
314 lines
9.4 KiB

package ass
import (
type Renderer struct {
Header []string
RunningBuffer []*line.EventLine
Display shapes.Rectangle[float64]
Statistics map[uint16]rendererStatsEntry
func NewRenderer(title string, frameRate float64, display shapes.Rectangle[float64]) *Renderer {
width := int64(display.Width() * settings.GlobalSettings.VideoScaleMultiplier)
height := int64(display.Height() * settings.GlobalSettings.VideoScaleMultiplier)
ar := float64(width) / float64(height)
frameRate *= settings.GlobalSettings.VideoRateMultiplier
return &Renderer{
Statistics: make(map[uint16]rendererStatsEntry),
Display: display,
Header: []string{
"[Script Info]",
"; Script generated by swf2ass Renderer",
"; https://git.gammaspectra.live/WeebDataHoarder/swf2ass-go",
fmt.Sprintf("Title: %s", title),
"ScriptType: v4.00+",
//TODO: WrapStyle: 0 or 2?
"WrapStyle: 2",
"ScaledBorderAndShadow: yes",
"YCbCr Matrix: PC.709",
fmt.Sprintf("PlayResX: %d", width),
fmt.Sprintf("PlayResY: %d", height),
fmt.Sprintf("LayoutResX: %d", width),
fmt.Sprintf("LayoutResY: %d", height),
"[Aegisub Project Garbage]",
"Last Style Storage: f",
fmt.Sprintf("Video File: ?dummy:%s:10000:%d:%d:160:160:160:c", strconv.FormatFloat(frameRate, 'f', -1, 64), width, height),
fmt.Sprintf("Video AR Value: %s", strconv.FormatFloat(ar, 'f', -1, 64)),
"Active Line: 0",
"Video Zoom Percent: 2.000000",
"[V4+ Styles]",
"Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding",
fmt.Sprintf("Style: %s,Arial,20,&H00000000,&H00000000,&H00000000,&H00000000,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,0,0,7,0,0,0,1", line.StyleFill),
fmt.Sprintf("Style: %s,Arial,20,&H00000000,&H00000000,&H00000000,&H00000000,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,0,0,7,0,0,0,1", line.StyleLine),
"Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text",
func (r *Renderer) RenderFrame(frameInfo types.FrameInformation, frame types.RenderedFrame, keyframeInterval, flushInterval, flushCountLimit int) (result []string) {
if len(r.Header) != 0 {
result = append(result, r.Header...)
r.Header = nil
slices.SortStableFunc(frame, RenderedObjectDepthSort)
var linesKeptOrTransitioned []*line.EventLine
var linesNotTransitioned []*line.EventLine
scale := math.ScaleTransform(math.NewVector2(settings.GlobalSettings.VideoScaleMultiplier, settings.GlobalSettings.VideoScaleMultiplier))
animated := 0
viewPortClip := shapes.NewClipPath(r.Display.Draw()).ApplyMatrixTransform(scale, true)
for _, object := range frame {
obEntry := *BakeRenderedObjectsFillables(object)
object = &obEntry
if _, ok := r.Statistics[object.ObjectId]; !ok {
r.Statistics[object.ObjectId] = rendererStatsEntry{
Frames: &atomic.Uint64{},
Lines: &atomic.Uint64{},
Size: &atomic.Uint64{},
object.MatrixTransform = scale.Multiply(object.MatrixTransform) //TODO: order?
if object.Clip != nil {
//apply scale, then clip to viewPort
newClip := object.Clip.ApplyMatrixTransform(scale, true)
newClipIntersected := newClip.Intersect(viewPortClip)
if len(newClipIntersected.Clip.Pol) == 0 {
//shape clip does not intersect with viewport! we can safely drop this
diffPol := viewPortClip.Clip.Pol.Construct(polyclip.DIFFERENCE, newClipIntersected.Clip.Pol)
if len(diffPol) == 0 {
//omit viewport that is exactly the display area
object.Clip = nil
} else {
object.Clip = newClipIntersected
depth := object.GetDepth()
var tagsToTransition []*line.EventLine
for i := len(r.RunningBuffer) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
tag := r.RunningBuffer[i]
if depth.Equals(tag.Layer) && object.ObjectId == tag.ObjectId && (keyframeInterval == 0 || tag.GetDuration() < int64(keyframeInterval)) {
tagsToTransition = append(tagsToTransition, tag)
r.RunningBuffer = slices.Delete(r.RunningBuffer, i, i+1)
canTransition := true
var transitionedTags []*line.EventLine
for _, tag := range tagsToTransition {
tag = tag.Transition(frameInfo, object)
if tag != nil {
transitionedTags = append(transitionedTags, tag)
} else {
canTransition = false
if canTransition && len(transitionedTags) > 0 {
animated += len(transitionedTags)
linesKeptOrTransitioned = append(linesKeptOrTransitioned, transitionedTags...)
