
139 lines
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package shapes
import "git.gammaspectra.live/WeebDataHoarder/swf2ass-go/types/math"
type StrokeConverter struct {
HalfWidth float64
MiterLimit float64
Cap Capper
Join Joiner
Position math.Vector2[float64]
Segment [2]PathSegment[float64]
type Capper func(from, to math.Vector2[float64]) PathSegment[float64]
type Joiner func(from, to math.Vector2[float64]) PathSegment[float64]
var ButtCapper Capper = func(from, to math.Vector2[float64]) PathSegment[float64] {
return PathSegment[float64]{
Pos: from,
IsBezierControl: false,
Pos: to,
IsBezierControl: false,
var RoundCapper Capper = func(from, to math.Vector2[float64]) PathSegment[float64] {
mid := from.AddVector(to).Divide(2)
ellipseDrawQuarter(mid, from.SubVector(mid)).ToLineRecords(1)
ellipseDrawQuarter(mid, to.SubVector(mid)).ToLineRecords(1)
return PathSegment[float64]{
Pos: from,
IsBezierControl: false,
Pos: to,
IsBezierControl: false,
var StraightJoiner Joiner = func(from, to math.Vector2[float64]) PathSegment[float64] {
return PathSegment[float64]{
Pos: from,
IsBezierControl: false,
Pos: to,
IsBezierControl: false,
func strokeMergeSegmentEnd(a, b PathSegment[float64]) PathSegment[float64] {
if a.End().Equals(b.Start()) {
return append(a, b[1:]...)
} else if a.End().Equals(b.End()) {
return append(a, b[1:]...)
} else {
panic("not joined!")
func (c *StrokeConverter) checkInit(normal0, normal1 math.Vector2[float64]) {
if len(c.Segment[0]) == 0 {
c.addPoint(c.Position, normal0, normal1)
func (c *StrokeConverter) addPoint(v, normal0, normal1 math.Vector2[float64]) {
start0 := c.Position.AddVector(normal0.Multiply(c.HalfWidth))
start1 := c.Position.AddVector(normal1.Multiply(c.HalfWidth))
point0 := v.AddVector(normal0.Multiply(c.HalfWidth))
point1 := v.AddVector(normal1.Multiply(c.HalfWidth))
if len(c.Segment[0]) > 0 {
if !c.Segment[0].End().Equals(start0) {
join0 := c.Join(c.Segment[0].End(), start0)
c.Segment[0] = strokeMergeSegmentEnd(c.Segment[0], join0)
if !c.Segment[1].End().Equals(start1) {
join0 := c.Join(c.Segment[1].End(), start1)
c.Segment[1] = strokeMergeSegmentEnd(c.Segment[1], join0)
Pos: point0,
IsBezierControl: false,
Pos: point1,
IsBezierControl: false,
func (c *StrokeConverter) Line(v math.Vector2[float64]) {
normal0, normal1 := v.SubVector(c.Position).Normals()
normal0 = normal0.Normalize()
normal1 = normal1.Normalize()
c.checkInit(normal0, normal1)
c.addPoint(v, normal0, normal1)
c.Position = v
func (c *StrokeConverter) Close() PathSegment[float64] {
if len(c.Segment[0]) <= 1 {
return nil
topCap := c.Cap(c.Segment[0].Start(), c.Segment[1].Start())
bottomCap := c.Cap(c.Segment[0].End(), c.Segment[1].End())
segment := c.Segment[0]
if !segment.TryMerge(&topCap, false) {
if !segment.TryMerge(&bottomCap, false) {
if !segment.TryMerge(&c.Segment[1], false) {
c.Segment[0] = nil
c.Segment[1] = nil
return segment