golang binding for random-x algorithm variants. Fork of https://github.com/mining-pool/go-randomx
Go to file
2024-04-11 03:29:18 +02:00
.gitignore Use newer features from unsafe.SliceData, use runtime.KeepAlive, use static sized hash results 2024-04-11 03:04:09 +02:00
go.mod Use defer on FastInitFullDataset, use go 1.22 2024-04-11 02:39:46 +02:00
LICENSE Create LICENSE 2019-11-29 09:20:49 +08:00
randomx.go Implement CalculateHashLast 2024-04-11 03:29:07 +02:00
randomx_test.go Implement CalculateCommitment 2024-04-11 03:26:17 +02:00
README.md Version v1.0.0 2024-04-11 03:29:18 +02:00
rxCache.go Use newer features from unsafe.SliceData, use runtime.KeepAlive, use static sized hash results 2024-04-11 03:04:09 +02:00
rxDataset.go Use newer features from unsafe.SliceData, use runtime.KeepAlive, use static sized hash results 2024-04-11 03:04:09 +02:00
rxVM.go Implement CalculateHashLast 2024-04-11 03:29:07 +02:00
search.go Use newer features from unsafe.SliceData, use runtime.KeepAlive, use static sized hash results 2024-04-11 03:04:09 +02:00


CGO bindings for tevador/RandomX

Building requirements

RandomX Dependency

randomx-go-bindings Version Supported RandomX Versions Notes
v1.0.0 v1.2.0+ Support for randomx_calculate_commitment
git clone --depth 1 --branch v1.2.1 https://github.com/tevador/RandomX.git /tmp/RandomX && pushd /tmp/RandomX && \
    mkdir build && cd build && \
    cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr && \
    make -j$(nproc) && \
    make install && \
    popd && \
    rm -rf /tmp/RandomX