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flac: add Encoder API to encode audio samples and metadata blocks (#32) * flac: encode frame header * flac: calculate CRC-8 when encoding frame headers * flac: fix encoding of frame header * flac: add preliminary subframe encoder * flac: fix UTF-8 encoding of frame number * frame: add sanity check for sample count in decodeLPC Updates #31. * flac: update flac encoding API, depricate flac.Encode Encode has been removed in favour of using NewEncoder. The Encode function was temporarily added to support re-encoding FLAC streams to update the metadata, but it had no support for encoding audio samples. The added flac.Encoder has support for encoding both metadata and audio samples. It also does not require that you first decode a FLAC file to later re-encode it by calling Encode (as was the previous behaviour). * flac: add MD5 running hash of unencoded audio samples to StreamInfo * flac: remove unused encodePadding Reported by golangci * flac: fix golangci lint issues frame/utf8.go:57:6: `decodeUTF8Int` is unused (deadcode) func decodeUTF8Int(r io.Reader) (n uint64, err error) { ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:32:16: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits = uint64(t2 | (x>>6)&mask2) ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:37:16: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits = uint64(t3 | (x>>(6*2))&mask3) ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:42:16: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits = uint64(t4 | (x>>(6*3))&mask4) ^ * flac: fix golangci lint issues encode_frame.go:89:1: cyclomatic complexity 52 of func `(*Encoder).encodeFrameHeader` is high (> 30) (gocyclo) func (enc *Encoder) encodeFrameHeader(w io.Writer, hdr frame.Header) error { ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:66:17: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits := uint64(tx | (x>>uint(6*i))&maskx) ^ encode_subframe.go:105:46: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) if err := bw.WriteBits(uint64(sample), byte(hdr.BitsPerSample)); err != nil { ^ * flac: clarify that frame.Header.Num is calculated by the encoder * flac: minor re-phrasing
2018-08-18 18:18:12 +00:00
package flac
import (
2022-07-16 22:07:10 +00:00
flac: add Encoder API to encode audio samples and metadata blocks (#32) * flac: encode frame header * flac: calculate CRC-8 when encoding frame headers * flac: fix encoding of frame header * flac: add preliminary subframe encoder * flac: fix UTF-8 encoding of frame number * frame: add sanity check for sample count in decodeLPC Updates #31. * flac: update flac encoding API, depricate flac.Encode Encode has been removed in favour of using NewEncoder. The Encode function was temporarily added to support re-encoding FLAC streams to update the metadata, but it had no support for encoding audio samples. The added flac.Encoder has support for encoding both metadata and audio samples. It also does not require that you first decode a FLAC file to later re-encode it by calling Encode (as was the previous behaviour). * flac: add MD5 running hash of unencoded audio samples to StreamInfo * flac: remove unused encodePadding Reported by golangci * flac: fix golangci lint issues frame/utf8.go:57:6: `decodeUTF8Int` is unused (deadcode) func decodeUTF8Int(r io.Reader) (n uint64, err error) { ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:32:16: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits = uint64(t2 | (x>>6)&mask2) ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:37:16: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits = uint64(t3 | (x>>(6*2))&mask3) ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:42:16: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits = uint64(t4 | (x>>(6*3))&mask4) ^ * flac: fix golangci lint issues encode_frame.go:89:1: cyclomatic complexity 52 of func `(*Encoder).encodeFrameHeader` is high (> 30) (gocyclo) func (enc *Encoder) encodeFrameHeader(w io.Writer, hdr frame.Header) error { ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:66:17: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits := uint64(tx | (x>>uint(6*i))&maskx) ^ encode_subframe.go:105:46: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) if err := bw.WriteBits(uint64(sample), byte(hdr.BitsPerSample)); err != nil { ^ * flac: clarify that frame.Header.Num is calculated by the encoder * flac: minor re-phrasing
2018-08-18 18:18:12 +00:00
// --- [ Frame ] ---------------------------------------------------------------
// WriteFrame encodes the given audio frame to the output stream. The Num field
// of the frame header is automatically calculated by the encoder.
