use std::borrow::{Borrow, Cow}; use std::cmp::{Ordering, Reverse}; use std::collections::{BTreeSet, HashSet}; use std::convert::TryInto; use std::ffi::OsString; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Write; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::{exit, Command, Stdio}; use std::sync::atomic::{self, AtomicBool, AtomicU64, AtomicUsize}; use std::sync::{mpsc, Arc}; use std::{cmp, fs, iter, thread}; use ansi_term::{Color, Style}; use anyhow::{bail, ensure, Context}; use crossbeam_utils; use ffmpeg::format::Pixel; use itertools::Itertools; use rand::prelude::SliceRandom; use rand::thread_rng; use tokio::io::{AsyncBufReadExt, BufReader}; use tokio::process::ChildStderr; use crate::broker::{Broker, EncoderCrash}; use crate::chunk::Chunk; use crate::concat::{self, ConcatMethod}; use crate::ffmpeg::{compose_ffmpeg_pipe, num_frames}; use crate::grain::create_film_grain_file; use crate::parse::valid_params; use crate::progress_bar::{ finish_progress_bar, inc_bar, inc_mp_bar, init_multi_progress_bar, init_progress_bar, reset_bar_at, reset_mp_bar_at, update_mp_chunk, update_mp_msg, update_progress_bar_estimates, }; use crate::scene_detect::av_scenechange_detect; use crate::scenes::{Scene, ZoneOptions}; use crate::split::{extra_splits, segment, write_scenes_to_file}; use crate::vapoursynth::{create_vs_file, is_ffms2_installed, is_lsmash_installed}; use crate::vmaf::{self, validate_libvmaf}; use crate::{ create_dir, determine_workers, finish_multi_progress_bar, get_done, init_done, into_vec, read_chunk_queue, save_chunk_queue, ChunkMethod, ChunkOrdering, DashMap, DoneJson, Encoder, Input, ScenecutMethod, SplitMethod, TargetQuality, Verbosity, }; pub struct PixelFormat { pub format: Pixel, pub bit_depth: usize, } pub enum InputPixelFormat { VapourSynth { bit_depth: usize }, FFmpeg { format: Pixel }, } #[allow(clippy::struct_excessive_bools)] pub struct EncodeArgs { pub frames: usize, pub input: Input, pub temp: String, pub output_file: String, pub vs_script: Option, pub chunk_method: ChunkMethod, pub chunk_order: ChunkOrdering, pub scenes: Option, pub split_method: SplitMethod, pub sc_pix_format: Option, pub sc_method: ScenecutMethod, pub sc_only: bool, pub sc_downscale_height: Option, pub extra_splits_len: Option, pub min_scene_len: usize, pub max_tries: usize, pub passes: u8, pub video_params: Vec, pub encoder: Encoder, pub workers: usize, pub set_thread_affinity: Option, pub photon_noise: Option, pub zones: Option, // FFmpeg params pub ffmpeg_filter_args: Vec, pub audio_params: Vec, pub input_pix_format: InputPixelFormat, pub output_pix_format: PixelFormat, pub verbosity: Verbosity, pub log_file: PathBuf, pub resume: bool, pub keep: bool, pub force: bool, pub vmaf: bool, pub vmaf_path: Option, pub vmaf_res: String, pub concat: ConcatMethod, pub target_quality: Option, pub probes: u32, pub probe_slow: bool, pub min_q: Option, pub max_q: Option, pub probing_rate: u32, pub vmaf_threads: Option, pub vmaf_filter: Option, } impl EncodeArgs { /// Initialize logging routines and create temporary directories pub fn initialize(&mut self) -> anyhow::Result<()> { ffmpeg::init()?; ffmpeg::util::log::set_level(ffmpeg::util::log::level::Level::Fatal); if !self.resume && Path::new(&self.temp).is_dir() { fs::remove_dir_all(&self.temp) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to remove temporary directory {:?}", &self.temp))?; } create_dir!(Path::new(&self.temp))?; create_dir!(Path::new(&self.temp).join("split"))?; create_dir!(Path::new(&self.temp).join("encode"))?; debug!("temporary directory: {}", &self.temp); let done_path = Path::new(&self.temp).join("done.json"); let done_json_exists = done_path.exists(); let chunks_json_exists = Path::new(&self.temp).join("chunks.json").exists(); if self.resume { match (done_json_exists, chunks_json_exists) { // both files exist, so there is no problem (true, true) => {} (false, true) => { info!( "resume was set but done.json does not exist in temporary directory {:?}", &self.temp ); self.resume = false; } (true, false) => { info!( "resume was set but chunks.json does not exist in temporary directory {:?