2024-02-28 16:23:41 +11:00

590 lines
21 KiB

import asyncio
import collections
import logging
import os
import re
import textwrap
import time
from dawdle import abstract
from dawdle import chunk
from dawdle import conf
from dawdle.log import log
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, TypeVar
T = TypeVar("T")
class IRCClient(abstract.AbstractClient):
"""IRCClient acts as a layer between the IRC protocol and the bot protocol.
This class has the following responsibilities:
- Connection and disconnection
- Nick recovery
- Output throttling
- NickServ authentication
- IRC message decoding and parsing
- Tracking users in the channel
- Calling methods on the bot interface
MESSAGE_RE = re.compile(r'^(?:@(\S*) )?(?::([^ !]*)(?:!([^ @]*)(?:@([^ ]*))?)?\s+)?(\S+)\s*((?:[^:]\S*(?:\s+|$))*)(?::(.*))?')
Message = collections.namedtuple('Message', ['tags', 'src', 'user', 'host', 'cmd', 'args', 'trailing', 'line', 'time'])
def parse_message(line: str) -> Optional[Message]:
"""Parse IRC line into a Message."""
# Parse IRC message with a regular expression
match = IRCClient.MESSAGE_RE.match(line)
if not match:
return None
rawtags, src, user, host, cmd, argstr, trailing = match.groups()
# IRCv3 supports tags
tags: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {}
if rawtags is not None and rawtags != "":
for pairstr in rawtags.split(';'):
pair = pairstr.split('=')
if len(pair) == 2:
tags[pair[0]] = re.sub(r"\\(.)",
lambda m: {":": ";", "s": " ", "r": "\r", "n": "\n"}.get(m[1], m[1]),
tags[pair[0]] = None
# Arguments before the trailing argument (after the colon) are space-delimited
args = [] if argstr == "" else argstr.rstrip().split(' ')
# There's nothing special about the trailing argument except it can have spaces.
if trailing is not None:
# Numeric responses specify a useless target afterwards
if re.match(r'\d+', cmd):
args = args[1:]
# Support time tag, which allows servers and bouncers to send history
if 'time' in tags and tags["time"] is not None:
msgtime = time.mktime(time.strptime(tags['time'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))
msgtime = time.time()
return IRCClient.Message(tags, src, user, host, cmd, args, trailing, line, msgtime)
class User(abstract.AbstractClient.User):
"""An IRC user in the channel."""
def __init__(self, nick: str, userhost: str, modes: List[str], joined: float):
self.nick = nick
self.userhost = userhost
self.modes = set(modes)
self.joined = joined
_bot: abstract.AbstractBot
_writer: Optional[asyncio.StreamWriter]
_nick: str
_bytes_sent: int
_bytes_received: int
_caps: Set[str]
_server: Optional[str]
_messages_sent: int
_writeq: List[bytes]
_flushq_task: Optional[asyncio.Task] # type: ignore
_prefixmodes: Dict[str, str]
_maxmodes: int
_modetypes: Dict[str, int]
_users: Dict[str, abstract.AbstractClient.User]
quitting: bool
def __init__(self, bot: abstract.AbstractBot):
self._bot = bot
self._writer = None
self._nick = conf.get("botnick")
self._bytes_sent = 0
self._bytes_received = 0
self._caps = set()
self._server = None
self._messages_sent = 0
self._writeq = []
self._flushq_task = None
self._prefixmodes = {}
self._maxmodes = 3
self._modetypes = {}
self._users = {}
self.quitting = False
async def connect(self, addr: str, port: str) -> None:
"""Connect to IRC network and handle messages."""
reader, self._writer = await asyncio.open_connection(addr, port, ssl=True, local_addr=conf.get("localaddr"))
self._server = addr
self._connected = True
self._messages_sent = 0
self._writeq = []
self._flushq_task = None
self._prefixmodes = {}
self._maxmodes = 3
self._modetypes = {}
self._users = {}
self._caps = set() # all enabled capabilities
self.sendnow("CAP REQ :multi-prefix userhost-in-names")
self.sendnow("CAP END")
if 'BOTPASS' in os.environ:
self.sendnow(f"PASS {os.environ['BOTPASS']}")
self.sendnow(f"NICK {conf.get('botnick')}")
self.sendnow(f"USER {conf.get('botuser')} 0 * :{conf.get('botrlnm')}")
while True:
linebytes = await reader.readline()
if not linebytes:
if self._flushq_task:
await self._writer.wait_closed()
self._writer = None
self._bytes_received += len(linebytes)
# Assume utf-8 encoding, fall back to latin-1, which has no invalid encodings from bytes.
line = str(linebytes, encoding='utf8')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
line = str(linebytes, encoding='latin-1')
line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
loglevel = 5 if re.match(r"^PING ", line) else logging.DEBUG
log.log(loglevel, "<- %s", line)
msg = IRCClient.parse_message(line)
if msg:
def send(self, s: str, loglevel: int=logging.DEBUG) -> None:
"""Send throttled messages."""
