use std::cmp; use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::convert::TryInto; use std::fmt::Error; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::Stdio; use std::thread::available_parallelism; use ffmpeg::format::Pixel; use splines::{Interpolation, Key, Spline}; use crate::broker::EncoderCrash; use crate::chunk::Chunk; use crate::settings::EncodeArgs; use crate::vmaf::{self, read_weighted_vmaf}; use crate::Encoder; const VMAF_PERCENTILE: f64 = 0.25; // TODO: just make it take a reference to a `Project` pub struct TargetQuality<'a> { vmaf_res: &'a str, vmaf_filter: Option<&'a str>, vmaf_threads: usize, model: Option<&'a Path>, probing_rate: usize, probes: u32, target: f64, min_q: u32, max_q: u32, encoder: Encoder, pix_format: Pixel, temp: String, workers: usize, video_params: Vec, probe_slow: bool, } impl<'a> TargetQuality<'a> { pub fn new(args: &'a EncodeArgs) -> Self { Self { vmaf_res: args.vmaf_res.as_str(), vmaf_filter: args.vmaf_filter.as_deref(), vmaf_threads: args.vmaf_threads.unwrap_or(0), model: args.vmaf_path.as_deref(), probes: args.probes, target: args.target_quality.unwrap(), min_q: args.min_q.unwrap(), max_q: args.max_q.unwrap(), encoder: args.encoder, pix_format: args.output_pix_format.format, temp: args.temp.clone(), workers: args.workers, video_params: args.video_params.clone(), probe_slow: args.probe_slow, probing_rate: adapt_probing_rate(args.probing_rate as usize), } } fn per_shot_target_quality(&self, chunk: &Chunk) -> Result { let mut vmaf_cq = vec![]; let frames = chunk.frames; let mut q_list = vec![]; // Make middle probe let middle_point = (self.min_q + self.max_q) / 2; q_list.push(middle_point); let last_q = middle_point; let mut score = read_weighted_vmaf(self.vmaf_probe(chunk, last_q as usize)?, VMAF_PERCENTILE).unwrap(); vmaf_cq.push((score, last_q)); // Initialize search boundary let mut vmaf_lower = score; let mut vmaf_upper = score; let mut vmaf_cq_lower = last_q; let mut vmaf_cq_upper = last_q; // Branch let next_q = if score < { self.min_q } else { self.max_q }; q_list.push(next_q); // Edge case check score = read_weighted_vmaf(self.vmaf_probe(chunk, next_q as usize)?, VMAF_PERCENTILE).unwrap(); vmaf_cq.push((score, next_q)); if (next_q == self.min_q && score < || (next_q == self.max_q && score > { log_probes( &mut vmaf_cq, frames as u32, self.probing_rate as u32, &, next_q, score, if score < { Skip::Low } else { Skip::High }, ); return Ok(next_q); } // Set boundary if score < { vmaf_lower = score; vmaf_cq_lower = next_q; } else { vmaf_upper = score; vmaf_cq_upper = next_q; } // VMAF search for _ in 0..self.probes - 2 { let new_point = weighted_search( f64::from(vmaf_cq_lower), vmaf_lower, f64::from(vmaf_cq_upper), vmaf_upper,, ); if vmaf_cq .iter() .map(|(_, x)| *x) .any(|x| x == new_point as u32) { break; } q_list.push(new_point as u32); score = read_weighted_vmaf(self.vmaf_probe(chunk, new_point)?, VMAF_PERCENTILE).unwrap(); vmaf_cq.push((score, new_point as u32)); // Update boundary if score < { vmaf_lower = score; vmaf_cq_lower = new_point as u32; } else { vmaf_upper = score; vmaf_cq_upper = new_point as u32; } } let (q, q_vmaf) = interpolated_target_q(vmaf_cq.clone(),; log_probes( &mut vmaf_cq, frames as u32, self.probing_rate as u32, &, q as u32, q_vmaf, Skip::None, ); Ok(q as u32) } fn