func (enc *Encoder) WriteFrame(f *frame.Frame) error {
// Sanity checks.
nchannels := int(enc.Info.NChannels)
if nchannels != len(f.Subframes) {
return errutil.Newf("subframe and channel count mismatch; expected %d, got %d", nchannels, len(f.Subframes))
nsamplesPerChannel := f.Subframes[0].NSamples
if !(16 <= nsamplesPerChannel && nsamplesPerChannel <= 65535) {
return errutil.Newf("invalid number of samples per channel; expected >= 16 && <= 65535, got %d", nsamplesPerChannel)
for i, subframe := range f.Subframes {
if nsamplesPerChannel != len(subframe.Samples) {
return errutil.Newf("invalid number of samples in channel %d; expected %d, got %d", i, nsamplesPerChannel, len(subframe.Samples))
if nchannels != f.Channels.Count() {
return errutil.Newf("channel count mismatch; expected %d, got %d", nchannels, f.Channels.Count())
// Create a new CRC-16 hash writer which adds the data from all write
// operations to a running hash.
h := crc16.NewIBM()
hw := io.MultiWriter(h, enc.w)
// Encode frame header.
f.Num = enc.curNum
if f.HasFixedBlockSize {
} else {
enc.curNum += uint64(nsamplesPerChannel)
enc.nsamples += uint64(nsamplesPerChannel)
blockSize := uint16(nsamplesPerChannel)
if enc.blockSizeMin == 0 || blockSize < enc.blockSizeMin {
enc.blockSizeMin = blockSize
if enc.blockSizeMax == 0 || blockSize > enc.blockSizeMax {
enc.blockSizeMax = blockSize
// TODO: track number of bytes written to hw, to update values of
// frameSizeMin and frameSizeMax.
// Add unencoded audio samples to running MD5 hash.
if err := enc.encodeFrameHeader(hw, f.Header); err != nil {
return errutil.Err(err)
// Encode subframes.
bw := bitio.NewWriter(hw)
for _, subframe := range f.Subframes {
if err := encodeSubframe(bw, f.Header, subframe); err != nil {
return errutil.Err(err)
// Zero-padding to byte alignment.
// Flush pending writes to subframe.
if _, err := bw.Align(); err != nil {
return errutil.Err(err)
// CRC-16 (polynomial = x^16 + x^15 + x^2 + x^0, initialized with 0) of
// everything before the crc, back to and including the frame header sync
// code.
crc := h.Sum16()
if err := binary.Write(enc.w, binary.BigEndian, crc); err != nil {
return errutil.Err(err)
return nil
// --- [ Frame header ] --------------------------------------------------------
// encodeFrameHeader encodes the given frame header, writing to w.
func (enc *Encoder) encodeFrameHeader(w io.Writer, hdr frame.Header) error {
// Create a new CRC-8 hash writer which adds the data from all write
// operations to a running hash.
h := crc8.NewATM()
hw := io.MultiWriter(h, w)
bw := bitio.NewWriter(hw)
enc.c = bw
// Sync code: 11111111111110
if err := bw.WriteBits(0x3FFE, 14); err != nil {
return errutil.Err(err)
// Reserved: 0
if err := bw.WriteBits(0x0, 1); err != nil {
return errutil.Err(err)
// Blocking strategy:
// 0 : fixed-blocksize stream; frame header encodes the frame number
// 1 : variable-blocksize stream; frame header encodes the sample number
if err := bw.WriteBool(!hdr.HasFixedBlockSize); err != nil {
return errutil.Err(err)
// Encode block size.
nblockSizeSuffixBits, err := encodeFrameHeaderBlockSize(bw, hdr.BlockSize)
if err != nil {
return errutil.Err(err)
// Encode sample rate.
sampleRateSuffixBits, nsampleRateSuffixBits, err := encodeFrameHeaderSampleRate(bw, hdr.SampleRate)
if err != nil {
return errutil.Err(err)
// Encode channels assignment.