assert self._writer is not None
b = bytes(s+"\r\n", encoding='utf8')
if not conf.get("throttle"):
log.log(loglevel, "-> %s", s)
self._bytes_sent += len(b)
if self._messages_sent < conf.get("throttle_rate"):
log.log(loglevel, "(%d)-> %s", self._messages_sent, s)
self._messages_sent += 1
self._bytes_sent += len(b)
# The flushq task will reset messages_sent after the throttle period.
if not self._flushq_task:
self._flushq_task = asyncio.create_task(self.flushq_task())
def sendnow(self, s: str, loglevel:int=logging.DEBUG) -> None:
"""Send messages ignoring throttle."""
assert self._writer is not None
log.log(loglevel, "=> %s", s)
b = bytes(s+"\r\n", encoding='utf8')
self._messages_sent += 1
self._bytes_sent += len(b)
if conf.get("throttle") and not self._flushq_task:
self._flushq_task = asyncio.create_task(self.flushq_task())
async def flushq_task(self) -> None:
"""Flush send queue and release throttle."""
assert self._writer is not None
await asyncio.sleep(conf.get("throttle_period"))
self._messages_sent = max(0, self._messages_sent - conf.get("throttle_rate"))
while self._writeq:
while self._writeq and self._messages_sent < conf.get("throttle_rate"):
log.debug("(%d)~> %s", self._messages_sent, str(self._writeq[0], encoding='utf8').rstrip())
self._messages_sent += 1
self._bytes_sent += len(self._writeq[0])
self._writeq = self._writeq[1:]
if self._writeq:
await asyncio.sleep(conf.get("throttle_period"))
self._messages_sent = max(0, self._messages_sent - conf.get("throttle_rate"))
self._flushq_task = None
def servername(self) -> str:
if self._server:
return self._server
return "<disconnected>"
def bytes_sent(self) -> int:
return self._bytes_sent
def bytes_received(self) -> int:
return self._bytes_received
def writeq_len(self) -> int:
"""Returns number of messages in the write queue."""
return sum([len(b) for b in self._writeq])
def writeq_bytes(self) -> int:
"""Returns number of bytes in the write queue."""
return sum([len(b) for b in self._writeq])
def clear_writeq(self) -> None:
def dispatch(self, msg: Message) -> None:
"""Dispatch the IRC command to a handler method."""
if hasattr(self, "handle_"+msg.cmd.lower()):
getattr(self, "handle_"+msg.cmd.lower())(msg)
def handle_ping(self, msg: Message) -> None:
"""PING - sends PONG back to server for keepalive."""
