Shivaram Lingamneni 3b160198e9 fix #64
Add (*Connection).DialContext for configurable dialing, including proxies;
add an example that uses a SOCKS proxy.
2022-06-20 00:24:08 -04:00

830 lines
20 KiB

// Copyright 2009 Thomas Jager <> All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Here's the concurrency design of this project (largely unchanged from thoj/go-ircevent):
Connect() spawns 3 goroutines (readLoop, writeLoop, pingLoop). The client then
calls Loop(), which monitors their state. Loop() will wait for them
to make a clean stop and then run another Connect(). The system can be
interrupted asynchronously by sending a message, e.g, with Privmsg(), or by
calling Reconnect() (which disconnects and forces a reconnection), or by calling
Quit(), which sends QUIT to the server and will eventually stop the Loop().
The stop mechanism is to close the (*Connection).end channel (which is only closed,
never sent-on normally), so every blocking operation in the 3 loops must also
select on `end` to make sure it stops in a timely fashion.
package ircevent
import (
const (
Version = "ergochat/irc-go"
// prefix for keepalive ping parameters
keepalivePrefix = "KeepAlive-"
maxlenTags = 8192
writeQueueSize = 10
defaultNick = "ircevent"
CAPTimeout = time.Second * 15
var (
ClientDisconnected = errors.New("Could not send because client is disconnected")
ServerTimedOut = errors.New("Server did not respond in time")
ServerDisconnected = errors.New("Disconnected by server")
SASLFailed = errors.New("SASL setup timed out. Does the server support SASL?")
CapabilityNotNegotiated = errors.New("The IRCv3 capability required for this was not negotiated")
NoLabeledResponse = errors.New("The server failed to send a labeled response to the command")
serverDidNotQuit = errors.New("server did not respond to QUIT")
clientHasQuit = errors.New("client has called Quit()")
// Call this on an error forcing a disconnection:
// record the error, then close the `end` channel, stopping all goroutines
func (irc *Connection) setError(err error) {
defer irc.stateMutex.Unlock()
if irc.lastError == nil {
irc.lastError = err
func (irc *Connection) getError() error {
defer irc.stateMutex.Unlock()
return irc.lastError
// Send a keepalive PING in our timestamp-based format
func (irc *Connection) ping() {
param := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", keepalivePrefix, time.Now().UnixNano())
irc.Send("PING", param)
// Interpret the PONG from a keepalive ping
func (irc *Connection) recordPong(param string) {
ts := strings.TrimPrefix(param, keepalivePrefix)
if ts == param {
t, err := strconv.ParseInt(ts, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
if irc.Debug {
pong := time.Unix(0, t)
irc.Log.Printf("Lag: %v\n", time.Since(pong))
defer irc.stateMutex.Unlock()
irc.pingSent = false
// Read data from a connection. To be used as a goroutine.
func (irc *Connection) readLoop() {
defer irc.wg.Done()
defer func() {
if irc.registered {
msgChan := make(chan string)
errChan := make(chan error)
go readMsgLoop(irc.socket, irc.MaxLineLen, msgChan, errChan, irc.end)
lastExpireCheck := time.Now()
for {
select {
case <-irc.end:
case msg := <-msgChan:
if irc.Debug {
irc.Log.Printf("<-- %s\n", strings.TrimSpace(msg))
parsedMsg, err := ircmsg.ParseLine(msg)
if err == nil {
} else {
irc.Log.Printf("invalid message from server: %v\n", err)
case err := <-errChan:
if irc.batchNegotiated() && time.Since(lastExpireCheck) > irc.Timeout {
lastExpireCheck = time.Now()
func readMsgLoop(socket net.Conn, maxLineLen int, msgChan chan string, errChan chan error, end chan empty) {
var reader ircreader.Reader
reader.Initialize(socket, 1024, maxLineLen+maxlenTags)
for {
msgBytes, err := reader.ReadLine()
if err == nil {
select {
case msgChan <- string(msgBytes):
case <-end:
} else {
select {
case errChan <- err:
case <-end:
// Loop to write to a connection. To be used as a goroutine.