}", &self.temp ); self.resume = false; } (false, false) => { info!( "resume was set but neither chunks.json nor done.json exist in temporary directory {:?}", &self.temp ); self.resume = false; } } } if self.resume && done_json_exists { let done = fs::read_to_string(done_path).with_context(|| "Failed to read contents of done.json")?; let done: DoneJson = serde_json::from_str(&done).with_context(|| "Failed to parse done.json")?; self.frames = done.frames.load(atomic::Ordering::Relaxed); // frames need to be recalculated in this case if self.frames == 0 { self.frames = self.input.frames()?;, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed); } init_done(done); } else { init_done(DoneJson { frames: AtomicUsize::new(0), done: DashMap::new(), audio_done: AtomicBool::new(false), }); let mut done_file = fs::File::create(&done_path).unwrap(); done_file.write_all(serde_json::to_string(get_done())?.as_bytes())?; }; Ok(()) } fn read_queue_files(source_path: &Path) -> anyhow::Result> { let mut queue_files = fs::read_dir(&source_path) .with_context(|| { format!( "Failed to read queue files from source path {:?}", source_path ) })? .map(|res||e| e.path())) .collect::, _>>()?; queue_files.retain(|file| { file.is_file() && matches!(file.extension().map(|ext| ext == "mkv"), Some(true)) }); concat::sort_files_by_filename(&mut queue_files); Ok(queue_files) } /// Returns the number of frames encoded if crashed, to reset the progress bar. pub fn create_pipes( &self, chunk: &Chunk, encoder: Encoder, passes: u8, current_pass: u8, worker_id: usize, padding: usize, tpl_crash_workaround: bool, ) -> Result<(), (EncoderCrash, u64)> { update_mp_chunk(worker_id, chunk.index, padding); let fpf_file = Path::new(&chunk.temp) .join("split") .join(format!("{}_fpf",; let mut video_params = chunk .overrides .as_ref() .map_or_else(|| self.video_params.clone(), |ovr| ovr.video_params.clone()); if tpl_crash_workaround { // In aomenc for duplicate arguments, whichever is specified last takes precedence. video_params.push("--enable-tpl-model=0".to_string()); } let mut enc_cmd = if passes == 1 { encoder.compose_1_1_pass(video_params, chunk.output()) } else if current_pass == 1 { encoder.compose_1_2_pass(video_params, fpf_file.to_str().unwrap()) } else { encoder.compose_2_2_pass(video_params, fpf_file.to_str().unwrap(), chunk.output()) }; if let Some(per_shot_target_quality_cq) = chunk.tq_cq { enc_cmd = encoder.man_command(enc_cmd, per_shot_target_quality_cq as usize); } let rt = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread() .enable_io() .build() .unwrap(); let (source_pipe_stderr, ffmpeg_pipe_stderr, enc_output, enc_stderr, frame) = rt.block_on(async { let mut source_pipe = if let [source, args @ ..] = &*chunk.source { tokio::process::Command::new(source) .args(args) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .unwrap() } else { unreachable!() }; let source_pipe_stdout: Stdio = source_pipe.stdout.take().unwrap().try_into().unwrap(); let source_pipe_stderr = source_pipe.stderr.take().unwrap(); // converts the pixel format let create_ffmpeg_pipe = |pipe_from: Stdio, source_pipe_stderr: ChildStderr| { let ffmpeg_pipe = compose_ffmpeg_pipe( self.ffmpeg_filter_args.as_slice(), self.output_pix_format.format, ); let mut ffmpeg_pipe = if let [ffmpeg, args @ ..] = &*ffmpeg_pipe { tokio::process::Command::new(ffmpeg) .args(args) .stdin(pipe_from) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .unwrap() } else { unreachable!() }; let ffmpeg_pipe_stdout: Stdio = ffmpeg_pipe.stdout.take().unwrap().try_into().unwrap(); let ffmpeg_pipe_stderr = ffmpeg_pipe.stderr.take().unwrap(); ( ffmpeg_pipe_stdout, source_pipe_stderr, Some(ffmpeg_pipe_stderr), ) }; let (y4m_pipe, source_pipe_stderr, mut ffmpeg_pipe_stderr) = if self.ffmpeg_filter_args.is_empty() { match &self.input_pix_format { InputPixelFormat::FFmpeg { format } => { if self.output_pix_format.format == *format { (source_pipe_stdout, source_pipe_stderr, None) } else { create_ffmpeg_pipe(source_pipe_stdout, source_pipe_stderr) } } InputPixelFormat::VapourSynth { bit_depth } => { if self.output_pix_format.bit_depth == *bit_depth { (source_pipe_stdout, source_pipe_stderr, None) } else { create_ffmpeg_pipe(source_pipe_stdout, source_pipe_stderr) } } } } else { create_ffmpeg_pipe(source_pipe_stdout, source_pipe_stderr) }; let mut source_reader = BufReader::new(source_pipe_stderr).lines(); let ffmpeg_reader = ffmpeg_pipe_stderr .take() .map(|stderr| BufReader::new(stderr).lines()); let pipe_stderr = Arc::new(parking_lot::Mutex::new(String::with_capacity(128))); let p_stdr2 = Arc::clone(&pipe_stderr); let ffmpeg_stderr = if ffmpeg_reader.is_some() { Some(Arc::new(parking_lot::Mutex::new(String::with_capacity( 128, )))) } else { None }; let f_stdr2 = ffmpeg_stderr.as_ref().map(Arc::clone); tokio::spawn(async move { while let Some(line) = source_reader.next_line().await.unwrap() { p_stdr2.lock().push_str(&line); p_stdr2.lock().push('\n'); } }); if let Some(mut ffmpeg_reader) = ffmpeg_reader { let f_stdr2 = f_stdr2.unwrap(); tokio::spawn(async move { while let Some(line) = ffmpeg_reader.next_line().await.unwrap() { f_stdr2.lock().push_str(&line); f_stdr2.lock().push('\n'); } }); } let mut enc_pipe = if let [encoder, args @ ..] = &*enc_cmd { tokio::process::Command::new(encoder) .args(args) .stdin(y4m_pipe) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .unwrap() } else { unreachable!() }; let mut frame = 0; let mut reader = BufReader::new(enc_pipe.stderr.take().unwrap()); let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(128); let mut enc_stderr = String::with_capacity(128); while let Ok(read) = reader.read_until(b'\r', &mut buf).await { if read == 0 { break; } if let Ok(line) = simdutf8::basic::from_utf8_mut(&mut buf) { if self.verbosity == Verbosity::Verbose && !line.contains('\n') { update_mp_msg(worker_id, (*line).to_string()); } // This needs to be done before parse_encoded_frames, as it potentially // mutates the string enc_stderr.push_str(line); enc_stderr.push('\n'); if let Some(new) = encoder.parse_encoded_frames(line) { if new > frame { if self.verbosity == Verbosity::Normal { inc_bar((new - frame) as u64); } else if self.verbosity == Verbosity::Verbose { inc_mp_bar((new - frame) as u64); } frame = new; } } } buf.clear(); } let enc_output = enc_pipe.wait_with_output().await.unwrap(); let source_pipe_stderr = pipe_stderr.lock().clone(); let ffmpeg_pipe_stderr =|x| x.lock().clone()); ( source_pipe_stderr, ffmpeg_pipe_stderr, enc_output, enc_stderr, frame, ) }); if !enc_output.status.success() { return Err(( EncoderCrash { exit_status: enc_output.status, source_pipe_stderr: source_pipe_stderr.into(), ffmpeg_pipe_stderr:, stderr: enc_stderr.into(), stdout: enc_output.stdout.into(), }, frame, )); } if current_pass == passes { let encoded_frames = num_frames(chunk.output().as_ref()).unwrap(); if encoded_frames != chunk.frames { return Err(( EncoderCrash { exit_status: enc_output.status, source_pipe_stderr: source_pipe_stderr.into(), ffmpeg_pipe_stderr:, stderr: enc_stderr.into(), stdout: format!( "FRAME MISMATCH: chunk {}: {}/{} (actual/expected frames)", chunk.index, encoded_frames, chunk.frames ) .into(), }, frame, )); } } Ok(()) } fn validate_encoder_params(&self) { let video_params: Vec<&str> = self .video_params .iter() .filter_map(|param| { if param.starts_with('-') && [Encoder::aom, Encoder::vpx].contains(&self.encoder) { // These encoders require args to be passed using an equal sign, // e.g. `--cq-level=30` param.split('=').next() } else { // The other encoders use a space, so we don't need to do extra splitting, // e.g. `--crf 30` None } }) .collect(); let help_text = { let [cmd, arg] = self.encoder.help_command(); String::from_utf8(Command::new(cmd).arg(arg).output().unwrap().stdout).unwrap() }; let valid_params = valid_params(&help_text, self.encoder); let invalid_params = invalid_params(&video_params, &valid_params); for wrong_param in &invalid_params { eprintln!( "'{}' isn't a valid parameter for {}", wrong_param, self.encoder, ); if let Some(suggestion) = suggest_fix(wrong_param, &valid_params) { eprintln!("\tDid you mean '{}'?", suggestion); } } if !invalid_params.is_empty() { println!("\nTo continue anyway, run av1an with '--force'"); exit(1); } } pub fn startup_check(&mut self) -> anyhow::Result<()> { if self.concat == ConcatMethod::Ivf && !matches!