Description ----------- This is an event-based IRC client library. It is a fork of [thoj/go-ircevent]( Features -------- * Event-based: register callbacks for IRC commands * Handles reconnections * Supports SASL * Supports requesting [IRCv3 capabilities]( * Advanced IRCv3 support, including [batch]( and [labeled-response]( Example ------- See [examples/simple.go](examples/simple.go) for a working example, but this illustrates the API: ```go irc := ircevent.Connection{ Server: "", UseTLS: true, Nick: "ircevent-test", Debug: true, RequestCaps: []string{"server-time", "message-tags"}, } irc.AddConnectCallback(func(e ircmsg.Message) { irc.Join("#ircevent-test") }) irc.AddCallback("PRIVMSG", func(event ircmsg.Message) { // event.Source is the source; // event.Params[0] is the target (the channel or nickname the message was sent to) // and event.Params[1] is the message itself }); err := irc.Connect() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } irc.Loop() ``` The read loop executes all callbacks in serial on a single goroutine, respecting the order in which messages are received from the server. All callbacks must complete before the next message can be processed; if your callback needs to trigger a long-running task, you should spin off a new goroutine for it. Commands -------- These methods can be used from inside callbacks, or externally: irc.Send(command, params...) irc.SendWithTags(tags, command, params...) irc.Join(channel) irc.Privmsg(target, message) irc.Privmsgf(target, formatString, params...) The `ircevent.Connection` object is synchronized internally, so these methods can be run from any goroutine without external locking.