if err := encodeFrameHeaderChannels(bw, hdr.Channels); err != nil {
return errutil.Err(err)
// Encode bits-per-sample.
if err := encodeFrameHeaderBitsPerSample(bw, hdr.BitsPerSample); err != nil {
return errutil.Err(err)
// Reserved: 0
if err := bw.WriteBits(0x0, 1); err != nil {
return errutil.Err(err)
// if (variable blocksize)
// <8-56>:"UTF-8" coded sample number (decoded number is 36 bits)
// else
// <8-48>:"UTF-8" coded frame number (decoded number is 31 bits)
if err := utf8.Encode(bw, hdr.Num); err != nil {
return errutil.Err(err)
// Write block size after the frame header (used for uncommon block sizes).
if nblockSizeSuffixBits > 0 {
// 0110 : get 8 bit (blocksize-1) from end of header
// 0111 : get 16 bit (blocksize-1) from end of header
if err := bw.WriteBits(uint64(hdr.BlockSize-1), nblockSizeSuffixBits); err != nil {
return errutil.Err(err)
// Write sample rate after the frame header (used for uncommon sample rates).
if nsampleRateSuffixBits > 0 {
if err := bw.WriteBits(sampleRateSuffixBits, nsampleRateSuffixBits); err != nil {
return errutil.Err(err)
// Flush pending writes to frame header.
if _, err := bw.Align(); err != nil {
return errutil.Err(err)
// CRC-8 (polynomial = x^8 + x^2 + x^1 + x^0, initialized with 0) of
// everything before the crc, including the sync code.
crc := h.Sum8()
if err := binary.Write(w, binary.BigEndian, crc); err != nil {
return errutil.Err(err)
return nil
// ~~~ [ Block size ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// encodeFrameHeaderBlockSize encodes the block size of the frame header,
// writing to bw. It returns the number of bits used to store block size after
// the frame header.
func encodeFrameHeaderBlockSize(bw *bitio.Writer, blockSize uint16) (nblockSizeSuffixBits byte, err error) {
flac: add Encoder API to encode audio samples and metadata blocks (#32) * flac: encode frame header * flac: calculate CRC-8 when encoding frame headers * flac: fix encoding of frame header * flac: add preliminary subframe encoder * flac: fix UTF-8 encoding of frame number * frame: add sanity check for sample count in decodeLPC Updates #31. * flac: update flac encoding API, depricate flac.Encode Encode has been removed in favour of using NewEncoder. The Encode function was temporarily added to support re-encoding FLAC streams to update the metadata, but it had no support for encoding audio samples. The added flac.Encoder has support for encoding both metadata and audio samples. It also does not require that you first decode a FLAC file to later re-encode it by calling Encode (as was the previous behaviour). * flac: add MD5 running hash of unencoded audio samples to StreamInfo * flac: remove unused encodePadding Reported by golangci * flac: fix golangci lint issues frame/utf8.go:57:6: `decodeUTF8Int` is unused (deadcode) func decodeUTF8Int(r io.Reader) (n uint64, err error) { ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:32:16: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits = uint64(t2 | (x>>6)&mask2) ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:37:16: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits = uint64(t3 | (x>>(6*2))&mask3) ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:42:16: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits = uint64(t4 | (x>>(6*3))&mask4) ^ * flac: fix golangci lint issues encode_frame.go:89:1: cyclomatic complexity 52 of func `(*Encoder).encodeFrameHeader` is high (> 30) (gocyclo) func (enc *Encoder) encodeFrameHeader(w io.Writer, hdr frame.Header) error { ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:66:17: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits := uint64(tx | (x>>uint(6*i))&maskx) ^ encode_subframe.go:105:46: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) if err := bw.WriteBits(uint64(sample), byte(hdr.BitsPerSample)); err != nil { ^ * flac: clarify that frame.Header.Num is calculated by the encoder * flac: minor re-phrasing