( self.encoder, Encoder::rav1e | Encoder::aom | Encoder::svt_av1 | Encoder::vpx ) { bail!(".ivf only supports VP8, VP9, and AV1"); } ensure!(self.max_tries > 0); ensure!( self.input.as_path().exists(), "Input file {:?} does not exist!", self.input ); if self.target_quality.is_some() || self.vmaf { validate_libvmaf()?; } if which::which("ffmpeg").is_err() { bail!("FFmpeg not found. Is it installed in system path?"); } if self.concat == ConcatMethod::MKVMerge && which::which("mkvmerge").is_err() { bail!("mkvmerge not found, but `--concat mkvmerge` was specified. Is it installed in system path?"); } if self.encoder == Encoder::x265 && self.concat != ConcatMethod::MKVMerge { bail!("mkvmerge is required for concatenating x265, as x265 outputs raw HEVC bitstream files without the timestamps correctly set, which FFmpeg cannot concatenate \ properly into a mkv file. Specify mkvmerge as the concatenation method by setting `--concat mkvmerge`."); } if self.chunk_method == ChunkMethod::LSMASH { ensure!( is_lsmash_installed(), "LSMASH is not installed, but it was specified as the chunk method" ); } if self.chunk_method == ChunkMethod::FFMS2 { ensure!( is_ffms2_installed(), "FFMS2 is not installed, but it was specified as the chunk method" ); } if self.chunk_method == ChunkMethod::Select { warn!("It is not recommended to use the \"select\" chunk method, as it is very slow"); } if let Some(vmaf_path) = &self.vmaf_path { ensure!(vmaf_path.exists()); } if self.probes < 4 { println!("Target quality with less than 4 probes is experimental and not recommended"); } let (min, max) = self.encoder.get_default_cq_range(); match self.min_q { None => { self.min_q = Some(min as u32); } Some(min_q) => ensure!(min_q > 1), } if self.max_q.is_none() { self.max_q = Some(max as u32); } let encoder_bin = self.encoder.bin(); if which::which(encoder_bin).is_err() { bail!( "Encoder {} not found. Is it installed in the system path?", encoder_bin ); } if self.video_params.is_empty() { self.video_params = self .encoder .get_default_arguments(self.input.calculate_tiles()); } if let Some(strength) = self.photon_noise { if strength > 64 { bail!("Valid strength values for photon noise are 0-64"); } if self.encoder != Encoder::aom { bail!("Photon noise synth is only supported with aomenc"); } } if self.encoder == Encoder::aom && self.concat != ConcatMethod::MKVMerge && self .video_params .iter() .any(|param| param == "--enable-keyframe-filtering=2") { bail!( "keyframe filtering mode 2 currently only works when using mkvmerge as the concat method" ); } if matches!(self.encoder, Encoder::aom | Encoder::vpx) && self.passes != 1 && self.video_params.iter().any(|param| param == "--rt") { // --rt must be used with 1-pass mode self.passes = 1; } if !self.force { self.validate_encoder_params(); self.check_rate_control(); } Ok(()) } /// Warns if rate control was not specified in encoder arguments fn check_rate_control(&self) { if self.encoder == Encoder::aom { if !self .video_params .iter() .any(|f| Self::check_aom_encoder_mode(f)) { warn!("[WARN] --end-usage was not specified"); } if !self.video_params.iter().any(|f| Self::check_aom_rate(f)) { warn!("[WARN] --cq-level or --target-bitrate was not specified"); } } } fn check_aom_encoder_mode(s: &str) -> bool { const END_USAGE: &str = "--end-usage="; if s.len() <= END_USAGE.len() || !s.starts_with(END_USAGE) { return false; } s.as_bytes()[END_USAGE.len()..] .iter() .all(|&b| (b as char).is_ascii_alphabetic()) } fn check_aom_rate(s: &str) -> bool { const CQ_LEVEL: &str = "--cq-level="; const TARGET_BITRATE: &str = "--target-bitrate="; if s.len() <= CQ_LEVEL.len() || !