func (irc *Connection) writeLoop() {
defer irc.wg.Done()
for {
select {
case <-irc.end:
case b := <-irc.pwrite:
if len(b) == 0 {
if irc.Debug {
irc.Log.Printf("--> %s\n", bytes.TrimSpace(b))
if irc.Timeout != 0 {
_, err := irc.socket.Write(b)
if irc.Timeout != 0 {
if err != nil {
// check the status of the connection and take appropriate action
func (irc *Connection) processTick(tick int) {
var err error
var shouldPing, shouldRenick bool
defer func() {
if err != nil {
if shouldPing {
if shouldRenick {
irc.Send("NICK", irc.PreferredNick())
defer irc.stateMutex.Unlock()
// XXX: handle the server ignoring QUIT
if irc.quit && time.Since(irc.quitAt) >= irc.Timeout {
err = serverDidNotQuit
if irc.pingSent {
// unacked PING is fatal
err = ServerTimedOut
pingModulus := int(irc.KeepAlive / irc.Timeout)
if tick%pingModulus == 0 {
shouldPing = true
irc.pingSent = true
if irc.currentNick != irc.Nick {
shouldRenick = true
// handles all periodic tasks for the connection:
// 1. sending PING approximately every KeepAlive seconds, monitoring for PONG
// 2. fixing up NICK if we didn't get our preferred one
func (irc *Connection) pingLoop() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(irc.Timeout)
defer func() {
tick := 0
for {
select {
case <-irc.end:
case <-ticker.C:
func (irc *Connection) isQuitting() bool {
defer irc.stateMutex.Unlock()
return irc.quit
// Main loop to control the connection.
func (irc *Connection) Loop() {
var lastReconnect time.Time
for {
if irc.isQuitting() {
if err := irc.getError(); err != nil {
irc.Log.Printf("Error, disconnected: %s\n", err)
delay := time.Until(lastReconnect.Add(irc.ReconnectFreq))
if delay > 0 {
if irc.Debug {
irc.Log.Printf("Waiting %v to reconnect", delay)
t := time.NewTimer(delay)
select {
case <-t.C:
case <-irc.reconnSig:
lastReconnect = time.Now()
err := irc.Connect()
if err != nil {
// we are still stopped, the stop checks will return immediately
irc.Log.Printf("Error while reconnecting: %s\n", err)
// wait for all goroutines to stop. XXX: this is not safe for concurrent
// use, call only from Connect() and Loop() (which will be on the same
// client goroutine)
func (irc *Connection) waitForStop() {
irc.wg.Wait() // wait for readLoop and pingLoop to terminate fully
if irc.socket != nil {
// Quit the current connection and disconnect from the server
// RFC 1459 details:
func (irc *Connection) Quit() {
quitMessage := irc.QuitMessage
if quitMessage == "" {
quitMessage = irc.Version
now := time.Now()
irc.quit = true
irc.quitAt = now
// the server will respond to this by closing our connection;
// if it doesn't, pingLoop will eventually notice and close it
irc.Send("QUIT", quitMessage)
func (irc *Connection) sendInternal(b []byte) (err error) {
// XXX ensure that (end, pwrite) are from the same instantiation of Connect;
// invocations of this function from callbacks originating in readLoop
// do not need this synchronization (indeed they cannot occur at a time when
// `end` is closed), but invocations from outside do (even though the race window
// is very small).
running := irc.running
end := irc.end
pwrite := irc.pwrite
if !running {
return ClientDisconnected
select {
case pwrite <- b:
return nil
case <-end:
return ClientDisconnected
// Send a built ircmsg.Message.
func (irc *Connection) SendIRCMessage(msg ircmsg.Message) error {
b, err := msg.LineBytesStrict(true, irc.MaxLineLen)
if err != nil && !(irc.AllowTruncation && err == ircmsg.ErrorBodyTooLong) {
if irc.Debug {
irc.Log.Printf("couldn't assemble message: %v\n", err)
return err
return irc.sendInternal(b)
// Send an IRC message with tags.
func (irc *Connection) SendWithTags(tags map[string]string, command string, params ...string) error {
return irc.SendIRCMessage(ircmsg.MakeMessage(tags, "", command, params...))
// Send an IRC message without tags.
func (irc *Connection) Send(command string, params ...string) error {
return irc.SendWithTags(nil, command, params...)
// SendWithLabel sends an IRC message using the IRCv3 labeled-response specification.
// Instead of being processed by normal event handlers, the server response to the
// command will be collected into a *Batch and passed to the provided callback.
// If the server fails to respond correctly, the callback will be invoked with `nil`
// as the argument.
func (irc *Connection) SendWithLabel(callback func(*Batch), tags map[string]string, command string, params ...string) error {
if !irc.labelNegotiated() {
return CapabilityNotNegotiated
label := irc.registerLabel(callback)
msg := ircmsg.MakeMessage(tags, "", command, params...)
msg.SetTag("label", label)
err := irc.SendIRCMessage(msg)
if err != nil {
return err
// GetLabeledResponse sends an IRC message using the IRCv3 labeled-response
// specification, then synchronously waits for the response, which is returned
// as a *Batch. If the server fails to respond correctly, an error will be
// returned.
func (irc *Connection) GetLabeledResponse(tags map[string]string, command string, params ...string) (batch *Batch, err error) {
done := make(chan empty)
err = irc.SendWithLabel(func(b *Batch) {
batch = b
}, tags, command, params...)
if err != nil {
if batch == nil {
err = NoLabeledResponse
// Send a raw string.
func (irc *Connection) SendRaw(message string) error {
mlen := len(message)
buf := make([]byte, mlen+2)
copy(buf[:mlen], message[:])
copy(buf[mlen:], "\r\n")
return irc.sendInternal(buf)
// Use the connection to join a given channel.
