, oct, obno)(i0, i1, buf);
// Return the base 2 logarithm of the time step (aka downsampling
// factor) of band "gbno".
static inline
unsigned int band_step_log2(const coefs_meta &meta, int gbno) {
int oct;
unsigned int obno;
bool valid = bno_split(meta, gbno, oct, obno, true);
return band_scale_exp(*meta.octaves[oct].z, oct, obno);
// Convert a signal time t into a coefficient sample
// index. t must coincide with a coefficient sample time.
static inline
coef_index_t t2i_exact(const coefs_meta &meta, int gbno, sample_index_t t) {
int shift = band_step_log2(meta, gbno);
int64_t mask = ((sample_index_t)1 << shift) - 1;
assert((t & mask) == 0);
return t >> shift;
// Read a single coefficient sample at signal time t,
// which must coincide with a coefficient sample time
template <class T, class C>
C read1t(const coefs<T, C> &msc, int gbno, sample_index_t t) {
coef_index_t i = t2i_exact(*msc.meta, gbno, t);
C c;
read(msc, gbno, i, i + 1, &c);
return c;
// Read a single coefficient sample at signal time t,
// which must coincide with a coefficient sample time
template <class T, class C>
void write1t(coefs<T, C> &msc, int gbno, sample_index_t t, C c) {
coef_index_t i = t2i_exact(*msc.meta, gbno, t);
write(msc, gbno, i, i + 1, &c);
// Perform an fftshift of the range between iterators a and b.
// Not optimized - not for use in inner loops.
template <class I>
void fftshift(I b, I e) {
size_t len = e - b;
assert(len % 2 == 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < len / 2; i++)
std::swap(*(b + i), *(b + len / 2 + i));
// Given an unsigned index i into an FFT of a power-of-two size
// "size", return the corresponding signed index, ranging from -size/2
// to size/2-1. This is equivalent to sign extension of an integer of
// log2(size) bits; see Hacker's Delight, page 18. This can be used
// to convert an FFT index into a frequency (positive or negative;
// note that Nyquist is considered negatitive = -fs/2).
static inline int signed_index(unsigned int i, unsigned int size) {
unsigned int t = size >> 1;
return (i ^ t) - t;
// Evaluate a Gaussian windowed lowpass filter frequency response.
// This is the convolution of a rectangle centered at f=0 and a Gaussian,
// and corresponds to a Gaussian windowed sinc in the time domain.
// The -6 dB cutoff freqency is ff_cutoff (a fractional frequency),
// the standard deviation of the Gaussian is ff_sd, and the frequency
// response is evaluated at ff. The frequency response is smooth at
// f=0 even if the transition bands overlap.
inline double
gaussian_windowed_lowpass_1(double ff_cutoff, double ff_sd, double ff) {
// A rectangle is the sum of a rising step and a later falling
// step, or the difference between a rising step and a later
// rising step. By linearity, a Gaussian filtered rectangle
// is the difference between two Gaussian filtered rising
// steps.
gaussian_edge(ff_sd, -ff + ff_cutoff) -
gaussian_edge(ff_sd, -ff - ff_cutoff);
// Fill a sequence with a frequency-ddomain lowpass filter as above.
// The returned filter covers the full frequency range from 0 to fs
// (with negative frequencies at the end, the usual convention for FFT
// spectra).
// When center=true, construct a time-domain window instead,
// passing the center of the time-domain signal.
// The result is stored between iterators b and e, which must have a
// real value_type.
template <class I>
inline void gaussian_windowed_lowpass(double ff_cutoff, double ff_sd,
I b, I e, bool center = false)
size_t len = e - b;
double inv_len = 1.0 / len;
for (I it = b; it != e; ++it) {
size_t i = it - b;
double thisff;
if (center)
// Symmetric around center
thisff = std::abs(i - (len * 0.5)) * inv_len;
// Symmetric around zero
thisff = (i > len / 2 ? len - i : i) * inv_len;
*it = gaussian_windowed_lowpass_1(ff_cutoff, ff_sd, thisff);
// A set of octaves having identical parameters form a "zone",
// and their shared parameters are stored in a "struct zone".
template <class T>
struct zone: public refcounted {
zone(): n_bands(0) { }
~zone() { }
// Zone number, 0..3
unsigned int zno;
// Total number of bands, including DC band if lowest octave
unsigned int n_bands;
unsigned int max_step_log2;
// Band parameters by increasing frequency; DC band is index 0 if
// present
std::vector<ref<band_params<T>>> bandparams;
std::vector<ref<band_params<T>>> mock_bandparams;
template <class T>
struct octave {
zone<T> *z;
// Helper function for pushing parameters onto the vectors in struct zone
template <class T>
void push(std::vector<ref<band_params<T>>> &v, band_params<T> *p) {
// Phase conventions: coef_phase::absolute means the phase of a
// coefficient at time tc is relative to e^(i tau f t), and
// coef_phase::local means it is relative to
// e^(i tau f (t - tc))
enum class coef_phase { global, local };
// A set of spectrum analysis parameters
struct parameters {
parameters(unsigned int bands_per_octave_,
double ff_min_,
double ff_ref_ = 1.0,
double overlap_ = 0.7,
double max_error_ = 1e-5):
// Pseudo-constructor with version 1 defaults
static parameters v1(unsigned int bands_per_octave_,
double ff_min_,
double ff_ref_ = 1.0,
double overlap_ = 0.7,
double max_error_ = 1e-5)
parameters p(bands_per_octave_, ff_min_, ff_ref_, overlap_, max_error_);
return p;
// Pseudo-constructor with version 2 defaults
static parameters v2(unsigned int bands_per_octave_,
double ff_min_,
double ff_ref_ = 1.0,
double overlap_ = 0.7,
double max_error_ = 1e-5)
parameters p(bands_per_octave_, ff_min_, ff_ref_, overlap_, max_error_);
return p;
void init_v1() {
phase = coef_phase::global;
bandwidth_version = 1;
lowpass_version = 1;
void init_v2() {
phase = coef_phase::local;
bandwidth_version = 2;
lowpass_version = 2;
// Provide an operator< so that we can create a set or map of parameters
bool operator<(const parameters &b) const {
#define GABORATOR_COMPARE_LESS(member) do { \
if (member < b.member) \
return true; \
if (member > b.member) \
return false; \
} while(0)
// Equal
return false;
bool operator==(const parameters &b) const {
return !((*this < b) || (b < *this));
// The frequency increases by a factor of band_spacing from
// one bandpass band to the next.
double band_spacing_log2() const {
return 1.0 / bands_per_octave;
double band_spacing() const {
return exp2(band_spacing_log2());
// The standard deviation of the Gaussian in units of the mean
double sd() const {
return overlap *
(bandwidth_version == 1 ?
band_spacing() - 1 :
log(2) / bands_per_octave);
// Defining Q as the frequency divided by the half-power bandwidth,
// we get
// norm_gaussian(sd, hbw) = sqrt(2)
// (%i1) e1: exp(-(hbw * hbw) / (2 * sd * sd)) = 1 / sqrt(2);
// (%i2) solve(e1, hbw);
// (%o2) [hbw = - sqrt(log(2)) sd, hbw = sqrt(log(2)) sd]
double q() const {
return 1.0 / (2 * sqrt(log(2)) * sd());
template<class T> friend class analyzer;
unsigned int bands_per_octave;
double ff_min;
double ff_ref;
double overlap;
double max_error;
coef_phase phase;
int bandwidth_version;
int lowpass_version;
double coef_scale;
bool synthesis; // Synthesis is supported
bool multirate;
// Like std::fill, but returns the end iterator
template <class I, class T>
I fill(I b, I e, T v) {
std::fill(b, e, v);
return e;
// Multiply a vector by a scalar, in-place.
// Used only at the setup stage, so performance is not critical.
template <class V, class S>
void scale_vector(V &v, S s) {
for (auto &e: v)
e *= s;
// Zero-padding source wrapper. This returns data from the underlying
// source within the interval src_i0 to src_i1, and zero elsewhere.
template <class S, class OI>
struct zeropad_source {
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<OI>::value_type T;
zeropad_source(const S &source_, int64_t src_i0_, int64_t src_i1_):
source(source_), src_i0(src_i0_), src_i1(src_i1_)
{ }
OI operator()(int64_t i0, int64_t i1, OI output) const {
int64_t overlap_begin = std::max(i0, src_i0);
int64_t overlap_end = std::min(i1, src_i1);
if (overlap_end <= overlap_begin) {
// No overlap
output = gaborator::fill(output, output + (i1 - i0), (T)0);
} else {
// Some overlap
if (overlap_begin != i0) {
output = gaborator::fill(output, output + (overlap_begin - i0), (T)0);
output = source(overlap_begin, overlap_end, output);
if (overlap_end != i1) {
output = gaborator::fill(output, output + (i1 - overlap_end), (T)0);
return output;
const S &source;
int64_t src_i0, src_i1;
template <class T>
struct pointer_source {
pointer_source(const T *p_, int64_t buf_i0_, int64_t buf_i1_):
p(p_), buf_i0(buf_i0_), buf_i1(buf_i1_) { }
T *operator()(int64_t i0, int64_t i1, T *output) const {
assert(i1 >= i0);
assert(i0 >= buf_i0);
assert(i1 <= buf_i1);
return std::copy(p + (i0 - buf_i0), p + (i1 - buf_i0), output);
const T *p;
int64_t buf_i0, buf_i1;
// Fill the buffer at dst, of length dstlen, with data from src where
// available, otherwise with zeroes. The data in src covers dst indices
// from i0 (inclusive) to i1 (exclusive).