(s.starts_with(TARGET_BITRATE) || s.starts_with(CQ_LEVEL)) { return false; } if s.starts_with(CQ_LEVEL) { s.as_bytes()[CQ_LEVEL.len()..] .iter() .all(|&b| (b as char).is_ascii_digit()) } else { s.as_bytes()[TARGET_BITRATE.len()..] .iter() .all(|&b| (b as char).is_ascii_digit()) } } fn create_encoding_queue(&mut self, scenes: &[Scene]) -> anyhow::Result> { let mut chunks = match &self.input { Input::Video(_) => match self.chunk_method { ChunkMethod::FFMS2 | ChunkMethod::LSMASH => { let vs_script = self.vs_script.as_ref().unwrap().as_path(); self.create_video_queue_vs(scenes, vs_script) } ChunkMethod::Hybrid => self.create_video_queue_hybrid(scenes)?, ChunkMethod::Select => self.create_video_queue_select(scenes), ChunkMethod::Segment => self.create_video_queue_segment(scenes)?, }, Input::VapourSynth(vs_script) => self.create_video_queue_vs(scenes, vs_script.as_path()), }; match self.chunk_order { ChunkOrdering::LongestFirst => { chunks.sort_unstable_by_key(|chunk| Reverse(chunk.frames)); } ChunkOrdering::ShortestFirst => { chunks.sort_unstable_by_key(|chunk| chunk.frames); } ChunkOrdering::Sequential => { // Already in order } ChunkOrdering::Random => { chunks.shuffle(&mut thread_rng()); } } Ok(chunks) } fn calc_split_locations(&self) -> anyhow::Result<(Vec, usize)> { let zones = self.parse_zones()?; Ok(match self.split_method { SplitMethod::AvScenechange => av_scenechange_detect( &self.input, self.encoder, self.frames, self.min_scene_len, self.verbosity, self.sc_pix_format, self.sc_method, self.sc_downscale_height, &zones, )?, SplitMethod::None => { let mut scenes = Vec::with_capacity(2 * zones.len() + 1); let mut frames_processed = 0; for zone in zones { let end_frame = zone.end_frame; if end_frame > frames_processed { scenes.push(Scene { start_frame: frames_processed, end_frame: zone.start_frame, zone_overrides: None, }); } scenes.push(zone); frames_processed += end_frame; } if self.frames > frames_processed { scenes.push(Scene { start_frame: frames_processed, end_frame: self.frames, zone_overrides: None, }); } (scenes, self.input.frames()?) } }) } fn parse_zones(&self) -> anyhow::Result> { let mut zones = Vec::new(); if let Some(ref zones_file) = self.zones { let input = fs::read_to_string(&zones_file)?; for zone_line in input.lines().map(str::trim).filter(|line| !line.is_empty()) { zones.push(Scene::parse_from_zone(zone_line, self)?); } zones.sort_unstable_by_key(|zone| zone.start_frame); let mut segments = BTreeSet::new(); for zone in &zones { if segments.contains(&zone.start_frame) { bail!("Zones file contains overlapping zones"); } segments.extend(; } } Ok(zones) } // If we are not resuming, then do scene detection. Otherwise: get scenes from // scenes.json and return that. fn split_routine(&mut self) -> anyhow::Result> { let scene_file = self.scenes.as_ref().map_or_else( || Cow::Owned(Path::new(&self.temp).join("scenes.json")), |path| Cow::Borrowed(path.as_path()), ); let used_existing_cuts; let (mut scenes, frames) = if (self.scenes.is_some() && scene_file.exists()) || self.resume { used_existing_cuts = true; crate::split::read_scenes_from_file(scene_file.as_ref())? } else { used_existing_cuts = false; self.frames = self.input.frames()?; self.calc_split_locations()? }; self.frames = frames; get_done() .frames .store(self.frames, atomic::Ordering::SeqCst); let scenes_before = scenes.len(); if !used_existing_cuts { if let Some(split_len) = self.extra_splits_len { scenes = extra_splits(&scenes, self.frames, split_len); let scenes_after = scenes.len(); info!( "scenecut: found {} scene(s) [with extra_splits ({} frames): {} scene(s)]", scenes_before, split_len, scenes_after ); } else { info!("scenecut: found {} scene(s)", scenes_before); } } write_scenes_to_file(&scenes, self.frames, scene_file)?; Ok(scenes) } fn create_select_chunk( &self, index: usize, src_path: &Path, frame_start: usize, mut frame_end: usize, overrides: Option, ) -> Chunk { assert!( frame_start < frame_end, "Can't make a chunk with <= 0 frames!" ); let frames = frame_end - frame_start; frame_end -= 1; let ffmpeg_gen_cmd: Vec = into_vec![ "ffmpeg", "-y", "-hide_banner", "-loglevel", "error", "-i", src_path, "-vf", format!( "select=between(n\\,{}\\,{}),setpts=PTS-STARTPTS", frame_start, frame_end ), "-pix_fmt", self.output_pix_format.format.descriptor().unwrap().name(), "-strict", "-1", "-f", "yuv4mpegpipe", "-", ]; let output_ext = self.encoder.output_extension(); Chunk { temp: self.temp.clone(), index, source: ffmpeg_gen_cmd, output_ext: output_ext.to_owned(), frames, overrides, ..Chunk::default() } } fn create_vs_chunk(&self, index: usize, vs_script: &Path, scene: &Scene) -> Chunk { let frames = scene.end_frame - scene.start_frame; // the frame end boundary is actually a frame that should be included in the next chunk let frame_end = scene.end_frame - 1; let vspipe_cmd_gen: Vec = into_vec![ "vspipe", vs_script, "-y", "-", "-s", format!