// RFC 1459 details:
func (irc *Connection) Join(channel string) error {
return irc.Send("JOIN", channel)
// Leave a given channel.
// RFC 1459 details:
func (irc *Connection) Part(channel string) error {
return irc.Send("PART", channel)
// Send a notification to a nickname. This is similar to Privmsg but must not receive replies.
// RFC 1459 details:
func (irc *Connection) Notice(target, message string) error {
return irc.Send("NOTICE", target, message)
// Send a formated notification to a nickname.
// RFC 1459 details:
func (irc *Connection) Noticef(target, format string, a ...interface{}) error {
return irc.Notice(target, fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// Send (private) message to a target (channel or nickname).
// RFC 1459 details:
func (irc *Connection) Privmsg(target, message string) error {
return irc.Send("PRIVMSG", target, message)
// Send formated string to specified target (channel or nickname).
func (irc *Connection) Privmsgf(target, format string, a ...interface{}) error {
return irc.Privmsg(target, fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// Send (action) message to a target (channel or nickname).
// No clear RFC on this one...
func (irc *Connection) Action(target, message string) error {
return irc.Privmsg(target, fmt.Sprintf("\001ACTION %s\001", message))
// Send formatted (action) message to a target (channel or nickname).
func (irc *Connection) Actionf(target, format string, a ...interface{}) error {
return irc.Action(target, fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// Set (new) nickname.
// RFC 1459 details:
func (irc *Connection) SetNick(n string) {
irc.Nick = n
irc.Send("NICK", n)
// Determine nick currently used with the connection.
func (irc *Connection) CurrentNick() string {
defer irc.stateMutex.Unlock()
return irc.currentNick
// Returns the expected or desired nickname for the connection;
// if the real nickname is different, the client will periodically
// attempt to change to this one.
func (irc *Connection) PreferredNick() string {
defer irc.stateMutex.Unlock()
return irc.Nick
func (irc *Connection) setCurrentNick(nick string) {
defer irc.stateMutex.Unlock()
irc.currentNick = nick
// Return IRCv3 CAPs actually enabled on the connection, together
// with their values if applicable. The resulting map is shared,
// so do not modify it.
func (irc *Connection) AcknowledgedCaps() (result map[string]string) {
defer irc.stateMutex.Unlock()
return irc.capsAcked
// Returns the 005 RPL_ISUPPORT tokens sent by the server when the
// connection was initiated, parsed into key-value form as a map.
// The resulting map is shared, so do not modify it.
func (irc *Connection) ISupport() (result map[string]string) {
defer irc.stateMutex.Unlock()
// XXX modifications to isupport are not permitted after registration
return irc.isupport
// Returns true if the connection is connected to an IRC server.
func (irc *Connection) Connected() bool {
defer irc.stateMutex.Unlock()
return irc.running
// Reconnect forces the client to reconnect to the server.
// TODO try to ensure buffered messages are sent?
func (irc *Connection) Reconnect() {
select {
case irc.reconnSig <- empty{}:
func (irc *Connection) closeEnd() {
defer irc.stateMutex.Unlock()
func (irc *Connection) closeEndNoMutex() {
if irc.running {
irc.running = false
func (irc *Connection) dial() (socket net.Conn, err error) {
if irc.DialContext == nil {
irc.DialContext = (&net.Dialer{}).DialContext
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), irc.Timeout)
defer cancel()
socket, err = irc.DialContext(ctx, "tcp", irc.Server)
if err != nil {
if !irc.UseTLS {
// see tls.DialWithDialer
if irc.TLSConfig == nil {
irc.TLSConfig = &tls.Config{}
if irc.TLSConfig.ServerName == "" && !irc.TLSConfig.InsecureSkipVerify {
host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(irc.Server)
if err == nil {
irc.TLSConfig.ServerName = host
} else {
irc.TLSConfig.ServerName = irc.Server
tlsSocket := tls.Client(socket, irc.TLSConfig)
err = tlsSocket.HandshakeContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return tlsSocket, nil
// Connect to a given server using the current connection configuration.
// This function also takes care of identification if a password is provided.
