Silicom Linux RDI Control Utility
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Silicom Linux RDI Control Utility 1. Compiling, installing and loading the software. Compiling and installing fm10k driver tar xzvf fm10k-0.XX.X.tar.gz cd fm10k-0.XX.X/src make make install Load fm10k & uio drivers: modprobe uio modprobe fm10k Compiling and installing the rdif software in the system directory: # cd rdif-xxx # ./clean # ./install ======================================================================== NOTE: Use local=1 parameter for local build if needed: #./install local=1 ======================================================================== 2. Software loading: # rdif start ========================================================================== NOTE: The command above performs rdifd daemon start in verbose mode; in order to run in non-verbose mode, please edit rdif script as below: # rdifd -v rdifd ========================================================================== 4. Using the software. Please use set_port_mask command to permit egress ports list for specific ingress port, according to desired configuration. Example (for 4 ports adapter): rdifctl set_port_mask 5 1,2,3,4 ========================================================================== Please refer to RDIF Programmer Guide for more info. ========================================================================== Usage: rdifctl <command> [parameters] Commands List: set_cfg - set the device to predefined configuration get_dev_num - get total number of rdi devices. set_sw_remain <val> - enable/disable (1/0) remain switch configuration after rdif stop get_sw_remain get_cfg - get current configuration mode get_port_link <port> - get link status get_port_speed <port> - get port speed set_port_parser <port> <val> - set parser level (2,3,4) get_port_parser <port> - get parser level set_rframe_update <port> <val> - set bitmask indicating the fields that will be updated on a routed frame dmac - bit 0, smac - bit 1, vlan - bit 2 get_rframe_update <port> - get routed frame fields that will be updated set_ttl_update <port> <val> - enable/disable (1/0) decrement TTL field on routed frames get_ttl_update <port> temp_write <addr> <length (1)> <reg> temp_read <addr> <length> temp1_write <addr> <length (1)> <reg> - use only for 0x4c address temp1_read <addr> <length> - use only for 0x4c address dir - add the rule of a port with direction matching packets to another port lb - add the rule of a port with send matching packets to load balance group (LBG) drop - drop matching packets permit - permit matching packets mir - copy matching frame to mirror_port (mirror must be created previously, see mir_create) set_prio - set switch priority for the packet set_vlan vlan_act <vlan_act> - set vlan1 rule add_vlan_promisc <port> - add the port to all 2...4095 VLANs rem_vlan_promisc <port> - remove the port from all 2...4095 VLANs stat port <port> - get statistic for specific port (port is mandatory) prio_stat port <port> - get priority statistic for specific port (port is mandatory) reset_stat port <port> - reset statistic for specific port (port is mandatory) rule_stat <rule_id> <group>- get statistic (pkts counter) for specific rule (rule_id is mandatory) query_list <group> - query rule_id list clear - clear rule stack clear_group <group> - clear rule stack for specific group set_port_mask <ingress_port> <egress_port_list example: 1,5,7> - set egress port mask get_port_mask <ingress_port> - get egress port list set_reg <addr> <val> - write to RRC register get_reg <addr> - read from RRC register bp_write <dev_addr> <len> <data1,data2,data3...> bp_read <dev_addr> <len> sfp_write <port num> <offset> <page> <len> <data1,data2,data3...