2018-08-18 18:18:12 +00:00
// Block size in inter-channel samples:
// 0000 : reserved
// 0001 : 192 samples
// 0010-0101 : 576 * (2^(n-2)) samples, i.e. 576/1152/2304/4608
// 0110 : get 8 bit (blocksize-1) from end of header
// 0111 : get 16 bit (blocksize-1) from end of header
// 1000-1111 : 256 * (2^(n-8)) samples, i.e. 256/512/1024/2048/4096/8192/16384/32768
var bits uint64
switch blockSize {
case 192:
// 0001
bits = 0x1
// 0010-0101 : 576 * (2^(n-2)) samples, i.e. 576/1152/2304/4608
case 576:
bits = 0x2
case 1152:
bits = 0x3
case 2304:
bits = 0x4
case 4608:
bits = 0x5
// 1000-1111 : 256 * (2^(n-8)) samples, i.e. 256/512/1024/2048/4096/8192/16384/32768
case 256:
bits = 0x8
case 512:
bits = 0x9
case 1024:
bits = 0xa
case 2048:
bits = 0xb
case 4096:
bits = 0xc
case 8192:
bits = 0xd
case 16384:
bits = 0xe
case 32768:
bits = 0xf
flac: add Encoder API to encode audio samples and metadata blocks (#32) * flac: encode frame header * flac: calculate CRC-8 when encoding frame headers * flac: fix encoding of frame header * flac: add preliminary subframe encoder * flac: fix UTF-8 encoding of frame number * frame: add sanity check for sample count in decodeLPC Updates #31. * flac: update flac encoding API, depricate flac.Encode Encode has been removed in favour of using NewEncoder. The Encode function was temporarily added to support re-encoding FLAC streams to update the metadata, but it had no support for encoding audio samples. The added flac.Encoder has support for encoding both metadata and audio samples. It also does not require that you first decode a FLAC file to later re-encode it by calling Encode (as was the previous behaviour). * flac: add MD5 running hash of unencoded audio samples to StreamInfo * flac: remove unused encodePadding Reported by golangci * flac: fix golangci lint issues frame/utf8.go:57:6: `decodeUTF8Int` is unused (deadcode) func decodeUTF8Int(r io.Reader) (n uint64, err error) { ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:32:16: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits = uint64(t2 | (x>>6)&mask2) ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:37:16: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits = uint64(t3 | (x>>(6*2))&mask3) ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:42:16: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits = uint64(t4 | (x>>(6*3))&mask4) ^ * flac: fix golangci lint issues encode_frame.go:89:1: cyclomatic complexity 52 of func `(*Encoder).encodeFrameHeader` is high (> 30) (gocyclo) func (enc *Encoder) encodeFrameHeader(w io.Writer, hdr frame.Header) error { ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:66:17: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits := uint64(tx | (x>>uint(6*i))&maskx) ^ encode_subframe.go:105:46: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) if err := bw.WriteBits(uint64(sample), byte(hdr.BitsPerSample)); err != nil { ^ * flac: clarify that frame.Header.Num is calculated by the encoder * flac: minor re-phrasing
2018-08-18 18:18:12 +00:00
if blockSize <= 256 {
// 0110 : get 8 bit (blocksize-1) from end of header
bits = 0x6
nblockSizeSuffixBits = 8
} else {
// 0111 : get 16 bit (blocksize-1) from end of header
bits = 0x7
nblockSizeSuffixBits = 16
if err := bw.WriteBits(bits, 4); err != nil {
return 0, errutil.Err(err)
return nblockSizeSuffixBits, nil
// ~~~ [ Sample rate ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// encodeFrameHeaderSampleRate encodes the sample rate of the frame header,
// writing to bw. It returns the bits and the number of bits used to store
// sample rate after the frame header.