template <class T>
void copy_overlapping_zerofill(T *dst, size_t dstlen, const T *src,
int64_t i0, int64_t i1)
pointer_source<T> ps(src, i0, i1);
zeropad_source<pointer_source<T>, T *> zs(ps, i0, i1);
zs(0, dstlen, dst);
// Given a set of FFT coefficients "coefs" of a real sequence, where
// only positive-frequency coefficients (including DC and Nyquist) are
// valid, return the coefficient for an arbitrary frequency index "i"
// which may correspond to a negative frequency, or even an alias
// outside the range (0..fftsize-1).
template<class T>
complex<T> get_real_spectrum_coef(complex<T> *coefs, int i, unsigned int fftsize) {
i &= fftsize - 1;
// Note that this is >, not >=, becase fs/2 is considered nonnegative
bool neg_fq = (i > (int)(fftsize >> 1));
if (neg_fq) {
i = fftsize - i;
complex<T> c = coefs[i];
if (neg_fq) {
c = conj(c);
return c;
// A set of buffers of various sizes used for temporary vectors during
// analysis. These are allocated as a single block to reduce the
// number of dynamic memory allocations.
template <class T>
struct buffers {
static const size_t maxbufs = 10;
typedef complex<T> C;
buffers(unsigned int fftsize_max,
unsigned int sftsize_max):
offset[0] = 0;
// Define the size of each buffer
def(fftsize_max * sizeof(C)); // 0
def(fftsize_max * sizeof(C)); // 1
def(sftsize_max * sizeof(C)); // 2
def(sftsize_max * sizeof(C)); // 3
def(sftsize_max * sizeof(C)); // 4
def(fftsize_max * sizeof(T)); // 5
assert(n <= maxbufs);
data = ::operator new(offset[n]);
~buffers() {
::operator delete(data);
void def(size_t size) {
size_t o = offset[n++];
offset[n] = o + size;
// A single buffer of element type E
template<class E>
struct buffer {
typedef E *iterator;
buffer(void *b_, void *e_):
b((E *)b_), e((E *)e_)
{ }
iterator begin() const { return b; }
iterator end() const { return e; }
E *data() { return b; }
const E *data() const { return b; }
E &operator[](size_t i) { return b[i]; }
const E &operator[](size_t i) const { return b[i]; }
size_t size() const { return e - b; }
E *b;
E *e;
// Get buffer number "i" as a vector-like object with element type "E"
// and a length of "len" elements.
template <class E>
buffer<E> get(size_t i, size_t len) {
len *= sizeof(E);
size_t o = offset[i];
assert(len <= offset[i + 1] - o);
return buffer<E>((char *)data + o, (char *)data + o + len);
void *data;
size_t n;
size_t offset[maxbufs + 1];
// Get the bounds of the range of existing coefficients for a
// given band, in units of coefficient samples.
template <class T, class C>
void get_band_coef_bounds(const coefs<T, C> &msc, int oct, unsigned int obno,
coef_index_t &ci0_ret, coef_index_t &ci1_ret)
const sliced_coefs<C> &sc = msc.octaves[oct];
const typename sliced_coefs<C>::slices_t &slices = sc.slices;
if (slices.empty()) {
// Don't try to convert int64t_min/max slices to coef time
ci0_ret = 0;
ci1_ret = 0;
// Convert from slices to coefficient samples
ci0_ret = coef_time(*sc.meta, slices.begin_index(), oct, obno);
ci1_ret = coef_time(*sc.meta, slices.end_index(), oct, obno);
template <class T, class C>
void get_band_coef_bounds(const coefs<T, C> &msc, int gbno,
coef_index_t &ci0_ret, coef_index_t &ci1_ret)
int oct;
unsigned int obno; // Band number within octave
bool r = gaborator::bno_split(*msc.meta, gbno, oct, obno, true);
get_band_coef_bounds(msc, oct, obno, ci0_ret, ci1_ret);
// Evaluate the frequency-domain analysis filter kernel of band "bp"
// at frequency "ff"
template <class T>
double eval_kernel(parameters *, band_params<T> *bp, double ff) {
if (bp->dc) {
return gaussian_windowed_lowpass_1(bp->ff, bp->ffsd, ff);
} else {
return norm_gaussian(bp->ffsd, ff - bp->ff);
// Evaluate the frequency-domain synthesis filter kernel of band "bp"
// at frequency "ff"
template <class T>
double eval_dual_kernel(parameters *params, band_params<T> *bp, double ff) {
double gain = 1.0;
if (params->lowpass_version == 2) {
if (bp->dc) {
// Adjust the gain of the reconstruction lowpass
// filter to make the overall gain similar to to
// the bandpass region.
double adjusted_overlap = params->sd() /
(log(2) / params->bands_per_octave);
double avg_bandpass_gain = adjusted_overlap * sqrt(M_PI);
gain = avg_bandpass_gain * 0.5;
return eval_kernel(params, bp, ff) * gain;
template<class T>
struct analyzer: public refcounted {
typedef complex<T> C;
struct plan;
analyzer(const parameters &params_):
// Sanity check
assert(params.ff_min < 0.5);
band_spacing_log2 = params.band_spacing_log2();
band_spacing = params.band_spacing();
// The tuning adjustment, as a log2ff. This is a number between
// 0 and band_spacing_log2, corresponding to a frequency at
// or slightly above the sampling frequency where a band
// center would fall if they actually went that high.
// Tuning is done by increasing the center frequencies of
// all bands by this amount relative to the untuned case
// where one band would fall on fs exactly.
tuning_log2ff = sane_fmod(log2(params.ff_ref), band_spacing_log2);
// Calculate the total number of bands needed so that
// the lowest band has a frequency <= params.ff_min.
// end_log2ff = the log2ff of the band after the last (just past fs/2);
// the -1 below is the log of the /2 above
double end_log2ff = tuning_log2ff - 1;
n_bandpass_bands_total =
(unsigned int)ceil((end_log2ff - log2(params.ff_min)) /
n_bands_total = n_bandpass_bands_total + 1;
top_band_log2ff = end_log2ff - band_spacing_log2;
ffref_gbno = (int)rint((top_band_log2ff - log2(params.ff_ref)) /
// Establish affine transforms for converting between
// log-frequencies (log2(ff)) and bandpass band numbers.
// Derivation:
//ff = exp2(tuning_log2ff - 1 - (gbno + 1) * band_spacing_log2)
//log2(ff) = tuning_log2ff - 1 - (gbno + 1) * band_spacing_log2
//tuning_log2ff - 1 - (gbno + 1) * band_spacing_log2 = log2(ff)
//-(gbno + 1) * band_spacing_log2 = log2(ff) - tuning_log2ff + 1
//-(gbno + 1) * band_spacing_log2 = log2(ff) - tuning_log2ff + 1
//-(gbno + 1) = (log2(ff) - tuning_log2ff + 1) / band_spacing_log2
//-gbno - 1 = (log2(ff) - tuning_log2ff + 1) / band_spacing_log2
//-gbno = ((log2(ff) - tuning_log2ff + 1) / band_spacing_log2) + 1
//gbno = -(((log2(ff) - tuning_log2ff + 1) / band_spacing_log2) + 1)
//gbno = a log2(ff) + b,
// where a = -1 / band_spacing_log2 = -params.bands_per_octave
// and b = -a * tuning_log2ff + a - 1
// The cast to double is necessary because we can't take the
// negative of an unsigned int.
double a = -(double)params.bands_per_octave;
double b = -a * tuning_log2ff + a - 1;
log2ff_bandpass_band = affine_transform(a, b);
bandpass_band_log2ff = log2ff_bandpass_band.inverse();
// Precalculate the parameters of the downsampling filter.
// These are the same for all plans, and need to be
// calculated before creating the plans; in particular, we
// need to know the support before we can create the
// plans, because in low-bpo cases, it can determine the
// minimum amount of fat needed. The filter kernel is
// specific to the plan as it depends on the FFT size,
// and will be calculated later.
// When operating at a high Q, the we will need to use
// large FFTs in any case, and it makes sense to use a
// narrow transition band because we can get that
// essentially for free, and the passband will be
// correspondingly wider, which will allow processing more
// bands at the lower sample rate. Conversely, at low
// Q, we should use a wide transition band so that the
// FFTs can be kept short.
// The filter is defined in terms of the lower
// (downsampled) sample rate.