} else {
linesNotTransitioned = append(linesNotTransitioned, tagsToTransition...)
for _, l := range line.EventLinesFromRenderObject(frameInfo, object, settings.GlobalSettings.ASSBakeMatrixTransforms) {
linesKeptOrTransitioned = append(linesKeptOrTransitioned, l)
//Flush tags that explicitly could not transition
result = append(result, r.flush(frameInfo, linesNotTransitioned)...)
var tagsToKeep []*line.EventLine
if flushInterval > 0 {
//loop things kept in buffer that could not transition, and see which must be flushed
for i := len(r.RunningBuffer) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
eventLine := r.RunningBuffer[i]
// keep tag for further transitions, BUT try to hide it
if flushInterval == 0 || eventLine.GetSinceLastTransition() < int64(flushInterval) {
eventLine := eventLine.TransitionVisible(frameInfo, false)
if eventLine != nil {
//we can transition!
tagsToKeep = append(tagsToKeep, eventLine)
r.RunningBuffer = slices.Delete(r.RunningBuffer, i, i+1)
if len(tagsToKeep) > flushCountLimit {
slices.SortFunc(tagsToKeep, func(a, b *line.EventLine) int {
return int(a.GetSinceLastTransition() - b.GetSinceLastTransition())
//append back tail of buffer
r.RunningBuffer = append(r.RunningBuffer, tagsToKeep[flushCountLimit:]...)
tagsToKeep = tagsToKeep[:flushCountLimit]
fmt.Printf("[ASS] Total %d objects, %d flush, %d buffer, %d kept, %d animated tags.\n", len(frame), len(r.RunningBuffer)+len(linesNotTransitioned), len(linesKeptOrTransitioned), len(tagsToKeep), animated)
linesKeptOrTransitioned = append(linesKeptOrTransitioned, tagsToKeep...)
//Flush non dupes on Running buffer
result = append(result, r.Flush(frameInfo)...)
r.RunningBuffer = linesKeptOrTransitioned
return result
func threadedRenderer(stats map[uint16]rendererStatsEntry, buf []*line.EventLine, duration time.Duration) []string {
if len(buf) == 0 {
return nil
results := make([]string, len(buf))
var cnt atomic.Uint64
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < min(len(buf), runtime.NumCPU()); i++ {
go func(n int) {
defer wg.Done()
for {
i := cnt.Add(1) - 1
if i >= uint64(len(buf)) {
l := buf[i]
var hasColor bool
for _, t := range l.Tags {
if ct, ok := t.(tag.ColorTag); ok && ct.HasColor() {
hasColor = true
if !hasColor {
//skip lines without any color at all
l.Name += fmt.Sprintf(" f:%d>%d~%d", l.Start, l.LastTransition, l.LastTransition-l.Start+1)
encode := l.Encode(duration)
results[i] = encode
return results
func (r *Renderer) Flush(frameInfo types.FrameInformation) (result []string) {
result = r.flush(frameInfo, r.RunningBuffer)
r.RunningBuffer = r.RunningBuffer[:0]
func (r *Renderer) flush(frameInfo types.FrameInformation, buf []*line.EventLine) (result []string) {
return threadedRenderer(r.Statistics, buf, frameInfo.GetFrameDuration())
func BakeRenderedObjectsFillables(o *types.RenderedObject) *types.RenderedObject {
var baked bool
drawPathList := make(shapes.DrawPathList, 0, len(o.DrawPathList))
for _, command := range o.DrawPathList {
if fillStyleRecord, ok := command.Style.(*shapes.FillStyleRecord); ok && !fillStyleRecord.IsFlat() {
baked = true
flattened := fillStyleRecord.Flatten(command.Shape)
drawPathList = append(drawPathList, flattened...)
} else {
drawPathList = append(drawPathList, command)
if baked {
return &types.RenderedObject{
Depth: o.Depth,
ObjectId: o.ObjectId,
DrawPathList: drawPathList,
Clip: o.Clip,
ColorTransform: o.ColorTransform,
MatrixTransform: o.MatrixTransform,
} else {
return o
func RenderedObjectDepthSort(a, b *types.RenderedObject) int {
if len(b.Depth) > len(a.Depth) {
for i, depth := range b.Depth {
var otherDepth uint16
if i < len(a.Depth) {
otherDepth = a.Depth[i]
if depth != otherDepth {
return int(otherDepth) - int(depth)
} else {
for i, depth := range a.Depth {
var otherDepth uint16
if i < len(b.Depth) {
otherDepth = b.Depth[i]
if depth != otherDepth {
return int(depth) - int(otherDepth)
return 0