("{}", scene.start_frame), "-e", format!("{}", frame_end), ]; let output_ext = self.encoder.output_extension(); Chunk { temp: self.temp.clone(), index, source: vspipe_cmd_gen, output_ext: output_ext.to_owned(), frames, overrides: scene.zone_overrides.clone(), ..Chunk::default() } } fn create_video_queue_vs(&self, scenes: &[Scene], vs_script: &Path) -> Vec { let chunk_queue: Vec = scenes .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(index, scene)| self.create_vs_chunk(index, vs_script, scene)) .collect(); chunk_queue } fn create_video_queue_select(&self, scenes: &[Scene]) -> Vec { let input = self.input.as_video_path(); let chunk_queue: Vec = scenes .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(index, scene)| { self.create_select_chunk( index, input, scene.start_frame, scene.end_frame, scene.zone_overrides.clone(), ) }) .collect(); chunk_queue } fn create_video_queue_segment(&self, scenes: &[Scene]) -> anyhow::Result> { let input = self.input.as_video_path(); debug!("Splitting video"); segment( input, &self.temp, &scenes .iter() .skip(1) .map(|scene| scene.start_frame) .collect::>(), ); debug!("Splitting done"); let source_path = Path::new(&self.temp).join("split"); let queue_files = Self::read_queue_files(&source_path)?; assert!( !queue_files.is_empty(), "Error: No files found in temp/split, probably splitting not working" ); let chunk_queue: Vec = queue_files .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(index, file)| { self.create_chunk_from_segment( index, file.as_path().to_str().unwrap(), scenes[index].zone_overrides.clone(), ) }) .collect(); Ok(chunk_queue) } fn create_video_queue_hybrid(&self, scenes: &[Scene]) -> anyhow::Result> { let input = self.input.as_video_path(); let keyframes = crate::ffmpeg::get_keyframes(input).unwrap(); let to_split: Vec = keyframes .iter() .filter(|kf| scenes.iter().any(|scene| scene.start_frame == **kf)) .copied() .collect(); debug!("Segmenting video"); segment(input, &self.temp, &to_split[1..]); debug!("Segment done"); let source_path = Path::new(&self.temp).join("split"); let queue_files = Self::read_queue_files(&source_path)?; let kf_list = to_split .iter() .copied() .chain(iter::once(self.frames)) .tuple_windows(); let mut segments = Vec::with_capacity(scenes.len()); for (file, (x, y)) in queue_files.iter().zip(kf_list) { for s in scenes { let s0 = s.start_frame; let s1 = s.end_frame; if s0 >= x && s1 <= y && s0 < s1 { segments.push((file.as_path(), (s0 - x, s1 - x, s))); } } } let chunk_queue: Vec = segments .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(index, &(file, (start, end, scene)))| { self.create_select_chunk(index, file, start, end, scene.zone_overrides.clone()) }) .collect(); Ok(chunk_queue) } fn create_chunk_from_segment( &self, index: usize, file: &str, overrides: Option, ) -> Chunk { let ffmpeg_gen_cmd: Vec = into_vec![ "ffmpeg", "-y", "-hide_banner", "-loglevel", "error", "-i", file.to_owned(), "-strict", "-1", "-pix_fmt", self.output_pix_format.format.descriptor().unwrap().name(), "-f", "yuv4mpegpipe", "-", ]; let output_ext = self.encoder.output_extension(); Chunk { temp: self.temp.clone(), frames: self.frames, source: ffmpeg_gen_cmd, output_ext: output_ext.to_owned(), index, overrides, ..Chunk::default() } } /// Returns unfinished chunks and number of total chunks fn load_or_gen_chunk_queue(&mut self, splits: &[Scene]) -> anyhow::Result<(Vec, usize)> { if self.resume { let mut chunks = read_chunk_queue(self.temp.as_ref())?; let num_chunks = chunks.len(); let done = get_done(); // only keep the chunks that are not done chunks.retain(|chunk| !done.done.contains_key(&; Ok((chunks, num_chunks)) } else { let chunks = self.create_encoding_queue(splits)?; let num_chunks = chunks.len(); save_chunk_queue(&self.temp, &chunks)?; Ok((chunks, num_chunks)) } } pub fn encode_file(&mut self) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let initial_frames = get_done() .done .iter() .map(|ref_multi| ref_multi.frames) .sum::(); let vspipe_cache = // Technically we should check if the vapoursynth cache file exists rather than !self.resume, // but the code still works if we are resuming and the cache file doesn't exist (as it gets // generated when vspipe is first called), so it's not worth adding all the extra complexity. if (self.input.is_vapoursynth() || (self.input.is_video() && matches!