// Make the transition band the same width as the width
// (two-sided support) of a band at ff=0.25, but don't let
// the low edge go below 0.25 to make sure we have a
// reasonable amount of passband left.
double f1 = 0.5;
double f0 =
std::max(f1 - 2 * gaussian_support(ff_sd(0.25), params.max_error),
assert(f0 < f1);
// The cutoff frequency is in the center of the transition band
double ff = (f0 + f1) * 0.5;
double support = (f1 - f0) * 0.5;
double ff_sd = gaussian_support_inv(support, params.max_error);
// Calculate and save the time-domain support of the
// downsampling lowpass filter for use in analyze_sliced().
double time_sd = sd_f2t(ff_sd);
// Set members
ds_passband = f0;
ds_ff = ff;
ds_ff_sd = ff_sd;
// Since the filter is designed at the lower sample rate,
// ds_time_support is in the unit of lower octave samples
ds_time_support = gaussian_support(time_sd, params.max_error * 0.5);
// Determine the octave structure, packing each band into the
// lowest octave possible. For now, while bpo is restricted
// to integer values, this just means determining how many
// bands need to go in the top octave, and the remaining ones
// will be divided into groups of bpo bands (except possibly
// the last).
int gbno;
for (gbno = bandpass_bands_begin(); gbno < bandpass_bands_end(); gbno++) {
double ff = bandpass_band_ff(gbno);
double ffsd = ff_sd(ff);
double ff_support = gaussian_support(ffsd, params.max_error * 0.5);
// If the bandpass support falls within the downsampling filter
// passband of the next octave, we can switch octaves.
if (params.multirate && ff + ff_support <= ds_passband / 2)
n_bands_top_octave = gbno;
// Figure out the number of octaves, keeping in mind that
// the top octave is of variable size, and DC band is added
// to the bottom octave even if that makes it larger than
// the others.
n_octaves = 1 // The top octave
+ (n_bandpass_bands_total - n_bands_top_octave +
(params.bands_per_octave - 1)) / params.bands_per_octave;
// Calculate the kernel support needed for the lowest-frequency
// bandpass band to use as a basis for an initial estimate of
// the FFT size needed. This duplicates some code at the
// beginning of make_band().
assert(n_bands_top_octave >= 1);
int low_bp_band = n_bands_top_octave - 1;
double low_bp_band_time_sd = time_sd(band_ff(low_bp_band));
double low_bp_band_time_analysis_support =
gaussian_support(low_bp_band_time_sd, params.max_error);
double low_bp_band_time_synthesis_support =
low_bp_band_time_analysis_support * synthesis_support_multiplier();
// Make analysis plans
// Since ds_time_support is in the unit of lower octave samples,
// we need to multiply it by two to get upper octave samples.
unsigned int max_support =
ds_time_support * 2);
unsigned int size = next_power_of_two(max_support * 2);
ref<plan> p;
for (;;) {
p = new plan(this, false, size, max_support);
if (p->ok)
size *= 2;
anl_plans.push_back(p); // Smallest possible plan
p = new plan(this, false, size * 2, max_support);
anl_plans.push_back(p); // Next larger plan
if (params.synthesis) {
// Make synthesis plan (only one for now)
max_support = std::max(ceil(low_bp_band_time_synthesis_support),
ds_time_support * 2);
// Room for at at least the two fats + as much filet
size = next_power_of_two(max_support * 2) * 2;
p = new plan(this, true, size, max_support);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)anl_plans.size(); i++)
make_band_plans(i, false);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)syn_plans.size(); i++)
make_band_plans(i, true);
// Find the largest fftsize and sftsize of any plan
for (size_t i = 0; i < anl_plans.size(); i++) {
fftsize_max = std::max(fftsize_max, anl_plans[i]->fftsize);
sftsize_max = std::max(sftsize_max, anl_plans[i]->sftsize_max);
for (size_t i = 0; i < syn_plans.size(); i++) {
fftsize_max = std::max(fftsize_max, syn_plans[i]->fftsize);
sftsize_max = std::max(sftsize_max, syn_plans[i]->sftsize_max);
// Lay out the coefficient structures according to the
// synthesis plan if we have one, or the largest analysis
// plan if not.
std::vector<ref<plan>> *cmeta_source =
params.synthesis ? &syn_plans : &anl_plans;
ref<plan> &largest_plan(((*cmeta_source)[cmeta_source->size() - 1]));
cmeta_any = make_meta(filet_part(largest_plan->fftsize));
void make_zones() {
// Band number starting at 0 close to fs/2 and increasing
// with decreasing frequency
int tbno = 0;
int oct = 0;
int zno = 0;
// Loop over the octaves, from high to low frequencies,
// creating new zones where needed
for (;;) {
int max_bands_this_octave = (zno == 0) ?
n_bands_top_octave : params.bands_per_octave;
int bands_remaining = n_bandpass_bands_total - tbno;
int bands_this_octave = std::min(max_bands_this_octave, bands_remaining);
int bands_below = bands_remaining - bands_this_octave;
bool dc_zone = (bands_below == 0);
bool dc_adjacent_zone = (bands_below < (int)params.bands_per_octave);
if (zno < 2 || dc_zone || dc_adjacent_zone ||
params.bands_per_octave < 6)
make_zone(oct, zno, tbno, tbno + bands_this_octave,
dc_zone, bands_below);
octaves.back().z = zones[zno - 1].get();
tbno += bands_this_octave;
if (dc_zone)
assert(octaves.size() == n_octaves);
// Create a zone consisting of the bandpass bands band0
// (inclusive) to band1 (exclusive), using the usual gbno
// numbering going from high to low frequencies, and
// possible a lowpass band band1.
void make_zone(int oct, unsigned int zno,
int band0, int band1,
bool dc_zone, int bands_below)
assert(zones.size() == zno);
zone<T> *z = new zone<T>();
z->zno = zno;
pod_vector<T> power;
// Create the real (non-mock) bands, from low to high
// frequency.
if (dc_zone)
// This zone has a lowpass band
push(z->bandparams, make_band(oct, band1, true, false));
// The actual (non-mock) bandpass bands of this zone
for (int i = band1 - 1; i >= band0; i--)
push(z->bandparams, make_band(oct, i, false, false));
if (! dc_zone) {
// There are other zones below this; add mock bands
// to simulate them for purposes of calculating the dual.
// Identify the lowest frequency of interest in the zone
assert(z->bandparams.size() >= 1);
band_params<T> *low_band = z->bandparams[0].get();
double zone_bottom_ff = low_band->ff - low_band->ff_support;
int i = band1;
for (; i < band1 + bands_below; i++) {
band_params<T> *mock_band = make_band(oct, i, false, true);
push(z->mock_bandparams, mock_band);
// There's no point in creating further mock bands
// once they no longer overlap with the current zone.
// The condition used here may cause the creation of
// one more mock band than is actually needed, as it
// is easier to create the band first and check for
// overlap later than the other way round.
if (mock_band->ff + mock_band->ff_support < zone_bottom_ff) {
// Create a mock lowpass band. This may correspond to the
// actual lowpass band, or if the loop above exited early,
// it may merely be be a placeholder that serves no real
// purpose other than making the power vector look better.
push(z->mock_bandparams, make_band(oct, i, true, true));
// If there are other zones above this, add mock bands
// to simulate them for purposes of calculating the dual,
// but only up to the Nyquist frequency of the current
// octave.
int nyquist_band = oct * (int)params.bands_per_octave;
for (int i = band0 - 1; i >= nyquist_band; i--)
push(z->mock_bandparams, make_band(oct, i, false, true));
z->n_bands = (unsigned int)z->bandparams.size();
// Find the largest coefficient step in the zone, as this will
// determine the necessary alignment of signal slices in time,
// but make it at least two (corresponding max_step_log2 = 1)
// because the downsampling code requires alignement to even
// indices.
unsigned int m = 1;
for (unsigned int obno = 0; obno < z->bandparams.size(); obno++) {
m = std::max(m, z->bandparams[obno]->step_log2);
z->max_step_log2 = m;
max_step_log2 = std::max(max_step_log2, m);
// Calculate band parameters for a single band.
// If dc is true, this is the DC band, and gbno indicates
// the cutoff frequency; it is one more than the gbno of
// the lowest-frequency bandpass band.
band_params<T> *
make_band(int oct, double gbno, bool dc, bool mock) {
band_params<T> *bp = new band_params<T>;
if (dc)
// Make the actual DC band cutoff frequency a bit higher,
// by an empirically chosen fraction of a band, to reduce
// power fluctuations.
gbno -= 0.8750526596806952;
// For bandpass bands, the center frequency, or for the
// lowpass band, the lowpass cutoff frequency, as a
// fractional frequency, in terms of the octave's sample
// rate.
double ff = ldexp(bandpass_band_ff(gbno), oct);
// Standard deviation of the bandpass Gaussian, as a
// fractional frequency
double ffsd = ff_sd(ff);
double time_sd = sd_f2t(ffsd);
double time_support =
gaussian_support(time_sd, params.max_error);
// The support of the Gaussian, i.e., the smallest standard
// deviation at which it can be truncated on each side
// without the error exceeding our part of the error budget,
// which is some fraction of params.max_error. Note
// that this is one-sided; the full width of the support
// is 2 * ff_support.
double bp_ff_support = gaussian_support(ffsd, params.max_error * 0.5);
// Additional support for the flat portion of the DC band lowpass
double dc_support = dc ? ff : 0;
// Total frequency-domain support for this band, one-sided
double band_support = bp_ff_support + dc_support;
// Total support needed for this band, two-sided
double band_2support = band_support * 2;
// Determine the downsampling factor for this band.
int exp = 0;
while (band_2support <= 0.5) {
band_2support *= 2;
bp->step_log2 = exp;
bp->step = 1U << bp->step_log2;
bp->dc = dc;
bp->ff = ff;
bp->ff_support = band_support;
bp->time_support = time_support;
bp->ffsd = ffsd;
return bp;
// Given a fractional frequency, return the standard deviation
// of the frequency-domain window as a fractional frequency
double ff_sd(double ff) const { return params.sd() * ff; }
// Given a fractional frequency, return the standard deviation
// of the time-domain window in samples.