self.sendnow(f"PONG :{msg.trailing}", loglevel=5)
def handle_005(self, msg: Message) -> None:
"""RPL_ISUPPORT - server features and information"""
self._server = msg.src
params = dict([arg.split('=') if '=' in arg else (arg, arg) for arg in msg.args])
if 'MODES' in params:
self._maxmodes = int(params['MODES'])
if 'PREFIX' in params:
m = re.match(r'\(([^)]*)\)(.*)', params['PREFIX'])
if m:
self._prefixmodes.update(zip(m[2], m[1]))
for mode in m[1]:
self._modetypes[mode] = 2
if 'CHANMODES' in params:
m = re.match(r'([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*),(.*)', params['CHANMODES'])
if m:
for mode in m[1]:
self._modetypes[mode] = 1 # adds to a list and always has a parameter
for mode in m[2]:
self._modetypes[mode] = 2 # changes a setting and always has param
for mode in m[3]:
self._modetypes[mode] = 3 # only has a parameter when set
for mode in m[4]:
self._modetypes[mode] = 4 # never has a parameter
def handle_376(self, msg: Message) -> None:
"""RPL_ENDOFMOTD - server is ready"""
self.mode(conf.get("botnick"), conf.get("botmodes"))
if conf.has("botident"):
if conf.has("botlogin"):
def handle_422(self, msg: Message) -> None:
"""ERR_NOTMOTD - server is ready, but without a MOTD"""
self.mode(conf.get("botnick"), conf.get("botmodes"))
if conf.has("botident"):
if conf.has("botlogin"):
def handle_352(self, msg: Message) -> None:
"""RPL_WHOREPLY - Response to WHO command"""
[self._prefixmodes[p] for p in msg.args[5][1:]], # Format is [GH]\S*
def handle_315(self, msg: Message) -> None:
"""RPL_ENDOFWHO - End of WHO command response"""
def handle_353(self, msg: Message) -> None:
"""RPL_NAMREPLY - names in the channel"""
if 'userhost-in-names' not in self._caps:
userhost_re = re.compile(f"([{prefixes}]*)" + r"((\S+)!\S+@\S+)")
for u in msg.trailing.split(' '):
m = userhost_re.match(u)
if m:
self.add_user(m[3], m[2], [self._prefixmodes[p] for p in m[1]], msg.time)
def handle_366(self, msg: Message) -> None:
"""RPL_ENDOFNAMES - the actual end of channel joining"""
# We know who is in the channel now
if conf.has("botopcmd"):
self.sendnow(re.sub(r'%botnick%', self._nick, conf.get("botopcmd")))
if 'userhost-in-names' in self._caps:
self.send(f"WHO {conf.get('botchan')}")
def handle_433(self, msg: Message) -> None:
"""ERR_NICKNAME_IN_USE - try another nick"""
self._nick = self._nick + "0"
if conf.has("botghostcmd"):
def handle_444(self, msg: Message) -> None:
"""ERR_NOLOGIN - """
if conf.has("botident"):
if conf.has("botlogin"):
def handle_cap(self, msg: Message) -> None:
"""CAP - notification of capability"""
# We only care about enabled capabilities.
if msg.args[1] == "ACK":
self._caps.update(msg.args[2].split(' '))
def handle_join(self, msg: Message) -> None:
"""JOIN - bot or user joined the channel."""
self.add_user(msg.src, f"{msg.src}!{msg.user}@{msg.host}", [], msg.time)
def handle_part(self, msg: Message) -> None:
"""PART - bot or user left the channel."""
user = self.remove_user(msg.src)
def handle_kick(self, msg: Message) -> None:
"""KICK - user was kicked from the channel."""
user = self.remove_user(msg.args[1])
def handle_mode(self, msg: Message) -> None:
"""MODE - bot or channel changed its mode."""
# ignore mode changes to everything except the bot channel
if msg.args[0] != conf.get("botchan"):
changes = []
params = []
for arg in msg.args[1:]:
m = re.match(r'([-+])(.*)', arg)
if m:
changes.extend([(m[1], term) for term in m[2]])
for change in changes:
# all this modetype machinery is required to accurately parse modelines
modetype = self._modetypes[change[1]]
if modetype == 1 or modetype == 2 or (modetype == 3 and change[0] == '+'):
param = params.pop()
if modetype != 2:
if change[0] == '+':
if param == self._nick and change[1] == 'o':
# Acquiring op is special to the bot
def handle_nick(self, msg: Message) -> None:
"""NICK - bot or user had its nick changed."""
# Do this first so that the user still matches the player.
self._bot.nick_changed(self._users[msg.src], msg.args[0])
self._users[msg.args[0]] = self._users[msg.src]
self._users[msg.args[0]].nick = msg.args[0]
del self._users[msg.src]
if msg.src == self._nick:
# Update my nick
self._nick = msg.args[0]
if msg.src == conf.get("botnick"):
# Grab my nick that someone left
def handle_quit(self, msg: Message) -> None:
"""QUIT - bot or user was disconnected."""
if msg.src == conf.get("botnick"):
# Grab my nick that someone left
user = self.remove_user(msg.src)
if conf.get("detectsplits") and re.match(r'\S+\.\S+ \S+\.\S+', msg.trailing):
# Don't penalize on netsplit
elif re.match(r"Read error|Ping timeout", msg.trailing):
def handle_notice(self, msg: Message) -> None:
"""NOTICE - Message sent, used to prevent loops in bots."""
