2024-02-28 16:23:41 +11:00

54 lines
1.7 KiB

import random
from typing import cast, Any, Dict, List, MutableSequence, Sequence, TypeVar
T = TypeVar("T")
overrides: Dict[str,Any] = {}
def randomly(key: str, odds: int) -> bool:
"""Overrideable random func which returns true at 1:ODDS odds."""
if key in overrides:
return cast(bool, overrides[key])
return random.randint(0, odds-1) < 1
def randint(key: str, bottom: int, top: int) -> int:
"""Overrideable random func which returns an integer bottom <= i <= top."""
if key in overrides:
return cast(int, overrides[key])
return random.randint(int(bottom), int(top))
def gauss(key: str, mu: float, sigma: float) -> int:
"""Overrideable func which returns an random int with gaussian distribution."""
if key in overrides:
return cast(int, overrides[key])
return int(random.gauss(mu, sigma))
def sample(key: str, seq: Sequence[T], count: int) -> List[T]:
"""Overrideable random func which returns random COUNT elements of SEQ."""
if key in overrides:
return cast(List[T], overrides[key])
return random.sample(seq, count)
def choice(key: str, seq: Sequence[T]) -> T:
"""Overrideable random func which returns one random element of SEQ."""
if key in overrides:
return cast(T, overrides[key])
# Don't use random.choice here - it uses random access, which
# is unsupported by the dict_keys view.
return random.sample(seq, 1)[0]
def shuffle(key: str, seq: MutableSequence[Any]) -> None:
"""Overrideable random func which does an in-place shuffle of SEQ."""
if key in overrides:
return None
return None