// ff_sd = 1.0 / (tau * t_sd)
// per http://users.ece.gatech.edu/mrichard/
// Gaussian%20FT%20and%20random%20process.pdf
// and python test program gaussian-overlap.py
// => (tau * t_sd) * ff_sd = 1.0
// => t_sd = 1.0 / (tau * f_sd)
double time_sd(double ff) const { return 1.0 / (tau * ff_sd(ff)); }
double q() const { return params.q(); }
// Find the worst-case time support of the analysis filters, i.e.,
// the largest distance in time between a signal sample and a
// coefficient affected by that sample.
double analysis_support() const {
// The lowpass filter is the steepest one
return analysis_support(band_lowpass());
// Find the time support of the analysis filter for bandpass band
// number gbno
double analysis_support(double gbno) const {
return gaussian_support(time_sd(bandpass_band_ff(gbno)),
// Ditto for the resynthesis filters.
double synthesis_support() const {
return analysis_support() * synthesis_support_multiplier();
double synthesis_support(double gbno) const {
return analysis_support(gbno) * synthesis_support_multiplier();
// The synthesis support multiplier, the factor by which the
// synthesis filters are wider than the analysis filters in
// the time domain.
double synthesis_support_multiplier() const {
if (! params.synthesis)
return 1.0;
// At high ff_min, the top band may be the one with the widest support.
if (params.ff_min > 0.25)
return 4;
if (params.bands_per_octave <= 4)
return 2.5;
return 2.3;
// Get the center frequency of bandpass band "gbno", which
// need not be a valid bandpass band number; out-of-range
// arguments will return extrapolated frequencies based on
// the logarithmic band spacing.
double bandpass_band_ff(double gbno) const {
return exp2(bandpass_band_log2ff(gbno));
// Get the band number of the bandpass band corresponding
// to the fractional frequency "ff", as a floating point
// number. This is the inverse of bandpass_band_ff().
double ff_bandpass_band(double ff) const {
return log2ff_bandpass_band(log2(ff));
int choose_plan(const std::vector<ref<plan>> &plans, int64_t size) const
unsigned int i = 0;
while (i < plans.size() - 1 && plans[i]->filet_size < size)
return i;
synthesize_one_slice(int oct, int pno, const coefs<T> &msc,
const pod_vector<T> &downsampled,
sample_index_t t0,
T *signal_out,
pod_vector<C> &buf0, // fftsize
pod_vector<C> &buf2, // largest sftsize
pod_vector<C> &buf3 // largest sftsize
) const
const plan &plan(*syn_plans[pno]);
zone<T> &z = *octaves[oct].z;
pod_vector<C> &signal(buf0);
std::fill(signal.begin(), signal.end(), (T)0);
pod_vector<C> &coefbuf(buf3);
for (unsigned int obno = 0; obno < z.bandparams.size(); obno++) {
band_params<T> *bp = z.bandparams[obno].get();
band_plan<T> *bpl = &bp->syn_plans[pno];
// log2 of the coefficient downsampling factor
int coef_shift = bp->step_log2;
coef_index_t ii = t0 >> coef_shift;
read(msc, bno_merge(oct, obno), ii, ii + bpl->sftsize, coefbuf.data());
C *indata = coefbuf.data();
pod_vector<C> &sdata(buf2);
T scale_factor = (T)1 / ((T)params.coef_scale * bpl->sftsize);
// Apply phase correction, adjust for non-integer center
// frequency, and apply scale factor. Note that phase
// must be calculated in double precision.
// We can't use bp->ff here because in the case of the
// lowpass band, it's the cutoff rather than the center.
double ff = bpl->center * plan.inv_fftsize_double;
double arg = (params.phase == coef_phase::global) ?
tau * t0 * ff : 0;
C phase_times_scale = C(cos(arg), sin(arg)) * scale_factor;
elementwise_product_times_scalar(sdata.data(), indata,
phase_times_scale, bpl->sftsize);
// Switch to frequency domain
// Multiply signal spectrum by frequency-domain dual window,
// accumulating result in signal.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bpl->sftsize; i++) {
int iii = (bpl->fq_offset_int + i) & (plan.fftsize - 1);
// Note the ifftshift of the input index, as f=0
// appears in the middle of the window
C v = sdata[i ^ (bpl->sftsize >> 1)] * bpl->dual_kernel[i];
// Frequency symmetry
signal[iii] += v;
if (params.lowpass_version == 2 || ! bp->dc)
signal[-iii & (plan.fftsize - 1)] += conj(v);
if (oct + 1 < (int) n_octaves) {
// Upsample the downsampled data from the lower octaves
pod_vector<C> &sdata(buf2);
assert(downsampled.size() == plan.dsparams.sftsize);
assert(sdata.size() >= plan.dsparams.sftsize);
plan.dsparams.rsft->transform(downsampled.data(), sdata.begin());
// Real to complex
std::copy(downsampled.begin(), downsampled.end(), sdata.begin());
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < plan.dsparams.sftsize; i++) {
sdata[i] *= plan.dsparams.dual_kernel
[i ^ (plan.dsparams.sftsize >> 1)];
// This implicitly zero pads the spectrum, by not adding
// anything to the middle part. The splitting of the
// Nyquist band is per http://dsp.stackexchange.com/
// questions/14919/upsample-data-using-ffts-how-is-this-
// exactly-done but should not really matter because there
// should be no energy there to speak of thanks to the
// windowing above.
assert(plan.dsparams.sftsize == plan.fftsize / 2);
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < plan.dsparams.sftsize / 2; i++)
signal[i] += sdata[i];
//C nyquist = sdata[i] * (T)0.5;
C nyquist = sdata[i] * (T)0.5;
signal[i] += nyquist;
signal[i + plan.fftsize / 2] += nyquist;
for (;i < plan.dsparams.sftsize; i++)
signal[i + plan.fftsize / 2] += sdata[i];
// Switch to time domain
plan.rft->itransform(signal.data(), signal_out);
// Copy real part to output
complex2real(signal.begin(), signal.end(), signal_out);
// Analyze a signal segment consisting of any number of samples.
// oct is the octave; this is 0 except in recursive calls
// real_signal points to the first sample
// t0 is the sample time of the first sample
// t1 is the sample time of the sample after the last sample
// coefficients are added to msc
analyze_sliced(buffers<T> &buf, int oct, const T *real_signal,
sample_index_t t0, sample_index_t t1,
double included_ds_support,
coefs<T> &msc) const
assert(t1 >= t0);
int pno = choose_plan(anl_plans, t1 - t0);
const plan &plan(*anl_plans[pno]);
// Even though we don't align the FFTs to full filet-size
// slices in this code path, we still need to align them to
// coefficient samples so that we don't have to do expensive
// sub-sample time shifts. Specifically, we need to align
// them to the largest coefficient time step of the octave.
// slice_t0 is the sample time of the first sample in the
// filet (not the FFT as a whole).
zone<T> &z = *octaves[oct].z;
sample_index_t slice_t0 = t0 & ~((1 << z.max_step_log2) - 1);
//printf("slice t0 = %d\n", (int)slice_t0);
// Find the number of slices we need to divide the signal into.
// We need it ahead of time so that we can size the "downsampled"
// array accordingly.
uint64_t n_slices = ((t1 - slice_t0) + (plan.filet_size - 1)) / plan.filet_size;
// The "downsampled" array needs to fit one filet per slice +
// the fat on each side, all of half size thanks to downsampling.
// Length of each downsampled slice (including padding)
uint64_t dstotlen = ((n_slices * plan.filet_size) + (2 * plan.fat_size)) >> 1;
// The range of sample times covered by the "downsampled" array
sample_index_t tmp = slice_t0 - (int)plan.fat_size;
assert((tmp & 1) == 0);
sample_index_t dst0 = tmp >> 1;
sample_index_t dst1 = dst0 + (int64_t)dstotlen;
// Not all of the "downsampled" array actually contains
// nonzero data. Calculate adjusted bounds to use in the
// recursive analysis so that we don't needlessly analyze
// zeroes.
int ds_support = (int)ceil(ds_time_support - included_ds_support);
sample_index_t dst0a = std::max(dst0, (t0 >> 1) - ds_support);
sample_index_t dst1a = std::min(dst1, (t1 >> 1) + 1 + ds_support);
// Buffer for the downsampled signal. Since the size depends
// on the total amount of signal analyzed in this call (being
// about half of it), it can't be preallocated, but has to be
// dynamically allocated in each call.
pod_vector<T> downsampled(dstotlen);
// "downsampled" will be added to, not assigned to, so we need
// to set it to zero initially.
std::fill(downsampled.begin(), downsampled.end(), 0);
auto slice(buf.template get<T>(5, plan.fftsize));
// Clear the fat on both ends (once)
std::fill(slice.data(), slice.data() + plan.fat_size, 0);
std::fill(slice.data() + slice.size() - plan.fat_size,
slice.data() + slice.size(), 0);
// For each slice. Note that slice_i counts from 0, not from
// the slice index of the first slice.
for (uint64_t slice_i = 0; slice_i < n_slices; slice_i++) {
if (slice_t0 >= t1)
sample_index_t slice_t1 = std::min(slice_t0 + plan.filet_size, t1);
// Copy into filet part of aligned buffer, possibly zero padding
// if the remaining signal is shorter than a full slice.
copy_overlapping_zerofill(slice.data() + (int)plan.fat_size,
t0 - slice_t0,
t1 - slice_t0);
// Analyze the slice
auto spectrum(buf.template get<C>(1, plan.fftsize));
plan.rft->transform(slice.data(), spectrum.data());
// Real to complex
auto signal(buf.template get<C>(0, plan.fftsize));
std::copy(slice.data(), slice.data() + plan.fftsize, signal.begin());
plan.ft->transform(signal.data(), spectrum.data());
auto tmp(buf.template get<C>(2, plan.sftsize_max));
auto coefbuf(buf.template get<C>(4, plan.sftsize_max));
T scale_factor = (T)params.coef_scale * plan.inv_fftsize_t;
for (unsigned int obno = 0; obno < z.bandparams.size(); obno++) {
band_params<T> *bp = z.bandparams[obno].get();
band_plan<T> *bpl = &bp->anl_plans[pno];
C *sdata = tmp.data();
// Multiply a slice of the spectrum by the frequency-
// domain window and store in sdata.
