package main import ( "html/template" "net/http" "waifu_gallery/s3" _ "embed" ) type LoadingPageContent struct { Query string GenerationEndpoint string } //go:embed loading.html var loadingTmpl string // You really wanna serve this endpoint behind WAF / Captcha or whatever and rate limit it to protect your precious tokens func serveGenerationEndpoint(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // HACK: Making this a /GET route to serve a CF challenge // Validate user input input, err := handleSubdomain(w, r) if err != nil { serveBadSubdomainError(w) return } _, err = s3.GetMetadata(S3MetadataPrefix + input) // We want an error to happen here actually if err == nil { // Image already generated, bai bai http.Redirect(w, r, "/", http.StatusMovedPermanently) return } else { switch s3.ToErrorResponse(err).Code { // Check that we error'd because the image doesn't exist case "NoSuchKey": // Generate picture or wait on existing generation job // Probably not the best way but... if it works? if ch, ok := generationQueue.Load(input); !ok { // Check number of job requests // TODO make this less horribly inefficient (lol) var jobNbr int generationQueue.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool { jobNbr++ return true }) if config.MaxConcurrentJobs > 0 && jobNbr >= config.MaxConcurrentJobs { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusTooManyRequests) w.Write([]byte("Too many images currently being generated, please try again in a few minutes.")) return } // Create channel generationQueue.Store(input, make(chan string)) // Generate new picture InfoLogger.Printf("generating with input '%s'\n", input) err := createPicture(input) // where the magic happens if err != nil { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError) ErrorLogger.Println(err) return } val, _ := generationQueue.Load(input) generationQueue.Delete(input) if c, ok := val.(chan string); ok { // Non-blocking send to queue select { case c <- input: default: } } } else { // Wait for job to finish if there's already a generation with the same input going on if c, ok := ch.(chan string); ok { <-c } } default: ErrorLogger.Println(err) serveInternalError(w) } } // Generation succeeded w.Write([]byte("picture generated!")) } func writeWaitingPage(w http.ResponseWriter, input string) (err error) { tmpl, err := template.New("loading").Parse(loadingTmpl) if err != nil { ErrorLogger.Println(err) return } tmppData := LoadingPageContent{ Query: input, GenerationEndpoint: "/generate", } err = tmpl.Execute(w, tmppData) if err != nil { ErrorLogger.Println(err) return } return }