func encodeFrameHeaderSampleRate(bw *bitio.Writer, sampleRate uint32) (sampleRateSuffixBits uint64, nsampleRateSuffixBits byte, err error) {
flac: add Encoder API to encode audio samples and metadata blocks (#32) * flac: encode frame header * flac: calculate CRC-8 when encoding frame headers * flac: fix encoding of frame header * flac: add preliminary subframe encoder * flac: fix UTF-8 encoding of frame number * frame: add sanity check for sample count in decodeLPC Updates #31. * flac: update flac encoding API, depricate flac.Encode Encode has been removed in favour of using NewEncoder. The Encode function was temporarily added to support re-encoding FLAC streams to update the metadata, but it had no support for encoding audio samples. The added flac.Encoder has support for encoding both metadata and audio samples. It also does not require that you first decode a FLAC file to later re-encode it by calling Encode (as was the previous behaviour). * flac: add MD5 running hash of unencoded audio samples to StreamInfo * flac: remove unused encodePadding Reported by golangci * flac: fix golangci lint issues frame/utf8.go:57:6: `decodeUTF8Int` is unused (deadcode) func decodeUTF8Int(r io.Reader) (n uint64, err error) { ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:32:16: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits = uint64(t2 | (x>>6)&mask2) ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:37:16: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits = uint64(t3 | (x>>(6*2))&mask3) ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:42:16: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits = uint64(t4 | (x>>(6*3))&mask4) ^ * flac: fix golangci lint issues encode_frame.go:89:1: cyclomatic complexity 52 of func `(*Encoder).encodeFrameHeader` is high (> 30) (gocyclo) func (enc *Encoder) encodeFrameHeader(w io.Writer, hdr frame.Header) error { ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:66:17: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits := uint64(tx | (x>>uint(6*i))&maskx) ^ encode_subframe.go:105:46: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) if err := bw.WriteBits(uint64(sample), byte(hdr.BitsPerSample)); err != nil { ^ * flac: clarify that frame.Header.Num is calculated by the encoder * flac: minor re-phrasing
2018-08-18 18:18:12 +00:00
// Sample rate:
// 0000 : get from STREAMINFO metadata block
// 0001 : 88.2kHz
// 0010 : 176.4kHz
// 0011 : 192kHz
// 0100 : 8kHz
// 0101 : 16kHz
// 0110 : 22.05kHz
// 0111 : 24kHz
// 1000 : 32kHz
// 1001 : 44.1kHz
// 1010 : 48kHz
// 1011 : 96kHz
// 1100 : get 8 bit sample rate (in kHz) from end of header
// 1101 : get 16 bit sample rate (in Hz) from end of header
// 1110 : get 16 bit sample rate (in tens of Hz) from end of header
// 1111 : invalid, to prevent sync-fooling string of 1s
var bits uint64
switch sampleRate {
case 0:
// 0000 : get from STREAMINFO metadata block
bits = 0
case 88200:
// 0001 : 88.2kHz
bits = 0x1
case 176400:
// 0010 : 176.4kHz
bits = 0x2
case 192000:
// 0011 : 192kHz
bits = 0x3
case 8000:
// 0100 : 8kHz
bits = 0x4
case 16000:
// 0101 : 16kHz
bits = 0x5
case 22050:
// 0110 : 22.05kHz
bits = 0x6
case 24000:
// 0111 : 24kHz
bits = 0x7
case 32000:
// 1000 : 32kHz
bits = 0x8
case 44100:
// 1001 : 44.1kHz
bits = 0x9
case 48000:
// 1010 : 48kHz
bits = 0xA
case 96000:
// 1011 : 96kHz
bits = 0xB
switch {
case sampleRate <= 255000 && sampleRate%1000 == 0:
// 1100 : get 8 bit sample rate (in kHz) from end of header
bits = 0xC
sampleRateSuffixBits = uint64(sampleRate / 1000)
nsampleRateSuffixBits = 8
case sampleRate <= 65535:
// 1101 : get 16 bit sample rate (in Hz) from end of header
bits = 0xD
sampleRateSuffixBits = uint64(sampleRate)
nsampleRateSuffixBits = 16
case sampleRate <= 655350 && sampleRate%10 == 0:
// 1110 : get 16 bit sample rate (in tens of Hz) from end of header
bits = 0xE
sampleRateSuffixBits = uint64(sampleRate / 10)
nsampleRateSuffixBits = 16
return 0, 0, errutil.Newf("unable to encode sample rate %v", sampleRate)
if err := bw.WriteBits(bits, 4); err != nil {
return 0, 0, errutil.Err(err)
return sampleRateSuffixBits, nsampleRateSuffixBits, nil
// ~~~ [ Channels assignment ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// encodeFrameHeaderChannels encodes the channels assignment of the frame
// header, writing to bw.
