
268 lines
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package records
import (
stdmath "math"
const BezierRecursionLimit = 32
const BezierCurveCollinearityEpsilon = 1e-30
const BezierCurveAngleToleranceEpsilon = 0.01
const BezierCurveAngleTolerance = 0.4
// CubicRecursiveBezier Converts a Cubic bezier curve into line segments
func CubicRecursiveBezier(points []math.Vector2[float64], cuspLimit, angleTolerance, distanceToleranceSquare float64, v1, v2, v3, v4 math.Vector2[float64], level uint) []math.Vector2[float64] {
if level > BezierRecursionLimit {
return points
// Calculate all the mid-points of the line segments
mid12 := v1.AddVector(v2).Divide(2)
mid23 := v2.AddVector(v3).Divide(2)
mid34 := v3.AddVector(v4).Divide(2)
mid123 := mid12.AddVector(mid23).Divide(2)
mid234 := mid23.AddVector(mid34).Divide(2)
mid1234 := mid123.AddVector(mid234).Divide(2)
// Try to approximate the full cubic curve by a single straight line
dx := v4.X - v1.X
dy := v4.Y - v1.Y
d2 := stdmath.Abs((v2.X-v4.X)*dy - (v2.Y-v4.Y)*dx)
d3 := stdmath.Abs((v3.X-v4.X)*dy - (v3.Y-v4.Y)*dx)
var da1, da2, k float64
var val int
if d2 > BezierCurveCollinearityEpsilon {
val = 1 << 1
if d3 > BezierCurveCollinearityEpsilon {
val = 1
switch val {
case 0:
// All collinear OR p1==p4
k = dx*dx + dy*dy
if k == 0 {
d2 = v1.SquaredDistance(v2)
d3 = v4.SquaredDistance(v3)
} else {
k = 1 / k
da1 = v2.X - v1.X
da2 = v2.Y - v1.Y
d2 = k * (da1*dx + da2*dy)
da1 = v3.X - v1.X
da2 = v3.Y - v1.Y
d3 = k * (da1*dx + da2*dy)
if d2 > 0 && d2 < 1 && d3 > 0 && d3 < 1 {
// Simple collinear case, 1---2---3---4
// We can leave just two endpoints
return points
if d2 <= 0 {
d2 = v2.SquaredDistance(v1)
} else if d2 >= 1 {
d2 = v2.SquaredDistance(v4)
} else {
d2 = v2.SquaredDistance(v1.AddVector(math.NewVector2(d2*dx, d2*dy)))
if d3 <= 0 {
d3 = v3.SquaredDistance(v1)
} else if d3 >= 1 {
d3 = v3.SquaredDistance(v4)
} else {
d3 = v3.SquaredDistance(v1.AddVector(math.NewVector2(d2*dx, d2*dy)))
if d2 > d3 {
if d2 < distanceToleranceSquare {
return append(points, v2)
} else {
if d3 < distanceToleranceSquare {
return append(points, v3)
case 1:
// p1,p2,p4 are collinear, p3 is significant
if d3*d3 <= distanceToleranceSquare*(dx*dx+dy*dy) {
if angleTolerance < BezierCurveAngleToleranceEpsilon {
return append(points, mid23)
// Angle Condition
da1 = stdmath.Abs(stdmath.Atan2(v4.Y-v3.Y, v4.X-v3.X) - stdmath.Atan2(v3.Y-v2.Y, v3.X-v2.X))
if da1 >= stdmath.Pi {
da1 = 2*stdmath.Pi - da1
if da1 < angleTolerance {
return append(points, v2, v3)
if cuspLimit != 0.0 {
if da1 > cuspLimit {
return append(points, v3)
case 2:
// p1,p3,p4 are collinear, p2 is significant
if d2*d2 <= distanceToleranceSquare*(dx*dx+dy*dy) {
if angleTolerance < BezierCurveAngleToleranceEpsilon {
return append(points, mid23)
// Angle Condition
da1 = stdmath.Abs(stdmath.Atan2(v3.Y-v2.Y, v3.X-v2.X) - stdmath.Atan2(v2.Y-v1.Y, v2.X-v1.X))
if da1 >= stdmath.Pi {
da1 = 2*stdmath.Pi - da1
if da1 < angleTolerance {
return append(points, v2, v3)
if cuspLimit != 0.0 {
if da1 > cuspLimit {
return append(points, v2)
case 3:
// Regular case
if (d2+d3)*(d2+d3) <= distanceToleranceSquare*(dx*dx+dy*dy) {
// If the curvature doesn't exceed the distance_tolerance value
// we tend to finish subdivisions.