(self.chunk_method, ChunkMethod::LSMASH | ChunkMethod::FFMS2))) && !self.resume { self.vs_script = Some(match &self.input { Input::VapourSynth(path) => path.clone(), Input::Video(path) => create_vs_file(&self.temp, path, self.chunk_method)?, }); let vs_script = self.vs_script.clone().unwrap(); Some({ thread::spawn(move || { Command::new("vspipe") .arg("-i") .arg(vs_script) .args(["-i", "-"]) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .unwrap() .wait() .unwrap() }) }) } else { None }; let splits = self.split_routine()?; if self.sc_only { debug!("scene detection only"); if let Err(e) = fs::remove_dir_all(&self.temp) { warn!("Failed to delete temp directory: {}", e); } exit(0); } let (mut chunk_queue, total_chunks) = self.load_or_gen_chunk_queue(&splits)?; if self.resume { let chunks_done = get_done().done.len(); info!( "encoding resumed with {}/{} chunks completed ({} remaining)", chunks_done, chunk_queue.len() + chunks_done, chunk_queue.len() ); } if let Some(vspipe_cache) = vspipe_cache { vspipe_cache.join().unwrap(); } let mut grain_table = None; if let Some(strength) = self.photon_noise { let table = Path::new(&self.temp).join("grain.tbl"); if !table.exists() { debug!( "Generating grain table at ISO {}", u32::from(strength) * 100 ); let (width, height) = self.input.resolution()?; let transfer = self.input.transfer_function()?; create_film_grain_file(&table, strength, width, height, transfer)?; } else { debug!("Using existing grain table"); } // We should not use a grain table together with aom's grain generation self .video_params .retain(|param| !param.starts_with("--denoise-noise-level=")); self .video_params .push(format!("--film-grain-table={}", table.to_str().unwrap())); grain_table = Some(table); } for chunk in &mut chunk_queue { // Also apply grain tables to zone overrides if let Some(strength) = chunk.overrides.as_ref().and_then(|ovr| ovr.photon_noise) { let grain_table = if Some(strength) == self.photon_noise { // We can reuse the existing photon noise table from the main encode grain_table.clone().unwrap() } else { let grain_table = Path::new(&self.temp).join(&format!("chunk{}-grain.tbl", chunk.index)); debug!( "Generating grain table at ISO {}", u32::from(strength) * 100 ); let (width, height) = self.input.resolution()?; let transfer = self.input.transfer_function()?; create_film_grain_file(&grain_table, strength, width, height, transfer)?; grain_table }; // We should not use a grain table together with aom's grain generation let overrides = chunk.overrides.as_mut().unwrap(); overrides .video_params .retain(|param| !param.starts_with("--denoise-noise-level=")); overrides.video_params.push(format!( "--film-grain-table={}", grain_table.to_str().unwrap() )); } } crossbeam_utils::thread::scope(|s| -> anyhow::Result<()> { // vapoursynth audio is currently unsupported let audio_size_bytes = Arc::new(AtomicU64::new(0)); let audio_thread = if self.input.is_video() && (!self.resume || !get_done().audio_done.load(atomic::Ordering::SeqCst)) { let input = self.input.as_video_path(); let temp = self.temp.as_str(); let audio_params = self.audio_params.as_slice(); let audio_size_ref = Arc::clone(&audio_size_bytes); Some(s.spawn(move |_| { let audio_output = crate::ffmpeg::encode_audio(input, temp, audio_params); get_done(), atomic::Ordering::SeqCst); let progress_file = Path::new(temp).join("done.json"); let mut progress_file = File::create(&progress_file).unwrap(); progress_file .write_all(serde_json::to_string(get_done()).unwrap().as_bytes()) .unwrap(); if let Some(ref audio_output) = audio_output { audio_output.metadata().unwrap().len(), atomic::Ordering::SeqCst, ); } audio_output.is_some() })) } else { None }; if self.workers == 0 { self.workers = determine_workers(self.encoder) as usize; } self.workers = cmp::min(self.workers, chunk_queue.len()); if atty::is(atty::Stream::Stderr) { eprintln!