// We need to take care not to overrun the beginning or
// end of the spectrum - for the dc band, we always
// need to wrap around to negative frequencies, and
// potentially it could happen with other bands, too,
// if they are really wide. To avoid the overhead of
// checking in the inner loop, use a separate slow path
// for the rare cases where wrapping happens.
int start_index = bpl->fq_offset_int;
int end_index = bpl->fq_offset_int + bpl->sftsize;
if (start_index >= 0 && end_index < (int)((plan.fftsize >> 1) + 1)) {
// Fast path: the slice lies entirely within the
// positive-frequency half of the spectrum (including
// DC and Nyquist).
spectrum.data() + start_index,
} else {
// Slow path
for (size_t i = 0; i < bpl->sftsize; i++)
sdata[i] = get_real_spectrum_coef(spectrum.data(),
(int)(start_index + i), plan.fftsize) * bpl->kernel[i];
// The band center frequency is at the center of the
// spectrum slice and at the center of the window, so
// it also ends up at the center of sdata. The center
// frequency of the band is considered f=0, so for the
// ifft, it should be at index 0, not the center.
// Therefore, in principle we should perform an
// ifftshift of sdata here before the ifft, but since
// the time-domain data are going to be multiplied by
// the shift kernel anyway, the ifftshift is baked
// into the shift kernel by flipping the sign of every
// other element so that it is effectively free.
// Switch to time domain
auto band(buf.template get<C>(3, plan.sftsize_max));
bpl->sft->itransform(sdata, band.data());
// Apply ifftshift, adjust for non-integer center
// frequency, correct phase, scale amplitude, and add
// to the output coefficients.
double ff = bpl->center * plan.inv_fftsize_double;
double arg;
if (params.phase == coef_phase::global)
arg = -tau * (slice_t0 - plan.fat_size) * ff;
arg = 0;
C phase_times_scale = C(cos(arg), sin(arg)) * scale_factor;
elementwise_product_times_scalar(coefbuf.data(), band.data(),
// log2 of the coefficient downsampling factor
int coef_shift = bp->step_log2;
assert(((slice_t0 - (int)plan.fat_size) & ((1 << coef_shift) - 1)) == 0);
coef_index_t ii = (slice_t0 - (int)plan.fat_size) >> coef_shift;
// Only part of coefbuf contains substantially nonzero
// data: that corresponding to the signal interval
// t0..t1 + the actual support of the filter for this band.
// There's no point adding the zeros to the coefficients,
// so trim.
int support = (int)ceil(bp->time_support);
coef_index_t ii0 = std::max(ii, (t0 - support) >> coef_shift);
coef_index_t ii1 = std::min(ii + bpl->sftsize,
((t1 + support) >> coef_shift) + 1);
add(msc, bno_merge(oct, obno), ii0, ii1, coefbuf.data() + (ii0 - ii));
// Downsample
if (oct + 1 < (int) n_octaves) {
T *downsampled_dst = downsampled.data() +
slice_i * (plan.filet_size >> 1);
auto sdata(buf.template get<C>(2, plan.sftsize_max));
// This is using a larger buffer than we actually need
auto ddata(buf.template get<C>(0, plan.sftsize_max));
assert(ddata.size() >= plan.dsparams.sftsize);
// Extract the low-frequency part of "spectrum" into "sdata"
// and multiply it by the lowpass filter frequency response.
// This means both positive and negative low frequencies.
size_t half_size = plan.dsparams.sftsize >> 1;
assert(plan.fftsize - half_size == 3 * half_size);
// Positive frequencies
elementwise_product(sdata.data(), spectrum.data(),
plan.dsparams.kernel.data() + half_size,
// Nyquist
sdata[half_size] = 0;
// Use the same buffer as the complex FFT, but as floats
T *real_ddata = reinterpret_cast<T *>(ddata.data());
plan.dsparams.rsft->itransform(sdata.data(), real_ddata);
// Only accumulate nonzero part
size_t n = ((slice_t1 - slice_t0) + 2 * (int)plan.fat_size + 1) >> 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
downsampled_dst[i] += real_ddata[i];
// Positive frequencies
elementwise_product(sdata.data(), spectrum.data(),
plan.dsparams.kernel.data() + half_size,
// Negative requencies
elementwise_product(sdata.data() + half_size,
spectrum.data() + plan.fftsize - half_size,
plan.dsparams.kernel.data(), half_size);
// Convert to time domain
plan.dsparams.sft->itransform(sdata.data(), ddata.data());
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < plan.dsparams.sftsize; i++)
downsampled_dst[i] += ddata[i].real();
// Next slice
slice_t0 = slice_t1;
// Recurse
if (oct + 1 < (int)n_octaves)
analyze_sliced(buf, oct + 1, downsampled.data() + (dst0a - dst0),
dst0a, dst1a, ds_time_support / 2, msc);
// Resynthesize audio from the coefficients in "msc". The audio will
// cover samples from t0 (inclusive) to t1 (exclusive), and is stored
// starting at *real_signal, which must have room for (t1 - t0)
// samples. The octave "oct" is 0 except in recursive calls.
synthesize_sliced(int oct, const coefs<T> &msc,
sample_index_t t0, sample_index_t t1,
T *real_signal) const
int pno = choose_plan(syn_plans, t1 - t0);
const plan &plan(*syn_plans[pno]);
// XXX clean up - no need to pass support arg
slice_index_t si0 = plan.affected_slice_b(t0, plan.oct_support);
slice_index_t si1 = plan.affected_slice_e(t1, plan.oct_support);
// sub_signal holds the reconstructed subsampled signal from
// the lower octaves, for the entire time interval covered by
// the slices
int sub_signal_len = ((si1 - si0) * plan.filet_size + 2 * plan.fat_size) / 2;
pod_vector<T> sub_signal(sub_signal_len);
std::fill(sub_signal.begin(), sub_signal.end(), 0);
if (oct + 1 < (int)n_octaves) {
int64_t sub_t0 = si0 * (plan.filet_size / 2);
int64_t sub_t1 = sub_t0 + sub_signal_len;
// Recurse
assert(sub_t1 - sub_t0 == (int64_t)sub_signal.size());
synthesize_sliced(oct + 1, msc, sub_t0, sub_t1, sub_signal.data());
// Allocate buffers for synthesize_one_slice(), to be shared
// between successive calls to avoid repeated allocation
pod_vector<C> buf0(plan.fftsize);
//pod_vector<C> buf1(fftsize);
pod_vector<C> buf2(plan.sftsize_max);
pod_vector<C> buf3(plan.sftsize_max);
pod_vector<T> downsampled(plan.dsparams.sftsize);
pod_vector<T> signal_slice(plan.fftsize);
// For each slice
for (slice_index_t si = si0; si < si1; si++) {
sample_index_t slice_t0 = si * plan.filet_size;
// Copy downsampled signal to "downsampled" for upsampling
if (oct + 1 < (int) n_octaves) {
int bi = (si - si0) * filet_part(plan.dsparams.sftsize);
int ei = bi + plan.dsparams.sftsize;
assert(bi >= 0);
assert(ei <= (int)sub_signal.size());
std::copy(sub_signal.begin() + bi,
sub_signal.begin() + ei,
synthesize_one_slice(oct, pno, msc, downsampled, slice_t0,
signal_slice.data(), buf0, buf2, buf3);
// Copy overlapping part
sample_index_t b = std::max(slice_t0 + plan.fat_size, t0);
sample_index_t e = std::min(slice_t0 + plan.fftsize - plan.fat_size, t1);
for (sample_index_t i = b; i < e; i++)
real_signal[i - t0] = signal_slice[i - slice_t0];
// The main analysis entry point.