vmaf_probe(&self, chunk: &Chunk, q: usize) -> Result { let vmaf_threads = if self.vmaf_threads == 0 { vmaf_auto_threads(self.workers) } else { self.vmaf_threads }; let cmd = self.encoder.probe_cmd( self.temp.clone(), chunk.index, q, self.pix_format, self.probing_rate, vmaf_threads, self.video_params.clone(), self.probe_slow, ); let future = async { let mut source = if let [pipe_cmd, args @ ..] = &*chunk.source { tokio::process::Command::new(pipe_cmd) .args(args) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .unwrap() } else { unreachable!() }; let source_pipe_stdout: Stdio = source.stdout.take().unwrap().try_into().unwrap(); let mut source_pipe = if let [ffmpeg, args @ ..] = &*cmd.0 { tokio::process::Command::new(ffmpeg) .args(args) .stdin(source_pipe_stdout) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .unwrap() } else { unreachable!() }; let source_pipe_stdout: Stdio = source_pipe.stdout.take().unwrap().try_into().unwrap(); let enc_pipe = if let [cmd, args @ ..] = &*cmd.1 { tokio::process::Command::new(cmd.as_ref()) .args(args.iter().map(AsRef::as_ref)) .stdin(source_pipe_stdout) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .unwrap() } else { unreachable!() }; let source_pipe_output = source_pipe.wait_with_output().await.unwrap(); // TODO: Expand EncoderCrash to handle io errors as well let enc_output = enc_pipe.wait_with_output().await.unwrap(); if !enc_output.status.success() { let e = EncoderCrash { exit_status: enc_output.status, stdout: enc_output.stdout.into(), stderr: enc_output.stderr.into(), source_pipe_stderr: source_pipe_output.stderr.into(), ffmpeg_pipe_stderr: None, }; error!("[chunk {}] {}", chunk.index, e); return Err(e); } Ok(()) }; let rt = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread() .enable_io() .build() .unwrap(); rt.block_on(future)?; let probe_name = Path::new(&chunk.temp) .join("split") .join(format!("v_{}_{}.ivf", q, chunk.index)); let fl_path = Path::new(&chunk.temp) .join("split") .join(format!("{}.json", chunk.index)); vmaf::run_vmaf( &probe_name, chunk.source.as_slice(), &fl_path, self.model.as_ref(), self.vmaf_res, self.probing_rate, self.vmaf_filter, self.vmaf_threads, )?; Ok(fl_path) } pub fn per_shot_target_quality_routine(&self, chunk: &mut Chunk) -> Result<(), EncoderCrash> { chunk.tq_cq = Some(self.per_shot_target_quality(chunk)?); Ok(()) } } pub fn weighted_search(num1: f64, vmaf1: f64, num2: f64, vmaf2: f64, target: f64) -> usize { let dif1 = (transform_vmaf(target as f64) - transform_vmaf(vmaf2)).abs(); let dif2 = (transform_vmaf(target as f64) - transform_vmaf(vmaf1)).abs(); let tot = dif1 + dif2; num1.mul_add(dif1 / tot, num2 * (dif2 / tot)).round() as usize } pub fn transform_vmaf(vmaf: f64) -> f64 { let x: f64 = 1.0 - vmaf / 100.0; if vmaf < 99.99 { -x.ln() } else { 9.2 } } /// Returns auto detected amount of threads used for vmaf calculation pub fn vmaf_auto_threads(workers: usize) -> usize { const OVER_PROVISION_FACTOR: f64 = 1.25; // Logical CPUs let threads = available_parallelism() .expect("Unrecoverable: Failed to get thread count") .get(); cmp::max( ((threads / workers) as f64 * OVER_PROVISION_FACTOR) as usize, 1, ) } /// Use linear interpolation to get q/crf values closest to the target value pub fn interpolate_target_q(scores: Vec<(f64, u32)>, target: f64) -> Result { let