2024-02-28 16:23:41 +11:00

154 lines
4.7 KiB

import argparse
import logging
import os.path
import re
import sys
from dawdle.log import log
from typing import cast, Any, Dict, List, Union
DURATION_RE = re.compile(r"(\d+)([dhms])")
NUMERIC_RE = re.compile(r"[+-]?\d+(?:(\.)\d*)?")
_conf = dict()
def parse_val(s: str) -> Union[bool, float, str]:
"""Parse values used in the configuration file."""
if s in ["on", "yes", "true"]:
return True
if s in ["off", "no", "false"]:
return False
istime = DURATION_RE.match(s)
if istime:
return int(istime[1]) * {"d":86400, "h": 3600, "m": 60, "s": 1}[istime[2]]
isnum = NUMERIC_RE.match(s)
if isnum:
if isnum[1]:
return float(s)
return int(s)
return s
def read_config(path: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Return dict with contents of configuration file."""
newconf = {
"setup": False,
"servers": [],
"okurls": [],
"loggers": [],
"localaddr": None,
# Legacy idlerpg option
"debug": False,
# Non-idlerpg config needs defaults
"confpath": os.path.realpath(path),
"datadir": os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(path)),
"rpmaxexplvl": 60,
"allylvlbase": 200,
"allylvlstep": 1.16,
"allymaxexplvl": 60,
"backupdir": ".dbbackup",
"store_format": "idlerpg",
"daemonize": True,
"loglevel": "DEBUG",
"throttle": True,
"throttle_rate": 4,
"throttle_period": 1,
"penquest": 15,
"pennick": 30,
"penmessage": 1,
"penpart": 200,
"penkick": 250,
"penquit": 20,
"pendropped": 20,
"penlogout": 20,
"good_battle_pct": 110,
"evil_battle_pct": 90,
"max_name_len": 16,
"max_class_len": 30,
"message_wrap_len": 400,
"quest_interval_min": 12*3600,
"quest_interval_max": 24*3600,
"quest_min_level": 24,
"quest_min_login": 36000,
"color": False,
"namecolor": "cyan",
"durationcolor": "green",
"itemcolor": "olive",
ignore_line_re = re.compile(r"^\s*(?:#|$)")
config_line_re = re.compile(r"^\s*(\S+)\s*(.*)$")
with open(path) as inf:
for line in inf:
if ignore_line_re.match(line):
match = config_line_re.match(line)
if not match:
log.warning("Invalid config line: "+line)
key, val = match[1].lower(), match[2].rstrip()
if key == "die":
log.critical(f"Please edit {path} to setup your bot's options.")
elif key == "server":
cast(List[str], newconf["servers"]).append(val)
elif key == "okurl":
cast(List[str], newconf["okurls"]).append(val)
elif key == "log":
cast(List[List[str]], newconf["loggers"]).append(val.split(" ", 2))
newconf[key] = parse_val(val)
except OSError as err:
log.critical(f"Unable to read {path}: {err}")
return newconf
def init() -> None:
global _conf
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="IdleRPG clone")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--override", action='append', default=[], help="Override config option in k=v format.")
parser.add_argument("--setup", default=False, action="store_true", help="Begin initial setup.")
parser.add_argument("--migrate", help="Migrate game to slqite3 db at path.")
parser.add_argument("config_file", help="Path to configuration file. You must specify this.")
args = parser.parse_args()
_conf['setup'] = args.setup
_conf['migrate'] = args.migrate
# override configurations from command line
server_overrides = []
okurl_overrides = []
for pair in args.override:
if "=" not in pair:
sys.stderr.write("Overrides must be in k=v format.\n")
k,v = pair.split('=', 1)
if k == "server":
elif k == "okurl":
_conf[k] = parse_val(v)
if server_overrides:
_conf["servers"] = server_overrides
if okurl_overrides:
_conf["okurls"] = okurl_overrides
# Debug flag turns off daemonization, sets loglevel to debug, and logs to stderr
if _conf["debug"]:
_conf["daemonize"] = False
_conf["loglevel"] = logging.DEBUG
def get(key: str) -> Any:
return _conf[key]
def has(key: str) -> Any:
return key in _conf