• v0.17.0 2cb3a24eaa

    DataHoarder released this 2024-04-07 01:11:12 +00:00 | 0 commits to master since this release

    Package sha3 recommends the SHAKE functions for new uses, but this is
    currently somewhat inconvenient because ShakeHash does not implement
    hash.Hash. This is understandable, as SHAKE supports arbitrary-length
    outputs whereas hash.Hash only supports fixed-length outputs. But
    there's a natural fixed-length output to provide: the minimum output
    that still provides SHAKE's full-strength generic security.

    While here, tweak Sum so that its temporary buffer can be stack

    Also, tweak the panic message in Write so that the error text is more
    readily understandable to Go programmers without needing to be
    familiar with crypto jargon, and add a similar check in Sum.
