use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; use ffmpeg::color::TransferCharacteristic; use ffmpeg::format::{input, Pixel}; use ffmpeg::media::Type as MediaType; use ffmpeg::Error::StreamNotFound; use path_abs::{PathAbs, PathInfo}; use crate::{into_array, into_vec}; pub fn compose_ffmpeg_pipe>( params: impl IntoIterator, pix_format: Pixel, ) -> Vec { let mut p: Vec = into_vec![ "ffmpeg", "-y", "-hide_banner", "-loglevel", "error", "-i", "-", ]; p.extend(params.into_iter().map(Into::into)); p.extend(into_array![ "-pix_fmt", pix_format.descriptor().unwrap().name(), "-strict", "-1", "-f", "yuv4mpegpipe", "-" ]); p } /// Get frame count using FFmpeg pub fn num_frames(source: &Path) -> Result { let mut ictx = input(&source)?; let input = ictx .streams() .best(MediaType::Video) .ok_or(StreamNotFound)?; let video_stream_index = input.index(); Ok( ictx .packets() .filter(|(stream, _)| stream.index() == video_stream_index) .count(), ) } pub fn frame_rate(source: &Path) -> Result { let ictx = input(&source)?; let input = ictx .streams() .best(MediaType::Video) .ok_or(StreamNotFound)?; let rate = input.avg_frame_rate(); Ok(f64::from(rate.numerator()) / f64::from(rate.denominator())) } pub fn get_pixel_format(source: &Path) -> Result { let ictx = ffmpeg::format::input(&source)?; let input = ictx .streams() .best(MediaType::Video) .ok_or(StreamNotFound)?; let decoder = ffmpeg::codec::context::Context::from_parameters(input.parameters())? .decoder() .video()?; Ok(decoder.format()) } pub fn resolution(source: &Path) -> Result<(u32, u32), ffmpeg::Error> { let ictx = ffmpeg::format::input(&source)?; let input = ictx .streams() .best(MediaType::Video) .ok_or(StreamNotFound)?; let decoder = ffmpeg::codec::context::Context::from_parameters(input.parameters())? .decoder() .video()?; Ok((decoder.width(), decoder.height())) } pub fn transfer_characteristics(source: &Path) -> Result { let ictx = ffmpeg::format::input(&source)?; let input = ictx .streams() .best(MediaType::Video) .ok_or(StreamNotFound)?; let decoder = ffmpeg::codec::context::Context::from_parameters(input.parameters())? .decoder() .video()?; Ok(decoder.color_transfer_characteristic()) } /// Returns vec of all keyframes pub fn get_keyframes(source: &Path) -> Result, ffmpeg::Error> { let mut ictx = input(&source)?; let input = ictx .streams() .best(MediaType::Video) .ok_or(StreamNotFound)?; let video_stream_index = input.index(); let kfs = ictx .packets() .filter(|(stream, _)| stream.index() == video_stream_index) .map(|(_, packet)| packet) .enumerate() .filter(|(_, packet)| packet.is_key()) .map(|(i, _)| i) .collect::>(); if kfs.is_empty() { return Ok(vec![0]); }; Ok(kfs) } /// Returns true if input file have audio in it pub fn has_audio(file: &Path) -> bool { let ictx = input(&file).unwrap(); ictx.streams().best(MediaType::Audio).is_some() } /// Encodes the audio using FFmpeg, blocking the current thread. /// /// This function returns `Some(output)` if the audio exists and the audio /// successfully encoded, or `None` otherwise. #[must_use] pub fn encode_audio>( input: impl AsRef, temp: impl AsRef, audio_params: &[S], ) -> Option { let input = input.as_ref(); let temp = temp.as_ref(); if has_audio(input) { let audio_file = Path::new(temp).join("audio.mkv"); let mut encode_audio = Command::new("ffmpeg"); encode_audio.stdout(Stdio::piped()); encode_audio.stderr(Stdio::piped()); encode_audio.args(["-y", "-hide_banner", "-loglevel", "error", "-i"]); encode_audio.arg(input); encode_audio.args([ "-map_metadata", "0", "-vn", "-dn", "-map", "0", "-map", "-0:a", "-c", "copy", "-map", "0:a", ]); encode_audio.args(audio_params); encode_audio.arg(&audio_file); let output = encode_audio.output().unwrap(); if !output.status.success() { warn!( "FFmpeg failed to encode audio!\n{:#?}\nParams: {:?}", output, encode_audio ); return None; } Some(audio_file) } else { None } } /// Escapes paths in ffmpeg filters if on windows pub fn escape_path_in_filter(path: impl AsRef) -> String { if cfg!(windows) { PathAbs::new(path.as_ref()) .unwrap() .to_str() .unwrap() // This is needed because of how FFmpeg handles absolute file paths on Windows. // .replace('\\', "/") .replace(':', r"\\:") } else { PathAbs::new(path.as_ref()) .unwrap() .to_str() .unwrap() .to_string() } .replace('[', r"\[") .replace(']', r"\]") .replace(',', "\\,") }