mut sorted = scores; sorted.sort_by(|a, b| a.0.partial_cmp(&b.0).unwrap()); let keys = sorted .iter() .map(|(x, y)| Key::new(*x, f64::from(*y), Interpolation::Linear)) .collect(); let spline = Spline::from_vec(keys); Ok(spline.sample(target).unwrap()) } /// Use linear interpolation to get vmaf value that expected from q pub fn interpolate_target_vmaf(scores: Vec<(f64, u32)>, q: f64) -> Result { let mut sorted = scores; sorted.sort_by(|(a, _), (b, _)| a.partial_cmp(b).unwrap_or(Ordering::Less)); let keys = sorted .iter() .map(|f| Key::new(f64::from(f.1), f.0 as f64, Interpolation::Linear)) .collect(); let spline = Spline::from_vec(keys); Ok(spline.sample(q).unwrap()) } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum Skip { High, Low, None, } pub fn log_probes( vmaf_cq_scores: &mut [(f64, u32)], frames: u32, probing_rate: u32, chunk_idx: &str, target_q: u32, target_vmaf: f64, skip: Skip, ) { vmaf_cq_scores.sort_by_key(|(_score, q)| *q); // TODO: take chunk id as integer instead and format with {:05} debug!( "chunk {}: P-Rate={}, {} frames", chunk_idx, probing_rate, frames ); debug!( "chunk {}: TQ-Probes: {:.2?}{}", chunk_idx, vmaf_cq_scores, match skip { Skip::High => " Early Skip High Q", Skip::Low => " Early Skip Low Q", Skip::None => "", } ); debug!( "chunk {}: Target Q={:.0}, VMAF={:.2}", chunk_idx, target_q, target_vmaf ); } pub const fn adapt_probing_rate(rate: usize) -> usize { match rate { 1..=4 => rate, _ => 4, } } pub fn interpolated_target_q(scores: Vec<(f64, u32)>, target: f64) -> (f64, f64) { let q = interpolate_target_q(scores.clone(), target).unwrap(); let vmaf = interpolate_target_vmaf(scores, q).unwrap(); (q, vmaf) } #[allow(unused)] fn lagrange_interpolate(p: &[(u32, f64)], x: u32) -> f64 { p.iter() .map(|(x0, y0)| { let mut num = 1; let mut den = 1; for (x1, _y1) in p { if x0 != x1 { num *= i64::from(x) - i64::from(*x1); den *= i64::from(*x0) - i64::from(*x1); } } y0 * num as f64 / den as f64 }) .sum() } #[allow(unused)] fn lagrange_bisect(p: &[(u32, f64)], y: f64) -> (u32, f64) { assert!(p.len() >= 2); // Re-center the samples at the target value let mut sorted = Vec::from(p); for v in &mut sorted { v.1 -= y; } // Order samples by distance from target value sorted.sort_by(|a, b| a.1.abs().partial_cmp(&b.1.abs()).unwrap()); // Take the closest point let (mut xb, mut yb) = sorted[0]; // Take the next close point that brackets the root let (mut xa, mut ya) = sorted.iter().find(|&&v| v.1 * yb < 0.).unwrap_or(&(xb, yb)); loop { let x0 = (xa + xb + 1) / 2; if x0 == xb || x0 == xa { break; } let y0 = lagrange_interpolate(&sorted, x0); if ya * y0 < 0. { xb = x0; yb = y0; } else { xa = x0; ya = y0; } if ya.abs() < yb.abs() { std::mem::swap(&mut xa, &mut xb); std::mem::swap(&mut ya, &mut yb); } } (xb, yb + y) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::target_quality::lagrange_bisect; #[test] fn test_bisect() { let sorted = vec![(0, 0.0), (1, 1.0), (256, 256.0 * 256.0)]; assert!(lagrange_bisect(&sorted, 0.0).0 == 0); assert!(lagrange_bisect(&sorted, 1.0).0 == 1); assert!(lagrange_bisect(&sorted, 256.0 * 256.0).0 == 256); assert!(lagrange_bisect(&sorted, 8.0).0 == 3); assert!(lagrange_bisect(&sorted, 9.0).0 == 3); assert!(lagrange_bisect(&sorted, -1.0).0 == 0); assert!(lagrange_bisect(&sorted, 2.0 * 256.0 * 256.0).0 == 256); } }