// The resulting coefficients are added to any existing
// coefficients in "msc".
void analyze(const T *real_signal, sample_index_t t0, sample_index_t t1,
coefs<T> &msc, int n_threads = 1) const
analyze1(real_signal, t0, t1, msc, n_threads, 1);
void analyze1(const T *real_signal, sample_index_t t0, sample_index_t t1,
coefs<T> &msc, int n_threads, int level) const
assert(msc.octaves.size() == n_octaves);
buffers<T> buf(fftsize_max, sftsize_max);
analyze_sliced(buf, 0, real_signal, t0, t1, 0, msc);
// The main synthesis entry point
synthesize(const coefs<T> &msc, sample_index_t t0, sample_index_t t1,
T *real_signal, int n_threads = 1) const
synthesize_sliced(0, msc, t0, t1, real_signal);
bool bno_split(int gbno, int &oct, unsigned int &obno, bool dc) const {
return gaborator::bno_split(*cmeta_any, gbno, oct, obno, dc);
int bno_merge(int oct, unsigned int obno) const {
return gaborator::bno_merge(*cmeta_any, oct, obno);
// Get the bounds of the range of existing coefficients for all bands,
// in units of signal samples.
void get_coef_bounds(const coefs<T> &msc,
sample_index_t &si0_ret, sample_index_t &si1_ret)
// The greatest coefficient range typically occurs in the
// lowest bandpass band, but this is not always the case,
// so to be certain, check them all.
sample_index_t min_si0 = INT64_MAX;
sample_index_t max_si1 = INT64_MIN;
for (int band = bands_begin(); band != bands_end(); band++) {
coef_index_t ci0, ci1;
get_band_coef_bounds(msc, band, ci0, ci1);
// Convert from coefficient samples to signal samples
int exp = band_scale_exp(band);
sample_index_t si0 = shift_left(ci0, exp);
sample_index_t si1 = shift_left(ci1 - 1, exp) + 1;
min_si0 = std::min(min_si0, si0);
max_si1 = std::max(max_si1, si1);
si0_ret = min_si0;
si1_ret = max_si1;
unsigned int band_step_log2(int gbno) const {
return gaborator::band_step_log2(*cmeta_any, gbno);
int bandpass_bands_begin() const { return 0; }
int bandpass_bands_end() const { return n_bands_total - 1; }
int bands_begin() const { return 0; }
int bands_end() const { return n_bands_total; }
int band_lowpass() const { return n_bands_total - 1; }
int band_ref() const { return ffref_gbno; }
// Get the center frequency of band number gbno as a fractional
// frequency. gbno must be a valid band number. For the lowpass
// band, this returns zero.
double band_ff(int gbno) const {
if (gbno == band_lowpass())
return 0;
return bandpass_band_ff(gbno);
~analyzer() {
// Get the base 2 logarithm of the downsampling factor of
// band "obno" in octave "oct"
int band_scale_exp(int oct, unsigned int obno) const {
return gaborator::band_scale_exp(*cmeta_any->octaves[oct].z, oct, obno);
// Get the base 2 logarithm of the downsampling factor of
// band "gbno"
int band_scale_exp(int gbno) const {
int oct;
unsigned int obno; // Band number within octave
bool r = bno_split(gbno, oct, obno, true);
return band_scale_exp(oct, obno);
// Get the base 2 logarithm of the highest downsampling factor of
// any band
int band_scale_exp_max() const {
return band_scale_exp(bandpass_bands_end() - 1);
// Find the sample time of the band "gbno" coefficient closest to
// time "t". "gbno" must be a valid band number.
sample_index_t nearest_coef_sample(int gbno, double t) const {
int shift = band_step_log2(gbno);
return shift_left((sample_index_t) round(ldexp(t, -shift)), shift);
// Find the highest coefficient sample time less than or equal to
// "t" for band "gbno". "gbno" must be a valid band number.
sample_index_t floor_coef_sample(int gbno, double t) const {
int shift = band_step_log2(gbno);
return shift_left((sample_index_t) floor(ldexp(t, -shift)), shift);
// Find the lowestt coefficient sample time greater than or equal
// to "t" for band "gbno". "gbno" must be a valid band number.
sample_index_t ceil_coef_sample(int gbno, double t) const {
int shift = band_step_log2(gbno);
return shift_left((sample_index_t) ceil(ldexp(t, -shift)), shift);
// Members initialized in the constructor, and listed in
// order of initialization
parameters params;
double band_spacing_log2;
double band_spacing;
double tuning_log2ff;
affine_transform log2ff_bandpass_band;
affine_transform bandpass_band_log2ff;
unsigned int n_bandpass_bands_total;
unsigned int n_bands_top_octave;
struct plan: public refcounted {
plan(const plan &) = delete;
plan(analyzer<T> *anl, bool synthesis_, unsigned int fftsize_, double support_):
fftsize_log2 = whichp2(fftsize);
inv_fftsize_double = 1.0 / fftsize;
inv_fftsize_t = (T) inv_fftsize_double;
rft = pool<rfft<C *>, int>::shared.get(fftsize);
ft = pool<fft<C *>, int>::shared.get(fftsize);
// Set up the downsampling parameters in dsparams.
// Downsampling is always by a factor of two.
// dsparams.sftsize is the size of the FFT used to go back to
// the time domain after discarding the top half of the
// spectrum.
dsparams.sftsize = fftsize >> 1;
if (synthesis)
// Use the convolution of a rectangle and a Gaussian.
// A piecewise function composed from two half-gaussians
// joined by a horizontal y=1 segment is not quite smooth
// enough. Put the passband in the middle.
for (int i = 0; i < (int)dsparams.sftsize; i++)
dsparams.kernel[i] =
gaussian_windowed_lowpass_1(anl->ds_ff, anl->ds_ff_sd,
((double)i / dsparams.sftsize) - 0.5);
if (synthesis) {
// The dual_kernel field of the downsampling pseudo-band holds
// the upsampling filter, identical to the downsampling filter
// except for amplitude scaling.
std::copy(dsparams.kernel.begin(), dsparams.kernel.end(),
// Prescale the downsampling filter
scale_vector(dsparams.kernel, inv_fftsize_double);
if (synthesis) {
// Prescale the upsampling filter
scale_vector(dsparams.dual_kernel, 1.0 / dsparams.sftsize);
dsparams.rsft = pool<rfft<C *>, int>::shared.get(dsparams.sftsize);
dsparams.sft = pool<fft<C *>, int>::shared.get(dsparams.sftsize);
// It may be possible to reduce the size of the fat from 1/4
// of the fftsize, but we need to keep things aligned with the
// coefficients, and it needs to be even for downsampling.
if (! synthesis) {
unsigned int align = 1 << std::max(anl->max_step_log2, 2U);
fat_size = (oct_support + (align - 1)) & ~(align - 1);
// There must be room for at least one signal sample in each
// half of the FFT; it can't be all fat
if (!(fat_size < (fftsize >> 1)))
return; // fail
} else {
fat_size = fftsize >> 2;
filet_size = fftsize - 2 * fat_size;
// Constructor was successful
ok = true;
// Index of first slice affected by sample at t0
// fft number i covers the sample range
// t = (i * filetsize .. i * filetsize + (fftsize - 1))
// t >= i * filetsize and t < i * filetsize + fftsize
// A sample at t affects ffts i where
// i <= t / filetsize and
// i > (t - fftsize) / filetsize
// the filet of fft number i covers the sample range
// (fat + (i * filetsize) .. fat + (i * filetsize) + (filetsize - 1))
// However, due to the FFT size being rounded up to a power of two,
// the outermost parts have near-zero weights and can be ignored;
// this is done by adjusting the time values by the width of that
// outermost part, which is (fatsize - support)
slice_index_t affected_slice_b(sample_index_t t0, unsigned int support) const {
return floor_div(t0 - fftsize + (fat_part(fftsize) - support), filet_part(fftsize)) + 1;
// Index of first slice not affected by sample at t1
slice_index_t affected_slice_e(sample_index_t t1, unsigned int support) const {
return floor_div(t1 - 1 - (fat_part(fftsize) - support), filet_part(fftsize)) + 1;
bool ok;
bool synthesis;
unsigned int fftsize_log2; // log2(fftsize)
unsigned int fftsize; // The size of the main FFT, a power of two.
unsigned int fat_size;
unsigned int filet_size;
// The width of the widest filter in the time domain, in
// octave subsamples
unsigned int oct_support;
double inv_fftsize_double; // 1.0 / fftsize
T inv_fftsize_t; // 1.0f / fftsize (if using floats)
unsigned int sftsize_max; // The size of the largest band FFT, a power of two
downsampling_params<T> dsparams;
// Fourier transform object for transforming a full slice
rfft<C *> *rft;
fft<C *> *ft;
// Calculate per-plan, per-band coefficients for plan "pno",
// a synthesis plan if "syn" is true, otherwise an analysis plan.
void make_band_plans(int pno, bool syn) {
std::vector<ref<typename analyzer<T>::plan>> &plans
(syn ? syn_plans : anl_plans);
plan &plan(*plans[pno].get());
for (int zno = 0; zno < (int)zones.size(); zno++) {
zone<T> *z = zones[zno].get();
make_band_plans_2(z->bandparams, pno, syn, false);
make_band_plans_2(z->mock_bandparams, pno, syn, true);
if (plan.synthesis) {
// Accumulate window power for calculating dual
std::vector<T> power(plan.fftsize);
// Real bands
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < z->bandparams.size(); i++) {
band_params<T> *bp = z->bandparams[i].get();
band_plan<T> *bpl = syn ? &bp->syn_plans[pno] : &bp->anl_plans[pno];
accumulate_power(plan, bp, bpl, power.data());
// Mock bands
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < z->mock_bandparams.size(); i++) {
band_params<T> *bp = z->mock_bandparams[i].get();
band_plan<T> *bpl = syn ? &bp->syn_plans[pno] : &bp->anl_plans[pno];
accumulate_power(plan, bp, bpl, power.data());
// Calculate duals
for (unsigned int obno = 0; obno < z->bandparams.size(); obno++) {
band_params<T> *bp = z->bandparams[obno].get();
band_plan<T> *bpl = syn ? &bp->syn_plans[pno] : &bp->anl_plans[pno];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bpl->sftsize; i++) {
// ii = large-FFT bin number
int ii = i + bpl->fq_offset_int;
bpl->dual_kernel[i] /= power[ii & (plan.fftsize - 1)];
// The analysis kernels are no longer needed
bpl->kernel = std::vector<T>();
bpl->shift_kernel = pod_vector<C>();
void make_band_plans_2(std::vector<ref<band_params<T>>> &bv, int pno,
bool syn, bool mock)
std::vector<ref<typename analyzer<T>::plan>> &plans
(syn ? syn_plans : anl_plans);
plan &plan(*plans[pno].get());
for (unsigned int obno = 0; obno < bv.size(); obno++) {
band_params<T> *bp = bv[obno].get();
std::vector<band_plan<T>> *bplv = syn ? &bp->syn_plans : &bp->anl_plans;
// XXX redundant resizes
band_plan<T> *bpl = &(*bplv)[pno];
// Note that bp->step_log2 cannot be negative, meaning
// that the bands can only be subsampled, not oversampled.