func encodeFrameHeaderChannels(bw *bitio.Writer, channels frame.Channels) error {
flac: add Encoder API to encode audio samples and metadata blocks (#32) * flac: encode frame header * flac: calculate CRC-8 when encoding frame headers * flac: fix encoding of frame header * flac: add preliminary subframe encoder * flac: fix UTF-8 encoding of frame number * frame: add sanity check for sample count in decodeLPC Updates #31. * flac: update flac encoding API, depricate flac.Encode Encode has been removed in favour of using NewEncoder. The Encode function was temporarily added to support re-encoding FLAC streams to update the metadata, but it had no support for encoding audio samples. The added flac.Encoder has support for encoding both metadata and audio samples. It also does not require that you first decode a FLAC file to later re-encode it by calling Encode (as was the previous behaviour). * flac: add MD5 running hash of unencoded audio samples to StreamInfo * flac: remove unused encodePadding Reported by golangci * flac: fix golangci lint issues frame/utf8.go:57:6: `decodeUTF8Int` is unused (deadcode) func decodeUTF8Int(r io.Reader) (n uint64, err error) { ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:32:16: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits = uint64(t2 | (x>>6)&mask2) ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:37:16: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits = uint64(t3 | (x>>(6*2))&mask3) ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:42:16: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits = uint64(t4 | (x>>(6*3))&mask4) ^ * flac: fix golangci lint issues encode_frame.go:89:1: cyclomatic complexity 52 of func `(*Encoder).encodeFrameHeader` is high (> 30) (gocyclo) func (enc *Encoder) encodeFrameHeader(w io.Writer, hdr frame.Header) error { ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:66:17: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits := uint64(tx | (x>>uint(6*i))&maskx) ^ encode_subframe.go:105:46: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) if err := bw.WriteBits(uint64(sample), byte(hdr.BitsPerSample)); err != nil { ^ * flac: clarify that frame.Header.Num is calculated by the encoder * flac: minor re-phrasing
2018-08-18 18:18:12 +00:00
// Channel assignment.
// 0000-0111 : (number of independent channels)-1. Where defined, the channel order follows SMPTE/ITU-R recommendations. The assignments are as follows:
// 1 channel: mono
// 2 channels: left, right
// 3 channels: left, right, center
// 4 channels: front left, front right, back left, back right
// 5 channels: front left, front right, front center, back/surround left, back/surround right
// 6 channels: front left, front right, front center, LFE, back/surround left, back/surround right
// 7 channels: front left, front right, front center, LFE, back center, side left, side right
// 8 channels: front left, front right, front center, LFE, back left, back right, side left, side right
// 1000 : left/side stereo: channel 0 is the left channel, channel 1 is the side(difference) channel
// 1001 : right/side stereo: channel 0 is the side(difference) channel, channel 1 is the right channel
// 1010 : mid/side stereo: channel 0 is the mid(average) channel, channel 1 is the side(difference) channel
// 1011-1111 : reserved
var bits uint64
switch channels {
case frame.ChannelsMono, frame.ChannelsLR, frame.ChannelsLRC, frame.ChannelsLRLsRs, frame.ChannelsLRCLsRs, frame.ChannelsLRCLfeLsRs, frame.ChannelsLRCLfeCsSlSr, frame.ChannelsLRCLfeLsRsSlSr:
// 1 channel: mono.
// 2 channels: left, right.
// 3 channels: left, right, center.
// 4 channels: left, right, left surround, right surround.
// 5 channels: left, right, center, left surround, right surround.
// 6 channels: left, right, center, LFE, left surround, right surround.
// 7 channels: left, right, center, LFE, center surround, side left, side right.