if msg.args[0] != self._nick and msg.src in self._users and self.user_is_ok(msg):
# we ignore private notices
self._bot.channel_notice(self._users[msg.src], msg.trailing)
def handle_privmsg(self, msg: Message) -> None:
"""PRIVMSG - Message sent."""
if msg.src not in self._users:
# Server messages
if msg.args[0] == self._nick:
self._bot.private_message(self._users[msg.src], msg.trailing)
elif self.user_is_ok(msg):
self._bot.channel_message(self._users[msg.src], msg.trailing)
def add_user(self, nick: str, userhost: str, modes: List[str], joined: float) -> None:
"""Adds channel user with the given properties."""
self._users[nick] = IRCClient.User(nick, userhost, modes, joined)
def remove_user(self, nick: str) -> "abstract.AbstractClient.User":
"""Remove user with the given nick. Returns that user."""
user = self._users[nick]
del self._users[nick]
if len(self._users) == 1 and not self.bot_has_ops():
# Try to acquire ops by leaving and joining
self.sendnow(f"PART {conf.get('botchan')} :Acquiring ops")
self.sendnow(f"JOIN {conf.get('botchan')}")
return user
def user_exists(self, nick: str) -> bool:
return nick in self._users
def user_is_ok(self, msg: Message) -> bool:
"""Check to see if msg should cause user to be kickbanned."""
if not conf.get("doban"):
# Bot doesn't do bans
return True
if not self.bot_has_ops():
# Bot can't do bans
return True
if msg.src == self._nick:
# Bot is always ok
return True
if msg.src not in self._users:
# Not in channel - maybe channel could use mode +n
return False
if msg.time > self._users[msg.src].joined + conf.get("bannable_time"):
# Been in channel for a while, prob ok?
return True
for host in re.findall(r"https?://([^/]+)/", msg.trailing):
if host not in conf.get("okurls"):
# User not okay
return False
return True
def match_user(self, nick: str, userhost: str) -> bool:
"""Return True if the nick and userhost match an existing user."""
return nick in self._users and userhost == self._users[nick].userhost
def is_bot_nick(self, nick: str) -> bool:
return nick == self._nick or nick == conf.get("botnick")
def bot_has_ops(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if the bot has ops in the channel."""
return self._nick in self._users and 'o' in self._users[self._nick].modes
def nick_userhost(self, nick: str) -> Optional[str]:
if nick not in self._users:
return None
return self._users[nick].userhost
def kickban(self, nick: str) -> None:
"""Kick a nick from the channel and ban them."""
self.sendnow(f"MODE {conf.get('botchan')} +b {nick}")
self.sendnow(f"KICK {conf.get('botchan')} {nick} :No advertising")
def nick(self, nick: str) -> None:
"""Send nick change request."""
self.sendnow(f"NICK {nick}")
def join(self, channel: str) -> None:
"""Send channel join request."""
self.send(f"JOIN {channel}")
def grant_voice(self, *targets: str) -> None:
for subset in chunk.chunk(targets, self._maxmodes):
self.send(f"MODE {conf.get('botchan')} +{'v' * len(subset)} {' '.join(subset)}")
def revoke_voice(self, *targets: str) -> None:
for subset in chunk.chunk(targets, self._maxmodes):
self.send(f"MODE {conf.get('botchan')} -{'v' * len(subset)} {' '.join(subset)}")
def set_channel_voices(self, voiced_nicks: Iterable[str]) -> None:
add_voice = []
remove_voice = []
for u in self._users.keys():
if 'v' in self._users[u].modes:
if u not in voiced_nicks:
if u in voiced_nicks:
if add_voice:
if remove_voice:
def mode(self, target: str, *modeinfo: str) -> None:
"""Send mode change request."""
for modes in chunk.chunk(modeinfo, self._maxmodes):
self.send(f"MODE {target} {' '.join(modes)}")
def notice(self, target: str, text: str) -> None:
"""Send notice text to target."""
for line in textwrap.wrap(text, width=conf.get("message_wrap_len")):
self.send(f"NOTICE {target} :{line}")
def chanmsg(self, text: str) -> None:
"""Send message text to bot channel."""
for line in textwrap.wrap(text, width=conf.get("message_wrap_len")):
self.send(f"PRIVMSG {conf.get('botchan')} :{line}")
def quit(self, text: str) -> None:
"""Send quit request to server."""
self.quitting = True
if text:
self.sendnow(f"QUIT :{text}")