unsigned int sftsize = plan.fftsize >> bp->step_log2;
// PFFFT has a minimum size
sftsize = std::max(sftsize, (unsigned int)GABORATOR_MIN_FFT_SIZE);
bpl->sftsize = sftsize;
bpl->sftsize_log2 = whichp2(bpl->sftsize);
if (! mock) {
plan.sftsize_max = std::max(plan.sftsize_max, bpl->sftsize);
bpl->sft = pool<fft<C *>, int>::shared.get(bpl->sftsize);
if (plan.synthesis) {
if (bp->dc)
bpl->center = 0;
bpl->center = bp->ff * plan.fftsize;
bpl->icenter = (int)rint(bpl->center);
bpl->fq_offset_int = bpl->icenter - (bpl->sftsize >> 1);
// Calculate frequency-domain window kernel, possibly with
// wrap-around
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bpl->sftsize; i++)
bpl->kernel[i] = 0;
// i loops over the kernel, with i=0 at the center.
// The range is twice the support on each side so that
// any excess space in the kernel due to rounding up
// the size to a power of two is filled in with actual
// Gaussian values rather than zeros.
int fq_support = (int)ceil(bp->ff_support * plan.fftsize);
for (int i = - 2 * fq_support; i < 2 * fq_support; i++) {
// ii = large-FFT band number of this kernel sample
int ii = i + bpl->fq_offset_int + (int)bpl->sftsize / 2;
// this_ff = fractional frequency of this kernel sample
double this_ff = ii * plan.inv_fftsize_double;
// ki = kernel index
int ki = ii - bpl->fq_offset_int;
// When sftsize == fftsize, the support of the kernel can
// exceed sftsize, and in this case, it should be allowed
// to wrap so that it remains smooth. When sftsize < fftsize,
// sftsize is large enough for the support and no wrapping
// is needed or wanted.
if (bpl->kernel.size() == plan.fftsize && !mock) {
bpl->kernel[ki & (plan.fftsize - 1)] +=
eval_kernel(&params, bp, this_ff);
if (plan.synthesis)
bpl->dual_kernel[ki & (plan.fftsize - 1)] +=
eval_dual_kernel(&params, bp, this_ff);
} else {
if (ki >= 0 && ki < (int)bpl->kernel.size()) {
bpl->kernel[ki] += eval_kernel(&params, bp, this_ff);
if (plan.synthesis)
bpl->dual_kernel[ki] = eval_dual_kernel(&params, bp, this_ff);
// Calculate complex exponentials for non-integer center
// frequency adjustment and phase convention adjustment
for (unsigned int obno = 0; obno < bv.size(); obno++) {
band_params<T> *bp = bv[obno].get();
band_plan<T> *bpl = syn ? &bp->syn_plans[pno] : &bp->anl_plans[pno];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bpl->sftsize; i++) {
double center =
(params.phase == coef_phase::global) ? bpl->center : 0;
double arg = tau * ((double)i / bpl->sftsize) * -(center - bpl->icenter);
C t(cos(arg), sin(arg));
// Apply ifftshift of spectrum in time domain
bpl->shift_kernel[i] = (i & 1) ? -t : t;
if (plan.synthesis)
// Conjugate kernel does not have ifftshift
bpl->shift_kernel_conj[i] = conj(t);
// Add the power of the kernel in "*bp" to "power"
accumulate_power(plan &plan, band_params<T> *bp, band_plan<T> *bpl, T *power) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bpl->sftsize; i++) {
// ii = large-FFT bin number
unsigned int ii = i + bpl->fq_offset_int;
ii &= plan.fftsize - 1;
assert(ii >= 0 && ii < plan.fftsize);
T p = bpl->kernel[i] * bpl->dual_kernel[i];
power[ii] += p;
if (params.lowpass_version == 2 || ! bp->dc) {
unsigned int ni = -ii;
ni &= plan.fftsize - 1;
power[ni] += p;
// Create coefficient metadata based on a slice length
coefs_meta *make_meta(int slice_len) const {
coefs_meta *cmeta = new coefs_meta;
cmeta->n_octaves = n_octaves;
cmeta->n_bands_total = n_bands_total;
cmeta->bands_per_octave = params.bands_per_octave;
cmeta->slice_len = slice_len;
for (unsigned int zi = 0; zi < zones.size(); zi++) {
zone<T> *z = zones[zi].get();
typename zone_coefs_meta::band_vector bv(z->bandparams.size());
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < z->bandparams.size(); i++) {
unsigned int step_log2 = z->bandparams[i]->step_log2;
bv[i].step_log2 = step_log2;
bv[i].slice_len_log2 = whichp2(slice_len) - step_log2;
bv[i].slice_len = 1 << bv[i].slice_len_log2;
int tbno = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_octaves; i++) {
cmeta->octaves[i].z = &cmeta->zones[this->octaves[i].z->zno];
cmeta->octaves[i].n_bands_above = tbno;
tbno += cmeta->octaves[i].z->bands.size();
return cmeta;
std::vector<octave<T>> octaves; // Per-octave parameters
std::vector<ref<zone<T>>> zones;
unsigned int max_step_log2;
std::vector<ref<plan>> anl_plans;
std::vector<ref<plan>> syn_plans;
unsigned int n_octaves;
unsigned int n_bands_total; // Total number of frequency bands, including DC
double top_band_log2ff; // log2 of fractional frequency of the highest-frequency band
int ffref_gbno; // Band number of the reference frequency
// Width of the downsampling filter passband in terms of the
// downsampled sample rate (between 0.25 and 0.5)
double ds_passband;
double ds_ff; // Downsampling filter -6 dB transition frequency
double ds_ff_sd; // Downsampling filter standard deviation
double ds_time_support; // Downsampling filter time-domain kernel support, each side
unsigned int fftsize_max; // Largest FFT size of any plan
unsigned int sftsize_max; // Largest SFT size of any plan
ref<coefs_meta> cmeta_any;
// Iterate over the slices of a row (band) having slice length
// 2^sh that contain coefficients with indices ranging from i0
// (inclusive) to i1 (exclusive), and call the function f for
// each such slice (full or partial), with the arguments
// sli - slice index
// bvi - index of first coefficient to process within the slice
// len - number of coefficients to process within the slice
template <class F>
void foreach_slice(unsigned int sh, coef_index_t i0, coef_index_t i1, F f) {
// Note that this can be called with i0 > i1 and needs to handle
// that case gracefully.
// Band size (power of two)
int bsize = 1 << sh;
// Adjust for t=0 being outside the filet
int fatsize = bsize >> 1;
i0 -= fatsize;
i1 -= fatsize;
coef_index_t i = i0;
while (i < i1) {
// Slice index
slice_index_t sli = i >> sh;
// Band vector index
unsigned int bvi = i & (bsize - 1);
unsigned int len = bsize - bvi;
unsigned int remain = (unsigned int)(i1 - i);
if (remain < len)
len = remain;
f(sli, bvi, len);
i += len;
// As foreach_slice, but call the "process_existing_slice" method of
// the given "dest" object for each full or partial slice of
// coefficients, and/or the "process_missing_slice" method for each
// nonexistent slice.
// Template parameters:
// T is the spectrogram value type
// D is the dest object type
// C is the coefficient type
template <class T, class D, class C = complex<T>>
struct row_foreach_slice {
typedef C value_type;
row_foreach_slice(const coefs<T, C> &msc,
int oct_, unsigned int obno_):
oct(oct_), obno(obno_), sc(msc.octaves[oct]),
assert(oct < (int)msc.octaves.size());
void operator()(coef_index_t i0, coef_index_t i1, D &dest) const {
foreach_slice(sh, i0, i1,
[this, &dest](slice_index_t sli, unsigned int bvi, unsigned int len) {
oct_coefs<C> *c = get_existing_coefs(sc, sli);
if (c) {
dest.process_existing_slice(c->bands[obno] + bvi, len);
} else {
int oct;
unsigned int obno;
const sliced_coefs<C> &sc;
unsigned int sh;
// Helper class for row_source
template <class C, class OI>
struct writer_dest {
writer_dest(OI output_): output(output_) { }
void process_existing_slice(C *bv, size_t len) {
// Can't use std::copy here because it takes the output
// iterator by value, and using the return value does not
// work, either.
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
*output++ = bv[i];
void process_missing_slice(size_t len) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
*output++ = C();
OI output;
// Retrieve a sequence of coefficients from a row (band) in the
// spectrogram, with indices ranging from i0 to i1. The indices can
// be negative, and can extend outside the available data, in which
// case zero is returned. The coefficients are written through the
// output iterator "output".