( "{}{} {} {}{} {} {}{} {}\n{}: {}", Color::Green.bold().paint("Q"), Color::Green.paint("ueue"), Color::Green.bold().paint(format!("{}", chunk_queue.len())), Color::Blue.bold().paint("W"), Color::Blue.paint("orkers"), Color::Blue.bold().paint(format!("{}", self.workers)), Color::Purple.bold().paint("P"), Color::Purple.paint("asses"), Color::Purple.bold().paint(format!("{}", self.passes)), Style::default().bold().paint("Params"), Style::default().dimmed().paint(self.video_params.join(" ")) ); } else { eprintln!( "Queue {} Workers {} Passes {}\nParams: {}", chunk_queue.len(), self.workers, self.passes, self.video_params.join(" ") ); } if self.verbosity == Verbosity::Normal { init_progress_bar(self.frames as u64); reset_bar_at(initial_frames as u64); } else if self.verbosity == Verbosity::Verbose { init_multi_progress_bar(self.frames as u64, self.workers, total_chunks); reset_mp_bar_at(initial_frames as u64); } if !get_done().done.is_empty() { let frame_rate = self.input.frame_rate()?; update_progress_bar_estimates( frame_rate, self.frames, self.verbosity, audio_size_bytes.load(atomic::Ordering::SeqCst), ); } let broker = Broker { chunk_queue, total_chunks, project: self, target_quality: if self.target_quality.is_some() { Some(TargetQuality::new(self)) } else { None }, max_tries: self.max_tries, }; let audio_size_ref = Arc::clone(&audio_size_bytes); let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(); let handle = s.spawn(|_| { broker.encoding_loop(tx, self.set_thread_affinity, audio_size_ref); }); // Queue::encoding_loop only sends a message if there was an error (meaning a chunk crashed) // more than MAX_TRIES. So, we have to explicitly exit the program if that happens. while rx.recv().is_ok() { exit(1); } handle.join().unwrap(); if self.verbosity == Verbosity::Normal { finish_progress_bar(); } else if self.verbosity == Verbosity::Verbose { finish_multi_progress_bar(); } // TODO add explicit parameter to concatenation functions to control whether audio is also muxed in let _audio_output_exists = audio_thread.map_or(false, |audio_thread| audio_thread.join().unwrap()); debug!("encoding finished, concatenating with {}", self.concat); match self.concat { ConcatMethod::Ivf => { concat::ivf( &Path::new(&self.temp).join("encode"), self.output_file.as_ref(), )?; } ConcatMethod::MKVMerge => { concat::mkvmerge( self.temp.as_ref(), self.output_file.as_ref(), self.encoder, total_chunks, )?; } ConcatMethod::FFmpeg => { concat::ffmpeg(self.temp.as_ref(), self.output_file.as_ref())?; } } if self.vmaf { if let Err(e) = vmaf::plot( self.output_file.as_ref(), &self.input, self.vmaf_path.as_deref(), self.vmaf_res.as_str(), 1, match self.vmaf_filter.as_deref() { Some(filter) => Some(filter), None => None, }, self.vmaf_threads.unwrap_or_else(num_cpus::get), ) { error!("VMAF calculation failed with error: {}", e); } } if !Path::new(&self.output_file).exists() { warn!( "Concatenation failed for unknown reasons! Temp folder will not be deleted: {}", &self.temp ); } else if !self.keep { if let Err(e) = fs::remove_dir_all(&self.temp) { warn!("Failed to delete temp directory: {}", e); } } Ok(()) }) .unwrap()?; Ok(()) } } #[must_use] pub(crate) fn invalid_params<'a>( params: &'a [&'a str], valid_options: &'a HashSet>, ) -> Vec<&'a str> { params .iter() .filter(|param| !valid_options.contains(Borrow::::borrow(&**param))) .copied() .collect() } #[must_use] pub(crate) fn suggest_fix<'a>( wrong_arg: &str, arg_dictionary: &'a HashSet>, ) -> Option<&'a str> { // Minimum threshold to consider a suggestion similar enough that it could be a typo const MIN_THRESHOLD: f64 = 0.75; arg_dictionary .iter() .map(|arg| (arg, strsim::jaro_winkler(arg, wrong_arg))) .max_by(|(_, a), (_, b)| a.partial_cmp(b).unwrap_or(Ordering::Less)) .and_then(|(suggestion, score)| { if score > MIN_THRESHOLD { Some(suggestion.borrow()) } else { None } }) }