if angleTolerance < BezierCurveAngleToleranceEpsilon {
return append(points, mid23)
// Angle & Cusp Condition
k = stdmath.Atan2(v3.Y-v2.Y, v3.X-v2.X)
da1 = stdmath.Abs(k - stdmath.Atan2(v2.Y-v1.Y, v2.X-v1.X))
da2 = stdmath.Abs(stdmath.Atan2(v4.Y-v3.Y, v4.X-v3.X) - k)
if da1 >= stdmath.Pi {
da1 = 2*stdmath.Pi - da1
if da2 >= stdmath.Pi {
da2 = 2*stdmath.Pi - da2
if da1+da2 < angleTolerance {
// Finally we can stop the recursion
return append(points, mid23)
if cuspLimit != 0.0 {
if da1 > cuspLimit {
return append(points, v2)
if da2 > cuspLimit {
return append(points, v3)
// Continue subdivision
points = CubicRecursiveBezier(points, cuspLimit, angleTolerance, distanceToleranceSquare, v1, mid12, mid123, mid1234, level+1)
return CubicRecursiveBezier(points, cuspLimit, angleTolerance, distanceToleranceSquare, mid1234, mid234, mid34, v4, level+1)
// QuadraticRecursiveBezier Converts a Quadratic bezier curve into line segments
func QuadraticRecursiveBezier(points []math.Vector2[float64], angleTolerance, distanceToleranceSquare float64, v1, v2, v3 math.Vector2[float64], level uint) []math.Vector2[float64] {
if level > BezierRecursionLimit {
return points
// Calculate all the mid-points of the line segments
mid12 := v1.AddVector(v2).Divide(2)
mid23 := v2.AddVector(v3).Divide(2)
mid123 := mid12.AddVector(mid23).Divide(2)
dx := v3.X - v1.X
dy := v3.Y - v1.Y
d := stdmath.Abs((v2.X-v3.X)*dy - (v2.Y-v3.Y)*dx)
if d > BezierCurveCollinearityEpsilon {
// Regular case
if d*d <= distanceToleranceSquare*(dx*dx+dy*dy) {
// If the curvature doesn't exceed the distance_tolerance value
// we tend to finish subdivisions.
if angleTolerance < BezierCurveAngleToleranceEpsilon {
return append(points, mid123)
// Angle & Cusp Condition
da := stdmath.Abs(stdmath.Atan2(v3.Y-v2.Y, v3.X-v2.X) - stdmath.Atan2(v2.Y-v1.Y, v2.X-v1.X))
if da >= stdmath.Pi {
da = 2*stdmath.Pi - da
if da < angleTolerance {
// Finally we can stop the recursion
return append(points, mid123)
} else {
// Collinear case
da := dx*dx + dy*dy
if da == 0 {
d = v1.SquaredDistance(v2)
} else {
d = ((v2.X-v1.X)*dx + (v2.Y-v1.Y)*dy) / da
if d > 0 && d < 1 {
// Simple collinear case, 1---2---3
// We can leave just two endpoints
return points
if d <= 0 {
d = v2.SquaredDistance(v1)
} else if d >= 1 {
d = v2.SquaredDistance(v3)
} else {
d = v2.SquaredDistance(v1.AddVector(math.NewVector2(d*dx, d*dy)))
if d < distanceToleranceSquare {
return append(points, v2)
// Continue subdivision
points = QuadraticRecursiveBezier(points, angleTolerance, distanceToleranceSquare, v1, mid12, mid123, level+1)
return QuadraticRecursiveBezier(points, angleTolerance, distanceToleranceSquare, mid123, mid23, v3, level+1)