> sfp_read <port num> <offset> <page> <len> set_gpio_dir <gpio> <dir> <value> - set GPIO direction & value gpio: gpio num; dir: 0 - input; 1 - output; 2 - open drain get_gpio_dir <gpio> - get GPIO direction set_gpio <gpio> <value> - set GPIO value get_gpio <gpio> - get GPIO value prbs <prbs> <dir> <port> - prbs test prbs supp. 7,15,23,31,11,9 get_port_state <port> loopback <txrx/rxtx/off (1/2/0)> <port> remove <rule_id> <group> remove rule query <rule_id> <group> query rule lbg_query_list - query LBG list lbg_create <port list, example: 1,2> - create LBG lbg_del <lbg> - delete LBG mcg_create - create multicast group, return mcast group number mcg_get_port <mcast group number> - get mcast group's port mcg_add_listener <mcast_num> <port> <vlan> - add listener mcg_del <mcast group number> - delete mcast group mir_query_list - query mirror list mir_query_port_list <mirrror_port> - query mirror ports list mir_create <mirror_port example: 1> <mirror_ports_list example: 2,3> - create mirror mir_add_port <mirror_port> <port> - add port to mirror mir_del_port <mirror_port> <port> - delete port from mirror mir_add_vlan <mirror_port> <vlan_id> - specifies the mirrored frame encapsulation vlan id. Valid range 1...4095; 0 for no vlan encapsulation mir_del <mirror_port> - delete mirror l3_hash <hash params> - set l3 hash l2_hash <hash params> - set l2 hash get_l3_hash - get l3 hash get_l2_hash - get l2 hash info - print Program Information. help - print this message. [parameters] : for 'permit', 'dir', 'set_prio' and 'drop' commands: rule_id <rule_id> src_ip <src_ip> dst_ip <dst_ip> dst_port <dst_port> src_port <src_port> src_ip_mask <src_ip_mask> dst_ip_mask <dst_ip_mask> src_ip6 <src_ip6> dst_ip6 <dst_ip6> src_ip6_mask <src_ip6_mask> dst_ip6_mask <dst_ip6_mask> group number <group> ip_proto <ip_proto> src_port_mask <src_port_mask> dst_port_mask <dst_port_mask> vlan <vlan> vlan_tag <vlan_tag> 1, 2, 3 ,4 for none, standard, user A, user B vlan_mask <vlan_mask> prio <0...15> mpls_type <multi | uni; mandatory for MPLS> mpls_header <MPLS headers, one or two headers (up to 8 byte)> mpls_header_mask <MPLS headers mask> ether_type <ether_type> src_mac <Source MAC address> dst_mac <Destination MAC address> port <1...> group - ACL number <0...15> redir_port <1...> (mandatory for dir command) mir_port (mandatory for mir command) lbg_num Load Balance Group (LBG) number (for lb command) for 'set_cfg': <5> for MON2 (default mode) - egress disabled for l3_hash: src_ip_hash, mask of src ip dst_ip_hash, mask of dst ip src_port_hash, mask of src port dst_port_hash, mask of dst port dscp_hash, 0x0-0xff isl_usr_hash, 0x0-0xff proto_hash, protocol mask flow_hash, 0x0-0xffff sym_l3_hash, on|off sym_l4_hash, on|off random_next_hop, on|off random_other, on|off random_only, on|off for l2_hash: profile_idx, 0...16 default 0 src_mac_hash, in MAC format dst_mac_hash, in MAC format ether_type_hash, 0x0-0xfff vlan_id_hash, 0x0-0xfff vlan_pri_hash, 0x0-0xf vlan2_id_hash, 0x0-0xfff vlan2_pri_hash, 0x0-0xf sym_mac_hash, on|off Entire numerical paramters are in decimal format (123) or hex format (0xabc), MAC is in aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff format. Example: rdifctl drop port 1 src_ip rdifctl mir mir_port 5 dst_ip rdifctl set_port_mask 5 1,2,3,4 rdifctl temp1_write 0x4c 1 1 rdifctl temp1_read 0x4c 1 rdifctl set_vlan vlan_act 9 port 1 rdifctl mir_add_vlan 1 11 Two MPLS example: rdifctl drop port 1 mpls_type uni mpls_header 0x0000104000001140 mpls_header_mask 0xffffffffffffffff Single MPLS lable example: rdifctl drop port 1 mpls_type uni mpls_header 0x1140 mpls_header_mask 0xffffffff 5. Software unloading. # rdif stop