// 8 channels: left, right, center, LFE, left surround, right surround, side left, side right.
bits = uint64(channels.Count() - 1)
case frame.ChannelsLeftSide:
// 2 channels: left, side; using inter-channel decorrelation.
// 1000 : left/side stereo: channel 0 is the left channel, channel 1 is the side(difference) channel
bits = 0x8
case frame.ChannelsSideRight:
// 2 channels: side, right; using inter-channel decorrelation.
// 1001 : right/side stereo: channel 0 is the side(difference) channel, channel 1 is the right channel
bits = 0x9
case frame.ChannelsMidSide:
// 2 channels: mid, side; using inter-channel decorrelation.
// 1010 : mid/side stereo: channel 0 is the mid(average) channel, channel 1 is the side(difference) channel
bits = 0xA
return errutil.Newf("support for channel assignment %v not yet implemented", channels)
if err := bw.WriteBits(bits, 4); err != nil {
return errutil.Err(err)
return nil
// ~~~ [ Bits-per-sample ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// encodeFrameHeaderBitsPerSample encodes the bits-per-sample of the frame
// header, writing to bw.
func encodeFrameHeaderBitsPerSample(bw *bitio.Writer, bps uint8) error {
flac: add Encoder API to encode audio samples and metadata blocks (#32) * flac: encode frame header * flac: calculate CRC-8 when encoding frame headers * flac: fix encoding of frame header * flac: add preliminary subframe encoder * flac: fix UTF-8 encoding of frame number * frame: add sanity check for sample count in decodeLPC Updates #31. * flac: update flac encoding API, depricate flac.Encode Encode has been removed in favour of using NewEncoder. The Encode function was temporarily added to support re-encoding FLAC streams to update the metadata, but it had no support for encoding audio samples. The added flac.Encoder has support for encoding both metadata and audio samples. It also does not require that you first decode a FLAC file to later re-encode it by calling Encode (as was the previous behaviour). * flac: add MD5 running hash of unencoded audio samples to StreamInfo * flac: remove unused encodePadding Reported by golangci * flac: fix golangci lint issues frame/utf8.go:57:6: `decodeUTF8Int` is unused (deadcode) func decodeUTF8Int(r io.Reader) (n uint64, err error) { ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:32:16: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits = uint64(t2 | (x>>6)&mask2) ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:37:16: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits = uint64(t3 | (x>>(6*2))&mask3) ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:42:16: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits = uint64(t4 | (x>>(6*3))&mask4) ^ * flac: fix golangci lint issues encode_frame.go:89:1: cyclomatic complexity 52 of func `(*Encoder).encodeFrameHeader` is high (> 30) (gocyclo) func (enc *Encoder) encodeFrameHeader(w io.Writer, hdr frame.Header) error { ^ internal/utf8/encode.go:66:17: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) bits := uint64(tx | (x>>uint(6*i))&maskx) ^ encode_subframe.go:105:46: unnecessary conversion (unconvert) if err := bw.WriteBits(uint64(sample), byte(hdr.BitsPerSample)); err != nil { ^ * flac: clarify that frame.Header.Num is calculated by the encoder * flac: minor re-phrasing
2018-08-18 18:18:12 +00:00
// Sample size in bits:
// 000 : get from STREAMINFO metadata block
// 001 : 8 bits per sample
// 010 : 12 bits per sample
// 011 : reserved
// 100 : 16 bits per sample
// 101 : 20 bits per sample
// 110 : 24 bits per sample
// 111 : reserved
var bits uint64
switch bps {
case 0:
// 000 : get from STREAMINFO metadata block
bits = 0x0
case 8:
// 001 : 8 bits per sample
bits = 0x1
case 12:
// 010 : 12 bits per sample
bits = 0x2
case 16:
// 100 : 16 bits per sample
bits = 0x4
case 20:
// 101 : 20 bits per sample
bits = 0x5
case 24:
// 110 : 24 bits per sample
bits = 0x6
return errutil.Newf("support for sample size %v not yet implemented", bps)
if err := bw.WriteBits(bits, 3); err != nil {
return errutil.Err(err)
return nil