// Template arguments:
// T is the spectrogram value type
// OI is the output iterator type
// C is the coefficient value type
// Note defaults for template arguments defined in forward declaration.
template <class T, class OI, class C>
struct row_source {
row_source(const coefs<T, C> &msc_,
int oct_, unsigned int obno_):
slicer(msc_, oct_, obno_)
{ }
OI operator()(coef_index_t i0, coef_index_t i1, OI output) const {
writer_dest<C, OI> dest(output);
slicer(i0, i1, dest);
return dest.output;
row_foreach_slice<T, writer_dest<C, OI>, C> slicer;
// The opposite of row_source: store a sequence of coefficients into
// a row (band) in the spectrogram. This duplicates quite a lot of
// the row_source code above (without comments); the main part that's
// different is marked by the comments "Begin payload" and "End
// payload". Other differences: iterator is called II rather than OI,
// and the coefs are not const.
template <class T, class II, class C>
struct row_dest {
typedef C value_type;
row_dest(coefs<T, C> &msc,
int oct_, unsigned int obno_):
oct(oct_), obno(obno_), sc(msc.octaves[oct]),
assert(oct < (int)msc.octaves.size());
II operator()(coef_index_t i0, coef_index_t i1, II input) const {
assert(i0 <= i1);
int bsize = 1 << sh;
int fatsize = bsize >> 1;
i0 -= fatsize;
i1 -= fatsize;
coef_index_t i = i0;
while (i < i1) {
slice_index_t sli = i >> sh;
unsigned int bvi = i & (bsize - 1);
unsigned int len = bsize - bvi;
unsigned int remain = (unsigned int)(i1 - i);
if (remain < len)
len = remain;
int bvie = bvi + len;
// Begin payload
oct_coefs<C> *c = &get_or_create_coefs(sc, sli);
C *bv = c->bands[obno];
for (int j = bvi; j < bvie; j++)
bv[j] = *input++;
i += len;
// End payload
return input;
int oct;
unsigned int obno;
sliced_coefs<C> &sc;
unsigned int sh;
// One more set of duplicated code, now for adding to coefficients
template <class T, class II, class C>
struct row_add_dest {
typedef C value_type;
row_add_dest(coefs<T, C> &msc,
int oct_, unsigned int obno_):
oct(oct_), obno(obno_), sc(msc.octaves[oct]),
assert(oct < (int)msc.octaves.size());
II operator()(coef_index_t i0, coef_index_t i1, II input) const {
assert(i0 <= i1);
int bsize = 1 << sh;
int fatsize = bsize >> 1;
i0 -= fatsize;
i1 -= fatsize;
coef_index_t i = i0;
while (i < i1) {
slice_index_t sli = i >> sh;
unsigned int bvi = i & (bsize - 1);
unsigned int len = bsize - bvi;
unsigned int remain = (unsigned int)(i1 - i);
if (remain < len)
len = remain;
int bvie = bvi + len;
// Begin payload
oct_coefs<C> *c = &get_or_create_coefs(sc, sli);
C *bv = c->bands[obno];
for (int j = bvi; j < bvie; j++)
bv[j] += *input++;
i += len;
// End payload
return input;
int oct;
unsigned int obno;
sliced_coefs<C> &sc;
unsigned int sh;
// Helper for process() below. Here, the function f() operates on an
// array of consecutive coefficient samples rather than a single
// sample.
template <class T, class F, class C0, class... CI>
void apply_to_slice(bool create,
F f,
int b0, // = INT_MIN
int b1, // = INT_MAX
sample_index_t st0, // = INT64_MIN
sample_index_t st1, // = INT64_MAX
coefs<T, C0>& coefs0,
coefs<T, CI>&... coefsi)
b0 = std::max(b0, 0);
b1 = std::min(b1, (int)coefs0.meta->n_bands_total);
for (int band = b0; band < b1; band++) {
int oct;
unsigned int obno;
bool valid = gaborator::bno_split(*coefs0.meta, band, oct, obno, true);
int exp = coefs0.meta->octaves[oct].z->bands[obno].step_log2 + oct;
int time_step = 1 << exp;
coef_index_t ci0 = (st0 + time_step - 1) >> exp;
coef_index_t ci1 = ((st1 - 1) >> exp) + 1;
if (! create) {
// Restrict to existing coefficient index range
coef_index_t cib0, cib1;
get_band_coef_bounds(coefs0, oct, obno, cib0, cib1);
ci0 = std::max(ci0, cib0);
ci1 = std::min(ci1, cib1);
unsigned int sh = coefs0.meta->octaves[oct].z->bands[obno].slice_len_log2;
sample_index_t st = shift_left(ci0, exp);
foreach_slice(sh, ci0, ci1,
[&](slice_index_t sli, unsigned int bvi,
unsigned int len)
oct_coefs<C0> *c = create ?
&get_or_create_coefs(coefs0.octaves[oct], sli) :
get_existing_coefs(coefs0.octaves[oct], sli);
if (c) {
// p0 points to coefficient from the first set
C0 *p0 = c->bands[obno] + bvi;
f(band, st, time_step, len, p0,
get_or_create_coefs(coefsi.octaves[oct], sli).bands[obno] + bvi...);
st += len * time_step;
// Common implementation of process() and fill()
template <class T, class F, class C0, class... CI>
void apply_common(bool create,
F f,
int b0, // = INT_MIN
int b1, // = INT_MAX
sample_index_t st0, // = INT64_MIN
sample_index_t st1, // = INT64_MAX
coefs<T, C0> &coefs0,
coefs<T, CI>&... coefsi)
[&](int bno, int64_t st, int time_step,
unsigned len, C0 *p0, CI *...pi)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
f(bno, st, *p0++, *pi++...);
st += time_step;
}, b0, b1, st0, st1, coefs0, coefsi...);
// Iterate over one or more coefficient sets in parallel and apply the
// function f, passing it a coefficient from each set as an argument.
// The application can be optionally limited to coefficients within
// the band range b0 to b1 and/or the sample time range st0 to st1.
// The first coefficient set ("channel 0") is treated specially; it
// determines which coefficients are iterated over (optionally further
// restricted by b0/b1/st0/st1). That is, the iteration is over the
// coefficients that already exist in channel 0, and no new
// coefficients will be allocated in channel 0. In the other
// channels, new coefficients will be created on demand when they are
// missing from that channel but present in channel 0.
// The coefficients may be of a different data type in each set.
// The arguments to f() are:
// int bno Band number
// int64_t st Sample time
// C &p0 Coefficient from first set
// C... &pi Coefficient from subsequent set
template <class T, class F, class C0, class... CI>
void process(F f,
int b0, // = INT_MIN
int b1, // = INT_MAX
sample_index_t t0, // = INT64_MIN
sample_index_t t1, // = INT64_MAX
coefs<T, C0> &coefs0,
coefs<T, CI>&... coefsi)
apply_common(false, f, b0, b1, t0, t1, coefs0, coefsi...);
template <class T, class F, class C0, class... CI>
void fill(F f,
int b0, // = INT_MIN
int b1, // = INT_MAX
sample_index_t t0, // = INT64_MIN
sample_index_t t1, // = INT64_MAX
coefs<T, C0> &coefs0,
coefs<T, CI>&... coefsi)
apply_common(true, f, b0, b1, t0, t1, coefs0, coefsi...);
// Apply the function f to each existing coefficient in the
// coefficient set msc within the time range st0 to st1. The
// initial analyzer argument is ignored.
// The arguments to f() are:
// C &c Coefficient
// int b Band number
// int64_t t Time in samples
// This is for backwards compatibility; process() is now preferred.
template <class T, class F>
void apply(const analyzer<T> &, coefs<T> &msc, F f,
sample_index_t st0 = INT64_MIN,
sample_index_t st1 = INT64_MAX)
process([&](int b, int64_t t, complex<T>& c) {
f(c, b, t);
}, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, st0, st1, msc);
template <class T>
void forget_before(const analyzer<T> &, coefs<T> &msc,
sample_index_t limit, bool clean_cut = false)
typedef complex<T> C;
unsigned int n_oct = (unsigned int) msc.octaves.size();
for (unsigned int oct = 0; oct < n_oct; oct++) {
sliced_coefs<C> &sc = msc.octaves[oct];
// Convert limit from samples to slices, rounding down.
// This assumes all bands in the octave have the same
// time range, as they must.
// First convert samples to coefficients, rounding down
int obno = 0; // Any band would do, and band 0 always exists
zone_coefs_meta *zmeta = msc.meta->octaves[oct].z;
coef_index_t ci = limit >> band_scale_exp(*zmeta, oct, obno);
// Then convert coefficients to slices, accounting for
// fat and rounding down
unsigned int slice_len = zmeta->bands[obno].slice_len;
unsigned int slice_len_log2 = zmeta->bands[obno].slice_len_log2;
int fat = slice_len >> 1;
slice_index_t sli = (ci - fat) >> slice_len_log2;
if (clean_cut) {
// Partially erase slice at boundary, if any
const ref<oct_coefs<C>> *t = sc.slices.get(sli);
if (! t)
if (! *t)
const oct_coefs<C> &c = **t;
unsigned int n_bands = (unsigned int)c.bands.size();
for (unsigned int obno = 0; obno < n_bands; obno++) {
C *band = c.bands[obno];
unsigned int len = sc.meta->bands[obno].slice_len;
sample_index_t st = sample_time(*sc.meta, sli, 0, oct, obno);
int time_step = 1 << band_scale_exp(*sc.meta, oct, obno);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (st < limit)
band[i] = 0;
st += time_step;
} // namespace