2022-06-20 19:53:07 +00:00

175 lines
4.2 KiB

use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
/// Count the number of elements passed to this macro.
/// Extra commas in between other commas are counted as an element.
macro_rules! count {
() => (0_usize);
($x:tt, $($xs:tt),*) => (1_usize + $crate::count!($($xs)*));
($x:tt, $($xs:tt)*) => (1_usize + $crate::count!($($xs)*));
($x:tt $($xs:tt)*) => (1_usize + $crate::count!($($xs)*));
/// Equivalent to `into_vec!` when the inferred type is `Cow<'_, str>`.
/// Prefer this over `into_vec!` if you are using Cow<str>, as
/// the compiler currently cannot optimize away the unnecessary
/// drops, so this will have a smaller generated code size than
/// `into_vec!` if you mix `format!` and static strings.
/// TODO: implement this optimization in rustc itself, possibly as
/// as a MIR pass.
macro_rules! inplace_vec {
($($x:expr),* $(,)?) => {{
use std::mem::{self, MaybeUninit};
use std::borrow::Cow;
const SIZE: usize = $crate::count!($($x)*);
unsafe {
let mut v: Vec<MaybeUninit<Cow<_>>> = Vec::with_capacity(SIZE);
let mut idx = 0;
v[idx] = MaybeUninit::new($x.into());
idx += 1;
mem::transmute::<_, Vec<Cow<_>>>(v)
macro_rules! ref_smallvec {
($t:ty, $size:expr, [$($x:expr),* $(,)?]$(,)?) => {{
let mut sv = SmallVec::<[&$t; $size]>::new_const();
macro_rules! into_vec {
($($x:expr),* $(,)?) => {
macro_rules! into_array {
($($x:expr),* $(,)?) => {
macro_rules! into_smallvec {
($($x:expr),* $(,)?) => {
/// Attempts to create the directory if it does not exist, logging and returning
/// and error if creating the directory failed.
macro_rules! create_dir {
($loc:expr) => {
match std::fs::create_dir(&$loc) {
Ok(_) => Ok(()),
Err(e) => match e.kind() {
std::io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists => Ok(()),
_ => {
error!("Error while creating directory {:?}: {}", &$loc, e);
pub(crate) fn printable_base10_digits(x: usize) -> u32 {
(((x as f64).log10() + 1.0).floor() as u32).max(1)
/// Reads dir and returns all files
/// Depth 1
pub fn read_in_dir(path: &Path) -> anyhow::Result<impl Iterator<Item = PathBuf>> {
let dir = std::fs::read_dir(path)?;
Ok(dir.into_iter().filter_map(Result::ok).filter_map(|d| {
if let Ok(file_type) = d.file_type() {
if file_type.is_file() {
} else {
} else {
mod tests {
use std::borrow::Cow;
fn count_macro() {
assert_eq!(crate::count!["rav1e", "-s", "10",], 3);
assert_eq!(crate::count!["rav1e", "-s", "10"], 3);
assert_eq!(crate::count!["rav1e" "-s" "10"], 3);
assert_eq!(crate::count!["rav1e", "-s", "10", ""], 4);
assert_eq!(crate::count!["rav1e" "-s" "10" ""], 4);
assert_eq!(crate::count!["rav1e" "-s", "10" ""], 4);
assert_eq!(crate::count!["rav1e" "-s" "10" "",], 4);
assert_eq!(crate::count!["rav1e", "-s", "10" "",], 4);
fn inplace_vec_capacity() {
let v: Vec<Cow<'static, str>> = crate::inplace_vec!["hello", format!("{}", 4), "world"];
assert_eq!(v.capacity(), 3);
// with trailing comma
let v: Vec<Cow<'static, str>> = crate::inplace_vec!["hello", format!("{}", 4), "world",];
assert_eq!(v.capacity(), 3);
let v: Vec<Cow<'static, str>> =
crate::inplace_vec!["hello", format!("{}", 4), "world", 5.to_string(), "!!!"];
assert_eq!(v.capacity(), 5);
fn inplace_vec_is_sound() {
let v1: Vec<Cow<'static, str>> = crate::inplace_vec!["hello", format!("{}", 4), "world"];
let v2: Vec<Cow<'static, str>> = crate::into_vec!["hello", format!("{}", 4), "world"];
assert_eq!(v1, v2);