
138 lines
4.2 KiB

package main
import (
// STRONGLY recommended to use an uncensored LLM for funnier outputs
type Chatbots struct {
Endpoint string `json:"endpoint"` // required, API endpoint
Authorization string `json:"authorization"` // required, authorization tken in format `BEARER XXXXXXX`
// generate the enhanced prompt, 1:1 copy of chatGPT/openrouter's chat API
// the user input will be appended at the end with the "user" role
PromptCompletion openrouter.ChatCompletions `json:"promptCompletion"`
// generate the description for the artpiece
// Title: "%s" with the user input and Content: "%s" will be appened at the end with the "user" role
DescriptionCompletion openrouter.ChatCompletions `json:"descriptionCompletion"`
type Config struct {
// Fooocus serverless api endpoint
RunpodApi struct {
Endpoint string `json:"endpoint"`
Authorization string `json:"authorization"`
} `json:"runpodApi"`
// Image storage
S3 s3.Config `json:"s3"`
// Optional,LLMs
Chatbot Chatbots `json:"chatbot"`
// Where our web server listens
ListenAddress string `json:"listenAddress"`
MaxConcurrentJobs int `json:"maxConcurrentJobs"` // set this to limit the number of generation jobs that can be set in parallel, 0 to disable
// Content generation properties
Loras []Lora `json:"loras"`
AspectRatio string `json:"aspectRatio"` // necessary! used to compute display properties. e.g: 512*512
ImageSeed int `json:"imageSeed"` // set it to make image generation deterministic
RandomPrompt []string `json:"randomPrompt"` // prepended to base prompt, used to spice things up a bit (e.g multiple artist styles)
BasePrompt string `json:"basePrompt"` // user prompt will be appended to this
NegativePrompt string `json:"negativePrompt"` // self explanatory
UserPromptBias float64 `json:"userPromptBias"` // how much do we favor the user's input
GuidanceScale float64 `json:"GuidanceScale"` // The guidance scale, default 7.0
Sharpness float64 `json:"sharpness"` // Sharpness, defaults to 2.0
Steps int `json:"steps"` // Number of generation steps, default 25
Sampler string `json:"sampler"` // Which sampler to use, default euler_ancestral
BaseModel string `json:"baseModel"` // Base model, leave it empty to use fooocus' default
BannedWords []string `json:"bannedWords"` // user input will be blocked if it contains one of these
// Internal app state
state struct {
width int
height int
bannedWordsRegex *regexp.Regexp
canarySet bool
chatbotPromptEnabled bool
descriptionEnabled bool
func parseConfig(name string, cfg *Config) (err error) {
// read file
file, err := os.ReadFile(name)
if err != nil {
return err
// unmarshal
err = json.Unmarshal(file, &cfg)
if err != nil {
return err
// set defaults
if len(cfg.ListenAddress) == 0 {
cfg.ListenAddress = ""
if len(cfg.AspectRatio) == 0 {
cfg.AspectRatio = "1024*1024"
if len(cfg.Sampler) == 0 {
cfg.Sampler = "euler_ancestral"
if cfg.UserPromptBias == 0 {
cfg.UserPromptBias = 0.5
if cfg.GuidanceScale == 0 {
cfg.GuidanceScale = 7.0
if cfg.Steps == 0 {
cfg.Steps = 25
if cfg.Sharpness == 0 {
cfg.Sharpness = 2.0
// initialize aspect ratio
parts := strings.Split(cfg.AspectRatio, "*")
if len(parts) != 2 {
return errors.New("invalid aspect ratio format (must be something like 1024*1024)")
cfg.state.width, err = strconv.Atoi(parts[0])
if err != nil {
return err
cfg.state.height, err = strconv.Atoi(parts[1])
if err != nil {
return err
if cfg.state.width <= 0 || cfg.state.height <= 0 {
return errors.New("invalid aspect ratio (must be something like 1024*1024)")
// initialize badword regex
config.state.bannedWordsRegex = regexp.MustCompile(strings.Join(cfg.BannedWords, "|"))
// check for a bunch of chatbot related states
if !reflect.ValueOf(cfg.Chatbot.PromptCompletion).IsZero() {
cfg.state.chatbotPromptEnabled = true
if !reflect.ValueOf(cfg.Chatbot.DescriptionCompletion).IsZero() {
cfg.state.descriptionEnabled = true
return nil