
1.8 KiB


Library to parse Digital Cinema Packages folders and Content Titles


  • Adjust Matroska REPLAYGAIN_GAIN and REPLAYGAIN_PEAK to bring 85 dBc to 89 according to: Cinemas are calibrated to the SMPTE RP 200:2012 standard where a -20 dB RMS pink noise signal is measured to 85 dBc and the reference fader level is set to 0.

DCP Samples


GOROOT=~/go/go1.22.4 ./build-tools.sh

dcp tool

This tool can be used to view information, verify or split DCPs.

-dcp parameter can be either a DCP folder or an ASSETMAP path. Supports HTTP(s) URLs.


Outputs DCP information in Markdown

./bin/dcp -mode info \
-dcp /path/to/dcp/tos_version_05/


Verifies DCP SHA1 hashes, media files and outputs the information in Markdown

./bin/dcp -mode verify \
-dcp /path/to/dcp/tos_version_05/


Splits multi packing lists DCPs into single DCP into its own folder and soft-links files where possible.

./bin/dcp -mode split \
-output /path/to/split/output/ \
-dcp /path/to/dcp/tos_version_05/

concat tool

This tool can be used to merge a DCP into a single playable output via ffmpeg.

SMPTE Subtitles not currently supported.

See help for additional parameters to provide a custom CPL, select a specific packing list or drop specific reel ids.

-dcp parameter can be either a DCP folder or an ASSETMAP path. Supports HTTP(s) URLs.

./bin/concat -mode split \
-audio-channel-mapping auto \
-flac \
-out /path/to/output.mkv \
-dcp /path/to/dcp/tos_version_05/