// RFC 1459 details:
func (irc *Connection) Connect() (err error) {
// invariant: after Connect we are in one of two states:
// (a) success: return nil, socket open, goroutines launched, ready for Loop
// (b) failure: return error, socket closed, goroutines stopped,
// ready for another call to Connect (possibly from Loop)
err = func() error {
defer irc.stateMutex.Unlock()
if irc.quit {
return clientHasQuit // check this again in case of Quit() while we were asleep
// mark Server as stopped since there can be an error during connect
irc.running = false
irc.socket = nil
irc.currentNick = ""
irc.lastError = nil
irc.pingSent = false
if irc.Server == "" {
return errors.New("No server provided")
if len(irc.Nick) == 0 {
irc.Nick = defaultNick
if irc.User == "" {
irc.User = irc.Nick
if irc.Log == nil {
irc.Log = log.New(os.Stdout, "", log.LstdFlags)
if irc.KeepAlive == 0 {
irc.KeepAlive = 4 * time.Minute
if irc.Timeout == 0 {
irc.Timeout = 1 * time.Minute
if irc.KeepAlive < irc.Timeout {
return errors.New("KeepAlive must be at least Timeout")
if irc.ReconnectFreq == 0 {
irc.ReconnectFreq = 2 * time.Minute
if irc.SASLLogin != "" && irc.SASLPassword != "" {
irc.UseSASL = true
if irc.UseSASL {
// ensure 'sasl' is in the cap list if necessary
if !sliceContains("sasl", irc.RequestCaps) {
irc.RequestCaps = append(irc.RequestCaps, "sasl")
if irc.SASLMech == "" {
irc.SASLMech = "PLAIN"
if irc.SASLMech != "PLAIN" {
return errors.New("only SASL PLAIN is supported")
if irc.MaxLineLen == 0 {
irc.MaxLineLen = 512
if irc.Version == "" {
irc.Version = Version
// this only runs on first Connect() invocation;
// unlike other synch primitives it is shared across reconnections:
if irc.reconnSig == nil {
irc.reconnSig = make(chan empty)
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
if irc.Debug {
irc.Log.Printf("Connecting to %s (TLS: %t)\n", irc.Server, irc.UseTLS)
socket, err := irc.dial()
if err != nil {
return err
if irc.Debug {
irc.Log.Printf("Connected to %s (%s)\n", irc.Server, socket.RemoteAddr())
// reset all connection state
irc.socket = socket
irc.running = true
irc.end = make(chan empty)
irc.pwrite = make(chan []byte, writeQueueSize)
irc.capsChan = make(chan capResult, len(irc.RequestCaps))
irc.saslChan = make(chan saslResult, 1)
irc.welcomeChan = make(chan empty, 1)
irc.registered = false
irc.isupportPartial = make(map[string]string)
irc.isupport = nil
irc.capsAcked = make(map[string]string)
irc.capsAdvertised = nil
irc.batches = make(map[string]batchInProgress)
irc.labelCallbacks = make(map[int64]pendingLabel)
irc.labelCounter = 0
go irc.readLoop()
go irc.writeLoop()
go irc.pingLoop()
// now we have an open socket and goroutines; we need to clean up
// if there's a layer 7 failure
defer func() {
if err != nil {
if len(irc.WebIRC) > 0 {
irc.Send("WEBIRC", irc.WebIRC...)
if len(irc.Password) > 0 {
irc.Send("PASS", irc.Password)
err = irc.negotiateCaps()
if err != nil {
return err
realname := irc.User
if irc.RealName != "" {
realname = irc.RealName
irc.Send("NICK", irc.PreferredNick())
irc.Send("USER", irc.User, "s", "e", realname)
timeout := time.NewTimer(irc.Timeout)
defer timeout.Stop()
select {
case <-irc.welcomeChan:
case <-irc.end:
err = ServerDisconnected
case <-timeout.C:
err = ServerTimedOut
// Negotiate IRCv3 capabilities
func (irc *Connection) negotiateCaps() error {
if len(irc.RequestCaps) == 0 {
return nil
var acknowledgedCaps []string
defer func() {
irc.Send("CAP", "LS", "302")
defer func() {
irc.Send("CAP", "END")
remaining_caps := len(irc.RequestCaps)
timer := time.NewTimer(CAPTimeout)
for remaining_caps > 0 {
select {
case result := <-irc.capsChan:
if result.ack {
acknowledgedCaps = append(acknowledgedCaps, result.capName)
case <-timer.C:
// The server probably doesn't implement CAP LS, which is "normal".
return nil
case <-irc.end:
return ServerDisconnected
saslError := func(err error) error {
if !irc.SASLOptional {
return err
} else {
return nil
if irc.UseSASL {
if !sliceContains("sasl", acknowledgedCaps) {
return saslError(SASLFailed)
} else {
irc.Send("AUTHENTICATE", irc.SASLMech)
timeout := time.NewTimer(CAPTimeout)
defer timeout.Stop()
select {
case res := <-irc.saslChan:
if res.Failed {
return saslError(res.Err)
case <-timeout.C:
// if we expect to be able to SASL, failure to SASL should be treated
// as a connection error:
return saslError(SASLFailed)
case <-irc.end:
return ServerDisconnected
return nil