
272 lines
7 KiB

use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail};
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use path_abs::PathAbs;
use vapoursynth::prelude::*;
use vapoursynth::video_info::VideoInfo;
use super::ChunkMethod;
static VAPOURSYNTH_PLUGINS: Lazy<HashSet<String>> = Lazy::new(|| {
let environment = Environment::new().expect("Failed to initialize VapourSynth environment");
let core = environment
.expect("Failed to get VapourSynth core");
let plugins = core.plugins();
.filter_map(|plugin| {
.and_then(|slice| simdutf8::basic::from_utf8(slice).ok())
.and_then(|s| s.split(';').nth(1))
pub fn is_lsmash_installed() -> bool {
static LSMASH_PRESENT: Lazy<bool> =
Lazy::new(|| VAPOURSYNTH_PLUGINS.contains("systems.innocent.lsmas"));
pub fn is_ffms2_installed() -> bool {
static FFMS2_PRESENT: Lazy<bool> =
Lazy::new(|| VAPOURSYNTH_PLUGINS.contains("com.vapoursynth.ffms2"));
pub fn best_available_chunk_method() -> ChunkMethod {
if is_lsmash_installed() {
} else if is_ffms2_installed() {
} else {
fn get_clip_info(env: &mut Environment) -> VideoInfo {
// Get the output node.
const OUTPUT_INDEX: i32 = 0;
#[cfg(feature = "vapoursynth_new_api")]
let (node, _) = env.get_output(OUTPUT_INDEX).unwrap();
#[cfg(not(feature = "vapoursynth_new_api"))]
let node = env.get_output(OUTPUT_INDEX).unwrap();
/// Get the number of frames from an environment that has already been
/// evaluated on a script.
fn get_num_frames(env: &mut Environment) -> anyhow::Result<usize> {
let info = get_clip_info(env);
let num_frames = {
if Property::Variable == info.format {
bail!("Cannot output clips with varying format");
if Property::Variable == info.resolution {
bail!("Cannot output clips with varying dimensions");
if Property::Variable == info.framerate {
bail!("Cannot output clips with varying framerate");
#[cfg(feature = "vapoursynth_new_api")]
let num_frames = info.num_frames;
#[cfg(not(feature = "vapoursynth_new_api"))]
let num_frames = {
match info.num_frames {
Property::Variable => {
bail!("Cannot output clips with unknown length");
Property::Constant(x) => x,
assert!(num_frames != 0, "vapoursynth reported 0 frames");
fn get_frame_rate(env: &mut Environment) -> anyhow::Result<f64> {
let info = get_clip_info(env);
match info.framerate {
Property::Variable => bail!("Cannot output clips with varying framerate"),
Property::Constant(fps) => Ok(fps.numerator as f64 / fps.denominator as f64),
/// Get the bit depth from an environment that has already been
/// evaluated on a script.
fn get_bit_depth(env: &mut Environment) -> anyhow::Result<usize> {
let info = get_clip_info(env);
let bits_per_sample = {
match info.format {
Property::Variable => {
bail!("Cannot output clips with variable format");
Property::Constant(x) => x.bits_per_sample(),
Ok(bits_per_sample as usize)
/// Get the resolution from an environment that has already been
/// evaluated on a script.
fn get_resolution(env: &mut Environment) -> anyhow::Result<(u32, u32)> {
let info = get_clip_info(env);
let resolution = {
match info.resolution {
Property::Variable => {
bail!("Cannot output clips with variable resolution");
Property::Constant(x) => x,
Ok((resolution.width as u32, resolution.height as u32))
/// Get the transfer characteristics from an environment that has already been
/// evaluated on a script.
fn get_transfer(env: &mut Environment) -> anyhow::Result<u8> {
// Get the output node.
const OUTPUT_INDEX: i32 = 0;
#[cfg(feature = "vapoursynth_new_api")]
let (node, _) = env.get_output(OUTPUT_INDEX).unwrap();
#[cfg(not(feature = "vapoursynth_new_api"))]
let node = env.get_output(OUTPUT_INDEX).unwrap();
let frame = node.get_frame(0)?;
let transfer = frame
.map_err(|_| anyhow::anyhow!("Failed to get transfer characteristics from VS script"))?
as u8;
pub fn create_vs_file(
temp: &str,
source: &Path,
chunk_method: ChunkMethod,
) -> anyhow::Result<PathBuf> {
let temp: &Path = temp.as_ref();
let source = source.canonicalize()?;
let load_script_path = temp.join("split").join("loadscript.vpy");
let mut load_script = File::create(&load_script_path)?;
let cache_file = PathAbs::new(temp.join("split").join(format!(
match chunk_method {
ChunkMethod::FFMS2 => "ffindex",
ChunkMethod::LSMASH => "lwi",
_ => return Err(anyhow!("invalid chunk method")),
// TODO should probably check if the syntax for rust strings and escaping utf and stuff like that is the same as in python
"from vapoursynth import core\n\
core.{}({:?}, cachefile={:?}).set_output()",
match chunk_method {
ChunkMethod::FFMS2 => "ffms2.Source",
ChunkMethod::LSMASH => "lsmas.LWLibavSource",
_ => unreachable!(),
pub fn num_frames(source: &Path) -> anyhow::Result<usize> {
// Create a new VSScript environment.
let mut environment = Environment::new().unwrap();
// Evaluate the script.
.eval_file(source, EvalFlags::SetWorkingDir)
get_num_frames(&mut environment)
pub fn bit_depth(source: &Path) -> anyhow::Result<usize> {
// Create a new VSScript environment.
let mut environment = Environment::new().unwrap();
// Evaluate the script.
.eval_file(source, EvalFlags::SetWorkingDir)
get_bit_depth(&mut environment)
pub fn frame_rate(source: &Path) -> anyhow::Result<f64> {
// Create a new VSScript environment.
let mut environment = Environment::new().unwrap();
// Evaluate the script.
.eval_file(source, EvalFlags::SetWorkingDir)
get_frame_rate(&mut environment)
pub fn resolution(source: &Path) -> anyhow::Result<(u32, u32)> {
// Create a new VSScript environment.
let mut environment = Environment::new().unwrap();
// Evaluate the script.
.eval_file(source, EvalFlags::SetWorkingDir)
get_resolution(&mut environment)
/// Transfer characteristics as specified in ITU-T H.265 Table E.4.
pub fn transfer_characteristics(source: &Path) -> anyhow::Result<u8> {
// Create a new VSScript environment.
let mut environment = Environment::new().unwrap();
// Evaluate the script.
.eval_file(source, EvalFlags::SetWorkingDir)
get_transfer(&mut environment)