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Encryption notes

Mangle Block Cipher

This cipher is used on encryption of firmware and memory data. The name Mangle has been arbitrarily chosen.

Mangle Key

A mangle key is a 128-bit sequence of bytes, either fixed or dynamically generated. Some of these keys are stored in Tables listed below.

Each Mangle Key is split in 4 uint32 sub-keys. These are selected depending on the round number.

Some of these keys are organized in key tables. This is a collection of 8 128-bit keys in an addressable way.


Mangle is an iterative, 64-bit block cipher. Directly, 128-bit keys are used, but several of these are combined in the full Mangle construct.

The round function is composed of two parts, that mix the data of the two halves.

For each block, 48 rounds are applied consecutively, with each round modifying one of the halves alternatively.

package mangle

type Key [4]uint32

const Rounds = 48

func Encrypt(key Key, block uint64) uint64 {
	dataA, dataB := uint32(block), uint32(block>>32)
	for round := int32(0); round < Rounds; round++ {
		// Swap dataA and dataB
		dataB, dataA = encryptRound(key[(round&3)<<2], dataA, dataB, uint32(round))
	return uint64(dataA) | (uint64(dataB) << 32)

func encryptRound(roundKey uint32, dataA, dataB, round uint32) (uint32, uint32) {
	dataA = round + roundKey + ((dataB >> 8) ^ (dataB << 6)) + dataB + dataA
	return dataA, dataB

func Decrypt(key Key, block uint64) uint64 {
	dataA, dataB := uint32(block), uint32(block>>32)
	// Rounds run inverse to Encrypt
	for round := int32(Rounds - 1); round != -1; round-- {
		// Swap dataA and dataB
		dataA, dataB = decryptRound(key[(round&3)<<2], dataB, dataA, uint32(round))
	return uint64(dataA) | (uint64(dataB) << 32)

func decryptRound(roundKey uint32, dataA, dataB, round uint32) (uint32, uint32) {
	dataA = (dataA - dataB) - ((dataB >> 8) ^ (dataB << 6)) - roundKey - round
	return dataA, dataB

Each round is composed of modular addition / subtractions mod 2^32, XOR, and logical shift left / right. Each round has a round constant (the round number) added to the round key, a very simple key scheduling.

Mode of operation

The cipher operates in ECB mode. As such, blocks containing the same value will encrypt equally.

Attacking this cipher without knowledge of key material or algorithm is trivial, given access to an Encryption Oracle and starting knowledge of a full 64-bit block in target material.

Mangle Index

Mangle index is used to select the different key schedules from the tables below for the full Mangle construct.

Hardcoded Mangle Key Table

This table is hardcoded in firmware, and seems to be the same across all devices known.

It gets used on the Outer Mangle and the Inner Mangle, depending on the selected Mangle Index.

Offset Identifier Key Data
0 Flash 0x0539c06f, 0x3a235801, 0x1bb4da80, 0x44916a65
1 DeviceId 0x5b01cb35, 0xb498a4fb, 0xe9486d82, 0xf4945010
2 0xe8babcec, 0x2aa73df8, 0x4cf9f79c, 0x886d73e7
3 0x25483503, 0xb1a0a8af, 0x24a745b2, 0xf5e21339
4 0x42d89088, 0x37a379af, 0x422689e0, 0x636239e9
5 0xabd061f0, 0x7f710579, 0xbd626b51, 0x2af22c15
6 Memory 0xb341bc06, 0x6e6e4674, 0xb3eb7b01, 0xf1965b32
7 0x52f33e6f, 0x4d69a2f9, 0x77ab77c4, 0x468f4508

Several offsets from this table are used for either the outer mangle or other purposes.

  • #0: Flash Outer Mangle Key
  • #1: Device Id Outer Mangle Key
  • #6: Memory Outer Mangle Key

Alternate Mangle Key Table

This table is hardcoded in firmware, however, seems to be set to all zeros. No usages in the wild have been found.

It gets used on the Inner Mangle, depending on the selected Mangle Index.

Offset Key Data
0 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
1 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
2 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
3 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
4 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
5 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
6 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
7 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000

Data Mangle Key

This key is randomly generated via various methods. It is 512 bytes long, and includes the CRC of the original data being encrypted (before compression) twice.

The device generated Mangle key has an effective key size of 32-bit or lower, due to the usage of a BorlandC LCG as entropy source, seeded with an on-device counter. Additionally, some devices can be caused to fault into a static counter, generating the same key always.

Structure is as follows:

Mangle Index (2 bytes)
    blob[0:2] = Mangle Index uint16
Mangle Key Block (24 bytes)
    blob[2:18] = random() Data Mangle Key
    blob[18:22] = CRC(data)
    blob[22:26] = CRC(data)
Unused Key Block (486 bytes)    
    blob[26:512] = random() Unused

Although the blob generated is 512 bytes long, only blob[2:18] is used as the Key, which does not include the CRC.

Device Id Specific Mangle Key

Data can be coded specifically to a given device id, which is local to the device.

It gets used on the Inner Mangle, depending on the selected Mangle Index.

Slot #1 from the Hardcoded Mangle Key Table is used here.

package mangle

type Key [4]uint32
var HardcodedKeyTable [8]Key

func DeviceKey(deviceId1, deviceId2, deviceId3 uint32) (key Key) {
	outerKey := HardcodedKeyTable[1]
	key[0] = outerKey[0] ^ deviceId1
	key[1] = outerKey[1] ^ deviceId2
	key[2] = outerKey[2] ^ deviceId3
	key[3] = outerKey[3]
	return key